
The Africa for Haiti Campaign: Africa Mobilizes Assistance

The Africa for Haiti Campaign: Africa Mobilizes Assistance

2010 JANUARY 26

tags: Haiti, Africa, aid, earthquake, South Africa, Haitian independence, medical assistance, Africa for Haiti, Desmond Tutu

by magbana

Africa Mobilizes Assistance for Haiti

Haiti Halts Departures of Orphans

Haiti Halts Departures of Orphans


The Haitian government has halted the departure of all orphans from the earthquake-ravaged country until it can guarantee that only legitimate adoptions are being approved, according to U.S. government officials.

The government only will allow the departure of orphaned children whose paperwork it has examined and approved, the officials said.

The decision temporarily suspends the arrival to the U.S. of Haitian orphans under a policy announced last week by Washington. The so-called humanitarian parole was introduced to expedite the adoption of children in orphanages who had been assigned to U.S. families before the Jan. 12 earthquake occurred.

Senators push for more efficient Haiti adoptions

Senators push for more efficient Haiti adoptions

January 26, 2010 4:12 p.m. EST

Children play on a swing at the Maison de l'Espoir orphanage in Lilavois, Haiti, last week.


Lawmaker says new system would ease adoptions by U.S. families

No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children

No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children

Jan 25, 2010, 14:06 GMT

Brussels - The European Union would not launch a comprehensive plan to facilitate adoptions of child victims of the earthquake in Haiti, the European Commission said on Monday.

The idea was floated last week at an informal meeting of EU justice ministers in Spain, where Commissioner for Justice, Jacques Barrot, said the EU would look for a 'European framework' on the issue, in cooperation with UNICEF, the United Nations' fund for children.

But on Monday in Brussels, his spokesman Michele Cercone said 'a European framework for adoptions at this stage seems premature, and anyway the commission does not have any competence' to act.

Adoption agencies field calls about Haitian orphans

Adoption agencies field calls about Haitian orphans

By Joel Allen

Monday, January 25, 2010 at 5:15 p.m.

Read more: Local, Adoption Agencies, Increased Interest, Adopting Haitian Children

Adoption agencies on the Grand Strand are reporting a huge increase in people interested in adopting Haitian children, but prospective parents are cautioned about the long and difficult process.

More setbacks for Utahns waiting to adopt Haitian orphans (birth Father)

More setbacks for Utahns waiting to adopt Haitian orphans

Relief » Devastated country's government delays children from leaving

By Kirsten Stewart

The Salt Lake Tribune

Updated: 01/25/2010 06:46:32 PM MST

Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea

Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea

EFE | Enero 25 de 2010


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Haiti, La Clinton Contro Bertolaso: ''Troppo Facile Fare Il Processo Del Lunedì''

Haiti, La Clinton Contro Bertolaso: ''Troppo Facile Fare Il Processo Del Lunedì''

Ieri - 16.48

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25.01., 15:07 Uhr

"Wohlergehen des Kindes im Vordergrund"

Die EU-Kommission hat die Mitgliedsstaaten zu "Vorsicht" in den Adoptionsverfahren für Waisenkinder aus Haiti ermahnt. Einige Regierungen von EU-Staaten hätten angekündigt, sie wollten die Adoptionsverfahren beschleunigen, sagte Kommissionssprecher Michele Cercone am Montag in Brüssel. Nach dem Erdbeben in Haiti sei die Lage dort "sehr schwierig", aus Sicht der EU-Kommission stehe bei Adoptionen "das Wohlergehen des Kindes im Vordergrund".


Disaster in Haiti gives adoption 'new energy'

Disaster in Haiti gives adoption 'new energy'

By Luis Fabregas


Monday, January 25, 2010

Buzz up!