
Haiti's orphans: Why they remain in limbo

Haiti's orphans: Why they remain in limbo

By Jessica Ravitz, CNN

January 27, 2010 1:26 p.m. EST

Young children are seen at an orphanage near Port-au-Prince, following the earthquake that rocked Haiti.


Orphaned Haitian children arrive in Ottawa

Orphaned Haitian children arrive in Ottawa

Updated: Wed Jan. 27 2010 13:51:56


A second airplane carrying 52 Haitian orphans touched down in the capital this afternoon.

The children were in the queue for adoption by Canadian parents when a massive 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the country two weeks ago, devastating the nation and overwhelming social services.

Haïti. Les mercenaires de la foi prospèrent sur les décombres

Haïti. Les mercenaires de la foi prospèrent sur les décombres

Mondialisation.ca, Le 27 janvier 2010

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Comment: Jill Lies | Ethical Adoptions cost Money

Mom of Adopted Kids | Former Voluntee
2011-01-28 11:11:49
Comment to:
EOCO probes sale of kids at orphanage

I'd like to clarify a few things:

1. I was at the orphanage when Jill Smith used Papa to pacify her adopted daughter. She gave Papa toys, new clothes, fed him and took him around so that her daughter would not be scared. Papa believed he too was being adopted by the way Jill was treating him, however this was not the case. And when she bonded with her daughter, Jill cast Papa aside and left town.

2. Jill Smith and her husband had a change of heart and decided they wanted to adopt Papa later on. The orphanage director did not want to give the child to the Smiths (for a variety of reasons)so Jill and Zeke decided to kidnap Papa from Hohoe Orphanage and hid him in an attempt to illegally adopt him in another part of the country. They bribed people along the way to make this happen. The false accusations made in this article were written out of spite.

3. The director of the Hohoe Orphanage has been facilitating ethical and legal adoptions to find loving homes for children.

4. There is a HUGE difference between "selling children" and legal adoptions. I really wish people would understand this point, and stop using the words "selling children" or "trafficking" when talking about adoption. People seem to be surprised that adoptions should cost anything at all, but in the world of adoptions, $7000 is a very reasonable fee to adopt a child. The money does not go to the orphanage director alone. There are many costs associated with a legal adoption such as lawyer fees, medical exam/tests, court fees, care of the child while at the orphanage, transportation, etc. An adoption agency or independent facilitator must collect a fee from the family in order to facilitate an ethical and legal adoption according to Ghanaian laws. This is NOT "selling children." A proper relinquishment of rights is obtained, a social welfare report, and many other documents. The case is heard before a judge and the judge decides whether or not a adoption order is granted.

5. Taking a child, not receiving a relinquishment of rights, and moving the child to another part of the country to get an adoption order is illegal. This is what the Smiths did.

6. There is a lot of child trafficking going on in Ghana....by Ghanaians and other African nationals. I really wish that the Ghanaian government and the newspapers would focus on this. Very few children are actually trafficked to America and Europe. The adoption process is a long, grueling, and expensive process and most people would not put that kind of energy and money into trafficking children through the adoption and visa process. Most of the children are trafficked by Ghanaians or surrounding African countries where children are forced to work on farms, on the lake, or as servants and sex slaves. Those are the people that the Ghanaian government should be focusing on.

7. Embassy officials are trained to look at documents, interview adoptive parents, and interview the birth family to ensure that any child leaving the country has not been trafficked. It's the officials inside the country that need to be investigated more carefully, like Helena Obeng-Asamoah, who aided the Smiths.

8. When people like Jill Smith spread false rumors, it has a domino effect. As you can see by all the previous posts, many people blindly believe everything they read in newspapers or hear on the radio. What most people don't understand is that a lie like this can have an adverse effect on many, many families who are currently in the process of legally adopting their children and trying to bring them home. Jill is selfish, plain and simple. She is angry and wants revenge. She thinks her revenge will be on the orphanage director, but her previous attempts to discredit his adoptions only made the visa process at the embassy more costly, complicated, and longer for every other family adopting in Ghana. I really don't think Jill would care if her actions shut down adoptions in Ghana altogether. She only thinks of herself.

9. Helena Obeng-Asamoah has her own agenda –– that is to shut down private orphanages and completely control all adoptions through her office. Why? Because she will make money. So, of course she wants to discredit others who are facilitating adoptions in Ghana. She too does not care how this false article may affect many good families waiting for their children. 

And who is actually thinking about the children?

Greed and selfishness are the reasons why this article came about.

omment: Jill Smith is lying

Former Volunteer at HCOH
2011-01-27 14:09:17
Comment to:
EOCO probes sale of kids at orphanage

I volunteered at HCOH in 2008, I was there when Jill and her husband were there and I can assure you this woman is lying.
The story is that when they arrived in Ghana, they used to take Papa with them whenever they went, they even too him with them to different parks, restaurants and their hotel room. I don't know what that woman and her husband told Papa, but he was very excited about moving to America with them. We who were there knew that it was not the case, because Jill NEVER mentioned this to anyone, they had not started the process, they did not speak with the social services and they did not file for adoption.

I still remember the day Simth family came to take their little girl. Papa was all ready, he had packed all her belongings (a few shirts, couple of pants and underwear and the only toy he had). But Jill and her coward husband did not come to the orphanage to pick up their daughter and instead asked Nicolas to bring the girl to their hotel. Papa stood by the door for hours and when h finally realized that they were gone he was devastated.

In my entire life, I have never seen a woman as false, as dishonest and as indifference to the pain she caused that little boy.

I am VERY disappointed that your site brings that woman as your reference.
This woman thinks she can buy everything with money, and when it doesn't work, she blames everyone who know about her wrong doings and screams loud and acts like a victim.

I am willing to go to court and witness about this case, not because I support Nicolas or her Australian 'girl friend' but because I am disgusted by the behavior of the Smith family who supposed to be Christians but are nothing but a bunch of rich hypocrites who only wanted to have black children because 'it would look good for them at their church' with other people looking at them as 'good people' just because they had African children.

omment: Jill Smith is under investigation by CID

Former Volunteer at HCOH
2011-01-27 14:56:41
Comment to:
EOCO probes sale of kids at orphanage

To the person who wrote this article:

PLEASE contact CID to find out about her and her criminal acts.

PLEASE do not refer to a criminal who is also under investigation by the US Embassy and American authorities for involvement of kidnapping Papa and keeping him against his will in an illegal orphanage by people PAID by Mrs. Smith and her husband.

PLEASE people, for all of you who love your country, do not let these people take advantage your news papers and your web site to spread their lies.

omment: All orphanges engage in selling the kids

2011-01-27 08:48:31
Comment to:
Oh Ghana!!!!!!!

From Bolga to Accra, all the orphanges engage in selling children to be taken abroad. The Social Welfare Dept is completely inept. The practice is aided by the eagerness of the relatives of these unfortunate children when they hear that the child will be taken abroad. They even urge on the officials of the orphanges to speed up the process.

The Dept of Social WElfare is the most incompetent govt institution in the country. We all saw how the Director was fumbling in Anas Arimiyaw Anas's revelations on the Osu Children's Home!



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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin

10BUCHAREST45 2010-01-27 13:19 2011-08-30 01:44 SECRET Embassy Bucharest

Appears in these articles:

Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns (Bellerive signed for 3 flights)

Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns

Published: January 27, 2010

By Carol Marbin Miller — The Miami Herald

Acting on persistent fears that homeless and orphaned children will be victimized by human traffickers, the Haitian government in Port-au-Prince has put the brakes on the large-scale migration of orphans destined for adoptive families in the U.S.

Haiti's prime minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, told The Miami Herald his government had considerable fears that children may be scooped up in the streets of Port-au-Prince by nongovernmental organizations. The government also has concerns that children may be trafficked into prostitution or slavery.

Belgian traces her mom to TN, 28 yrs after adoption

CHENNAI: Esther (33), a French teacher in Liege, had reconciled herself to the fact that she was an orphan from India, adopted by her Belgian parents Maurice and Madeline. And then, on a sojourn to her native land 28 years after she was adopted, Esther was told she had a mother and sister in Chennai. Twists of destiny and turns of luck finally reunited her with them, albeit temporarily.

She landed in Chennai with her friend Delphine on December 16 to find out about the children's home from where she — then named Gomathi — was adopted as a five-year-old. She knew that a person called Pastor Mani, who used to write to her Belgian parents, had put her up for adoption. All she had was a greying photograph of herself with a foreigner taken at a Chennai beach when she was four years old, and an address from an old letter Mani had sent her Belgian parents.

"Her parents were apprehensive when she informed them that she was going to Chennai to find out about Pastor Mani and his children's home," said Delphine, who became friends with Esther at a music class.

While wandering about on Wallajah Road, Esther and Delphine met Bhawanesh Deora, who runs the NGO Shreyans Foundation. Deora helped them trace Mani, who said that her mother and elder sister were living in Thirumullaivoyal. And then on December 22, Esther, who loves Bollywood music and Chinese food, met her mother and sister for the first time.


Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte…

parFabien ROBERT(son site)

mardi 26 janvier 2010 - 11 réactions

Evacuation des enfants en cours d’adoption en Haïti : c’est la honte…

Il y a assez de souffrance dans ce monde pour que la générosité, lorsqu’elle se manifeste sincèrement et massivement, ne soit pas entravée. Pourtant, la France, patrie des droits de l’Homme, 15 jours après le séisme, refuse toujours d’organiser le rapatriement massif des enfants haïtiens en cours d’adoption par des familles françaises.

Prés de 1200 enfants, toujours à Haïti pour la plupart, vivent dans des conditions inhumaines, le plus souvent dans la rue où ils dorment à même le sol. Les orphelinats qui élèvent ces enfants ne peuvent faire face. C’est pour cette raison que le Président Haïtien a depuis plusieurs jours autorisé les pays « adoptants » à organiser le départ des enfants.

Fears that child traffickers are targeting Haitian orphans in quake chaos

Fears that child traffickers are targeting Haitian orphans in quake chaos


Last updated at 2:04 PM on 26th January 2010

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