
US congress members pressure Romania to resume international adoptions - report

US congress members pressure Romania to resume international adoptions - report

Thu, Jul 23 2009 14:20 CETbyClive Leviev-Sawyer1057 Views2 Comments

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US secretary of state Hillary Clinton, who reportedly handed over the letter calling on Romania to reverse its ban on international adoptions.

The United States is trying to exert pressure on Romania to resume the international adoption of children after more than five-year break, Romanian Jurnalul National said on July 23 2009, Bulgarian news agency Focus reported.

Malawi: Madonna, Mercy And Neocolonialism

Malawi: Madonna, Mercy And Neocolonialism

Ama Biney23 July 2009


Madonna's ability to adopt a Malawian child in spite of an original court verdict against her is deeply worrying, writes Ama Biney. Madonna's action belongs in an established neocolonial tradition, Biney argues, one in which Malawi's Supreme Court judges have played a role not dissimilar to that of slavery-era African chiefs as the facilitators of human transfer. Recalling the forewarnings of Kwame Nkrumah around the shadow of neocolonialism, Biney contends that retaining Africans' self-respect will depend on challenging dehumanisation and putting such subjugation to an end.

In 19th century England it was fashionable for the middle-class and aristocratic English gentlemen and ladies to return from the West Indies with a black male or female domestic servant to serve in their lavish homes; such Africans were at times painted with this genteel class sitting by their feet like pet dogs or accessories. It exemplified that they were well-to-do, had travelled and had money. It set a trend among the English elite. Today, the vogue among Western celebrities such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie has reconfigured this practice.

Online databank to streamline adoption process

Online databank to streamline adoption process

Himanshi Dhawan, TNN 21 July 2009, 03:00am IST

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NEW DELHI: With over 6,000 children in the country waiting to be adopted, the government plans to put in place an online centralised databank to

fast-track the process of adoption.

US residents charged with kidnapping Mexican baby

US residents charged with kidnapping Mexican baby

(AP) – 7 hours ago

MONTERREY, Mexico — Two U.S. residents have been charged with kidnapping a 3-month-old Mexican girl and trying to smuggle her out of the country.

Nuevo Leon state prosecutors say the married couple was caught after they tried to register the baby as their own at the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey. If convicted, they face up to 50 years in prison.

The suspects, Eduardo Martinez and Maria Eva Garcia, are Mexican citizens who live in Los Angeles. The consulate confirmed Monday that they are legal U.S. residents.

Gary Goodyear Continues To Deny Knowledge of Imagine Adoption Agency/Constant Energy Relationship

Gary Goodyear Continues To Deny Knowledge of Imagine Adoption Agency/Constant Energy Relationship

No Involvement or Knowledge In Dubious Relationship

By David Terry

Goodyear At CRC-IRAP Press Conference

Goodyear: I Knew And I Know Nothing About This Situation

Adoption-records advocates to protest in Phila.

Posted on Tue, Jul. 21, 2009

Adoption-records advocates to protest in Phila.

By Jeff Gammage

Inquirer Staff Writer

Michelle Edmunds was born in Chicago, placed in foster care as a toddler, adopted at 10, and raised in Canada.

Procurorii DIICOT au inceput o ancheta intr-un dosar de trafic cu ovule la clinica Sabyc din Capitala

-- Procurorii DIICOT au inceput o ancheta intr-un dosar de trafic cu ovule la clinica Sabyc din Capitala

Conducatorul clinicii, fiul sau, medici amandoi, si o angajata a clinicii au fost arestati, ieri, pentru 29 de zile de Tribunalul Bucuresti. Alte doua persoane, doi medici israelieni, Natan Levit, care este si profesor universitar in tara sa, si Ziskind Genia, au primit interdictie de a parasi Romania. Duminica procurorii DIICOT au perchezitionat clinica Sabyc si au ridicat zeci de persoane pentru audieri.

Clinica privata Sabyc era monitorizata de cateva luni de anchetatori. Ieri, conduca torul clinicii, Harry Miro nescu, fiul sau, Yair Miron, si Cecilia Borzea au fost retinuti de procurorii DIICOT si ulterior arestati preventiv- sub aspectul savarsirii infrac tiunilor de constituire a unui grup infractional organizat si de organizarea traficului de celule de origine umana in scopul obtinerii unui folos material (infractiuni prevazute de art. 7 din Legea 39/2003, respectiv art. 158 din Legea 95/2006). Potrivit anchetatorilor, Harry Mironescu, in calitate de medic specialist ginecolog si conducator "de facto" al clinicii Sabyc, a pus bazele unei activitati infractionale in scopul obtinerii de sume mari de bani, prin incalcarea prevederilor legale care reglementeaza procedura prelevarii si transplantului de organe, tesuturi si celule de origine umana in scop terapeutic. El a beneficiat de sprijinul fiului sau, in calitate de asociat unic al clinicii private, precum si de conexiunile pe care le avea cu medici din Israel, specialisti in aplicarea teh­nici lor de reproducere asis tata, invinuitii Natan Levit si Genia Ziskind, precum si cu alte persoane.

Anchetatorii arata ca Ceci lia Borzea indeplinea formalitatile ce presupuneau asigurarea cazarii medicilor si racola direct sau prin per soane interpuse tinere dispuse sa fie supuse trata men tului de stimulare ova riana si prelevare de ovocite.

Grupul avea drept scop, pe de o parte, identificarea unor cupluri, din strainatate, dornice de a fi beneficiarele tehnicii de reproducere uma na asistata din cauza dificultatilor de a procrea pe cale naturala, iar, pe de alta parte, racolarea unor persoane de origine romana (majoritatea de etnie roma, cu varste cuprinse intre 18 si 30 de ani) care, in schimbul unor sume de bani cuprinse intre 800 si 1000 lei, con simteau sa doneze ovocitele necesare realizarii tehnicii de fertilizare "in vitro" si, implicit, sa se supuna proce durii medicale ce implica stimularea ovariana pe cale artificiala si recoltarea ovoci telor. Ulterior, la grup au mai aderat si alte persoane iar fata de 22 din acestea procurorii au inceput urma rirea penala.

Boc i-a acordat baroanei Emma Nicholson func?ia de înalt reprezentant pentru protec?ia copilului

Boc i-a acordat baroanei Emma Nicholson func?ia de înalt reprezentant pentru protec?ia copilului

21 Iul 2009 | 0 comentarii | 194 vizualizari


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Premierul Emil Boc i-a acordat baroanei Emma Nicholson func?ia onorific? de înalt reprezentant pentru protec?ia ?i îngrijirea copilului, potrivit unei decizii publicate mar?i în Monitorul Oficial.

Israeli patient: We'll sue Romania for damages


Israeli patient: We'll sue Romania for damages

Israeli woman accuses Romanian police of brutal treatment during raid on Bucharest fertility clinic, says investigators stole money, valuables from Israeli detainees before releasing them. Israeli consul general: We're handling case. Romanian doctors' association slam Israeli colleagues, saying they are comparable to doctors at Auschwitz
Daniel EdelsonPublished: 07.21.09, 13:30 / Israel News

Yarden (not her real name) was being treated at the Sabyc fertility clinic in Bucharest when the Romanian police raided the place, arrested the Israeli doctors who run it and held dozens of doctors and patients for questioning.
In a conversation with Ynet Tuesday, Yarden, 44, said that not only were she and the other patients humiliated by the local police, but money and valuables were also stolen from them at the police station. They now plan to sue Romania for damages.
According to Yarden, "They opened up bags and took everything that was inside, whether money or mobile phones. Some people lost 4,000-5,000 euro." She said that she wrote to the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Consulate General in Romania, asking for help with getting the money back, but hasn't heard from anyone.

Yarden also complained about what she described as the Romanian police's "brutal treatment," that included "beating, shoving, cursing and threats." Police investigators, she said, made her and the other Israelis sign forms in Romanian without the presence of a lawyer.
"We demanded to call the consulate, but they refused. They said people who refuse to sign the forms will have to stay here for two weeks," she recounted.
Israeli Consul General in Romania Lily Ben Harush told Ynet she intends to meet with all those who were arrested and look into the allegations. "We will talk to the local authorities and try and establish what happened with the money and phones… if it turns out that illegal acts took place, we will act
accordingly," she promised.
Yarden also accused the health authorities in Israel of getting the patients involved in the affair. "We went there because the State sent us and because there aren't enough eggs in Israel. We didn't know we were doing something illegal," she stated.
Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman said Tuesday Israeli health services will be investigated for any involvement in the Romanian egg trafficking affair.
However, Litzman stressed that his office has full faith in Israel's sick funds.
'Comparable to Auschwitz'
Meanwhile, the Romanian doctors' association is accusing the Israeli doctors involved in the human egg trafficking affair of endangering dozens of Romanian women in order to harvest and sell their eggs, according to a report Tuesday in the Romanian daily newspaper Evenimentul Zilei.
Head of the doctors' association, Colegiul Medicilor, Dr. Vasile Astarastoae made grave accusations against his Israeli colleagues and those running the Sabyc clinic where the allegedly illegal embryo implantations took place.
"The doctors from this clinic are comparable to doctors from Auschwitz," said Astarastoae. "They used misfortunate people, sold their organs for money, and showed complete contempt for humanity. Why didn't they have the courage to do this in Israel?"
The newspaper reported that investigators claim the clinic's doctors swindled their clients, most of whom are Israeli and German. According to them, the clients sought "blond intelligent" twins, and instead were implanted with eggs taken from poor young girls, most of then Gypsies, in exchange for money.
Women also to be indicted
Head of the National Agency for Transplants Dr. Victor Zota said to the newspaper that he authorized the clinic, mentioning that the go ahead for performing implantations was issued only last week.

According to him, he was unaware of any illegal activities taking place at the Sabyc clinic. "Nothing aroused suspicion that they were harvesting eggs and paying for them. I believe that 15 to 20 women were gathered in the middle of the night, when they performed the procedures. They apparently called families from abroad for fertility treatments. It was a real industry," he said.
Legal authorities in Romania claim they have been investigating the case for about three months following a complaint issued by a young couple. Police investigators said to the newspaper, "Three Romanian doctors are being implicated in the affair, and hundreds of women will also be indicted for selling their own eggs."
Attila Somfalvi and Meital Yasur-Beit Or contributed to the report

Alessandra Mussolini: ‘When a child enters Italy, he is like ours’

published in issue 4475 page 6 at 2009-07-20

Alessandra Mussolini: ‘When a child enters Italy, he is like ours’

After last week’s scandal caused by the two Romanian children adopted by Italians, the chairwoman of the Italian Parliament’s Commission for the rights of the child, comes with fresh controversial statements.

According to Mediafax, Alessandra Mussolini declared in Bucharest, last Friday, that whenever a Romanian child enters Italy without family, he may be adopted, even though Romanian legislation forbids international adoptions. Italian legislation allows international adoptions, so it also encompasses Romanian minor citizens, she added.

Alessandra Mussolini also said Romania should have courts for children, even though their creation would imply big costs.