
German adoptee look for Indian roots

A couple from Germany is planning to knock the doors of the courts to know the roots of their adoptee Indian children.They say that they realised only later that possibly not all was above-board in the adoption process and they believe knowing some answers about the past will help their children's future.


Jean-Marie Cavada préfère Paris à Strasbourg

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15 JANVIER 2008

Jean-Marie Cavada préfère Paris à Strasbourg

280051 Jean-Marie Cavada a démissionné aujourd’hui de son poste de président de la commission des libertés civiles, de la justice et des affaires intérieures du Parlement européen. Il met ainsi fin à une fiction, l’ancien journaliste (photo: Reuters) n’ayant guère exercé ses fonctions, plus préoccupé qu’il était de se trouver un point de chute national. C’est désormais fait, puisqu’il se présente aux élections municipales dans le XIIe arrondissement de Paris. Mais pas sous l’étiquette Modem : lui aussi s’est fâché avec François Bayrou et il portera le dossard de l’UMP. Rester en fonction en pleine campagne électorale et alors qu’il porte désormais les couleurs d’un parti qui siège au sein du PPE-DE (conservateurs) serait apparu comme une provocation aux yeux de ses pairs qui n’ont pas de mots assez durs à son égard. Il redevient donc simple député européen, un député qui ne sera guère présent non plus durant les prochaines semaines...

À l’automne dernier, les membres du groupe ADLE (libéral), dans lequel siègent les élus de l’ex-UDF, s’étaient même révoltés contre l’absentéisme de Cavada, la présidence d’une telle commission, extrêmement technique, exigeant une présence ininterrompue. C’est d’ailleurs pour cela que l’honnête Jean-Louis Bourlanges avait démissionné de cette présidence en 2005, la dégradation de la santé de son épouse requérant une présence plus grande à ses côtés. Plusieurs députés libéraux, dans une fronde sans précédent, avaient alors demandé, en vain, sa démission. Il avait même été envisagé de lui offrir un lot de consolation, la présidence de la commission culture… Mais le projet a été abandonné, car il faisait perdre à l’ADLE une commission importante. « Mauvais calcul puisque de toute façon Cavada ne jouait pas son rôle », commente un fonctionnaire désabusé.

Saving Estonia’s abused children

Saving Estonia’s abused children

Jun 11, 2008

By Marge Tubalkain-Trell

NOT SO HAPPY TIMES: Many kids are silently suffering abuse in poorer parts of Estonia.

TALLINN - Kadi Tuusk lived in a poor suburb on the outskirts of town. She was a bright girl who did well in school. She went to Sunday school on a regular basis, not because she believed in God but because they offered food in the church and she couldn’t get food elsewhere.

That’s My Congress

That’s My Congress
A politically independent journal of the campaigns and legislation of the United States Congress.
In the campaign to take back the Congress in 2006, too many people assumed that electing Democrats to the majority would be the same thing as returning control to the American people, and ending the right wing domination by politicians allied with corrupt corporate executives. Sadly, that assumption has not borne examination.
Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu is a powerful example of a Democrat elected to Congress who has gone right along with the corrupt, right wing politicians of the Republicans she is supposed to be challenging.
In 2007, Senator Landrieu earned only a 20 percent progressive rating in the Progressive Patriots legislative scorecard for the U.S. Senate. That’s a lower score than some Senate Republicans got.
Now, Mary Landrieu is under the focus of Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington, which is recommending that she be investigated for possible bribery in a case involving a Republican-allied fundraiser and a two million dollar earmark.
Here’s what’s known:
Step 1: Republican fundraiser Randy Best founded a company called Voyager Expanded Learning.
Step 2: Randy Best hired lobbyists to obtain special congressional earmarks to provide government money to his company.
Step 3: One of those lobbyists arranged for a special meeting between Senator Mary Landrieu and Randy Best.
Step 4: Senator Landrieu’s staff asked Randy Best to hold a fundraiser for Senator Landrieu. At that fundraiser, Senator Landrieu received $30,000 from people associated with Randy Best’s company.
Step 5: Just four days after the fundraiser, Senator Landrieu inserted an earmark into legislation for Washington D.C. schools, for Randy Best’s company to provide 2 million dollars worth of materials and services - even though the Washington D.C. schools had not asked for any such thing, and even though Randy Best’s materials had never been evaluated for use in schools.
Getting 2 million dollars in government funds right after making 30,000 dollars in donations to the Senator who arranges the deal - does that look like a bribe to you? It sure looks like a bribe to me.
Mary Landrieu is up for re-election to the Senate in 2008, but so far, the Louisiana Democrats have failed to mount any challenge against her for their party’s nomination. That’s a sad indictment of the profound lack of character within the leadership of the Democratic Party of Louisiana. The Louisiana Republicans are certainly no better, but that’s no excuse.
If I were a Democrat living in the state of Louisiana, I’d be ashamed to let anyone know it.

CREW Files Justice and Senate Ethics Committee Complaints against Sen. Mary Landrieu

CREW Files Justice and Senate Ethics Committee Complaints against Sen. Mary Landrieu
Tue Jan 8, 2008 9:00am EST
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Asks for Investigation into Possible Bribe from Bush Pioneer Randy
WASHINGTON--(Business Wire)--Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) today
sent a complaint to the Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney for
the Eastern District for Louisiana and the U.S. Attorney for the
Northern District of Texas, asking for an investigation into whether
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) violated federal bribery law by including a
$2 million earmark for Voyager Expanded Learning in a bill a mere four
days after receiving $30,000 in campaign contributions from company
executives and their relatives. CREW also asked the Senate Ethics
Committee to investigate the matter.

   Randy Best, a top Republican donor and Bush pioneer, founded
Voyager, an educational products company and rather than selling the
company's reading program to school districts, hired lobbyists to
obtain earmarks for it. Although the House had appropriated $1 million
for his program for the D.C. public schools, Best still needed a
Senate sponsor. A lobbyist arranged a meeting with Sen. Landrieu, the
chair of the Appropriations subcommittee responsible for the District
of Columbia, to press for an earmark. Shortly after Sen. Landrieu met
with Best, a member of Sen. Landrieu's staff asked him to hold a
fundraiser for her and he agreed. After the fundraiser, she received
$30,000 in campaign contributions from individuals associated with the
company -- donors who had never before contributed to her. Four days
after she received the money, she inserted an earmark into a D.C.
appropriations bill, giving D.C. schools $2 million to buy Best's
reading program, which was unproven and had not been requested by the
school system.

   Federal law prohibits public officials from directly or indirectly
demanding, seeking, receiving, accepting, or agreeing to receive or
accept anything of value in return for being influenced in the
performance of an official act. Accepting a contribution to a
political campaign can constitute a bribe if a quid pro quo can be

   Given that Sen. Landrieu asked Best to hold a fundraiser for her,
which he did, and then inserted the Voyager earmark only four days
after receiving contributions from individuals connected with the
company, it certainly appears she traded the earmark for the
contributions in violation of federal criminal law. Sen. Landrieu also
may have violated the Senate rule prohibiting "improper conduct which
reflects upon the Senate."

   Melanie Sloan, CREW's executive director, said today, "Senator
Landrieu appears to have traded a $2 million earmark for $30,000 in
campaign contributions. It was a win-win situation for Best and
Senator Landrieu, but a lose-lose for the taxpayers and D.C. school
children." Sloan continued, "the Department of Justice and the Senate
Ethics Committee should look into this matter immediately. Members of
Congress need to understand that trading earmarks for campaign funds
is illegal -- no exceptions."

EurAdopt and FFY (Austrian case Ethiopia - the wrongdoing was proven in Court)

 7 January 2008 15:19

From Minutes Euradopt

5. Dialogue with Family for You: 
Elssaesser reported on a court case that revoked an adoption carried out by FFY in 
Ethiopia, where the judge stated that FFY Ethiopia deceived ("arglistiger 
Irrefuehrung") the parents. A letter was received from FFY on September 1, 2007 
that is not consistent with the sentence of the Court; in fact the wrongdoing of the 
FFY representative in Ethiopia was considered to be proven in court. The Executive 
Board decided to contact again FFY, since it is of the opinion that the court case has 
to be seriously considered for the potential harmful effect on EurAdopt. The court 
decision will be translated inte English by EurAdopt. The Executive Board was 
informed of FFY activities in Viet-nam and India in 2001, that appear not to have 
been done according to the standards required from EurAdopt members. The 
Executive Board also aknowledges the intention of FFY to stop activities in some 
contries and re-think their activities and structure. 
Inge Elsässer will draft a letter to FfY and circulate it to AM and ES before sending. 
The EB will have a renewed discussion on this matter.



So you want to adopt a baby ...

So you want to adopt a baby ...

... then head to the United States where it’s an easier, but more expensive, process than in Ireland. By Caitriona Palmer in Washington


Adoption in the US is mainly privately run. UK government minister, David Miliband has adopted two American children

By Caitriona Palmer

Adopting Nadia

Adoption may be the best option for children who are unable to grow up with their birth parents, but it is a complex process, and there is a need for strict controls to ensure that each adoption is carried out in a lawful and professional manner. When children are adopted from another country it is particularly important to try to make sure that the adoption is truly in the best interests of the child. The UK 2002 Children and Adoption Act and the International Hague Conventions on Intercountry Adoption aim to safeguard the rights of birth parents, and the rights, protection and welfare of the children, and to prohibit improper financial gain.
Unfortunately, in some cases the rights of children and parents are abused. Examples include misinformation to the birth family of the child and international trade trafficking of children for adoption.

The Role of ISS UK
ISS UK is involved in a variety of adoption cases. Cases may involve a child being brought from abroad for adoption, step-parents adopting a child where both the birth parents are living abroad or simply providing information fo prospective intercountry adopters.
ISS UK can contribute to the adoption process by arranging for the exchange of necessary information. We may be asked to obtain relevant documents; to obtain medical information; to check the family history of a child; to make sure that an estranged parent knows of and understands the proposed adoption of his or her child; to arrange for the assessment of prospective adoptive parents or to obtain references.
We also try to reduce the risks of inter-country adoption by liaising with individuals and authorities in the UK and overseas; advising them of the legal requirements and processes; checking that these processes are adhered to, and ensuring a full exchange of information between the two countries involved. Because ISS UK understands the adoption process in an international context, and has professional contacts with the relevant authorities in each country, it is possible to take appropriate action when irregularities occur.

Nadia was brought from India for the purpose of adoption. However, when she arrived in the UK she was physically mistreated, made a domestic servant and denied a sufficient education.
The case came to the attention of the local authority who contacted ISS UK to confirm the adoption. Following contact made with India, it was discovered that the adoption was not made in line with either the procedures of the Hague convention of Intercountry Adoption or the domestic adoption laws of the country. Based on the information that was received from India, the Local Authority in UK made the decision to place Nadia child in a private fostering arrangement in UK. Nadia is now in a caring home environment and attending school.

Erica Hoksbergen-Penningsmester Third World soest

Third World Foundation Soest
J A R A V E R S L A G 2 0 0 7
Never never never
the gap closed
between life and death
between heaven and earth
water and fire
body and mind
between him and her.
Never never never
the gap closed
between Taliban and talisman
between pop and pope
birds and fish
Sun and shadow
between us and them.
Ever ever ever
the gap closed
between two and three
between cheek and manners
strain and pei
wan and hope
between you and me.
From: The gap poem
Third World Foundation Edition Soest
Promotion of activities that generate income:
Page 6
Medical facilities and information:
Mali, India, Tanzania
Page 8
Education Services, education and literacy:
DR Congo, India, Brazil
Page 10
Promoting sustainable agriculture:
Philippines, India
Page 12
Support returning war refugees:
Sierra Leone, DR Congo
Page 13
4 PLANS FOR 2008
Page 14
Page 15
Page 17
Page 18
9 BUDGET 2008
Page 19
The 2007 Annual Report of the Third World Foundation Soest is for you
Ans is by January 1, 2008 Mann resigned as chairman and stick to the undersigned
transferred. We are greatly indebted for her hard work in recent years
our group
and thus for the Third World
has done.
In 2008 we celebrate a memorable event: the Foundation has over 25 years!
This means that our small group in the area of concern for the poorest in the Third World
good work to do. We hope to continue doing that course, which we your
need our support.
The foundation of our reputation in the Third World is still growing. The simple and relatively
cheap modern communications make this possible.
The result is an increase in applications and an increase in the average size of the
requested contributions.
The grinding poverty, hunger and disease in the Third World are shocking to us, even if
only letters and photographs available.
It is still true that there are never enough funds to help everyone. There is therefore a
required careful selection of the projects supported.
Thanks to the selfless commitment of our board, we can the cost of the foundation layer
We see it as our task to
next to the collection of funds
the needs of people in the Third
World to the attention of the people of Soest bring. Especially the youth is of
interest. We are grateful that teachers and students of the College in 2007 again Griftland their
Action on the last Friday of the autumn have to keep. Grateful for the unprecedented
good results, but above all for their expressions of compassion for the poorest.
It is good to recall that the very small projects, where the Third World in
specialized, often very successful and start a small self-help groups, enabling
the standard of the villages slowly but surely improving. A well may e.g. mean a lot:
hygiene, improving sanitation, irrigation of fields.
The Foundation thanks the donors and the donors of fixed donations. Also we Soest
grateful for its annual contribution, an important support for our work.
Impulsis promised us another contribution to a good number of projects.
All parties are thanked for their efforts, contributions and moral support.
We hope this year you can count on!
Jan Bik
President Third World Soest.
In 2007, nine board meetings held and was twice a mailroom
organized the dispatch of the annual report and the announcement of the action to fall
prepare. In January Joke Andringa took leave to devote himself to go to other tasks.
Wim Mann was willing to manage the website and take the news
of the DWG ready to press for shipment to the media.
During the year Ans Mann made clear to us that the presidency could no longer
combine with her busy political activities. It is followed by January 1, 2008 through January
Bik. We understand her decision, but regret her departure very much.
As at December 31, 2007 the board consisted of the Third World Soest of the following members:
Mrs Mann-Ans Voortman President
Mrs. Bernadette Postma Secretary
Mrs. Erica Hoksbergen Treasurer / projects
Mr Jan Bik projects
Mrs. Marian Dubourcq Common
Ms Elske Gorkum of projects
Ms Anne Marieke Koch projects
Mr. Gerrit Leeflang Minutes / address database
Mr. Jaap den Oude foto s / archive / technical management
Mr. Leo Weusten Public Relations
Mr Wim Mann
website / press
Mr. Theo Sluis contacts Soesterberg
Mr. William Voorhout transport
Mrs. Betty-Krook Kuyvenhoven contacts municipality Soest
Project Applications
In 2007 we achieved a lot of requests for information and applications for project support. Over 30
applications came from nine African countries and Bangladesh and Indonesia. The other, more than
50 applications came from India, where the DWG Soest with various NGOs, especially in Andhra s
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu contact. Through these contacts were also other organizations
trace of the DWG. The role of our website is continuously rising. Increasingly
are no more applications by mail, but via the Internet. This medium has the
liaison with project partners rather simplified. The speed of information exchange
is greatly increased. The additional questions that we usually have a
project, are now answered within a few days. This gives us the opportunity to
a relatively short period to obtain clarity on various aspects of a project.
Increasingly on the decision on whether to support a project focusing
placed on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME). This implies that we have drafted a
project should be given to aspects such as:
for whom the project is intended
How is the support in the community where it is carried
who supervises the project and keep the progress of the introduction in the eye
Who has responsibility for the outcome of the project
what is the result of the project, especially in the longer term
Sustainability, in the jargon project sustainability is a key concept. Practically, it means
e.g. you can have a school building, but that all should be clear in advance whether disadvantaged
it will benefit students, whose teachers and who will pay for maintenance
the building will provide.
The Third World can not and will not fund Soest stabbing in visiting projects. Therefore
it is very important to otherwise possible to collect reliable information,
where the various aspects of PME, as mentioned above, are discussed. These
information can come from a known contact us locally or through a larger Dutch
or foreign partner, which the project applicant contact. Also, we prefer to
to a prolonged relationship with the partner to build. Yet we also every year in sea
a number of applicants, we know only of paper. In 2007 was that seven of the seventeen
supported projects. If reporting after the first period of support is robust and
s and other material including pictures of the actions are sent, we can, if necessary, help
Type of project
After considering all requests by the project were a total of nineteen projects
approval submitted to the Board. Seventeen of these were paid in the year and two
will follow in January 2008. We can kind of supported projects divide into five
Promotion of activities that generate income
Medical facilities and information on medical / hygienic area
Education Services, education and literacy
Promoting sustainable agriculture
Support for returning war refugees
Promotion of activities that generate income
Weaker Community Development Trust, Villupuram District, India
This organization works in a way that many NGO s in rural India: there are small,
relatively remote villages, self-help groups of women formed the SHG s, that information
about many things in everyday life are important. Some of the poorest
women receive a small loan to e.g. to set up a stall selling. It taught them how
to deal with the finances and how each month bedragje should try to solve.
Also, the construction of gardens in the house to stimulate sales in the cultivated
products an extra income. The children benefit from the wider
food supply and the extra income gives them more chances to education.
The project Weaker in 2007 for the fifth time supported, by 1400, -. Meanwhile in
total of 100 women from 50 villages in the project.
Holy Cross Social Service Society, Srikakulam District, India
Another way to care for additional family income is keeping dairy cattle for the
sale of milk. Agricultural laborers provides only part of the years work. The other quality
drought and inadequate irrigation potential for increasing uncertainty in agriculture
money for the family.
The women who participate in this project by a veterinarian trained in keeping
dairy cows. Holy Cross provides information on various areas and ensure the formation of
cooperatives of the women. These are responsible for insuring the
cows, veterinary treatment and the supply of milk to dairy companies. Also keep it
monitor the repayment of the loan, the women get to buy a cow. The
redemption may take the form of the passing of the calf born to the following
participant within the community.
The DWG received a good report of the project and decided to support it again in 2007, with
an amount of 1500, --
Ford Trust, Sivangangai District, India
Also this organization works mainly with disadvantaged women in rural areas. With a loan
for the purchase of two goats, chickens and a bridle seeds and plants for the construction of a
vegetable garden, can be obtained within a short period income. Chickens lay eggs soon,
vegetables and herbs grow quickly. The warm climate, several harvests per year. The
revenues of the project kid come in about one years, since the goats must first calves
grow before they can be sold for consumption.
Ford Trust received in 2006 for the first time support for this project. We received a comprehensive
Report of the first year. The guarding s photos show the women proud of their goats. For a
second group of 45 women again, the DWG Soest in 2007 a sum of 2800, --
PRAJA Yuvajana Seva Sangam, Chittoor District, India
This project is all about different types of work in the local community
known and which, with a small loan for the purchase of materials and tools, by
women can be arrested. This is making bowls of leaves, the
branches of manufacturing brooms, gathering, packing mean selling honey, gum, and herbs
peanut seeds and growing s. Psys itself provides training and supervision of the
women involved. The Loan Fund, the amount of a DWG 1800, - available.
Women Action Group, Salem District, India
These NGOs have been around since 2003. Three times we have supported them with a known
vermicompost project. This is the worm cultures to prepare compost from vegetable and
animal waste, which is freely available. By using this compost improved the soil and
no fertilizer is needed. The compost will be participants in the project used in cultivation
of rice and bananas and any surplus is sold.
WAG asked our support in 2007 for another project, a group which could Dalitvrouwen
be helped. These women need in their own care for the family. By selling
home grown vegetables and herbs and goat breeding and sales of these women an income
acquisition. With the purchase of six goats for each of the 30 participating women was an amount
involved in 2500, -.
Nethra Society, Chittoor District, India
Nethra approached us to support gypsies, a tribal people who do
down the social ladder. Normally these people lead a nomadic existence, but
Nethra they could with the help of using special government facilities. They were pieces
awarded land on which they can establish themselves in Shikaris called Colonies. The government will also
for simple housing. The income gain is difficult. Nethra decided 30 women
in five settlements to help set up small cooperatives, which the women
making and selling artificial flowers make money. These flower arrangements and
garlands are much in demand in India and the women already had some experience with this
work. For the first training and the purchase of the materials were € 900, --
required. Meanwhile we received a good report, many neat photos of the women, among
their products.
Sri Venkatabhavani Multipurpose Social Welfare Society, Prakasam District, India
The last project in this category, a group of fifteen women, in cooperative relation
want to grow flowers. Fresh flowers are also very popular in India. The region where the
women living culture is known for its flora. The women must completely from scratch. There
land should be leased, regulated supply of water, seeds, cuttings and tools purchased. The
women are trained by experts and receive the first three months for a bridging
to observe the development of floriculture to devote. The organization assists in the marketing of
the flowers in the area and there are government transportation to the cities. Out
the proceeds of the first harvest, new seeds and cuttings purchased. The warm climate
four harvests per year. When the project is successful, it will expand to sixty
women. The first round was an appropriate amount of 2100, -.
Medical facilities and information
Maternity Clinic in Farabako, Mali
The cultural anthropologist Dr. John Doe comes to his work for many years in the remote Sobara
region of Mali. In 2004 he asked the support of the DWG for the purchase of textbooks and
materials for the school in Farabako. The parents in this area were established and the school itself
teachers paid in kind. But had no money for textbooks. The proceeds of the
Autumn action of the second graders of the College could Griftland books for all students and
for adult education are purchased. In 2005 two teachers from the Griftland
College project.
In January 2006 Jackson again called for our help, now for the construction of a maternity clinic. Accompaniment
of pregnant women is much needed and mortality problems before, during and after birth to help
occur. The existing clinics are too far away to in acute situations in time to achieve. In
less acute cases, the midwives of the clinic in the women do Farabako
forward, if not themselves solve the problem. With a beautiful private gift and a
Impulsis contribution of the clinic could be built. Midwife Lianne Holten left in
January 2007 to Mali to assist in setting up the clinic and the local midwives
training. As part of her masters degree she Cultural Anthropology site investigations to
into the strategies these women and the networks they appeal when they are pregnant
have to try a healthy child into the world into an area without modern
health. When she has completed her Masters will Lianne the DWG members of its findings
to tell. For the purchase of prophylactic drugs in 2007 was still an amount necessary
of 490.98.
AERP, Villupuram District, India
Since 2002 we have contact with these NGOs, which are increasingly focussed on the
information on HIV infection and AIDS, a growing problem in the region. The DWG has Soest
a number of campaigns in this area supported AERP. In 2006 it was
production of an educational film, in the best tradition of Indian film song and dance was
peppered the clear message to a broad audience attractive packaging. In 2007
was a necessary amount of 900, - to the film. Beginning in 2007 we received the movie
DVD. After this the board have seen, we had a number of recommendations to
make improvements, which were all incorporated in the final version.
In the spring of 2007 the film in all 300 villages of the district shown in two villages per
day. This approach was very efficient and the interest was high, as the sent picture s
appeared. AERP campaign decided to extend for a further 180 villages in the neighboring
Tiruvannamalai and Cuddalore districts. Showed was that it brought the display to
TV too small reflected to all viewers to provide a good view. For the second
screening round was requested our assistance with the purchase of a large screen and a beamer. Also
the cost of transporting the equipment and officers to the villages we took our
bill. Overall, this information measure involves an amount of 2500, -.
AMANI Center, Morogoro, Tanzania
The Amani Center for mentally handicapped children was established and developed by Mama
Josephine Bakhita, a mother of a son affected by meningitis disabled. With
her tremendous determination and with help from a network of donors, she managed a
day care center for 70 children to achieve. In addition, a learning farm work
aside where older children are taught skills which she later led,
to go. Also there is now a training set where social workers and
volunteers are trained based on the Community Based Rehabilitation program. The
mothers of the children here are trained in how they best
and encourage their children cope with additional physical constraints. The
trained social workers to home visits to mothers in education to assist. Because the
large distances, the students are housed in a hostel. Construction and
establishment of this hostel was still a hefty amount needed. The Third World Group has more Soest
than ten years contact with the Amani Center and in July was visiting Josephine in Soest. Her story,
s illustrated with many photos, did the government decide to propose this project for the annual
Griftland fundraising benefit of the DWG. This action brought the record of over 7600, - on.
Together with a defined contribution
4400, - of Impulsis, the project in early 2008 a contribution of 12.000, - meeting
Education Services, education and literacy
Mucolim Foundation, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
The foundation Mucolim - Mutuelle pour l Ignorance et la lutte contre la Malnutrition --
was in 1990 in Kimbanseke, suburb of the capital Kinshasa, founded. Kimbanseke counts
700,000 inhabitants, who survive thanks to small trade, crafts and agriculture.
Mucolim has a large hall, where cultural activities are held and where
provides information on socially useful things. Addition
and taught computer literacy courses. There is also a library. In the immediate
Ten area high schools, none of which a library or
have computer classroom. Mucolim the youth in this respect is a lot to offer, but
have sufficient space to provide various courses. There is a need for a separate
area where the trained youth can get access to the Internet. The literacy courses
Mucolim at many street children are already enrolled, but they can not yet started.
The Netherlands Foundation Mucolim searched using a number of Dutch contact potential sponsors for the
construction of two additional classrooms to finance. The charges, all courses and other activities
entail Mucolim funding from tuition fees, payments for Internet, film and
plays and room rental. In October we got news that the contributions of seven
donors the required amount was almost together. The DWG Soest had pledged a contribution under
provided that the total amount would be brought. With a contribution of 4000, - of the
DWG, funding round and were the preparations for the construction, which will start in 2008
place to start.
P.Z.P.V.S.S., Prakasam District, India
This organization was founded in 1999 by volunteers to seek socio-economic
situation of Dalits and Tribals to improve. The project which we support from the Third
World Group asked a group of children from 6 to 14 years who leave school before
or even go to school have been. The marginalized, landless laborers are due to
irregularity of income for their livelihood also depends on what their
help children. Also, the older girls on the younger children often adapt as their mother
at work. All regular school attendance difficult.
P.Z.P.V.S.S. believes that education for all children is important. Therefore we will now five
villages begin classes between 16.00 and 18.00 hours. Adapted to their age, children can
acquainted with arithmetic, reading and writing and many other useful things. The
village communities are responsible for implementing the project. If supervisors
leads one interested women from the villages. Classes are free except in one or
common area data. After a first acquaintance with this form of education would
we parents encourage their children as much as possible into mainstream education forward.
For the first year of this project were € 1200, --
Comunidade Educacional Para o Trabalho, Lins, Brazil
Still, the Third World in contact with this child project Lins, which the Dutch
Buy all thick Els 30 years in charge. Every day there are 250 to 300 children from very poor
parents after school, they have morning or afternoon classes, collected by the Comunidade.
They get one meal and medical and dental care. To make them more opportunities in the
they are trained to give life in all kinds of professional skills. The rebuilds are Comunidade
own potatoes, corn, fruit and vegetables and fish ponds and livestock. The children help in the
this care.
The Comunidade gives the kids school uniforms and school materials they need and
they considered themselves to bring. Also try it as many parents in need
possible to help, such as. with the provision of clothing. Els happy to rely on a group
Dutch sponsors, whose work also possible.
In 2007, the Comunidade, due to heavy rains, flooding hit much
damage to crops, ponds and buildings. For repairs and as
support the work of the indefatigable Buy Els and her staff decided we
EUR 1000, - about it.
Promoting sustainable agriculture
AID Foundation, Negros, Philippines
The AID Foundation has evolved from a union for sugar cane workers. She supports and
accompanies the poor peasant population to produce an environmentally responsible manner. A
important part of the work concerns the development, manufacture and installation of various types
water pumps, water collection systems, latrines and biogas plants. All these systems operate on a
sustainable manner by hydropower, solar, biogas, hand or foot power. The driving force
behind all these innovations, the Dutch mechanical Auke Idzenga already fifteen years
Negros lives with his family.
An important role of AID is the development and introduction of the RAM pump. This pump, which
from locally available materials is made, the water can be up to the 200 meter
slopes to bring. Without using fuel without CO2 emissions, given the
farmers in the mountains was beautiful and drinking. Mountain ponds are constructed as
reservoir for the dry season and growing Tilapiavis. Pig manure into biogas is
mistaken and the remains, along with vegetable and animal waste into compost. Men
tries as much as possible to form a biologically closed circuit. There are now over
100 pumping systems built, including some in Afghanistan.
In recognition of this work Auke received in June, from the hands of Al Gore, an Ashden Award for
application of sustainable technology. Together with the other winners, he was by Prince Charles at
palace received. To the various sustainable technologies to present has an AID
Technopark constructed, where peasants, students, interested citizens and certainly
representatives of various governments to see how they work in practice. The DWG wore
in 2006 to the construction of the Technopark. In 2007 we received an earmarked grant of 500, --
Who we work for the AID Foundation have made.
SERVE, Cuddalore District, India
This NGO has been working for ten years in small marginalized Dalits, backward villages
in the countryside. People working part of the year as day laborers in agriculture and have
usually own a tiny piece of land as their own vegetables.
SERVE has conceived the plan in three years time in three villages the livelihoods of the people
increase by undeveloped common land to clean and re-fit
for the planting of food crops for own use. For each of the 45 participants in
The first village is a piece of land the size of approximately 4000 sqm available. A
appointed commission that will supervise the work. To irrigate the land will
old, abandoned wells are restored. Importantly, the training at an organic
way to grow crops, using compost and natural pesticides.
The municipality of Soest chose this project from the DWG in the context of the action Hourglass. In the
Long and Short Dunes, many trees uprooted to squirt the sand to maintain momentum.
For the vacant spots to clean once a year to the newly emerging
trees are pulled from the ground. School classes involved in the clean work
engaged could earn money for the project SERVE.
On May 19, 2008, the total amount to representatives of the DWG are presented. These
will welcome contribution to the second part of the project will be deployed.
In 2007 we paid in 1600 - especially for the rehabilitation of wells and training of people.
Support for returning war refugees
Community Initiative Program, Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone was ten years been plagued by a vicious civil war which, among many human
suffering a major issue in food caused. After termination of the war
many peasant families returned back to their plot. In certain highly damaged areas were
many depend on relatives because they had no financial ability to re -
begin. Community Initiative Program, the organization focuses on farming families in the Yoni
Chiefdom, in which the war had fled to neighboring Guinea. In return they found
homes, property and agricultural tools were destroyed or stolen. The seeds for the
peanut cultivation, which before the war, these families earned their income, had become scarce and
hence these people priceless. CIP in the spring of 2007, with help from the Third
World Group Soest, 70 families, 50 with a female head of household, with seeds
and tools for the peanut crop again to grab. They are accompanied by the CIP
peanuts in ecological way to grow and harvesting, packaging and marketing
CIP provides support. Part of the harvest as seed for next crop stored.
CIP takes most of the support costs incurred. This program proposed
the DWG 3600, - available.
Over the years we received news that the program went well and that all the second
harvest was. Because the market for peanuts proposed CIP is a good extension for another 50
for families. This program is in January 2008 and will terminate with an amount of 2600 - by
the DWG are supported. Impulsis has agreed to pay half of them.
FEPADE, Democratic Republic of Congo
FEPADE is a recognized women's organization working in the province of South Kivu
Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to the prolonged clashes in this area are
many people on the flight beaten. It is estimated that from the Fizi District, which operates FEPADE, certainly
200,000 to Tanzanian refugee camps have left. Little by little, the
people back to their former residence, which destroyed infrastructure and property
disappeared. There is some food, but for the people to enable again
themselves to care, more is needed.
FEPADE focuses primarily on the most vulnerable groups such as widows and disabled
people. Over a period of three years will be to 600 families, which average seven persons
exist, goats, chickens and roosters provide. With the sale of eggs, chickens and goats bred
a basic income can be obtained. After one years, the first 200 families and chicks
kids pass to the next group, a repayment in kind. FEPADE, the entire process
guidance and assistance for veterinary care. The cost, the organization's own
bill. The DWG was a
contribution requested for the purchase of the animals. Overall, for this amount of $ 12,500
needed, over 8500, -. Impulsis 4000 will, - for his account.
4 PLANS FOR 2008
The plans we approved of in 2007 are almost all in that year. Only
pledged contributions for the Amani Center in Tanzania and the program of CIP in Sierra Leone
will be made in early 2008.
There is some serious project plans from 2007 treatment, which we discussed in correspondence
with the applicants. This is an income-program for widows in India and one
contribution to the development of peanut cultivation by a group of former witches in Ghana, which separated
to live in society. Also in Ghana is still a demand for training
traditional midwives in rural areas that the (future) mothers will go to assist. The
decision on these applications in early fall 2008. We expect that many new years
project proposals will receive.
In 2008 the Third World Soest 25 years. The fact that a relatively small local group
so long working for the poorest people in developing countries should not go unnoticed
pass. We are busy preparing for this anniversary. We want at least
trying to make a nice anniversary edition, which the history of the DWG forward
come, but also the people who have played an important role, both here and there.
The traditional evening meeting in November with our donors and other interested parties will
get festive touch.
For the extra costs it entails anniversary we seek contributions from a number
sponsors to acquire.
In 2007, the Third World Soest again well supported by her loyal supporters and
gift givers, again resulting in a higher amount than the previous year. Striking was the
result of the spring action for returning war refugees in Sierra Leone. A generous
gift brought alongside the many other contributions, the final amount of the transfer action at over 7900, -.
A very special six brave men contributed to their Stelvio Sponsortocht. Leo
Weusten, son of our same director, climbed the famous bicycle in five sizes and
cyclists infamous 2758 meter high Passo dello Stelvio, Bormio in Northern Italy. This 63 km
long climb over a height of 1800 meter, was on July 14 by all six participants
accomplished. They had family and friends to sponsor the project in Sierra Leone.
Their joint shed sweat brought on the great amount of 887.50. Thanks
The fall of the action of the second graders Griftland College, this time for the children of
The Amani Center for Persons with Mental Disabilities in Morogoro, Tanzania, was a success and
brought the record amount of over 7600, -.
Regularly comes to which donors to mark a special birthday or anniversary,
to ask their guests to donate money for a project of the DWG Soest. Such action is
highly appreciated by our course.
This year the mrs. Tims, mrs. Stekelenburg, the families Henken, Mann and Stijnen, made
opportunity of a happy occasion with us a nice contribution surprised. Very much
Thanks for that!
The Soest, Soest DWG to which the local platform for development
appointed, makes its annual contribution to our work made possible. This longstanding
support makes us grateful. Cooperation with our contact person at the
city, mrs. Betty Krook, went well again.
The use of the contribution of Impulsis, we in 2006 to co-nine
projects were reached in 2007. This year we could apply again
submit. The review of progress in our incoming project requests and the often
required extensive information exchange with potential project partners, are time consuming.
This is why it took until November before we have a new application for financing
eleven projects had finished. We welcome the application been approved. Us
This contribution can expect to see in early 2008.
The tax is all good causes in 2007 re-evaluated if they qualify
for the classification of public welfare institution (ANBI). Recognition of a
ANBI organization gives the donor the right to withdraw his gift for income tax.
The DWG Soest in December received the message that it is regarded as ANBI. Moreover, the
donations to the DWG always deductible.
Gift Gevers, for whom the lower or upper threshold for donations, respectively. 1% and 10% of the
aggregate income, plays a role, would consider a notarized donation. Where
five years a fixed annual sum as a gift notarially fixed, these thresholds for
deductibility not. With a minimum contribution, the cost for the notary's DWG
bill. For information, please contact our treasurer Erica Hoksbergen, tel
035-6018069, dwgsoest@hotmail.com
The secretary visited on January 2 the New Year reception of the municipality.
On January 10, the former GP Dr Boersema, during a board presentation
about his work for the Rotary Doctors in Kenya. Twice a year he goes six to eight weeks
Kenyan bush in order to hold office hours for the people. Sale of mosquito nets against
Cost is an important part of his work.
The treasurer visited on January 27 in the Impulsis Publieksdag Herik Rail Carriages Complex
in Amersfoort. During this meeting day visitors could enjoy a talk show,
workshops, music and film.
Two board members visited on February 6 by a workshop organized Rabobank
Recruitment and retention of volunteers. It was an informative and well cared meeting,
supported by a comprehensive documentation file.
On April 17 President and Treasurer brought to an introductory visit to Mr Gert
Cooper Impulsis. Topic, several aspects of the project work. As
practical support we received extensive directory Incentives for private initiatives.
On June 21 was in London by Al (An Inconvenient Truth) Gore an Ashden Award for
Auke Idzenga, for his relentless zeal in the promotion of the RAM pump. In December,
Auke, to leave the Netherlands, the DWG personal report on this happy occasion.
On July 21 brought Mama Josephina Bakhita of the Amani Center in Tanzania, visit the
DWG. We have more than ten years to contact the site's Josephine with many
perseverance and support of several sponsors have managed to achieve. She spent much
s and took pictures along the opportunity for us to ask again for support.
In August, a government committee that compiled the 25-year anniversary in 2008
On October 5 Ton Elderenbosch received, our first treasurer and co-founder of the DWG
Soest, from the hands of Mayor Noordergraaf the municipality of Soest Medal in recognition for
his tenure as chairman of the working Soester Circle. The board sent him a heartfelt
On December 18 we received Mr K. Wilson and French Wiegmans. Mr. Wilson is the coordinator
of the BGM Social Service Center in Kerala, India. For over ten years helping people BGM
of a remote forest in sanitation projects, education and healthcare. French Wiegmans
coordinates fundraising in the Netherlands. We supported this project three times already.
Regularly published in 2007 leave the Courant Soest, Soest now and the Gooi and
Eemlander the work of the Third World Soest. We were also a number of times the guest of
Soest for a radio interview.
Amersfoort-TV looked at the money inzamelactie of the pupils of the Griftland
College and interviewed one of our board about.
Our website www.derdewereldgroepsoest.nl
gives in Dutch, English and French Information
about our goals and activities. All press releases are put directly on our site and we can
the most recent annual reports read. Increasingly we are using the site known to
project applicants. The criteria for a project application be given point by point.
The management of the website of Jaap den went over to Wim Oude Mann. When refurbishing
of the site and the transition to a different provider Ed Glass offered its assistance to which our thanks.
In 2007, half the pupils of the College Griftland involved in the issue of
people in the Third World. This time was the East African central Tanzania. On the basis of
by the DWG complex Lesbrief via an internet order and the students were given information
land and people. Then on October 19 they were sent to the streets for money
Amani Center to earn (see projects). After a cold start in the early morning came the broad
300 students at full steam and their efforts resulted in record revenue of
7626, -. Teacher Rob Duit, coordinator of the action, the teachers and not to forget all
We thank students at this place for their tremendous efforts.
This year was no evening meeting held for donors and other interested parties. We
wanted our energy stabbing us in the first preparations of 25-year anniversary in 2008. To still
Soester the audience, we decided Griftland Action on October 19 physical support.
The members of the DWG, the entire morning shopping with the various students
active in providing information and distributing hundreds of flyers. This action triggered a number
new donors on.
Because there were no costs for an evening meeting with our donors and distributed flyers
could be funded from our municipal budget made available for printing and
copying costs, the post information / awareness layer turned out this year.
Revenue Expenditure
Donations 7315.60
Weaker Comm. Dev. India Trust 1400.00
Donations 7680.00
Holy Cross Social Service India 1500.00
Action Griftland 7626.93
Ford India Trust 2800.00
Giro action 7909.00
India psys 1800.00
Stelvio action 887.50
Women Action Group India 2500.00
Contribution Avg. Soest 11,669.00
Nethra Society India 900.00
Interest 248.16
Sri Vekatabhavani India 2100.00
Maternity Mali 490.98
AERP India 3400.00
Mucolim D.R. Congo 4000.00
P.Z.P.V.S.S India 1200.00
Comunidade Educ. Brazil 1000.00
AID Foundation Philippines 500.00
SERVE India 1600.00
CIP Sierra Leone 3600.00
FEPADE D.R. Congo 8699.08
Total Projects 37,490.06
Information / awareness 87.95
Implementation 1177.84
Total 43,336.19
Total 38,755.85
Balance 01-01-2007
Balances as of 31.12.2007
BP 2554.25
BP 3238.37
Rabobank 9007.10
Rabobank 12,455.16
Spaarrek. 4.250,70
Spaarrek. 4.698,86
Total 59,148.24
Total 59,148.24
Budget 2008
Revenue Expenditure
Donations / gifts / Views
Community Initiative Progr.
Contribution Avg. Soest
Amani Center
Contribution Impulsis
New Projects
Total projects
Information / jubilee
Total Balance 01/01/2008
Total Balance 31/12/2008
Soest, April 2008
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People who go abroad to adopt

People who go abroad to adopt, live, and have 2 or 3 months leave before them, must be very rich indeed. Moreover, they are not always safe to do things legally.

I strongly advise you: ask your approval in France, then find an association that you raproche an orphanage abroad and help you in your efforts. Then you'll be sure to do things within the law and adopt a child who has not been torn from his family for money.

I passed through DOCTORS OF THE WORLD
http://www.medecinsdumonde.org/fr/nos_mi ...
The advantage is that you do not move once or twice in the country (to take on your 5 weeks of paid leave) for the first time a first contact for a week, then the second time to go pick up the child when the papers are ok ...

Cost of adoption in Romania in 2000: 70,000 French Francs. I borrowed some of my grandmother and some of my bank. The cost varies by country of origin. At the same time, adopt in Brazil had cost 120,000 francs.

This cost is total cost: about half has been paid to Médecins du Monde which returns a portion to the body which manages the Romanian orphanage. This money was used to improve the lives of those who remained. The other half, are all costs (airfare, accommodation, various approaches to pay, etc ...)

Regarding age, ATTENTION! " I adopted a 6 year old child (who is 14 today 07/01), and we are living a nightmare since the beginning. I interact with many people who are in the same situation. It seems to me, but it is only my opinion, that adopted children toddlers have fewer problems.

Go visit this site on the following very interesting:

I do not want to discourage you because adoption is something really hard, and great live, but .....
He has 1 year




Les gens qui partent adopter à l'étranger, en direct, et qui ont 2 ou 3 mois de congés devant eux, doivent être effectivement très riches. De plus, ils ne sont pas toujours sûrs de faire les choses dans la légalité.