
Jack Liu doing paperwork

Global Corruption in the Global Village

Global Corruption in the Global Village

The Joint Council on International Children's Services [JCICS] has a worldwide reach into some of the darkest corners of the child trafficking industry. Apparently so does Masha Allen's not-really adoption agency unless you believe Debbie Spivack, Families thru International Adoption [FTIA].

A concerned reader of this blog recently forwarded a large number of emails purportedly from FTIA's [CENSORED] Senior Coordinator [CENSORED].

In these emails from 2006, [CENSORED] details her close relationship with longtime JCICS past-president and board member Deb Murphy-Scheumann.

In a message which begins "How did I get myself into this mess?" [CENSORED] outlines her wide-ranging interaction with what she calls "the Indian mafia" network and their control of orphanages in India.

When asked if "they" are "going down for their crimes" of child trafficking, [CENSORED] responds:

"Usually no....and if so, not for long. They are far too powerful and usually able to pay their way out of jail and then they are back at business. They are also connected with some really powerful people in govt and business. And I can't even begin to tell you the truly disgusting things they are involved in......that's another chapter in itself...."
Discussing her connections to JS Bhasin, director of a rogue Indian adoption agency, [CENSORED] remarks:

"I've made light of it all these years but to truly realize that my instincts/intuitions were accurate and that I was THAT close to them, to their evil.....how involved I became, and and how significant they really are.....is scary."
But alas, international adoption must go on albeit at any cost. [CENSORED] continues:

There was one very high-powered business man in Pune that was a true humanitarian and was working with one orphanage in Pune and we met and were intending to work together. We met with him twice (this was a 1 1/2 yrs ago) and he was intending to visit us next time he was in the states (he traveled often). Before that had a chance to happen, my Indian Assistant Harshal called me a few months ago and told me that this guy was killed because he was trying to open an orphanage but would not join their network
[CENSORED] then relates a bizarre scenario in which Murphy-Scheumann was apparently poisoned by an orphanage director for knowing too much:

I briefed Deb on all of this so that when she traveled with me, she knew to be careful, but she is so not delicate and we were in a meeting with one of them (KP Sethy and I'll include the CNN article about him in the next email.) at his home in Delhi. I was very cautious as I suspected he was in the network, but we had been working with him for a year. I sat in the meetings and only talked about our work but would not get into any other topics but he continued to ask questions that had nothing to do with our work. I said nothing but Deb didn't get the subtle cues and started talking and there was no way I could shut her up.....I guess I hadn't quite impressed Deb, and she sat there chattering away, and then she mentioned she was director of JCICS in the US and they intended to go after these people.......I honestly thought I wasn't going to leave his house alive.....I could feel the sweat running down my sides as I was watching this guys expression as he was taking in information....

I KNOW.....this sounds like a crime novel!

So, we had to catch our flight back to the US but KP asked if he could offer us something to drink before we departed, and I just had this feeling that I should not.....so I politely refused and he would not let up, and Deb eventually accepted.....hmmmm....and after that trip she was hospitalized and her health gone down ever since and still today Dr's can not figure out what to do for her. All they know is that she somehow contracted something in India that is slowly destroying her lungs & immune system...she is either in bed at home, or in the hospital on a ventilator....
Poor poisoned Deb. And poor crusading [CENSORED]. But international adoption does come at a price and the child-saving must go on:

When I told [CENSORED] a few days ago, he asked if I was ready to admit that Deb was ill because these guys don't mess around and asked when I was going to change jobs....

In some ways I wish I would have taken that [Rogues?] Gallery job.......on the other hand......I feel like I can't just turn away at this point either.....
[CENSORED] closes her missive with this observation:

In the end, what pisses me off.....and the reason I can't seem to let it go.....is that the baby-buying is all SO un-necessary. The tragedy is that India has far too many orphans.....but these people realized early on that fair-skinned newborns are a very lucrative commodity....and they know how to get their hands on them.....depraved......
The next day, [CENSORED] provides this shocking update:


I feel rather numb.....If you either read the first article and/or look at the first video, you'll see mention of Joginder Kaur....she worked with us for years.....we gave over $150K to their organization (which I now suspect went into their own pockets....we're talking serious dollar value in India!!!) Anyway, I spent countless days in India with her, and 3-4 days at their rural orphanage/birthmother home and she visited us in the US twice (we organized walk-a-thons, ect...)
Coming soon, details about FTIA's relationship with Ellie Skeele and the Nepalese orphanage Community Child Rescue Centre! Until then, keep the emails coming folks.

P.S. Deb, [CENSORED], since I know you are reading this please fill us in on "the truly disgusting things they are involved in" lest our readers let their ever vivid imaginations run wild . . .

Adoption Alerte

Pakistan (26 février 2009)


Attention, une association pakistanaise "Global Adoption Services" (Sadeem, Telephone : 0092-302-7072284) fait en ce

moment circuler un mail dont l’objet est "Quick Adoption Process In Pakistan" et qui vante les possibilités d’adopter en 15 à 20

jours au Pakistan un enfant de 0 à 8 ans.

Paper Orphans

opic: Constitutional Issues

Paper Orphans

Family rights are being violated. With the swipe of a judge's pen families are being destroyed, thus creating paper orphan. Thousands of children are taken from their homes each year, fueling the federally subsidized child abuse industry.

by Gwen Caldwell


European Union: common platform for adoptions presented

European Union: common platform for adoptions presented

Wednesday 20 February 2008

These are the fundamental points of the declaration presented by Buquicchio: the need to request the consent of the minor for adoption, where he is able to express it; the duty to assess the child's wishes and the need to listen to him in the process that decides her legal status; the obligation to have consent for the adoption of the child by the father; the extension of adoption to heterosexual couples who are not married but registered in a register of civil unions and singles.

The text highlights that the ban on international adoption cannot be the adequate solution for thousands of minors living outside the family in Europe. Preventing adoption is in stark contrast to the principle of acting in the best interest of the child enshrined in European conventions and treaties on the rights of the child. As Deputy Secretary Buquicchio pointed out, this was the case in Romania, which effectively blocked international adoption from 1 January 2005 to combat illegal adoptions - the law on child protection, in fact, provides for it only for minor whose grandfather resides abroad -. Yet the trafficking of minors would not have decreased, they say from Strasbourg, on the contrary, the Romanian criminal organizations would continue to get in touch with foreign families, willing to offer any amount in order to have a child. Countries that have already blocked international adoptions should, therefore, according to the promoters of the initiative, review their procedures and gradually reopen international adoption.

In this sense, the promoters of the initiative hope that the member governments of the European Union and the Council of Europe will collaborate in greater depth to seek safe and legitimate solutions to guarantee the right of orphans and abandoned children to have a family. A basis from which to build is the existing Community legal instruments of the European Union and the Council of Europe, but new instruments should be agreed upon if necessary. The signatories expect the Declaration to be precisely a tool to urge Governments to act in this direction, to achieve significant and immediate progress in the supreme interest of the abandoned child.

Conference room documents - Group of Commissioners "Fundamental rights, fight against discrimination and equal opportunities


Subject: Fwd: FW: Conference room documents - Meeting February 19, 2008 - Group of Commissioners “Fundamental rights, anti-discrimination and equal opportunities”

They wanted the second forum to be about adoption =



Adoption agency investigated Boulder-based company closes amid lawsuits, angry prospective parents

Adoption agency investigated

Boulder-based company closes amid lawsuits, angry prospective parents

By Heath Urie
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Boulder police are investigating the business practices of a Boulder-based international adoption agency that closed its doors last week in the face of mounting complaints and lawsuits, a Camera investigation revealed.
Police spokeswoman Sarah Huntley confirmed the investigation Friday, saying detectives have been assigned to look into "alleged felonious criminal wrongdoing in relation to adoption practices" at the Claar Foundation, 4141 Arapahoe Ave.

While details about the ongoing probe are not being released, business and court records -- along with several hopeful adoptive parents -- indicate the company that specialized in finding homes for orphans living in foreign countries has a troubled past.
In its various incarnations, the Claar Foundation -- started by former Erie Trustee Lisa Novak and her husband, Martin Claar -- has been sued several times over its financial dealings.
Grieving would-be parents say they were swindled, but Novak said the agency's closure has been handled properly.
Novak on Saturday said she was not aware of the ongoing police investigation, but that she has done nothing wrong.
"We stopped taking clients months before we closed, and then we offered all clients the ability to transfer to another agency so their adoptions wouldn't be stopped," Novak said. "I think the closing of a business as emotional as adoptions causes an extreme emotional reaction.
"It's a scary process, and when something big and scary happens in the middle of it like that, the worst in people comes out."
Questions of finance
The first public hint of problems within the company came in May 2005, when Novak's brother Joseph Novak sued the couple in Boulder County Court, saying they transferred assets among multiple companies "for the fraudulent purpose of escaping liability" for more than $216,000 of borrowed money.
The suit also alleged the couple put $8,400 in charges on credit cards taken out under his name without his knowledge.
The lawsuit was dismissed in November 2005, after a confidential out-of-court settlement, and Joseph Novak declined to be interviewed for this story.
Lisa Novak said the suit was settled in her favor, but could not discuss the terms of the agreement.
In the suit, though, Joseph Novak claimed the couple consistently founded companies and changed names to avoid paying their debts.
Records at the Colorado Secretary of State's Office show Novak's operation began as "New Dawn Adoptions," a nonprofit registered in 2003. The registration named Novak and her husband as the only two board members overseeing the company.
In January 2004, the couple changed the business's name to "Claar Foundation Inc.," but it wasn't the first time the company's identity shifted.
Joseph Novak wrote in the lawsuit that he helped Lisa Novak in early 2002 establish "One Light Adoptions," a nonprofit international adoption agency, as well as "One Light Services," a for-profit adoption services company.
Lisa Novak also is the registered agent of "Orphan Business Alliance," "Global Orphan Support and Education Foundation" and "New Family Services," state business records show.
New Family Services also had its name changed in September 2003 from "Rocky Mountain Bands," which operated under the names "Ez Dossier," "The Home Study Guide," "New Parent Training" and "Family Professionals Institute," according to the secretary of state.
All the registered businesses operated from the Arapahoe Avenue address.
Lisa Novak - who in January 2005 resigned from her position on Erie's board of trustees after she decided to devote time to helping children orphaned by the Indian Ocean tsunami - said she resents accusations that she used her companies to hide assets.
"No assets have ever transferred between any of the companies," Lisa Novak said, noting that some of the name changes were due to trade-name issues or "for marketing" reasons.
"Some of them we incorporated, but never used," she said. "We were just reserving the names."
A deeper toll
Other families who have since targeted the Claar Foundation in court say the toll has been much deeper than any financial statistics could indicate.
In November 2007, Denver resident Sheri Eisert - an associate professor at the University of Colorado's Health Science Center - won a $1,350 judgment against Lisa Novak and the Claar Foundation. A Boulder judge awarded Eisert the money after she sued for post-adoption home visits and reports that she said were never completed by the company.
"I was like a hostage," Eisert said, alleging that Claar officials held back paperwork while at the same time demanding more money. "These are the nastiest people, who take advantage of people who want to adopt."
She said she finished her adoption through a Maryland-based company, which delivered a 2-year-old daughter from the Asian nation of Kazakhstan.
Novak said she paid the settlement, but only because it would have taken additional assets to hire an attorney to defend against the claims.
More recently, Boulder resident Carol Kuzdek in December 2007 won an $18,700 judgment against Novak after she filed a lawsuit alleging the Claar Foundation failed to return fees paid to process an adoption in Guatemala that never happened.
"I think companies like that need to be accountable for what they do," Kuzdek said from her home. "We're not just talking about the financial aspect, we're talking about the emotional pull on people."
Kuzdek said she stuck with the adoption process with another company, though, and is expecting the arrival of her 6-month-old daughter from Guatemala later this month.
"I certainly don't regret doing an adoption," she said. "I just regret having gone through Claar Foundation."
Additionally, Lafayette residents Susan and Jim Paulson also won a civil judgment from Claar Foundation. A Boulder County Court judge on Feb. 1 awarded the couple $5,000 for adoption fees the company spent but refused to refund when Nepal closed its foreign adoption program.
The Paulsons said they decided to adopt a child when they realized their son, born with severe disabilities, would not live long.
"We thought we'd get a 2-year-old and it would round out our family," Susan Paulson said. "We were thrilled about the possibility."
On Feb. 5, the Paulson's 3-year-old son, Quinn, died.
Susan Paulson said she borrowed the money from a relative, and they can no longer afford to go through another adoption agency because they spent as much as $13,000 dealing with the Claar Foundation.
"We totally put all our trust in them," Susan Paulson said. "I want everyone to know - I want to yell it from the mountaintops - that these people did something ... really violating to our personal sensibilities."
Novak said the Paulson's claims against her company have "no validity."
"They're popping up now that they know we're closed," Novak said about the Paulsons.
Novak told the Camera that neither the Kuzdek judgment nor the Paulson judgment would be paid because the Claar Foundation has no assets. She said she is not personally liable for the court decisions.

© 2006 Daily Camera and Boulder Publishing, LLC.

Former Erie trustee draws 90 days' jail, 12 years' probation Novak barred from adoption work

See what Novak's daughter said:
My mother taught us a morality and spirituality that is completely inconsistent with the way she was portrayed in this courtroom."
I think the same goes for so many adoption workers - they mean well, charity.
But get caught in money and criminality and have no, no idea.

Former Erie trustee draws 90 days' jail, 12 years' probation Novak barred from adoption work

BOULDER — A judge sentenced former Erie trustee Lisa Novak to 90 days in jail and 12 years of probation Friday, and has also barred her from working in the adoption field.
Novak, 48, was convicted in December of stealing from clients of the Claar Foundation, an international adoption agency she operated with her husband Martin Claar. A jury found her guilty of two counts of theft of $20,000 or more, one count of theft between $1,000 and $20,000, and fraud by check.
Boulder District Judge Maria Berkenkotter said Novak must also pay back her victims and work 100 hours of community service. The judge denied a request to postpone the sentence until after an appeal is resolved.
"I do have concerns ... that this is not a case of simple poor decision-making," Berkenkotter told Novak at the sentencing. "Some of your statements suggest that you may not understand the impact of your conduct. ... What was stolen in this case went beyond money. You stole families' trust and, in some cases, their ability to adopt a child."
Prosecutors accused Novak of taking payments from clients and then failing to arrange for the adoptions. Her defense attorney, Lance Goff, said at the trial that international adoptions are risky and that payment never guarantees success.
Testimony for and against Novak at Friday's sentencing frequently grew emotional. Her 19-year-old daughter, Alexandra Speers, begged the judge to grant clemency, saying that Novak's two adopted daughters from Russia were still too fragile to have their mother gone for so long.
"The mother I knew is nothing like the portrait created in the newspapers," Speers said. "My mother taught us a morality and spirituality that is completely inconsistent with the way she was portrayed in this courtroom."

By Scott Rochat
Longmont Times-Call

The Baby Market: The Future of High-Tech and Low-Tech Markets in Children

The Baby Market: The Future of High-Tech and Low-Tech Markets in Children

February 14, 2008

Thurgood Marshall Keynote Speaker Sponsor & Symposium Co-Sponsor: Black Law Students Association

Additional Co-Sponsors: Christian Legal Society; Law, Science, and Technology Society; Women in Law

Time Topic Speakers

Mail Euradopt/Sandberg: Euradopt Discussion on Ethiopia

Van: Sandberg Elisabet [mailto:Elisabet.Sandberg@adoptionscentrum.se]

Verzonden: donderdag 14 februari 2008 15:48


Onderwerp: Ethiopia in GM

Dear      ,