
Social state of children adopted by foreigners will be regularly verified

2008-04-29 16:44:00

Social state of children adopted by foreigners will be regularly verifiedArmInfo.

'The social conditions of the children adopted by foreign citizens will be regularly verified. In case of any violations, the adopted child will be immediately taken under temporary custodial care>, Justice Minister of Armenia Gevorg Danielyan said at a seminar devoted to the country's commitments under the national legislation and the Convention on Children Protection and Cooperation in the Sphere of International Adoption of Children.

He said that in case of any violations of the social conditions of the adopted child, all the further steps will be coordinated with the central agency - the Justice Ministry of Armenia and in conformity with the interests of the child. The minister said that over the last ten months (since Armenia's joining the above Convention on June 1 2007), no facts of violation were registered in the Convention signature-countries. 'We sent relevant documents for more effective cooperation to the Central Agencies of the Convention signature-states. We collect information on the majority of the children also from unofficial sources. Thus, by combined efforts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Governmental

Bernard Kouchner Involved In Albanian Organ Market

Bernard Kouchner Involved In Albanian Organ Market


Milijana Mitrovic, who was close to the Albanian businessman and saw death camps, says organs were not taken from Serbs exclusively.

Milijana Mitrovic was one of Carla del Ponte`s sources for information on death camps in which organs were taken from people, the Kurir daily writes.

Sale of babies for adoption

Vietnam does not have enough control over its adoption system, which is characterized by both corruption, fraud and the illegal sale of babies, says a new US report.

Corruption, fraud and the illegal sale of babies. There is no control over the adoption system in Vietnam, says a new American report.

The report was prepared by the US Embassy in Hanoi, which has mapped hundreds of adoption cases from the past two years, when the US has again opened up to adopted children from Vietnam.

Hunting for money

According to the Associated Press, the report shows that Vietnam does not have enough control over its adoption system and that there are still a number of cases where orphanages or hospitals or middlemen commit illegalities in pursuit of the large amount of money that is in adoptions.

Free Information Meeting about Adopting from Russia

Free Information Meeting about Adopting from Russia
Calendar: Town Square Calendar
Carolina Adoption
04-20-2008 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
You are invited to a free information meeting about adopting from Russia.

Learn firsthand about a program accredited by the Russian Federation. Oleg Oleynikov, Russian facilitator has worked with Carolina Adoption Services since 1997 and facilitated the placement of over 1,000 children with their forever families. Oleg is visiting from Moscow and will be available to answer your questions.

For informaiton or reservations, call: Coordinators2 Inc, 804-354-1881

Presented by Coordinators2 Inc and Carolina Adoption Services, Inc.
www.c2adopt.org, www.carolinaadoption.org

Amanda is NOT available

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Adoption Patch Website

According to their webpage, Krystal (Amanda) is still waiting for her forever family! I keep waiting for them to list her as matched. We have our dossier translated and approved, we have submitted our court papers, we are awaiting our court-travel date, and it still says she is available.


Amanda is NOT available, our family will be the people she spends the rest of her life with, and hey! we are really really interested in the grant she has available, here we have been her family for 7 months, an no one mentioned this to us? It is probably her RR grant.

Berlusconi was a P2 Lodge Brother/CIA, Gladio and Italian Terrorism Blamed on the Left

Berlusconi was a P2 Lodge Brother/CIA, Gladio and Italian Terrorism Blamed on the Left

19th April 2008

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Security expert Daniele Ganser
Neues Deutschland
[Translated from the German]
19 April 2008

berlusconi.533 Berlusconi was a P2 Lodge Brother/CIA, Gladio and Italian Terrorism Blamed on the LeftItaly’s secret NATO structure/Daniele Ganser, security adviser to the Swiss Parliament, is the author of the book “NATO Geheimarmeen in Europe

Aboriginal stolen children 'were used in leprosy tests'

Aboriginal stolen children 'were used in leprosy tests'

By Rachel Shields


The Australian government has launched an investigation into claims that aboriginal children seized from their parents during the 1920s and 1930s were secretly used as guinea pigs for leprosy treatments.

The allegations surfaced at a Senate inquiry this week into plans to compensate the "stolen generation" of aboriginal Australians who were taken from their families as part of a government programme.

Fostering interest


Fostering interest

By: Brian Douglas

Foster care - which is available throughout Europe including in Romania - is a viable option for children in need of care; moreover, it is preferable to national adoption

Posted: 16/04/2008

A Surprising Backer of Intercountry Adoption Efforts

From Center for Adoption Policy:
April 16, 2008. A Surprising Backer of Intercountry Adoption Efforts. We all know the work of J.K. Rowling. Less well known is the fact that Rowling is a leading financial backer of Lady Emma Nicholson's Children's High Level Group initiative. With Nicholson, Rowling serves as the Co-Chair of the CHLG board of directors and raised $3, 000,000 by donating new "wizarding" stories. We salute any effort to help institutionalized children. However, we completely disagree with the CHLG's rejection of Intercountry Adoption as an alternative for unparented children. We are also puzzled by the CHLG's embracing of "care in the community,"a programmatic approach which has had disastrous consequences in Britain, where it was originated. More Information.

Rise in institutionalized children linked to'Madonna-style' adoption

Rise in institutionalized children linked to'Madonna-style' adoption


LIVERPOOL, UK – 7 April 2008: Psychologists at the University of Liverpool say that ‘Madonna-style’ inter-country adoptions are causing a rise in the number of children in orphanages.

Researchers found that EU countries with the highest rates of children living in institutions also had high proportions of international adoptions. This did not reduce the number of children in institutional care but attributed to an increase. The study highlights that in countries such as France and Spain, people are choosing to adopt healthy, white children from abroad rather than children in their own country who are mainly from ethnic minorities.

This process has been labelled the ‘Madonna-effect’, so-called after the singer’s high-profile adoption of a young boy from Zambia in 2006. Statistics show that the media attention surrounding this case contributed to an increase in the number of international adoptions, but at the expense of local orphans.