
Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness

Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness

DSS and affiliates rewarded for breaking up families

By Nev Moore
Massachusetts News

Child "protection" is one of the biggest businesses in the country. We spend $12 billion a year on it. 

The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more "evaluators", junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody. 

Bhavi Gaurang Vaishnav vs Govt. Of Gujarat on 28 April, 2000

Bhavi Gaurang Vaishnav vs Govt. Of Gujarat on 28 April, 2000
Cites 3 docs
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Gujarat High Court
Equivalent citations: (2001) 4 GLR 3326
Bench: M Calla
M.R. Calla, J.
1. This Special Civil Application has been filed on behalf of a minor girl named Bhavi Gaurang Vaishnav, aged 3 years residing at 195, Kribhconagar, Surat through her adoptive parents Gaurang Kirtirai Vaishnav and Ms. Darshana Gaurang Vaishnav. While the girl Bhavi has been named as petitioner No.1 her adoptive parents are petitioners Nos.2 and 3.
2. The case with which the petitioners have come before this court is that petitioner No.1 was born to a woman who was a widow. The said widow handed over the custody of the petitioner No.1 to a social organisation named Shri Kasturba Stree Vikas Gruh, Jamnagar and it is this Vikas Gruh which gave her the name of 'Foram'. This female child named 'Foram' by the Vikas Gruh was kept in custody of Kokilaben Amratlal Dangi, Social Administrator of said Vikas Gruh and said Social Administrator was the guardian of the said child named 'Foram'.
3. While the said child named 'Foram' (petitioner No.1) was being brought up at the said Vikas Gruh, a couple -Gaurang Kirtirai Vaishnav and Ms.Darshana Gaurang Vaishnav approached the aforesaid organisation - Vikas Gruh to adopt the child. The said couple had married on 4.8.83 and even after number of years of their marriage they could not beget a child and after medical check up it was found that they may not get child even in future. On such approach being made by the aforesaid couple to the organisation - Vikas Gruh, as aforesaid, the Social Administrator of the said Vikas Gruh visited and inspected the house of the said couple and after inspection it was found that they were capable to adopt the child. It was decided to give the said girl, namely, Foram in adoption to the said couple and said couple agreed to take the female child 'Foram' (petitioner No.1) in adoption. The Social Administrator of the aforesaid Vikas Gruh,namely, Kokilaben Amratlal Dangi therefore moved a Civil Misc. Application No.3/98 in the Court of Extra Assistant Judge at Jamanagar seeking necessary permission for adoption of the aforesaid girl to the aforesaid couple and sought a declaration that the aforesaid organisation - Vikas Gruh was the guardian of the said girl 'Foram' and permission that she may be permitted to give said female child 'Foram' in adoption to the said couple. This Civil Misc. Application No.3/98 was allowed by the Extra Assistant Judge, Jamangar by his order dt.10.9.98 declaring that Shri Kasturba Stree Vikas Gruh, Jamangar the applicant Organisation was the guardian of the said minor female child 'Foram' (petitioner No.1) and the said organisation was also permitted to give this female child 'Foram' in adoption to Gaurang Kirtirai Vaishnav and Ms.Darshana Gaurang Vaishnav under the provisions of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. After the aforesaid order dt.10.9.98 passed by the Extra Assistant Judge, Jamangar, the adoption deed dt.28.10.98 was executed by the guardian (as declared by the Court) of the aforesaid child and the adoptive parents duly witnessed by Shri N.V. Vyas, Advocate. It is also the case of the petitioners that the said female child, namely, 'Foram' was born on 2.7.96 at Irvin Group of Hospitals, Jamanagar and the adoptive parents renamed this girl 'Foram' as 'Bhavi' and the change of her name from 'Foram' to 'Bhavi' was also published through a notice in the Government Gazette Part-II dt. 26.11.98. In this notice of change of name, name 'Foram Gaurang Vaishnav' appears at Sr.No.84 and the changed name against the said name is "Bhavi Gaurang Vaishnav" with the address Gaurang Kirtirai Vaishnav, 195/Kribhco Nagar, Surat 394515. Thus, the petitioner No.1 had acquired a new name of 'Bhavi' instead of 'Foram'.
4. Adoptive couple then moved an application dt.20.1.99 before the Municipal Corporation of Jamnagar (Birth and Death Registration Office) enclosing a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of Gujarat Government Gazette dt.26.11.98 and news item relating to the judgment of this court published in Gujarat Samachar on 5.11.98 and requested the Corporation that in the birth certificate of petitioner No.1 the change mentioned in her name as 'Bhavi Gaurang Vaishnav" and the name of her parents as Gaurang Kirtirai Vaishnav and Ms.Darshana Gaurang Vaishnav be shown. The petitioner also sent a letter dt.20.1.99 to the Social Administrator of Shri Kasturba Stree Vikas Gruh appraising all the developments with regard to the change of the name of the girl from 'Foram' to 'Bhavi', that she was required to be admitted in School and the steps taken by him for change of relevant entries in the birth certificate and sought co-operation of the said Vikas Gruh. The adoptive parents i.e. petitioners Nos.2 and 3 also sent a letter dt.17.5.99 to the concerned Secretary to the Government of Gujarat and the Registrar of Office of Death and Birth of Municipal Corporation, Jamnagar. Despite this the Corporation did not agree to the request of the petitioners and, therefore, the petitioners preferred this Special Civil Application before this Court on 17.8.99 seeking a direction against respondent Nos.1 and 2 to issue fresh birth registration certificate in respect of petitioner No.1 i.e. 'Bhavi' reflecting the names of petitioners Nos.2 and 3 therein as her parents, changing her name as 'Bhavi' from 'Foram'. On 18.8.99 Rule was issued by this court. The same was made returnable on 1.9.99 and the parties were directed to come ready for final disposal. In response to the rule, an affidavit-in-reply dt.5.11.99 has been filed on behalf of respondent No.1.
5. On behalf of respondents Mr. P.K. Shukla, learned A.G.P. and Mr. J.R. Nanavati have submitted that for the purpose of effecting change in the date of birth or for issuing fresh certificate with the entries, as asked for, the procedure as mentioned in Circular dt.23.8.99 sent by the Commissionerate of Health, M.S. & M.E. (H.S.) issued by Government of Gujarat is required to be followed.
6. I have heard learned counsel for both the sides and have gone through the aforesaid circular dt.23.8.99. It appears from the reading of the entire circular dt.23.8.99 that this circular is essentially required to be followed in cases where the exact date of birth of such a child is not known and only in such cases, the procedure, as is mentioned in this circular, is required to be followed so as to take an order from the Magistrate and the opinion of the Medical Officer etc. Here is a case in which there is no dispute that the petitioner No.1 was born in Irvin Group of Hospitals on 2.7.96 and she had been named as 'Foram' by the Vikas Gruh where she was brought up. She was then taken in adoption as given by the Social Administrator of the Vikas Gruh to the adoptive couple i.e. petitioners Nos.2 and 3 on the basis of the Extra Assistant Judge, Jamnagar's order dt.10.9.98 passed in Civil Misc. Application No.3/98 under the provisions of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act and the adoption deed was executed between the guardian of the said girl as declared by Extra Assistant Judge, Jamangar and the present adoptive parents i.e. petitioners Nos.2 and 3. The Gujarat Government Gazette is also there to show the change of her name from 'Foram' to 'Bhavi' and when there is a birth certificate on record to show that she was born on 2.7.96, in the opinion of this court no useful purpose can be served by now requiring the petitioners to follow the aforesaid procedure as per the Circular dt.23.8.99. It would be an exercise in futility as the date of birth is already ascertained and none of the facts are in dispute. Even in such cases when the exact date of birth is known and the adoption deed has been executed by the Guardian declared by the Court of Extra Assistant Judge, Jamanagar under the provisions of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act after regular proceedings thereunder, if the adoptive parents are thrown to follow such procedure for the purpose of seeking fresh birth certificate with the change of the relevant entries therein, it would certainly militate against the spirit of taking such deserted or given up child in adoption and would discourage the socially spirited couples with righteous approach to go in for such adoption. Such virtuous ventures of couples with helping hands must be welcomed and they should be put to least trouble and botheration and they should not be thrown to the requirements and rigours of such procedures, which are not necessary.
What should be the Court's approach in such cases has been sufficiently indicated in a Division Bench decision of this Court in the case of Sudha Bhatt v. Secretary, Social Welfare Deptt. reported in 1998(3) G.L.R. 2430 based on a Supreme Court decision in the case of Laxmikant Pandey v. Union of India, reported in AIR 1984 SC 469. Therefore, in the facts and circumstances of this case, I do not find that the objection taken by the respondents before the Court that the petitioners herein must follow the procedure detailed out in the Circular dt.23.8.99 is sustainable and I hold that this Circular is not applicable in cases where the exact birth date is already known as per proper birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Office of Death and Birth and when not a single fact is in dispute.
7. Accordingly this Special Civil Application succeeds. Respondent Municipal Corporation of Jamangar and the Registrar of Death and Birth Section of the said Municipal Corporation are directed to issue a fresh birth certificate for petitioner No.1 in the name of 'Bhavi' instead of 'Foram' (in Column No.1) mentioning the names of her adoptive parents (petitioners Nos.2 and 3) in Columns Nos.7 and 8 and effecting the change of address in Column No.9 as 195, Kribhconagar, Surat. The aforesaid direction shall be carried out by the concerned officers of the Municipal Corporation, Jamangar at the earliest possible opportunity and preferably on or before 4.5.2000 as the concerned School, where petitioner No.1 'Bhavi' is studying requires the production of her birth Certificate by 5.5.2000. This Special Civil Application is allowed. Rule is made absolute accordingly. No order as to costs. Direct service is permitted.

Hillary Clinton: Adoption law changes make process easier

Hillary Clinton: Adoption law changes make process easier

March 17, 2000

Web posted at: 9:49 a.m. EST (1449 GMT)

WASHINGTON -- Adopting children is now easier and more affordable than many Americans may believe, thanks to recent changes in adoption law, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday while a guest on CNN's Larry King Live.

Mrs. Clinton was among several guests on the program who urged Americans to take advantage of the streamlined adoption process in an effort to find homes for a vast number of foster children.

Ralu Filipe about BBC

It also has the BBC's brushwood: Sue Lloyd R.
Disinformation: A malicious script on adoptions and institutionalized children in Romania. For over ten years, several foreign journalists, more or less known or appreciated in their own countries, looking for things in Romania sensation, shocking revelations, cannons Press. From this point of view, meeting almost all conditions, even as we might say that the providential that can acquire, overnight and false glory illicit business. Our external image, constantly running in the West, seems cut from a film by Emir Kusturica. We appeared, usually in terms of poor countries, with rude people, willing to do anything for money. Political class that is in a constant battle intestine, is ready to pour the accused, but especially to recognize, officially, the sins of others. We are representatives of institutions willing to acknowledge and even support the most terrible and shameless scenarios for Romania, run by Western media. We also have some local journalists, providing false information colleagues from the West or of revenge or the desire to get out of anonymity as they are kept by their own incompetence and reality. We do not have, in turn science to protect us, ability to denounce tendentious false disclosures that occur periodically in the foreign press. We do not have the courage to denounce the lack of professionalism and professional failure deontologiei who are guilty some foreign journalists when writing or doing stories about Romania. For these reasons we lost and we will lose enormous Chapter image, perverse effects of this statement can be easily made by Friday night I looked on TVR 2, an issue that was debated story run by BBC television, which was mixed by hurry-scurry question of institutionalized children, to international adoptions and the so-called sale of children. A report thundering senses and feelings for the English, producing effects of the most unpleasant for Romania. I found with stupefaction, that the media does not know the laws governing the protection of children and adoptions, she was completely unprepared for such a debate, which invited and Mr. Fokion Fotiadis. Basically, Mr. St?n?sil?, former professor of mathematics became the scorer of the talk show, tried to bear and the goat and cabbage, that is justified objections of Mr. Vlad Romano, chief of the National Agency for Child Protection, with allegations launched by Traian Ungureanu, editor of BBC radio. Worse never could. First, note that because the story was denied by the English press, a fact ignored throughout the show. Secondly, the author, Ms. Sue R. Lloyd, has demonstrated a lack of professionalism in the same position in which strayed from the professional ethics of the profession of journalism. Being probably running out of time, Mrs. Loyd and made the whole documentary being talking to a Romanian journalist, Stefan Cândea from? Day event. "He had an obsession, named Elena Busta, which he believes, without evidence ,? Head mafia international adoptions. " Contacted by Mr Lloyd, Stefan When he found a good opportunity to utter statements November denigratoare to Elena Busta, statements taken without any verification by the British journalist. How can you accuse someone in a simple discussion with someone else? What has prevented it jrunalista English to verify statements of Stefan When Police, Prosecutor, the Romanian Committee for Adoptions, etc.? Further, the BBC journalist (television) filmed on the sly, identity without some men, willing to sell their children. Not mentioned, however, that the sale, legally impossible. He had, however, everything on out ... adoption! Three pipe, three kindling, distinguished English journalist concluded that Romania is a? Uterus national good breeding, "which put children on the tape to be sold. Shocking, to me, not conclusions journalist, otherwise predictable but its lack of professionalism and honesty. In addition, Mrs. Sue R. Lloyd is used to lie even to answer. Since Elena Busta refused the proposal that was made, to support an illegal adoption, Ms Sue R . Lloyd and the cosmetizat comment, claiming that previously, on the phone, and Elena Busta would support proposed, but see God, to r?zgândit. Another fallacy: the allegations that institutionalized children are sold by staff placement centers. But how can make a child away from a center for investment, without anyone to stick out. And here was practiced a premeditated confusion. That the money demanded by some employees to be? reserve "child, or to expedite adoption His? illegal aspects, which must be sanctioned without discussion and selling of children from placement centers, a total lack of a false coarsely. Once, years ago, some foreign journalists were free? Mystery of the revolution "and others were presented as presented Targu Mures conflict, there now? Another scenario questionable, ill-intended, the adoptions and the situation of children institutionalized. He and his BBC brushwood. Ralu Filip

politics: Fighting child trafficking: The twins Oleg and Zhenya cost $23,000

In the winter of 1989/1990, the pictures from Romanian orphanages went around the world: they showed children who were completely neglected, could no longer walk or speak and threw their excrement at the photographer. Small children severely handicapped by their mothers' illegal attempts at abortion crouched in unheated shacks.

In the winter of 1989/1990, the pictures from Romanian orphanages went around the world: they showed children who were completely neglected, could no longer walk or speak and threw their excrement at the photographer. Small children severely handicapped by their mothers' illegal attempts at abortion crouched in unheated shacks. For years they were vegetated by the "euthanasia of circumstances" under Ceausescu. With the international helpers, the demand for adopted children grew as a form of individual crisis management. Between 1989 and 1991 alone, Romania placed 10,000 children in the care of international foster parents. But shady businessmen quickly benefited from those spontaneous relief efforts and bought children from Romanian parents, who in turn delivered them to couples in Western Europe. Even births were paid for if the children were "marketable". The Romanian government tightened the adoption conditions in 1995: since then, only children from orphanages that are registered by the Romanian Adoption Committee are to be passed on. Despite the declining birth rate, around 150,000 children live in Romanian homes today - more than ever before.

According to UNICEF, Guatemala is a "paradise for child traffickers". In 1998 alone, more than 1,300 babies were placed for adoption abroad. Almost 200 lawyers and notaries live from the child trafficking business and collect up to 30,000 marks from the adoptive parents. According to UNICEF, pregnant women are required to sign the adoption papers. Other parents sell their children. Children's homes and doctors also benefit from the flourishing business with the babies.

Child trafficking is particularly thriving on the Internet: Like in a mail order catalogue, future adoptive parents can choose a child on the websites of private brokers. 3-year-old Oleg from Kazakhstan and his twin brother Zhenya were put up for adoption online for $23,000, payable in three installments - including travel expenses and immigration papers. The agency advertises that the two are "loving and active" and get along well with children and adults. They also had a sense of humor. The mother, the agency claims, abandoned the boys. In the meantime, the twins can no longer be found on the website - they were probably "bought" by adoptive parents.


BBC - Blue Peter Scandal and Shopping for Babies

iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/i84OnO4wkJ4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

International adoption: respecting children’s rights

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 26 January 2000 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 8592, report of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee, rapporteur: Mr About; Doc. 8626, opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur: Mrs Wohlwend; and Doc. 8600, opinion of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, rapporteur: Mrs Vermot-Mangold). Text adopted by the Assembly on 26 January2000 (5th Sitting).

1. The Assembly affirms that all children have rights, as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and, in particular, the right to know and be brought up by their parents in so far as this is possible. The purpose of international adoption must be to provide children with a mother and a father in a way that respects their rights, not to enable foreign parents to satisfy their wish for a child at any price; there can be no right to a child.

2. The Assembly therefore fiercely opposes the current transformation of international adoption into nothing short of a market regulated by the capitalist laws of supply and demand, and characterised by a one-way flow of children from poor states or states in transition to developed countries. It roundly condemns all crimes committed in order to facilitate adoption, as well as the commercial tendencies and practices that include the use of psychological or financial pressure on vulnerable families, the arranging of adoptions directly with families, the conceiving of children for adoption, the falsification of paternity documents and adoption via the Internet.

3. It wishes to alert European public opinion to the fact that, sadly, international adoption can lead to the disregard of children’s rights and that it does not necessarily serve their best interests. In many cases, receiving countries perpetuate misleading notions about children’s circumstances in their countries of origin and a stubbornly prejudiced belief in the advantages for a foreign child of being adopted and living in a rich country. The present tendencies of international adoption go against the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which stipulates that if a child is deprived of his or her family the alternative solutions considered must pay due regard to the desirability of continuity in the child’s upbringing and to his or her ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background.

Judi´s introduction on AP child

Message: 1241

From: JudiKO@...

Received: Fr Jan 14, 2000 8:19

Subject: Re:Roll Call


A river of black dollars flows under the adoption paradise

A river of black dollars flows under the adoption paradise

January 6, 2000, 12:00 by CAPITALLast modified on January 6, 2000, 2:00 p.m

The crisis of child protection institutions, consummated only two months ago, has called into question, more acutely than ever, the status of Romania as a European country. Our government was ashamed, agitated, accepted the EU's emergency aid, took note of the resignation of the head of the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights (DPDC) and outlined on paper a reorganization of the field. With this, the syncope with the cause was checked and the following crises on the list were moved on: the railway one,


The crisis of child protection institutions, consummated only two months ago, has called into question, more acutely than ever, the status of Romania as a European country. Our government was ashamed, agitated, accepted the EU's emergency aid, took note of the resignation of the head of the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights (DPDC) and outlined on paper a reorganization of the field. With this, the syncope with the reason was checked and we moved on to the following crises on the list: the railway crisis, the government crisis and Moneydoes not bring happiness.