
Fees Impilo


Fees are charged for all professional services on a time basis. Our fees are charged at the "Tariff of Fees" for social workers in private practice set by SAASWIPP. Our fee for adoption work, and legal work generally, is R270.00 per hour. This includes direct screening, interviews, counseling, home visit appointments with relevant professionals, court appearances, and birth registration. In the case of an international adoption, the foreign fee for the international agency is payable in USD, and is payable directly to the agency concerned. The foreign fee would depend on the age of the child you are adopting, but is around $15 000.00 for a six month old baby. Any travel and accommodation expenses are for your own account. Foreigners wishing to adopt from South Africa, would be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and in-country expenses. Adoption fees are charged out at the rate of R260.00 per hour. Support services are also available at an hourly rate. We hope that this information has assisted you in your decision making process and any further questions you may have can be directly addressed to the social workers involved.



Sar Kheng blames Kerry for adoption deal

Sar Kheng blames Kerry for adoption deal

Fri, 22 December 2000

Stephen O'connell and Lon Nara

Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng said he was pressured by US Senator John Kerry to

lift an official suspension on foreign adoptions to allow 16 Cambodian children to

Trafic cu copiii din "Poiana Soarelui"

Trafic cu copiii din "Poiana Soarelui"

Cateva asociatii care au ca obiect de activitate adoptiile au dat iama in Complexul ridicat de Ion Tiriac, la Brasov Trafic cu copiii din "Poiana Soarelui" -- Amatorii de adoptii din strainatate, care vin in contact cu copii din vilele complexului finantat cu circa doua milioane de dolari de Tiriac, raman impresionati de conditiile de viata si de instruire existente * Sub masca "grijii fata de orfani", cateva fundatii s-au gandit sa exporte, pe banda rulanta, copiii de la "Poiana Soarelui" * Intr-o singura sedinta, o instanta a incredintat cinci copii unor bogatasi italieni si americani * Avocatii lui Tiriac fac aproape imposibilul pentru a stopa diabolicul plan pus la cale de trei fundatii si Comisia pentru Protectia Copilului - Brasov * Avocatii au reusit sa suspende cateva sentinte definitive de instrainare a unor copii, judecate fara stiinta Comitetului Roman pentru Adoptii Traficul de copii din Romania este la ora actuala o realitate recunoscuta de toata lumea. La fel ca si fundatiile care pana nu demult aduceau masini straine in tara, scutite de taxe vamale, azi, au aparut, ca ciupercile dupa ploaie, zeci de fundatii, cu obiect de activitate: ADOPTIA. In spatele grijii fata de orfani si copii abandonati se deruleaza, in multe cazuri, un trafic, in toata regula, de carne vie. Pretul unui copil variaza de la 10 la 50 de mii de dolari, in functie de mediul din care provine "marfa". Circuitul acestor bani negri poate fi cu greu depistat de catre autoritati. Un sistem atins de coruptie Pentru a controla fenomenul, Guvernul Romaniei a creat in urma cu cativa ani Comitetul Roman pentru Adoptii (CRA), condus de un secretar de stat. CRA are in fiecare judet cate o Comisie pentru Protectia Copilului, care se ocupa direct de fiecare caz de adoptie. Din nefericire, aceste Comisii judetene, impreuna cu fundatiile care au ca obiect de activitate adoptiile, au format un sistem atins de coruptie. Pentru ca o familie straina, cu dare de mana, sa poata infia un copil din Romania, trebuie sa transporte la domiciul ei, pe cheltuiala proprie, functionarii acestor Comisii judetene, pentru ca ei sa poata efectua rapoartele sociale, care garanteaza ca familia adoptiva are un standard material potrivit pentru cresterea si educatia unui copil. Potrivit legii, perioada de perfectare a actelor necesare unei adoptii nu poate fi mai mica de trei luni. In conditiile birocratiei de la noi, familiile adoptive straine intra in panica odata cu trecerea timpului si fac orice ca sa dobandeasca copilul dorit. De aici si pana la plata unor sume mari de bani, nu mai este decat un pas. Miracolul de la Brasov In judetul Brasov, dupa decembrie 1989, omul de afaceri Ion Tiriac a investit aproape doua milioane de dolari pentru construirea unui complex de vile, dotate cu tot ce este necesar pentru cresterea unor copii abandonati de catre parintii lor, de regula, din cauza saraciei. Complexul educational "Poiana Soarelui", construit prin Fundatia "Casa Copilului" - Brasov, este apreciat de toti cei care l-au vizitat, drept un loc in care copii institutionalizati aici traiesc mai bine decat in majoritatea familiilor instarite din Romania. Cei 88 de copii institutionalizati la "Poiana Soarelui" au parte de cele mai bune conditii de viata. O armata de profesori se ocupa de educatia lor, mergand pana la lectii de arta, pian si computere. Prezenti la manifestari cultural-sportive din strainatate, acesti copii au demonstrat la Hanovra ca la noi in tara sunt conditii de nivel mondial pentru integrarea sociala a copiilor aflati in dificultate. Repartitiile rusinii In vara acestui an, pe baza unor dosare suspecte ale Comisiei pentru Protectia Copilului - Brasov, secretarul de stat, Alexandru Popescu, de la Comitetul Roman pentru Adoptii, a emis 22 de repartitii pe numele tot atator copii institutionalizati la Complexul "Poiana Soarelui", in favoarea a trei fundatii: CATHARSIS, "Miscarea Copiilor pentru Viitor" si "Speranta pentru lume". Aceste repartitii abilitau respectivele fundatii sa gaseasca copiilor nominalizati parinti dispusi sa-i adopte. Majoritatea repartitiilor au fost acordate Fundatiei CATHARSIS, patronata de Azota Popescu. Repartitiile semnate de secretarul de stat Alexandru Popescu au avut la baza dosare efectuate de Comisia pentru Protectia Copilului Brasov, condusa de Mariana Tiharau, aflata in complicitate cu Azota Popescu, de la CATHARSIS. Cu o viteza uluitoare, cei de la CATHARSIS, pe baza unor fotografii si casete video cu copiii de la "Poiana Soarelui", au reusit sa impresioneze cateva familii bogate de italieni si americani, care au venit in tara pentru a-i vedea pe minori si pentru a perfecta formele necesare adoptiei. De ce i-au ales cei de la CATHARSIS pe copii de la "Poiana Soarelui"? Simplu, in primul rand ca era mai usor sa mergi la pomul gata dat in rod, decat sa umbli prin tara si sa gasesti copii care cu adevarat traiesc in conditii mizere si care au nevoie de ajutor. Iar apoi, deloc de neglijat, familiile bogate din strainatate s-ar fi lasat mult mai repede convinse sa adopte un copil care canta la pian, este bine imbracat si hranit, decat un altul amarat ca vai de el. Acestea, adunate cu oportunitatea de a te deplasa regulat in strainatate (cel putin o data la sase luni), pentru a vedea cum traiesc copii adoptati in noile familii, instarite, s-a dovedit o tentatie irezistibila pentru cei de la Comisia judeteana. De retinut, nimeni, nici cei de la Comisia Judeteana si nici cei de la fundatii, nu au dezvaluit celor de la Complexul "Poiana Soarelui" intentia de a exporta acesti copii. Complexul ar fi avut tot dreptul sa stie ce se decide in privinta celor pe care i-a ingrijit ani de zile, in cele mai bune conditii. Totul s-a petrecut insa pe sest, intr-un secret bine pazit. Sentintele judecatoresti au mers pe sest, pe banda rulanta Pe baza repartitiilor CRA, Fundatia CATHARSIS, impreuna cu familiile de cetateni italieni si americani dispuse la adoptii, au introdus pe rolul sectiei civile a Tribunalului Brasov o serie de actiuni, prin care au solicitat incredintarea spre adoptie a cinci copii (patru fete si un baiat, cu varste intre 8 si 11 ani) aflati in Complexul "Poiana Soarelui". Intr-un singur termen de judecata, instanta, compusa din judecatorii Alina Stoian, Carmen Olaru si procurorul Alina Bica, a decis prin sentintele civile 431, 432 si 434, incredintarea celor cinci minori familiilor de italieni si americani. Apoi, dupa ce s-a scurs termenul legal de recurs, de 15 zile, sentintele au fost declarate definitive si investite cu formula executorie, pentru ca cei de la CATHARSIS sa dea buzna la "Poiana Soarelui" sa ceara predarea copiilor. Nimeni de la Complexul "Poiana Soarelui" nu avut stiinta despre aceste procese. Doar cei de la Comisia pentru Protectia Copilului Brasov, care au pretins in instanta ca sunt reprezentantii legali ai Comitetului Roman pentru Adoptii. Conform legii, numai CRA avea dreptul sa reprezinte interesele copilului in fata instantei de judecata. Complicitatea dintre cei de la Comisia judeteana Brasov si Fundatia CATHARSIS a devenit si mai evidenta cand, dupa investirea cu formula executorie a sentintelor de adoptie, secretarul de stat Alexandru Popescu, pus in tema despre tarasenie de catre reprezentantii Complexului "Poiana Soarelui", a descoperit ca nimeni din CRA nu a fost instiintat despre solutiile pronuntate, iar Tribunalul Brasov a "uitat" sa comunice hotararile date la adresa Guvernului din Piata Victoriei nr. 1. (va urma) http://www.ziua.net/display.php?data=2000-12-18&id=55393

Appeal for Uganda's abducted children

The winner of this year's Anti-Slavery International award has appealed for the governments of Uganda and Sudan to take concrete steps to end child slavery in northern Uganda.

The commanders fight over the BBC radio but the children fight on the ground and die

George Omona

More than 14,000 children are estimated to have been abducted by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) since 1986, mostly from Kitgum and Gulu districts, and taken to southern Sudan to fight or serve as sex slaves.

It is estimated nearly 90% of LRA fighters are enslaved children - nearly 6,000 are still missing and it is not known whether they are dead or alive.

Our Stories :: The Journey from Doctor to Parent

Our Stories :: The Journey from Doctor to Parent

As written by Dr. Jane Aronson for American Infertility Association

November 13, 2000

People congratulate me daily and ask me how my life has changed since Ben came into my life. Obviously my life has changed in a myriad of ways concretely. I am tired and a bit thin and pale. How could I get any thinner? Anyway, it isn't easy being a "Mama" to an infant, at my age, but I am having a lot of fun. Every morning, I am up at 6 a.m. with a boy who is talking and happy; he smiles at me as I pick him up to change him. He gets his morning "bottie" in bed with my partner and me. We listen intently to his gentle, rhythmic sucking sounds; we are heavy with exhaustion, but we sigh and exalt in his happiness.

It is still hard to believe that I really have a son. When someone asks me "How is your son, Dr. Aronson?" I hear the words, but it is so difficult for me to take these words in and believe them. I answer quickly and briefly, thinking that maybe, I don't have a son; maybe if I answer, I will hear myself and realize it isn't true. I dreamed of a boy for 25 years and at 49 years of age the dream is real and I feel at peace; my life has fallen into place. I was sad, wanting, and longing all these years and this dear, sweet person, Benjamin, named by my partner, Diana, has smoothed out my edges, put my life into perspective, given me the balance I needed. His little handsome face fills my vision all day; I race home to him and yearn for the smell of formula on his breath and a chance to see his eyes become little slits and his lips open just a little with that sound he makes when he is happy. "haah". I long for him to suck on my nose.he is teething miserably.

Hollands Dagboek: Dick Schoof

Hollands Dagboek: Dick Schoof

Dick Schoof (43) is hoofddirecteur van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). Vorige week was hij op werkbezoek in China, wegens de Doverzaak. Schoof is getrouwd met Yolanda Senf. Ze hebben twee uit China geadop- teerde dochters.

Woensdag 18 oktober

Vandaag zijn we in China aangekomen. Volgens de plaatselijke kalender is het 18 september, een geluksdag. In cijfers is 8 sowieso een geluksgetal, maar als je de drie getallen 9-1-8 in het Chinees uitspreekt staat er volgens onze begeleiders `would be forever lucky'. Op weg van het vliegveld naar het centrum van Peking zijn de trouwstoeten dan ook niet te tellen.

De Nederlandse delegatie zal tijdens de vele diners en lunches toasten op friendship en cooperation. Onvermijdelijk, want we willen relaties opbouwen, informatie uitwisselen rond illegale migratie, mensensmokkel, terugkeer van uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers en illegalen, zeker waar het alleenstaande minderjarige asielzoekers (AMA's) betreft. China neemt een belangrijke plaats in op de lijst van landen waar illegale migranten en asielzoekers vandaan komen en dat zal alleen nog maar toenemen als de grenzen van China verder opengaan. Voor mij is het de derde keer in vijf jaar dat ik in Peking ben. Het feit dat ik weer in China ben, geeft een apart gevoel. Bij de vorige twee bezoeken werden Yolanda en ik de ouders van twee fantastische Chinese kinderen. Ik vertel dat aan mijn reisgenoten: het is alsof je in de straat van je ouderlijk huis loopt, het voelt vertrouwd met iets van weemoed.

Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat

Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat
Morocco-Italy, Culture, 10/18/2000

An Italian ngo, Associazione Italian Amici Del Bambini (AIBI), will co-finance a Moroccan project meant to improve the accommodation conditions in a center in Rabat that hosts abandoned and disabled children.

The pilot-project requiring 15 million DH ($1.3 million) provides for the improvement of living standards and health conditions in the Lalla Meryem center, the construction of a new wing to accommodate disabled children and the organization of training sessions for teaching, paramedical and administrative staff, a statement by the Italian embassy in Rabat said.

The project, launched last April, will be completed over three years. The Italian government provided half of the needed budget, while the AIBI and some Moroccan institutions, including the Moroccan league for childhood protection, provided the other half.

The Lalla Meryem center, located in downtown Rabat, hosts 159 abandoned and disabled children. It is managed since 1975 by the Rabat-Sale committee of the Moroccan league for childhood protection.

Raccolta fondi in corso

Raccolta fondi in corso:

COLORANDO LA SPERANZA Tre case famiglia per i bambini della Romania

OBIETTIVO: LIRE 450.000.000
Al 30 settembre 2000 raccolte lire
Mancano lire 94.361.349



4 Million Youngsters Roam Streets of Russia, Officials Say

NAPLES, Italy, SEPT. 28, 2000 (ZENIT.org).- Abuse of children in Eastern Europe is not uncommon, say observers in the wake of arrests involving a Russo-Italian pedophilia network.

Eleven people were arrested in a network that used Internet to publish photos and videos of Russian children being sexually and physically abused and even killed.

Father Fortunato Di Noto, parish priest of Avola, in Syracuse, Sicily, and the founder of "Rainbow Telephone," contributed to the investigations, which have been ongoing for a year and a half. For four years the priest and a group of youths from his parish had been monitoring the Internet sites used by pedophiles.

+ 15 000 Mark fuer ein Kind aus Kenia bezahlt?

Westdeutsche Zeitung, 19.09.2000
+ 15 000 Mark fuer ein Kind aus Kenia bezahlt?
Von Veronika Schmitz
St. Hubert. Gegen die Vorwuerfe, dubiose Adoptionen in Afrika
durchgefuehrt zu haben, wehrt sich die Pro-infante-Vorsitzende Carla
Schlagzeilen machte Ende August die Organisation "Pro Infante" mit Sitz
in St. Hubert an der Bahnstrasse. Nach Angaben der Deutschen
Presseagentur (dpa) seien durch "Pro Infante" in Kenia fragwuerdige
Adoptionen abgewickelt worden. In 18 Monaten seien laut dpa 36 Babys
vermittelt worden; nach kenianischem Recht muessten Adoptiveltern jedoch
zunaechst mindestens drei Monate mit dem Kind zusammenleben. Die
deutschen Paare haetten zudem pro Kind 15 000 Mark bezahlen muessen.
Diese Vorwuerfe bezeichnet die Gruenderin und Vorsitzende Carla
Wiedeking als "grob unwahr, teils verzerrend". Zwar stimme es, dass in
der Regel Adoptiveltern zunaechst drei Monate mit dem Kind zusammenleben
muessten. Doch koennten bei Vorliegen besonderer Umstaende
Ausnahmegenehmigungen beantragt werden. "Und genau dies ist geschehen",
betont Carla Wiedeking, die selbst 17 Kinder adoptiert und aufgezogen
Mindestens sieben verschiedene Richter beim Hohen Gericht in Nairobi
haetten in 36 Faellen einer Ausnahme von der dreimonatigen
Aufenthaltspflicht zugestimmt. Die Vorbereitungen zu der jeweiligen
Adoption dauerten jedoch mindestens fuenf Monate, da auch das
entsprechende deutsche Jugendamt sowie die Auslaenderbehoerde dabei
eingeschaltet wuerden.
Zusaetzlich werde in Nairobi ein kenianischer Vormund bestellt, der vor
Gericht ein Gutachten abgebe. "Verschiedene Instanzen sind also nicht
nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in Kenia mit diesem Verfahren befasst",
berichtet die fruehere Lehrerin Carla Wiedeking, die ihre Taetigkeit vor
Jahren wegen der aufkeimenden Auslaenderfeindlichkeit aufgeben wollte
und dann nur auf Zuraten von Mutter Teresa weitermachte.
Die Adoptiveltern selbst seien dabei etwa drei bis vier Wochen vor Ort.
Auch die Summe von 15 000 Mark fuer eine Adoption stimme nicht. Die
Vermittlungsgebuehr selbst betrage 5800 Mark; weitere Kosten wuerden
fuer den Anwalt, das Heim und die Reise entstehen.