

An archbishop has challenged government agencies to prove their allegation that a Catholic orphanage in his southern Indian archdiocese is involved in child trafficking.

Archbishop Marampudi Joji of Hyderabad challenged "government officials or any responsible person" April 28 to inspect Tender Loving Care (TLC) home after police in Andhra Pradesh state accused it of adoption irregularities.

The archbishop, considered the head of the Catholic Church in Andhra Pradesh, denied that the nuns who run Church-approved and government-sanctioned TLC are involved in illegal procurement of children for adoption. He has appealed to state Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu on the matter.

In raids over 10 days from April 21, state Child Welfare Department officials "rescued" 187 children from eight adoption homes and other places.

In the first raid, the department found 65 children abandoned in a private adoption center.

Minutes EP Petition Meeting

13. Petition No 706/99 by M. Günther Kreutz (German) concerning Community

funding for Romanian orphanages

The following spoke: Perry, Grillo and Post (representing the Commission), Banotti,

Thors and Evans.

It was decided to leave consideration of the petition open, inform the petitioner of

Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni


Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni

La decisione dopo le pressioni di Bruxelles. In Romania sono centodiecimila i piccoli abbandonati


Stop alle richieste internazionali. Uno degli orfanotrofi è gestito dall' ex tennista Tiriac, campione negli anni Settanta Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni La decisione dopo le pressioni di Bruxelles. In Romania sono centodiecimila i piccoli abbandonati DAL NOSTRO INVIATO BUCAREST - La baronessa Emma Nicholson l' ha denunciato senza mezzi termini: «C' è un traffico di bambini in Romania». Di più: «La Romania è un transito delle attività della rete mondiale del traffico dei bambini». E adesso è sceso in pista Scotland Yard per far luce su questa tragedia che in Romania ha gli occhi tristi dell' infanzia devastata, centodiecimila i bambini abbandonati negli istituti. Il governo, preoccupato, ha deciso di bloccare le adozioni internazionali. Perché Emma Nicholson in Romania c' è arrivata per conto dell' Unione Europea, nel parlamento di Bruxelles è vice-presidente della commissione Affari esteri e diritti umani. Ha chiesto di entrare in Europa il presidente rumeno Ion Iliescu, tornato al potere dopo cinque anni. Ma il peso di quei bambini gli grava addosso insieme alla corruzione di un paese che a quasi dodici anni dalla caduta di Nicolae Ceausescu annaspa con l' 80% di disoccupazione e annega nell' approssimazione delle leggi. Cifre: quanti sono i bambini rumeni abbandonati che possono essere adottati? «Il Comitato rumeno per l' adozione ne ha riconosciuti 500, ma a noi risulta che siano 30 mila», afferma Valerio Piras, funzionario della nostra ambasciata a Bucarest, prima di spiegare che quei 30 mila bambini sono le cifre «ufficiose» calcolate da uno dei tanti avvocati che in Romania si occupano, appunto, di adozioni, navigando in quella melma che è la burocrazia delle adozioni dove non si resta a galla senza tirar fuori dollari a migliaia, anche fino a 40 mila. Lo stipendio medio di un dipendente rumeno non arriva ai 70 dollari al mese. Ma Valerio Piras non si scandalizza: «E' normale che le coppie arrivino qui con la disponibilità di tirar fuori dei soldi pur di velocizzare le operazioni per portarsi via i bambini. E questo è un fenomeno che inevitabilmente sfugge al governo centrale». Perché, in verità, il governo non controlla le trattative che gli enti stranieri devono portare avanti con le fondazioni rumene autorizzate per le adozioni. «Le fondazioni sono personalità giuridiche di tipo privato e privatamente decidono come gestire una trattativa», taglia corto Mircea Perpelea, prefetto di Ramnicu Valcea, uno dei 42 distretti nei quali è divisa la Romania. C' è chi ci prova a contenere i costi: «Noi un' adozione riusciamo a farla con 2 mila dollari soltanto», assicura Marco Griffini, presidente dell' Aibi, uno dei 18 enti italiani accreditati per le adozioni in Romania, nonché nell' albo delle adozioni internazionali pubblicato dalla presidenza del consiglio dopo la ratificazione della Convenzione dell' Aja. Ma inutilmente Griffini si sta sgolando per ottenere in Romania adozioni gratuite. Per adesso non solo si pagano cifre inconsulte, ma spesso non si riesce a portare a casa nemmeno i bambini. Ne sanno qualche cosa una mamma e un papà di Ascoli Piceno finiti, loro mal grado, nelle mani di un signore che negli anni Settanta ci faceva sognare con i suoi smash e le sue voilè sui campi di terra rossa. Il tennista Ion Tiriac, adesso, è diventato un uomo potente e in Romania gestisce un istituto privato a Brazov. In quell' istitututo due anni fa Luigi Aulozzi e Renata Rainaldi hanno conosciuto quelli che sarebbero dovuti diventare i loro bambini. Sembrava tutto in regola, con tanto di timbri del tribunale locale e 10 mila dollari tirati fuori per le «spese». Ma il vecchio tennista ancora oggi non ha lasciato andare i bambini: secondo lui non erano adottabili. Alessandra Arachi Gli orfanotrofi e le cifre del traffico IL PAESE Dodici anni fa cadde il regime comunista di Nicolae Ceausescu. A distanza di tanti anni, la Romania non è ancora riuscita a trovare un rilancio: la disoccupazione ha toccato l' 80 per cento GLI ISTITUTI I bambini abbandonati negli istituti romeni sono 110 mila. Ufficialmente, il Comitato rumeno per l' adozione ha riconosciuto l' adottabilità solo di 500 bambini. Ma, in realtà, le cifre ufficiose parlano di 30 mila bimbi «adottabili». Basta pagare: si può arrivare a spendere fino a 40 mila dollari, 88 milioni di lire LO STOP Il governo romeno, dopo le proteste dell' Unione europea, ha deciso di bloccare le adozioni internazionali. Il Paese stava infatti diventato il centro di un traffico mondiale di bambini

Arachi Alessandra

Pagina 17

The India Channel was launched at the end of 1994

The India Channel was launched at the end of 1994. There are contacts with a number of children's homes in Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh (South and Southeast India). Children of all ages reside in these homes. Limited information is available about the social and medical background of the children. The care in the homes is good, but India is and remains a third world country.

IndiaSo the possible consequences of malnutrition must be taken into account. These are similar to those of prematurity. Only if domestic adoption is not possible, the children are released for foreign adoption after 6 months.

Parents' requirements

some homes have childlessness requirements

obligation to prepare a report 4 times a year for the first 5 years with photos, etc.

Italy heads for personality-led elections (easier adoption)

By David Willey in Rome

Italians will be going to the polls in a general election in early May and, for the first time since the fall of fascism in Italy, they will be voting not just for political parties but for a political leader.

The two candidates already making their election promises from billboards all over the country are, on the left, Francesco Rutelli, and on the right, opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi.

Mr Rutelli, 45, Mayor of Rome for the past eight years and a newcomer to national politics, is campaigning on his success as a local administrator.

Mr Berlusconi, 63, is the richest man in Italy, owner of a TV and media empire, founder of a new political party called Forza Italia, whose victory in the 1994 election swept him briefly to office as prime minister.

Support Group Romanian Adoptees and Danish Parents

The Romanian group's purpose is first and foremost to benefit children adopted from Romania and their Danish parents. It is good to have like-minded people to support themselves upwards in good as well as in evil times, both for children and adults. Therefore, we will strive to make events that can strengthen the network between us.

Opdateret d. 21.2.2001

Link to website: http://web.archive.org/web/20010309193245/http:/rumania.adoption.dk/

Loans Help Couples Afford Adoption

Loans Help Couples Afford Adoption


Published: February 18, 2001

WHEN Gus and Maria Teixeira brought a baby girl from South Korea to their Newark home in October, they faced adoption costs totaling $14,000. Although that is roughly half the price of some international adoptions, it rivaled the bill for the couple's Nissan Altima. So they turned to a familiar source for financing -- a bank, namely MBNA.

Now the Teixeiras are paying for their family expansion the same way they are paying for their 1997 Altima -- by the month. The couple's adoption loan, which was for $14,000 and was structured as a home equity loan, was for four years at a rate of around 12 percent -- about three percentage points above the prevailing rate on an average new-car loan.

After the tawdry Kilshaw adoption furore, the inspiring story of a couple who adopted two children from India without a penny ch

Adoption and the parents who have put the Kilshaws
to shame; After the tawdry Kilshaw adoption furore, the inspiring story
of a couple who adopted two children from India without a penny
changing hands.



            Daily Mail (London)
February 16, 2001 | Walker, Sophie








  LORALEE LEE rips open the cheap, battered A4 envelope and pulls out 
the flimsy sheets of paper. Suddenly, she lets out a small gasp. 
'David!' she calls to her husband. 'Look!' On the  top right-hand corner
of the first page there is a passport-sized  photograph of a tiny Asian
baby gazing soulfully at the camera. 

  Underneath is written one word: Abandoned. 

  'Look at her,' says Loralee, her voice breaking. 

  'She's so beautiful.' Loralee wipes the tears from  her eyes, half
laughing at herself for being so emotional. But you can  hardly blame
her for being overcome: for this is David and  Loralee's first glimpse
of their new daughter. 

  Her name is Pratiksha-Kate, she's two-anda-half years old and  is in Preet Mandir children's home in southern India, waiting for  the Lees - her new parents from Britain - to come and collect her. 

  In the wake of the Kilshaws' attempts to buy and bring home  twins
from the U.S. last month, the nation's preconceptions of  parents
adopting from overseas have taken a battering. Yet the  Lees' story
couldn't be more different. 

  The joy that Loralee and David
have found in taking on two - and  soon to be three - little Indian
girls, without a penny being exchanged,  is a welcome antidote to the
tawdry media circus surrounding the  Kilshaws on both sides of the

  For ten years, David, 38, a freelance writer, and
Loralee,  45-year-old resident theologian for the Mother's Union, have
been  piecing together their beautiful young family. 

  Their three girls are all unrelated and come from various  children's homes across India

  The Lees' first daughter, Bina-Ruth, is now ten, their second, 
Rachita-Beth, is six. (The Lees added the English additions to the 
girls' original Indian names.) In fact, the only people more  excited at
the thought of Pratiksha-Kate's imminent arrival are her  two
prospective sisters, who can hardly contain their enthusiasm at the 
prospect of a new sibling. 

  Hopefully, it won't be long before
Pratiksha-Kate comes home  to East London - David estimates by the end
of March. Once the Lees sign  and return the adoption papers, they should receive notification from  the Indian social services that they can fly to India and collect her. 

  Pratiksha-Kate's notes - just like her sisters' - consist  of a series
of typewritten questions with one-word answers. Temperament?  Good. 

  Intelligence? Fair. Speech? Fine. In Britain, adoptive parents go  and choose the child they will take on, but in India the children's  home does that for them, and these notes are the only information they  are given. 

  'We simply asked: "Have you any children who would be  available for overseas adoption?" 

  They said: "Yes, a little girl." 

  'We said we'd take her. We knew nothing about her at all.  Every
couple of weeks we manage to get a call through, but all they ever  tell
us is she's doing fine. 

  'To be honest, we know from our
experience with Bina-Ruth and  Rachita-Beth that you can't go by any
information that you do get. 

  Rachita-Beth's adoption
notes described her as  "backward", but at six she has the reading age
of an  11-year-old. Her teacher says she's the brightest child she's 
ever met.' Still, Loralee is worried by the news that  Pratiksha-Kate is
still only walking 'with assistance'.  'You just know that no one has

  much time with her,' says Loralee. 

can't, because there are too many children who need  help. It's so sad.'
What is clear is that it's a  distressing and difficult process, so why
has this intelligent,  middle-class couple decided to adopt children
from halfway around the  world? For Loralee there are two reasons: one
ethical, the other  medical. 

  'I am a carrier of haemophilia,'
she explains.  'I've been told that any sons I had would have a 50 pc
chance  of developing the illness, and any girls would have a 50 pc
chance of  becoming carriers themselves. 

  'As a child, I
watched my cousin growing up with the disorder.  He couldn't play sport
or take any risks in case he cut or bruised  himself. It was so
restricting for him. 

  YET even if I were not a carrier, I would
still have chosen to  adopt. I have always believed it's selfish to
have babies when  there are so many children who need parents. 

I can remember saying this to my mother when I was only ten.'  Loralee
met David when they were both postgraduate theology students.  She was
29 and he was 22 when they married, yet she didn't feel  ready to adopt
any children until six years into her marriage.  'David and I had talked
about children, but this was the first  point in our lives we both felt
we were ready.' David, by this  stage, was as committed as Loralee.
'When we first met, I  didn't want a family at all,' he says. 'I'd
watched  my older sister with babies, and I decided they just took over
your  life. It took until I was 28 for me to feel that pull towards a
family.  And morally - in line with my Christian beliefs - I felt adoption
was  the right thing to do.' But when the Lees approached social 
services, they were told Loralee was too old. 'They said my only  chance
of a child would be a severely handicapped one,' she says. 

'We thought about it long and hard, and, though we felt  horribly
guilty, we decided that since we both work and would have to  share the
childcare, we just wouldn't be able to cope. 

  'That was a
terribly hard thing to admit. The social worker  said to me: "Well, you
obviously don't want a child that much  then." We felt dreadful,
although I still believe we made the right  decision.' But the Lees
weren't going to give up. 'We  knew it was possible to adopt from other
countries,' says Loralee,  'although cross-cultural adoption was frowned on by social workers  in the UK. 

  'It was some Indian friends of ours who suggested we consider  India
- which I think I needed to hear. I'd had such a negative  reaction
from social services, who told us we would be depriving a child  of its

  'For us, India had two advantages,' says
David.  'They generally speak English, and we already had contacts
there.  After her degree, Loralee had spent a few years living in India
- which  meant we had Asian friends both there and in Britain.' In
1990,  Loralee and David flew out to Delhi to see a friend of theirs who
had  set up an informal meeting with a local social worker. Loralee
recalls:  'In India, it isn't polite to talk about adoption
in a social  situation like that, so for 15 minutes we chatted about
the weather and  made small talk about our lives in England. 

'At the end of this, she turned to us and said: "I can  see you would be
good parents - and I am pleased to say God has a baby  girl for you. 

  Would you like to come and see your daughter?" 

  'We were absolutely dumbstruck, but thrilled. We jumped into a  taxi -
all three of us squashed into the back - drove for about 20  minutes
and pulled up outside a tiny hospital.' Loralee and David  were taken to
a windowless room measuring 10ft by 12ft. It was clean but  austere. In
it were eight cots - four lined up against each of the two  longest

  Each of the eight babies had been abandoned or was ill. 

  'A nurse, looking like Mother Teresa in her white sari with  blue
edging, reached down into one of the cots and lifted out a 
three-day-old baby swaddled in sheets. Then she held the baby towards us
  - as a midwife might give a father a first glimpse of his child. 

  'First she pulled the sheet from the baby's head to  reveal this mass
of black curly hair; then, because the baby was  sleeping, she
unravelled the sheet to reveal this tiny foot, which she  tweaked with
her finger. 

  'The baby went "Waaahhh" and the nurse smiled, as if  to say "See, she's healthy". Then she wrapped her back 

  up, put her in the cot and walked us outside again, into the heat. 

  'I said: "What is the name of the child?" The nurse  said: "Bina." For
me it seemed like a sign. Bina is a Hebrew  word meaning great wisdom
and insight. 

  It's also the name of my very best friend.' The
Lees were  told nothing of the natural mother, whose identity is
fiercely protected  in every Indian adoption case. 

what appeared to be developing as a painless collection was  only the
start of a lengthy process. First, Loralee and David needed to  be able
to prove they were fit parents by presenting a completed home  study
report from the UK. 

  AT THE time we didn't know any of this,'
says Loralee.  'If we'd known what was involved and how long it would
take  before we'd see her again - another 14 months - then we would have
  said something . . . we'd have asked to hold our baby, or taken her 
photograph. But we were terribly naive. 

  'We simply went back
to our hotel - I don't think we knew  what else to do - and it was there
that we chose her full name. David  said "Bina Lee?" 

  and I
said "No, too short". "Bina-Ruth Lee?" he  suggested, after Ruth in the
Old Testament. I thought it was perfect.  From then on, she was always
Bina-Ruth.' Two weeks later, the Lees  flew back to Britain and began
the process of the home study report,  which took six months to finish.
It was another eight months before  Indian social services had
established that no Indian parent was willing  to adopt this particular
child, and the adoption paperwork was  completed. 

1992 the Lees were awarded guardianship of Bina-Ruth and David  flew
back to Delhi to pick her up. 'We couldn't afford for us  both to fly
back,' says Loralee, 'which was incredibly  difficult for me. The first
time I saw Bina-Ruth was at the airport,  when I watched David arrive
with her in his arms. 

  'He looked absolutely awful - grey and haggard. He had been  ill in India with a stomach bug and needed a 

  into her arms. I just felt we had always belonged together. There 
wasn't a doubt in my mind.' At home, the Lees found it  difficult
adjusting to instant parenting. 'We were so  clueless,' says Loralee.
'We couldn't even work out how  to go out to a coffee shop with a baby.

  'We used to walk Bina-Ruth round and round the park in her 
pushchair until she fell asleep, because we thought we shouldn't  take
an awake child into a cafe. 

  'We did get some odd looks from 

  people - being a white couple with an Asian child - though I think 
most people just assumed she wasn 't our daughter. But it  didn't matter
to us, because at last we had thedaughter we had  longed for.' In every
picture of David and Loralee from that time,  the y are grin -ning
maniacally. There is Loralee feeding Bina-Ruth -  'andcatching head-lice
in the process,' she laughs,  'although I didn't know it at the time.'
There's  David reading Bina-R uth a story, politely holding the book
towards his  daughter as if she's a grownup. 

  'She was so quiet,' saysLoralee. 

  'She found it difficult to express her self, even if she was  upset. W
e used to take her out in the pushchair , and where other  children
wouldbe point -ing and laughing, she would sit, absolutely  silent, just
looking . 

  'I see so many parents wh o think to have a quiet
child would  b e wonder -ful, but we just wanted her to feel able to
express  herself.' These were, no doubt, th e mental scars inflicted by
Bina-Ruth 's traumatic beginnings in the children 's home.  'During all
those months when we sought to become her guardians,  she had
contracted an extremely serious ear infection,'  saysLoralee. 

  'The British doctors saidshe must have been in an awful lot o  f pain, but she'd never received any treatment.' 

  WITHIN a year of Bina-Ruth's arrival, the Lees began to plan  their next adoption.
David says: 'Basically, Loralee said:  "That worked out so well let 's
have another one" '  This time, the Lees wen t through the home study
report first . They  found their second daughter , Rachita-Beth, in
Shradhanand Anathalaya  children's hom e in Nag -pur, India. It was still 18months before  they were given guardianship and were able to collect he r . 

  Having already adopted one daugh -ter made things easier at home. 
'The girls bonded straight away ,' says Loralee. 'Well,  apart from when
Rachita-Beth bit Bina-Ruth when they met. (She laughs.)  'Rachita-Beth
was a verydifferent character. Where Bina-Ruth is  very quiet,
Rachita-Beth is extremely out spoken and quick-witted.  Rachita-Beth
always understandswhat her sister is feeling and what she  wants to say
when she doesn'thave the words - and will tell us.  They are incredibly

  'When they argue, it's usually over issues of fairness -
  if onefeels the other has been given something more than they have. We
  catch them giving each other sneaky kicks under the kitchen table. 
It's justthe usual sibling rivalry. That's whatbeing in a  family is all
about.' Seeing the gradual transformation from tiny  underfed
babiesinto such 

  vivacious, beautiful girls has been incredibly
gratifying.  'When we go out, people stop me on the street to tell me
how  gorgeous they are,' says Loralee, with a huge smile. 

of the most gratifying developments is how well the girls are  doing at
Cathedral School, where David drives them every day.  'They're really
clever,' says David proudly. 'Both  top of their respective classes. 

  'Then there's Rachita-Beth and her gymnastics: she does  four hours
each week. And for Bina-Ruth there's football.  She's a huge fan of
Liverpool, so we go to matches together. She  also writes novels, like
her Dad. Although hers are better than  mine.' There's no secret answer
to the girls' growing  confidence, says David. 'We just try to spend as
much time with  them as possible. 

  There aren't any shortcuts.
You need to let the girls know  they're safe and secure and loved.
That's what any child  needs.' The worst times have been when David and
Loralee have  experienced racism. Loralee says: 'One of their friends
was having  a party. The mother came to me and said; "I'm sorry, but we
can't invite the girls because we can't have a black in the  house." '
Loralee shakes her head in disbelief. 'I  can't believe anyone can even
say something so awful. I just said  to her: "How sad." Thankfully, it's
very rare that we get  that kind of attitude. 

  'I have spent time worrying whether the girls would have  preferred to have parents from India.
But whenever I ask them, they just  look at me as if I'm mad and say:
"No".' The Lees  decided to adopt a third child three years ago. 

  It has taken since then for the home study report to be completed,  the child to be found, and the paperwork to be done. 

  THE Lees believe that Pratiksha-Kate will make their family  complete. 'I think this third adoption has really helped the other  two to understand what happened when they arrived. 

  'When Bina-Ruth first came here, because she obviously  hadn't
received much physical affection in the home, she found it  difficult to
show it herself. 

  'The other day, she spent ages carefully
choosing a book for  Pratiksha-Kate, which featured a little boy walking
through a jungle and  getting all different kinds of hugs from
different animals.  "It'll be good," she said to me, "because it will 
show how there are different sorts of love." ' When  Pratiksha-Kate is
ready to be collected, thanks to the fact that Loralee  has become one
of the first adoptive mothers to be awarded maternity  pay, the whole
family can afford to fly out to pick her up. This, says  Loralee, will
also give the girls the chance to see the country of their  birth. 

  'I still have social workers in the UK who say to me:  "What about the
culture you're depriving them of, what about  their religion?", because
David and I are Christian rather than  Hindu or Moslem. 

  'But I
am happier with the way the Indians react. Many of the  carers and
social workers over there say: "What is the matter with  people in your

  They have so much; why don't they adopt these children?" 

  'When we see Bina-Ruth - this little girl who was so quiet and 
nervous - running upstairs and slamming her bedroom door in a temper 
tantrum, or Rachita-Beth, who was so frail and tiny, doing four hours of
  gymnastics each week, it's so gratifying. 

  'Most gratifying of all, though, is just to see them happy -  and to know how happy they've made us.' 

When Kids Are Seen as State Duty

BUCHAREST, Romania — Nicolae Craciun’s mother put him in a state-run children’s home at age 5, then didn’t visit for a year and a half.

Now she sees him every Saturday and wants to take him home to join his three siblings. Nicolae, 10, says wistfully that he would love to return to the place he remembers from “a long time ago.”

But officials in charge of his welfare say that, short of a court order, the children’s home must keep Nicolae. “She’s not the mother, by the law. She’s just another person,” said Claudia Prichia, the administrator in charge of the case.

Romania’s child welfare system has largely eliminated the worst of the horrors exposed after the 1989 fall of communism, when as many as 150,000 children were institutionalized in a vast network of homes where malnutrition, AIDS and prison-like conditions devastated young lives.

In place of Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s policies, which encouraged population growth by banning contraception and abortion but made it easy to dump children into institutions, the government now favors family reunification and prevention of abandonment.