
Community 23 July. 2001 Save article Justits-Frank smoldered for four years

A Danish doctor-married couple discovered six years ago how official medical certificates were being falsified when the humanitarian organization Terre des Hommes conveyed adopted children from Romania to Denmark.

The couple then reported the case to the Danish authorities. Nevertheless, several years passed before the Ministry of Justice, under current Minister of Justice Frank Jensen, intervened and stopped Terre des Hommes.

The case started for the married couple Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther, Århus, when they received a severely disabled girl in 1995. The child was two and a half years old and came from the notorious Romanian orphanage Babadag in the city of Tulcea.

Prayed especially for a healthy child
- We were getting old and had therefore stipulated that we did not want a disabled child, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen, who is now 56.

- At that time we had heard a little about the fact that many disabled children were coming up from Romania. That's why we specifically asked about it when we were at Als and spoke to Anne Botfeldt, the person responsible for Terre des Hommes' adoption department.

Anne Botfeldt promised the parents that they had nothing to be afraid of:

- No, there was no danger and no problems. On the contrary, we had been very lucky, because the orphanage Babadag was the best in all of Romania.

Before the adoption went through, medical reports were issued on the child. They determined that the little girl was healthy, of normal development and could both talk and walk.

So retarded girl in Kastrup
Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther were not down to pick up their daughter themselves. She was brought to Denmark by a young Danish man who was a volunteer for Terres des Hommes in Romania.

Already at Kastrup Airport, the couple could see that their child was ill.

- We are both doctors, and knew immediately that it was crazy. The girl was retarded and could do nothing. But of course we accepted her.

Immediately afterwards, the couple complained to the Directorate of Civil Rights under the Ministry of Justice.

- We told them what had happened and asked who actually controls the organizations that mediate the children.

Was threatened with Interpol
The couple's complaint did not cause the Directorate of Civil Justice to sound the alarm, but triggered a lengthy exchange of letters between the Directorate and Terre des Hommes.

But the complaint caused Terre des Homme's then chairman of the board, Jessie Rosenmeier, to write and scold the couple several times:

- We called her 'the lady in the hat'. She threatened to report us to nothing less than Interpol because we wouldn't report every six months and tell how the child was doing.

- Our answer was that when Terre des Hommes could falsify medical documents, they could also write such a report themselves, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen.

Traffic continued
Even though the authorities were now involved in the case, Terre des Hommes, Anne Botfeldt and Jessie Rosenmeier continued to send sick adopted children to Denmark. And the traffic continued with false medical certificates that officially made the children healthy.

The Civil Rights Directorate and the judicial authorities' reaction did not come until three years later.

Namely, a late summer day in 1998, when Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther talked about their experiences in a DR broadcast made by the now deceased TV documentarian Steen Baadsgaard.

A few days after the case was raised on television, the Ministry of Justice decided to conduct a retrospective study of around 200 Romanian adoption cases. Especially by Terre des Hommes and the organization's contact person in Romania.

But Terre des Hommes itself was allowed to continue its activities.

Right up until January 1999, when the organization was once again exposed as having sent a disabled child to an unsuspecting family.

Is eight years old and wears diapers
- The cases were hushed up, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen.

- What the motives have been remains uncertain. But there is a part that must have been sitting inside with some knowledge.

- Today we know that at least one in eight 'healthy' children who came to Denmark with Terre des Hommes had severe injuries and will be dependent on institutions for the rest of their lives.

- We ourselves love our own daughter, who is now eight years old, very much. She is loving, talks like a waterfall, and we have many happy moments together. But she is developed as a three-year-old, wears diapers and will never be able to fend for herself.

- And it has given us both a completely different life than we had imagined.

Justits-Frank smoldered for four years

A Danish doctor-married couple discovered six years ago how official medical statements were being falsified when the humanitarian organization Terre des Hommes was mediating adopted children from Romania to Denmark.

The couple then reported the case to the Danish authorities. Nevertheless, it took several years before the Ministry of Justice, under current Minister of Justice Frank Jensen, intervened and stopped Terre des Hommes.

The case started for the married couple Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther, Århus, when they received a severely disabled girl in 1995. The child was two and a half years old and came from the notorious Romanian orphanage Babadag in the city of Tulcea.

Prayed especially for a healthy child
- We were getting old and had therefore stipulated that we did not want a disabled child, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen, who is now 56.

- At that time we had heard a little about the fact that many disabled children were coming up from Romania. That's why we specifically asked about it when we were at Als and spoke to Anne Botfeldt, the person responsible for Terre des Hommes' adoption department.

Anne Botfeldt promised the parents that they had nothing to be afraid of:

- No, there was no danger and no problems. On the contrary, we had been very lucky, because the orphanage Babadag was the best in all of Romania.

Before the adoption went through, medical reports were issued on the child. They determined that the little girl was healthy, of normal development and could both talk and walk.

So retarded girl in Kastrup
Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther were not down to pick up their daughter themselves. She was brought to Denmark by a young Danish man who was a volunteer for Terres des Hommes in Romania.

Already at Kastrup Airport, the couple could see that their child was ill.

- We are both doctors, and knew immediately that it was crazy. The girl was retarded and could do nothing. But of course we accepted her.

Immediately afterwards, the couple complained to the Directorate of Civil Rights under the Ministry of Justice.

- We told them what had happened and asked who actually controls the organizations that mediate the children.

Was threatened with Interpol
The couple's complaint did not cause the Directorate of Civil Justice to sound the alarm, but triggered a lengthy exchange of letters between the Directorate and Terre des Hommes.

But the complaint caused Terre des Homme's then chairman of the board, Jessie Rosenmeier, to write and scold the couple several times:

- We called her 'the lady in the hat'. She threatened to report us to nothing less than Interpol because we wouldn't report every six months and tell how the child was doing.

- Our answer was that when Terre des Hommes could falsify medical documents, they could also write such a report themselves, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen.

Traffic continued
Even though the authorities were now involved in the case, Terre des Hommes, Anne Botfeldt and Jessie Rosenmeier continued to send sick adopted children to Denmark. And the traffic continued with false medical certificates that officially made the children healthy.

The Civil Rights Directorate and the judicial authorities' reaction did not come until three years later.

Namely, a late summer day in 1998, when Peter Chr. Rasmussen and Agnes Winther talked about their experiences in a DR broadcast made by the now deceased TV documentarian Steen Baadsgaard.

A few days after the case was raised on television, the Ministry of Justice decided to conduct a retrospective study of around 200 Romanian adoption cases. Especially by Terre des Hommes and the organization's contact person in Romania.

But Terre des Hommes itself was allowed to continue its activities.

Right up until January 1999, when the organization was once again exposed as having sent a disabled child to an unsuspecting family.

Is eight years old and wears diapers
- The cases were hushed up, says Peter Chr. Rasmussen.

- What the motives have been remains uncertain. But there is a part that must have been sitting inside with some knowledge.

- Today we know that at least one in eight 'healthy' children who came to Denmark with Terre des Hommes had severe injuries and will be dependent on institutions for the rest of their lives.

- We ourselves love our own daughter, who is now eight years old, very much. She is loving, talks like a waterfall, and we have many happy moments together. But she is developed as a three-year-old, wears diapers and will never be able to fend for herself.

- And it has given us both a completely different life than we had imagined.

Les 11.000 mailles – “Academia Catavencu”

See also: http://cpctresearch.info/node/48881 Chirac

See also http://cpctresearch.info/node/42077 Moscovici

Les 11.000 mailles – “Academia Catavencu”

Dear readers,

What follows is a story that precedes the visit to Romania of a French prime minister and his entourage. The Prime Minister is called Lionel Jospin and he is coming.

Adoptii ilegale

Adoptii ilegale
Publicat de Stefan Candea in data de 28-Jun-01 18:47

de Stefan Candea (Publicat in Evenimentul Zilei)
Scandalul privind adoptiile de copii romani in strainatate face in continuare valuri in Europa. Chiar acum doua zile, “The Sunday Times” a publicat un amplu reportaj despre o filiera care se ocupa cu traficul international de copii. Nu mai departe de luna trecuta, baroneasa Emma Nicholson tragea si ea un serios semnal de alarma despre situatia orfanilor romani, vorbind chiar despre implicarea unor oficiali de la Bucuresti in adoptii frauduloase. Nu stim cine anume se afla pe lista doamnei Nicholson, care ar fi acei oficiali despre care vorbea. ?Evenimentul zilei? a intrat insa in posesia unor documente care atesta ca actualul si, totodata, fostul ministru al sanatatii, Daniela Bartos, a fost cercetata in anul 1997 intr-un dosar penal privind adoptiile internationale. Alaturi de ea a fost cercetat si juristul de atunci al Ministerului Sanatatii, impreuna cu doi avocati. Parchetul General  a dispus neinceperea urmaririi penale in cazul doamnei Bartos, dar aparitia numelui sau intr-o astfel de ancheta nu face decit sa dea si mai mult apa la moara acuzatiilor ca in Romania traficul cu copii a fost institutionalizat.
Ministrul - NUP, restul, anchetati
Am intrat in posesia unei note informative, datate 6 aprilie 1998, care cuprinde situatia tuturor dosarelor penale de pina la acea data, in domeniul adoptiilor internationale ilegale. Dosarele au fost intocmite de Politia Municipiului Bucuresti si  Parchetele de pe linga judecatoriile celor sase sectoare. Una dintre anchete, inregistrata sub numarul 17864, din 31 octombrie 1997, o privea pe Daniela Bartos, actualul ministru al sanatatii. Dosarul a trecut pe la Parchetul de pe linga Judecatoria Sectorului 2, unde a avut nr. 6525/p/1997 si pe la Parchetul de pe linga Curtea Suprema de Justitie, cu numarul 567/p/1997. La Parchetul de pe linga Curtea Suprema de Justitie s-a dispus neinceperea urmaririi penale (NUP) impotriva Danielei Bartos. Dosarul s-a intors la Politia Capitalei, dar de soarta lui nu s-a mai auzit nimic. Oricum, desi Daniela Bartos a fost scoasa din culpa de procurori, cauza celorlalte persoane cercetate a fost disjunsa si ancheta ar fi trebuit sa continue.
“Este posibil sa fi semnat si documente false”
In anul 1996, seful Comitetului Roman de Adoptii (CRA) era, conform organigramei guvernului, secretarul de stat din Ministerul Sanatatii. Prima jumatate a anului 1996, intre ianuarie si august, secretar de stat a fost Daniela Bartos, promovata apoi ministru al sanatatii, intre august si decembrie. Dosarul penal despre care vorbim se referea la nereguli in actele eliberate de CRA, pe perioada anului 1996. Am intrebat-o pe doamna Bartos pentru ce anume a fost cercetata, iar domnia sa ne-a raspuns ca nu are cunostinta sa fi facut obiectul vreunui dosar penal si ca nu a fost audiata decit o singura data de procurori, iar apoi nu a mai auzit de cazurile mentionate. Daniela Bartos ne-a confirmat faptul ca politia investiga falsuri in documentele emise de CRA, dar ne-a declarat ca nu se simte vinovata in vreun fel, pe motiv ca semnatura dumneaei a fost pusa dupa ce juristul minis-terului, Ioan Filoti, a verificat autenticitatea actelor. ?Este posibil ca, printre documentele semnate, sa se fi strecurat si documente false, insa fara cunostinta mea. De aceea aveam jurist, ca sa verifice legalitatea actelor pe care urma sa le semnez?, ne-a declarat doamna Bartos.
Confirmari cu cintec
Am aflat de la ministrul sanatatii ca, in 1996, si-a pus semnatura pe aproape 3.000 de confirmari pentru adoptii. Potrivit legislatiei in vigoare la acea data, semnatura juristului ministerului pe actele respective nu era insa necesara. In plus, desi confirmarile semnate de seful CRA trebuiau trecute in ?registrul de confirmari eliberate?, cele semnate de Daniela Bartos si Ioan Filoti au fost consemnate intr-un alt registru: cel de ?corespondente?. De asemenea, pe toate confirmarile suspecte lipseste tocmai semnatura referentului de specialitate, Dana Seraficeanu, obligatorie, potrivit legislatiei adoptiilor. Pentru ca doamna Bartos l-a sugerat, ca posibil vinovat, pe Ioan Filoti, am luat legatura si cu acesta care ne-a declarat: ?Nu imi mai amintesc nimic din acele vremuri, nu am facut nimic ilegal si mai mult nu vreau sa comentez?. Interesant este ca nici Ioan Filoti nu a fost deranjat mai mult de o singura data de procurorii care au instrumentat cazul. Daca legalitatea documentelor semnate de Daniela Bartos, in perioada cit a fost secretar de stat, ramine discutabila, un lucru este insa grav:  faptul ca doamna Bartos si-a pus semnatura pe acte emise de CRA, incepind cu august 1996, cind devenise ministru, functie care nu-i mai dadea dreptul sa administreze Comitetul Roman de Adoptii (CRA). ?Am semnat in continuare, considerind ca astfel pot tine sub control coruptia din sistemul de adoptii?, ne-a replicat ministrul sanatatii.
Cea mai “sinistra afacere”
Alaturi de Daniela Bartos si Ioan Filoti au mai fost cercetate in cazul de fata alte doua persoane: Petre Patrascu si Carmen Tatarus. Acestia fac parte acum din staff-ul fundatiilor Irene si Stuart, fundatii conduse de Elena Bustea si sora ei, Nicoleta Tabara. Cei doi avocati au intermediat la acea data adoptii internationale, preponderent catre Spania, si sint foarte apropiati Elenei Bustea. Practic, respectivii avocati fac legatura intre cazul Danielei Bartos si celebra Elena Bustea, cercetata penal pentru adoptii ilegale. Faptul ca in acest dosar este vorba numai despre doi avocati, care lucreaza acum pentru aceleasi doua fundatii, duce cu gindul la o posibila filiera de trafic cu copii, cu ramificatii pina la virf. Petre Patrascu este vicepresedintele fundatiei Irene si este asociat in firma ?Sitka-Alaska S.R.L.? cu Elena Bustea. Despre avocatul Patrascu, ?Evenimentul zilei? a mai scris la sfirsitul anului 1999, in cadrul unei ample anchete jurnalistice privind adoptiile internationale. Atunci, Patrascu fusese cercetat intr-un dosar penal aflat la Brigada de Combatere a Crimei Organizate, privind substituirea documentelor de adoptie ale unui copil grav bolnav, din Constanta. Elena Bustea, sefa fundatiilor unde lucreaza acum cei doi avocati, a fost si ea subiectul mai multor scandaluri de presa nationale si internationale, inca din anul 1995. Numele sau a revenit in atentie acum doua zile, o data cu publicarea de catre ziarul britanic ?The Sunday Times? a unui reportaj-ancheta in care Elena Bustea era mentionata drept ?personajul-cheie intr-una dintre cele mai sinistre afaceri posibile - comertul international cu copii?
Spania - Triunghiul Bermudelor pentru orfanii romani
Documentele emise de CRA si evidenta lor sint de maxima importanta pentru viitorul copiilor adoptati. Cu ajutorul acestor situatii se putea urmari evolutia copilului, prin rapoarte postadoptie. Problema este ca, pentru copiii adoptati cu ajutorul confirmarilor care fac obiectul cazului nostru, nu s-au mai facut rapoarte postadoptie, iar locul in care acestia se gasesc acum nu mai poate fi precizat de catre nimeni. Tot ce se stie este faptul ca orfanii au fost trimisi catre Spania si Italia. Politisti care au facut cercetari ne-au declarat ca peste 100 de copii romani au fost cautati cu ajutorul politiei spaniole, dar nu li s-a mai dat de urma.

“Minister of Health, Daniela Bartos investigated for international adoptions”

Evenimentul Zilei, 28 June 2001

Evenementul Zilei

“Minister of Health, Daniela Bartos investigated for international adoptions”

According to the article “Evenimentul Zilei” newspaper is in the possession of documents stating that the former and present minister for health, Mrs. Daniela Bartos, has been enquired in 1997 in relation with the international adoptions.

According to the government organigrame, in 1996 the State Secretary within the Ministry of Health was the head of the Romanian Committee for Adoption. Between January and August 1996, the State Secretary Daniela Bartos was the head of CRA and then starting with August 1996 until December 1996 she was promoted as Minister within the same ministry. The penal dossier, in which Mrs. Bartos was investigated in 1997, was related to irregularities in CRA documents during 1996.

Filiera Elena Bustea

Kidsave: Adoption by 'tryout'

06/20/2001 - Updated 12:16 PM ET

Kidsave: Adoption by 'tryout'

By Tara McKelvey, USA TODAY

At age 10, Constantine left his orphanage in Russia with not much more than a pair of sandals, an extra T-shirt and a toothbrush. He was told he was going to summer camp in the USA.

"I thought I was just going for a 'rest-out' from everything in Russia," he says, sitting next to his adoptive mother, Terry Baugh, in their living room in Washington, D.C., nearly a year later.

Call for probe into Romania aid contract

  1. NEWS

Call for probe into Romania aid contract

THE EU’s anti-fraud office OLAF has been asked to investigate a h2.6-million aid programme for Romanian children after a contract for running the scheme was awarded in apparent breach of Union rules.


JUNE 13, 2001 5:00 PM CET