
Groeiend aantal aanvragen uit gezinnen met eigen kinderen

Growing number of applications from families with their own children

many books about intercountry adoption

APELDOORN - The more so-called "intercountry adoption" is gaining ground in the Netherlands, partly due to a somewhat more flexible admission policy of our government, the more unclear this issue appears to be and becomes unclear. children's books about and for adoptive children from Africa and the whole of the third world and popular brochures etc. for those who think they have good reasons to include one or more foreign adoptive children in their family, whether or not they are childless.

I have found that the practice of intercountry adoption entails so many problems that many are deterred by the complex and lengthy procedures, certainly those who are not so familiar with civil service and judicial hairdoing through education or occupation. In itself, these correct procedures must of course offer all possible - and sometimes even impossible - guarantees to the adoptive parents and (in the first place) to the child to be adopted. But it is not easy, certainly not for the often blamed "self-doers", to find the right and most importantly shortest route.


Contact person adoption 1978

Relatie tot degene die u zoekt: broer,zus.nicht,neef,vader,moeder enz: bemiddelaar peru 
Toelichting: ik was in 1978 voor adoptie in Peru en zoek m t de vries, mijn zoon marc heb ik toen gehaald en ik was bij haar in huis. ze heeft 2 zonen Thomas en Martijn, toen ongeveer 4 en 6 jaar oud mijn naam was toen diny dieterman mulder, graag zou ik weer met haar in contact komen, door verhuizing is dit verwaterd . ze was getrouwd met eric de vries, als ik me het goed herinner . ze heeft in 1980 gewoond in apeldoorn.

Ook fincanciële adoptie vraagt om juiste levensbeschouwelijke keuze

Financial adoption also requires the right philosophical choice

DOORN - One of the possibilities to somewhat alleviate the needs of children in the most miserable circumstances of the third world is the so-called financial adoption, a somewhat less compulsory form of support than international adoption. Although, for various reasons, we believe that intercountry adoption should have been preferred wherever possible, of course every drop on this glowing plate is to be welcomed.

Now, on a large scale, also through advertisements, radio and TV, propaganda has been made for a large-scale "foster parent plan", the Foster Parents plan. wanted cries like "a thousand adoptive parents asked for."


It seems to me that there is confusion among possible "real" adoptive-adoptive parents through these campaigns, which present it as if one could easily "adopt" children from, for example, Indonesia and Columbia. That is not right now - even though intercountry adoptive children from those countries place them in Dutch adoptive families, but rather drop by drop than on a large scale.