
Eva den Hartog resigns: Conflict met leiding om werk Bangla Desj

Conflict with management over work Bangla Desj

Eva den Hartog resigns

AMSTERDAM - Major Eva den Hartog of the Salvation Army has resigned her position as an officer. This has been confirmed by the commander of the Salvation Army in the Netherlands, Mr. Verwaal. According to the commander, Major Den Hartog had to resign from her position because she could not agree with an order from the international headquarters of the Salvation Army in London to resign her work in Dacca in Bangla Desj and accept an administrative position in the Netherlands .

Major den Hartog believes she can make herself more useful by doing work for the benefit of children in the third world. The international headquarters of the Salvation Army could not accept this refusal of an order. According to Dutch headquarters, Major den Hartog continues to support the work of the Army.

In higher appeal

Interlandelijke adoptie soms minst schadelijke oplossing HOOGLERAAR JEUGDRECHT IN ORATIE:

International adoption sometimes the least harmful solution


AMSTERDAM - Yesterday afternoon mrs. Prof. M. de Langen at the University of Amsterdam her inaugural lecture as extraordinary professor in juvenile law on "Children on the kick chair", where she intensively focused on the theory and practice of international adoption, through a form of Called "under-development assistance".

Although a "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1959, which sets out the most basic needs and rights of children, we must unfortunately note that now more than half of the children does not receive sufficient food, clothing and medical care on our earth, says Prof. De Langen.

Despite the fact that a great deal of help is provided by many national and international organizations for the benefit of the millions of children in need, it appears all too often that forms of development aid are failing due to an over-attentive attitude of the aid agencies and lack of respect for identity and the autonomy of those to whom assistance is thought to be offered.

Werkgroep voor adoptie uit buitenland

Het vr?e volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad



Voor tienduizend gulden een kind adopteren in Beiroet

Leeuwarder courant : hoofdblad van Friesland



red. - Buitenlandse pleegkinderen. Richtlijnen voor de opneming

Link: https://www.boekwinkeltjes.nl/b/112224788/Buitenlandse-pleegkinderen-Richtlijnen-voor-de/

Writer: ed.

Title: Foreign foster children. Guidelines for inclusion and admission.

Publisher: Ministry of Justice, March 1976

Particulars: 10 pp. Brochure.

Korean adoptions via BIA to other European countries

Lee Myung Hee

* geboren in mei 1975

* hij is een adoptiekind uit Zuid-Korea dat in januari 1976 samen met 21 andere Koreaanse kinderen op een KLM vlucht zat van Yokohama in Japan, via Anchrage in Alaska, naar Schiphol Airport

* de kinderen kwamen via een Haagse adoptie-organisatie naar Europa

* Lee zou gaan wonen op het volgende adres in België: 10 Ectois Jean Pierre, Rue de la Station 11, 5600 Tamines


Original Classification:UNCLASSIFIED Current Classification:UNCLASSIFIED

Handling Restrictions-- N/A or Blank --

Character Count:1482

Executive Order:-- N/A or Blank -- Locator:TEXT ON MICROFILM,TEXT ONLINE

TAGS:SREF - Social Affairs--Refugees | US - United States | VS - South Vietnam Concepts:ADOPTIONS | CHILDREN | REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT | TRANSPORTATION

ADOPTIONEN - Heimlicher Lift (Germany to US)



Heimlicher Lift

Bis zu 25 000 Dollar lassen sich US-Bürger die Adaption deutscher Babys kosten. Das Geschäft wird mit der Schwangeren perfekt gemacht: Geboren werden Amerikaner.

Christiane Köster*, 28, Sekretärin aus Hamburg und im achten Monat schwanger, wollte "das mit dem Kind so diskret wie möglich" regeln und ging noch vor Ostern auf die Reise. Nun, kurz vor ihrer Niederkunft in New York, hat sie "sehr gute ärztliche Betreuung" und "pro Woche zehn Dollar Taschengeld".