
'Bad taste of people who cannot have children and therefore adopt'

Immediately after her birth in Sri Lanka, Sharinda Nathaliya Wolffers (33) was adopted by Dutch parents. This year she saw her biological mother for the first time. "People who can't have children and therefore adopt, give me a bad taste."

“You are not able to take care of your baby, sisters in the Sri Lankan monastery, where I was born, told my mother. You better give your daughter up for adoption.

My mother was not married to my father during the pregnancy. That is really not possible for a poor woman in Sri Lanka, who has little money to live on.

My adoptive mother realized that her happiness meant my birth mother's grief

Sharinda Nathaliya Wolfers

Jailed father gives consent, abandoned toddler up for adoption

The 30-year-old biological father of the child is currently under judicial custody after he was arrested last month for allegedly killing his partner

More than a month after a 10-month-old toddler was abandoned by his father outside a cow shelter in Gandhinagar, the state child rights agency Thursday said the baby is now eligible for adoption.

According to Jagriti Pandya, chairperson of the Gujarat State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, the biological father of the toddler has given his consent for the “permanent surrender” of the custody of his child. “Since the child’s biological father is in judicial custody and not able to take care of him, he has given his consent for the permanent surrender of the child if a caring family is up for adoption. The child will now be registered on the website of the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA). There are families who have already signed up for adoption on this website and we will proceed to see if they are willing for the child’s custody,” said Pandya.

The 30-year-old biological father of the child is currently under judicial custody after he was arrested last month for allegedly killing his partner at a flat in the Bapod area of Vadodara on October 8 night and then abandoning his son outside a cow shelter in Gandhinagar the same night.

The child was found by a few pedestrians who informed the local corporator who, indeed, brought the child to a Gandhinagar civil hospital. The next day, Gujarat Minister of State (MoS) Home Harsh Sanghavi arrived at the hospital and made an appeal on social media to track the parents of the child.

Adoption row: Anupama seeks removal of Child Welfare Council officials, to resume agitation

Thiruvananthapuram: Former student activist Anupama S Chandran is

preparing for another round of agitation, this time before the office of

the Kerala State Council for Child Welfare over the controversial

adoption of her child.

She alleged that the inquiry into the case was not going on in the right

Examining International Adoption

{This is an abridged version of a 2021 undergrad research paper on the controversy surrounding international adoption and its history}

Examining International Adoption

Amber Moore Jimerson

When numbering the list of controversial topics today, it's unlikely many would think to include international adoption. For many, international adoption (IA) is a wholesome relief, a welcome example of the goodness of humanity in a world plagued with violence and tragedy. Not only are many unaware that IA has been in steep decline since 2008, with nearly nonexistent rates during the time of COVID, but for those who are aware of the declines it is common to view them as unjust and uncaring. Among the IA community, however, the causes for this decline are disputed, as are the controversial practices, history, and future of IA.

As the designations "pro-adoption" or "anti-adoption" are reductionistic, we will consider the general sentiments of IA "advocates" and "critics." Both seek to remedy a problem: advocates for IA see the plight of orphans and vulnerable children as the overriding issue to address, saying the benefits of adoption greatly outweigh the risks (Bartholet). Critics see the corruption, exploitation, kidnapping and fraud incentivized by the availability of IA and its unregulated profits as the primary issue, which the general public often does not realize are deeply intertwined with IA (Smolin). Critics wish to see greater emphasis on alleviating the root causes that would force families to relinquish their children, and some fear IA de-incentivizes funding for long-term solutions and community-building (King 464). As such long-term solutions are not overnight possibilities, advocates suggest IA provides a real option for those stuck between a rock and a hard place in the meantime. While advocates in various ways acknowledge the existence of corruption, critics worry they largely invalidate the pervasive nature of these dark realities, minimizing the need for reform under the guise of the "best interests of children." The United States' failure to give due diligence to these scandals and the system which empowers them has led to many shutdowns and moratoria in adoption programs among various countries (Smolin 83). This, the critics say, is what we can expect if we continue to use the "best interests" as a mask for practices which border on child trafficking. Only by fairly facing the wrongs and considering dramatic restructuring will we prevent the inevitable disfavoring and decline into nonexistence of intercountry adoption.

Parents Adopt 'Orphan' but When She Learns to Speak English They Discover She Was Abducted

American parents who yearned to contribute their quota to the world by adopting an orphan ended up exposing a child-trafficking ring following a shocking discovery.

For Jessica and Adam Davis, adoption was more than adding one more child to their brood. It was a way of making the world a better place, at least for one helpless child.

Hence, they felt their world almost shatter when they learned the shocking truth behind their adopted daughter, Namata, almost two years after joining the family.


After welcoming four children, the kind-hearted couple decided it was time to make that difference in the world. Hence, they resolved to open their home to an orphan, to give her a new life.

Miss Belgium Kedist Deltour (24) visits her father, who left her in an orphanage 15 years ago: "I feel lighter, that's what I ha

Miss Belgium Kedist Deltour (24) visits her father, who left her in an orphanage 15 years ago: "I feel lighter, that's what I had hoped for"

Her father put Kedist Deltour in an Ethiopian orphanage as a child, along with her brother and sister. Because after the death of their mother, he chose a new life with a new wife. Fate led her to Belgium and put a crown on her head, but the past continued to gnaw. Therefore, Kedist is now back in her homeland, to confront her father after fifteen years. It was a reunion in tears, but not always with conclusive answers. "But I forgive you."


Imagining equality between Koreans and overseas adoptees

This article is the 21st in a series about Koreans adopted abroad. Han Boon-young, a Korean who was adopted to Denmark as a young child, returned to Korea in 2004. Here she shares her perspective as an international adoptee on this nation's official birth documents. ? ED.

By Han Boon-young

Overseas adult adoptees have resettled in Korea since the mid-/late 1990s but not before the early/mid-2000s was there a critical mass return. I doubt that Korea was ready for this influx and we might not have been quite ready for Korea either. My motivation for resettling in Korea was largely driven by a general interest and curiosity about this mythical-like place: a country which grants me special rights and privileges solely due to my overseas adoptee status, but at the same time, also a place that does not recognize or protect my most basic human rights for the very same reasons.

The reality of these arbitrary and discriminatory standards of both inclusion and exclusion had, at the time, already fostered healthy expectations and rich opportunities within the adoptee community to engage with locale stakeholders. We learned from scratch and we learned from each other, with a collective understanding that our position in history is in itself political.

The history of overseas adult adoptees' political engagement with Korea, and advocacy for adoptees' rights, often begins with our inclusion in the Act of the Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans, commonly referred to as the F-4 visa, in 1999. In the following years, Global Overseas Adoptees Link (G.O.A.'L) was able to hire its first paid staff, several major universities began to offer Korean language scholarships and various groups with specific political platforms came and went.

Imagining equality between Koreans and overseas adoptees

This article is the 21st in a series about Koreans adopted abroad. Han Boon-young, a Korean who was adopted to Denmark as a young child, returned to Korea in 2004. Here she shares her perspective as an international adoptee on this nation's official birth documents. ? ED.

By Han Boon-young

Overseas adult adoptees have resettled in Korea since the mid-/late 1990s but not before the early/mid-2000s was there a critical mass return. I doubt that Korea was ready for this influx and we might not have been quite ready for Korea either. My motivation for resettling in Korea was largely driven by a general interest and curiosity about this mythical-like place: a country which grants me special rights and privileges solely due to my overseas adoptee status, but at the same time, also a place that does not recognize or protect my most basic human rights for the very same reasons.

The reality of these arbitrary and discriminatory standards of both inclusion and exclusion had, at the time, already fostered healthy expectations and rich opportunities within the adoptee community to engage with locale stakeholders. We learned from scratch and we learned from each other, with a collective understanding that our position in history is in itself political.

The history of overseas adult adoptees' political engagement with Korea, and advocacy for adoptees' rights, often begins with our inclusion in the Act of the Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans, commonly referred to as the F-4 visa, in 1999. In the following years, Global Overseas Adoptees Link (G.O.A.'L) was able to hire its first paid staff, several major universities began to offer Korean language scholarships and various groups with specific political platforms came and went.

Missionaries of Charity evacuated 14 disabled orphans from Kabul

The children will start a new life in Italy under the loving care of the religious sisters.

On August 25, 2021, a plane from Kabul landed on the tarmac of Rome’s Fiumicino airport. On board: 270 passengers, exhausted after hours of anguish. In just a few days, their lives were turned upside down with the chaotic withdrawal of American forces and the Taliban’s lightning offensive.

Everyone remembers the images of the Kabul airport besieged by thousands of Afghans fleeing the oppressive regime of the Taliban. Amidst the most total confusion, the embassies present on site strove to organize themselves to evacuate the maximum number of people. The Italian authorities were hard at work, among others; between August 13 and 27, they exfiltrated more than 5,000 people from Afghanistan.

“We’re devastated. Everything is over. There is no hope in Kabul.”

Among the 270 passengers arriving this past August 25, 14 children and young adults in wheelchairs were the first to walk through the doors of Fiumicino’s Terminal 5. They were between 6 and 20 years old, and disabled.

Change of course at Donor Data Foundation: Maria is allowed to know who her father is

For the first time, the organization that manages sperm donor data is willing to voluntarily reveal a donor's identity to their children. This is apparent from correspondence between this Foundation Donor Data Artificial Fertilization (SDKB) and 23-year-old Maria, who filed a lawsuit to find out who her donor father is.

Until recently, it was practically impossible for descendants of a certain category of donors, such as Maria, to determine the identity of their donor father. Now the SDKB has determined that Maria will in principle still be told who her father is. Other children of such 'B donors', whose details have been registered, can also receive help from the foundation. The SDKB speaks of a change of course compared to the old policy.

In June, the court in The Hague ruled that five other donor children had the right to know who fathered them, unless their father could demonstrate that protecting his anonymity is more important. Based on that ruling, the SDKB now believes that Maria is also entitled to such a balancing of interests.


Maria's mother had herself intentionally inseminated in 1997 with the semen of a B donor known as 'K34'. As a result, her child would be able to contact the biological father from his 16th birthday. Later, however, K34 opted for anonymity, so that Maria could no longer find out who he is. Since 2004, due to a change in the law, only non-anonymous donations may be made.