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Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 1:33 PM

Subject: Reminder: File National Archive


A month on, Jhansi ' oprhan ' yet to be reunited with family

A month on, Jhansi ‘orphan’ yet to be reunited with family

TNN | Dec 18, 2019, 04.13 AM IST

A month on, Jhansi ‘orphan’ yet to be reunited with family

BHOPAL: A six-year-old boy from Jhansi, who went missing in May and was living in a Special Adoption Agency (SAA) of Bhopal, has still not been reunited with his parents, even after he revealed his exact home address to a couple from Ahmedabad who wished to adopt him.

The child had been made legally free by the Child Welfare Committee of Bhopal after the SAA certified him as an orphan. After the Ahmedabad couple found his biological parents, the pre-adoption process was sent for cancellation, but despite efforts of the members of the Jhansi CWC, the boy is yet to be sent home.

Congo: A new Contracting Party to the Adoption Convention and a 154th connected State to the HCCH!

Congo: A new Contracting Party to the Adoption Convention and a 154th connected State to the HCCH!




The Permanent Bureau has been informed that on 11 December 2019, the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (“Adoption Convention”).

Illegal child adoption racket busted in Coimbatore

Habitual offender nurse and man got into scuffle as they demanded extra cash for ‘handing over’ male child

COIMBATORE: Passerby at Pappampatti Pirivu were in for a rude shock on Tuesday when they saw two women and a man tugging on a baby beside aw car. Horrified by the sight they called police, upon whose arrival, a child adoption racket was busted.

Coimbatore Rural Police placed the women and the man under arrest on Wednesday after District Child Protection unit members took custody of the 40-day-old baby boy. The roadside scuffle began after the women asked the man for extra cash for the deal, more than the earlier accepted Rs 2.5 lakh as they had brought a boy baby.

“Four months ago, Jahir Hussain (33), Madukkarai union deputy president of an auto driver union affiliated to the DMK, approached Haseena (27), a nurse at a private hospital in Erode, seeking a newborn child,” police said. Hussain allegedly offered her Rs 2.5 lakh and gave Rs 2 lakh as advance. Haseena’s friend Kalyani (35) from Erode, allegedly introduced her to Madurai-based couple Kannan and Jothi. The couple was offered Rs 1 lakh for their baby. Meanwhile, an illegal child adoption racket was busted in Namakkal, and Haseena was arrested in that case. She is suspected to be part of a statewide racket. Recently, Haseena came out on bail and proceeded with the deal she struck with Hussain.

“On Tuesday, Haseena and Kalyani along with the couple and the 40-day-old baby reached Karumathampatti to hand over the baby to Hussain. However, Hussain wanted the child to be tested for HIV infection before he accepted the boy. So the group proceeded to a private hospital in the area, where the doctors refused to perform the test as the group failed to produce a birth certificate,” police added.

Chief obstetrician of Armenia detained in adoption case of orphans – organ harvesting suspected

His accomplices illegally took away newborns from mothers – some claimed that the babies had allegedly died at birth

Armenia’s chief obstetrician and director of the Republican Maternity Hospital Razmik Abrahamyan and several other individuals have been detained in the case of a recently exposed scandal involving the illegal adoption of children by foreigners in Armenia.

The investigation claims that mothers were told that their children were either sick and that they should give them up for adoption, or that their newborns had died shortly after birth.

Most of the children taken from their mothers in this way were then adopted by foreigners – more than 30 such cases have been recorded involving Italian foster parents, in which the process took place involving flagrant violations of the law.

There is concern that the children were adopted for the purposes of harvesting their organs, however so far this has not been confirmed.

Battle over V’zuelan baby

Human rights body appeals to Govt

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is appealing to the Government to protect the interests of a 15-month-old boy – the son of a Venezuelan woman.

The baby is in TT custody. He has been in a safe house for more than a year under the care of the Children's Authority, while two court cases related to custody continue between the mother and the alleged adoptive parents.

For more than a year, the mother has not had any contact with her child.

The Children's Court is due to rule on custody in January 2020, after the case has been postponed repeatedly.

Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort

Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort

Woensdag 18 december 2019

De Nederlandse Centrale autoriteit (NLCA) heeft de NAS medegedeeld dat namens de Minister van Rechtsbescherming het besluit is genomen om adopties vanuit Haïti tijdelijk op te schorten. De oorzaak hiervoor ligt niet bij de adopties zelf maar bij de verslechterde veiligheidssituatie in het land. Sinds september is het aanzienlijk onrustiger dan gebruikelijk. In november werd een Frans echtpaar dat voor een tussentijdse adoptiereis naar Haïti was gevlogen, kort na aankomst om het leven gebracht. De onrust in Haïti houdt verband met de oppositie tegen de president en gaat onder andere over corruptiebestrijding, brandstofprijzen, water- en voedseltekorten en werkloosheid. Daarbij komt dat er verkiezingen zullen zijn begin 2020. In het verleden zagen we vaker dat met verkiezingen in het vooruitzicht, onrust ontstond onder de bevolking met rellen tot gevolg. Door het opschorten van de adopties zullen geen nieuwe approval aanvragen (matchingsvoorstellen) goedgekeurd worden door de NLCA.

De NAS is voortdurend in overleg met onze Haïtiaanse partners over de veiligheidsaspecten. Juist in de laatste weken verbetert de situatie zich enigszins. Sinds vorige week zijn de scholen weer open en ook de overheidsinstanties die in downtown Port-au-Prince zijn gevestigd werken weer, evenals alle instanties betrokken bij adopties. De NAS vindt het in het belang van de betrokken kinderen, dat er per situatie naar een maatwerk oplossing wordt gezocht wat er mogelijk is met in acht name van de actuele situatie. In de afgelopen maanden is juist met onze partner gewerkt aan beoordeling van reismogelijkheden per situatie. Dit heeft er toe geleid dat een aantal kinderen toch thuis kon komen naar Nederland. Dat geldt overigens ook voor andere landen. Er zijn de afgelopen maanden ook adoptiereizen naar Haïti uitgesteld naar een moment dat reizen beter verantwoord was of was de accommodatie aangepast.

De Nederlandse Centrale Autoriteit heeft aangegeven dat in samenspraak met de NAS (en partnerorganisaties in Nederland en Haïti) gekeken zal worden naar die gezinnen waar reeds een voorstel heeft plaatsgevonden om te beoordelen op welke wijze de betreffende adopties afgerond kunnen worden. De gezinnen aan wie een kind reeds is voorgesteld, zijn door de NAS persoonlijk geïnformeerd. De aspirant adoptiefouders met een ouderdossier in Haïti die wachten op een voorstel, alsmede de aspirant adoptiefouders op de wachtlijst voor intake hebben wij geïnformeerd door middel van een nieuwsbrief.


18 DÉCEMBRE 2019


Il y a 30 ans, à la chute du régime communiste, le monde découvrait en Roumanie d’immenses orphelinats, certains de véritables mouroirs, où survivaient des centaines de milliers d’enfants, parfois attachés à leur lit, livrés à eux mêmes. Depuis la disparition de Ceausescu, d'importants progrès ont été réalisés en termes de protection des enfants et le pays se prépare à fermer les 147 derniers centres hérités de l’époque communiste. Mais beaucoup reste à faire pour en finir avec l'héritage du dictateur : les abandons persistent et 54 000 enfants sont toujours sous tutelle de l’État, alertent l'association CARE et son partenaire SERA Romania.

La Roumanie est le seul pays où l’abandon d’enfants a été encouragé par l’État, qui avait développé un réseau de plus de 600 orphelinats. Conséquence de la politique ultra nataliste du dictateur Ceausescu - interdiction de la contraception et de l’IVG, obligation de faire 5 enfants par femme - abandonner son enfant était devenu en 1989 un acte banal. Si ce système a été abrogé en 1997, l’impact est encore bien présent 30 ans après. En 2018, 54 000 enfants étaient toujours sous la protection de l’État, dont 60 % en situation de handicap. Encore beaucoup grandissent dans des centres de placement inadaptés offrant peu de perspectives.

« Malgré un net recul depuis les années 90 et le travail acharné de nos équipes sur le terrain qui ont permis de fermer 87 orphelinats de l’époque de Ceauscescu et d’améliorer le destin de plus de 88 000 enfants en Roumanie, le nombre d’enfants placés est encore bien trop important ! », explique Bogdan Simion, directeur de l’association SERA Romania, soutenu par CARE.

Politicians lean towards limiting Latvian child adoption to foreign countries

On Tuesday, 17 December, Saeima’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee’s majority voiced support towards limiting adoption of Latvian children to foreign countries.

It is planned to return to this topic in January to decide if the Cabinet of Ministers should add changes to rules or laws.

During the meeting of the committee the head of the Ombudsman’s Office for Child Rights Laila Gr?vere said that in practice it is possible to circumvent certain limitations for foreign child adoption. It is possible to circumvent rules by putting a child from a foster family to an orphanage for a couple days to later adopt them to a foreign country. The ombudsman invites the Saeima to decide if it supports or does not support adoption of children to foreign countries and set a clear regulation in which cases it is permissible, says Gr?vere.

Welfare Ministry’s parliamentary secretary Krišs Lipš?ns said Latvia cannot put obstacles for child adoption to foreign countries. At the same time, it is not the primary goal – rather the last option available to provide children the right to a family.

Lipš?ns stresses that it is necessary to exercise children’s rights to live and grow up in a family environment, which is clearly outlined in the Constitution and international law binding to Latvia.

Adopting The Abandoned

With the infertility rate crossing 15 percent, Kashmir is joining the societies where childless couples are always seeking kids to adopt. Saima Bhat investigates the least known aspect of the Kashmir society in which abandoned babies are filling part of the surging demand gap amid new rules and processes that make offering a child for adoption easy

On a rainy afternoon in 2012 summer, Farooq Ahmad, an auto-rickshaw driver was driving alongside Srinagar’s Flood Spill Channel near Aalochi Bagh, when, all of a sudden, his mother’s pleas flashed back to his mind. His mother wanted him to leave his wife as she could not bear him a child in 15 years of their marriage. Farooq loved his wife and his mother too. So leaving either of the two was not an option. He burst into tears and decided to stop for a while.

Farooq parked his vehicle on the bund and came out to take rest under a mulberry tree. “I was weeping like anything while resting my head with a tree and suddenly my eyes saw a miracle,” Farooq said. “In utter disbelief I saw an infant moving an arm from a bag. I thought God has answered my silent prayers and tears. It was a miracle that changed my destiny.”

His happiness, however, was short lived. He was hugging the infant, a baby girl, when the local police arrived on the spot. “He had kept the abandoned girl close to his heart and was crying that the kid has been sent by God for him only,” says Shahid, an eyewitness. “He gave a tough time to cops by not leaving the abandoned child. Ultimately the police motivated him to come along to the police station so that they can at least register the FIR.”

There is a set procedure if an abandoned child is found anywhere in the state. If found in Srinagar, they mostly land up in GB Pant Hospital for the treatment and then these children’s custody is given to the childless couples who remain waiting in the queue with their applications.