
China should ease pain from one-child policy repercussions

In 1992, I was abandoned as a baby and found in a public place in Hefei, China. For almost two years, I lived in an orphanage and with a foster mother. Then my adoptive mother flew me to Sacramento, California, where I grew up.

My existence here in the United States is due to China’s infamous one-child policy, which was imposed for more than three decades before it was eased to a two-child policy in 2015.

I am one of more than 90,000 children adopted from China and raised in the US between 1992 and 2018.

About 40,000 other children went to families in the Netherlands, Spain and Britain.

In her devastating poem, One Art, Elizabeth Bishop writes of loss in a way I relate to. She describes misplacing stuff like keys and a watch, but also losing things a little less trivial: names and places; rivers, cities and continents; and finally, that mysterious “you.”

Fwd: Request for inquiry into ISS Australia [SEC=OFFICIAL]

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From: ICAPrograms

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 at 11:22 PM

Subject: RE: Request for inquiry into ISS Australia [SEC=OFFICIAL]

To: info@againstchildtrafficking.org

Verdens bedste adoptionssystem bliver til verdens dyreste kontrolsystem!

The world's best adoption system becomes the world's most expensive control system!

Chairman Michael Paaske has written the following chronicle for Jyllandsposten: https://jyllands-posten.dk/debat/kronik/ECE11800889/world-best-adoptionsystem- becoming-to-world-pricest-controlsystem/

Read the full article here:

From the world's best adoption system to the world's most expensive control system

By Michael Paaske, President of Adoption & Society

Viet Nam Family Search A Search & Reunion service for Vietnamese intercountry adoptees and birth families in Viet Nam


Welcome to Viet Nam Family Search (VNFS)!

We are an adoptee led service designed to facilitate search and reunion between Vietnamese intercountry adoptees with birth families in Viet Nam.

Viet Nam Family Search is the formalisation of a worldwide service which has been provided informally since 2001.

We are fellow Vietnamese adoptees who understand the lifelong journey of searching for identity, the importance of connecting with our homeland, and the daunting task of finding paperwork and ultimately hoping to be reunited with birth family in Viet Nam. The team has broad personal and case experience. Many years of experience connecting with Vietnamese families searching for their children has developed an acute understanding of their specific needs and sensitivies. It is crucial in cross border searches that the language, social and cultural pathways are navigated respectfully. Our team is able to provide this on your behalf.

Fwd: Post Adoption Services

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From: Sudatta Parivar

Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2019 at 11:20 PM

Subject: Post Adoption Services


‘Gekleurde adoptiekinderen zeggen zich een bounty te voelen: bruin van buiten, wit van binnen’

Let adoptive children eat with them in the pot, they will feel at home the quickest, was the idea for a long time. Meanwhile, people think differently. Femmie Juffer, herself the mother of two adopted children, missed good tips and advice and therefore wrote a book herself.

It is the late 70s when Femmie Juffer decides to adopt two girls with her husband: Shira from Bangladesh and Elina from Peru. Juffer still remembers how people at that time could almost give an enchanting advice: just give them food to eat kale, even though they are used to rice.

"With the knowledge of today you could call that color blind," says Juffer, who is not only an adoptive parent but also a special professor of adoption and foster care at Leiden University. ,, It was well-intended. With that statement they wanted to prevent the children from becoming confused about where they belonged. But it is also an untenable idea: adoptive children sooner or later find out that they are a bit different from the rest.


Colored adoptive and foster children often say they feel bounty: brown on the outside, white on the inside

Fwd: FOI - adoption reunification and tracing project of ISS Australia

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From: Arun Dohle

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 at 1:19 PM

Subject: FOI - adoption reunification and tracing project of ISS Australia


Fwd: FOI Request / India

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From: Arun Dohle

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 at 1:16 PM

Subject: Re: FOI Request / India