
Adopting a child from South Korea

Adopting a child from South Korea

Who can adopt?

Who can adopt?Who can’t adopt?
Married couplesSame sex couples
Single family (in exceptional circumstances)De facto couples
 Single people

Please note: South Korea has advised they will not be accepting new applications from Australian prospective adoptive parents in 2023.

Children you can adopt from South Korea

Fake doctor, child trafficking agent arrested in surrogacy sting in Bengaluru

According to a senior police officer who spoke to DH, Kevin, the alleged fake doctor, operated a small clinic in Rajajinagar without a medical degree. Kevin was arrested on Wednesday.

Bengaluru: A fake doctor and a child trafficking agent were arrested in an illegal surrogacy and child trafficking operation uncovered by the Central Crime Branch (CCB) last week. According to a senior police officer who spoke to DH, Kevin, the alleged fake doctor, operated a small clinic in Rajajinagar without a medical degree. Kevin was arrested on Wednesday

Kevin used his connections to forge documents in the names of couples who were purchasing infants through a network of seven female agents, including Ramya, a senior police officer told DH. 

All the agents, including Hemalatha, Sharanya, Murugeshwari, Suhasini, Radha, Gomathi, Mahalakshmi, and Kannan Ramasami from Tamil Nadu, have been arrested.

The investigation revealed that Ramya convinced a relative, who had accidentally conceived and wanted to abort the child, to sell the baby instead. Ramya provided some money to her relative, took the baby, and sold it to a customer through the gang.

Police suspect that more individuals may be involved in the operation. A similar case has been reported in Erode, Tamil Nadu, and the CCB is investigating possible links between the gang members and that case.


Opinion: The Long, Agonising Adoption Process In India

There are three crore orphaned children in India, but only 3,500 to 4,000 children are available for adoption in a year and some 30,000 prospective parents have to wait for three years to bring home a child.

Taking note of this discrepancy, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud observed recently: "Why are they (Central Adoption Resource Authority) stalling adoptions? Why is CARA not doing it? Hundreds of children are awaiting adoption in the hope of a better life." The remarks were made when the Supreme Court was hearing two petitions flagging gaps that were delaying adoptions and making the entire process a sham. The practical difficulties of adoption were also highlighted in the court, with one of the judges bringing out the humane and human aspect and cost to the society.

CARA, a statutory body of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, functions as the central body for adoption of Indian children and is mandated to monitor and regulate in-country and inter-country adoptions. CARA primarily deals with the adoption of "orphan, abandoned and surrendered" children through its associated and recognised adoption agencies.

Due to red tape and lack of transparency, several thousand children are being deprived of home and the love of parents. With each month's delay, the children grow and age, and their chances of adoptability and adaptability diminishes. The prospective parents, too, lose their precious years doing cumbersome and complicated paperwork. Their financial condition suffers as they scout and wait their turn and are made to visit different adoption centres in the country.

The conditions of the shelter homes where these children are placed are also not hygienic, with funds and staff both short.

Atman: investigation into a multinational sect of tantrism

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the French police carried out a large raid against an international tantric yoga sect, the Atman federation, and arrested dozens of its executives for human trafficking, indoctrination and kidnapping. Among them is his guru, Gregorian Bivolaru, a Romanian who pushed female followers to sleep with him for supposed spiritual elevation. Our correspondent in India, Sébastien Farcis, investigated for two months and spoke with several victims. He reveals how this sect operates.

From our correspondent in India, 

The music is soft and soaring. Sunset light radiates the room, located on top of a hotel in Rishikesh, a holy city in northern India. In the center of the room, around fifty young people in casual clothes advance with their eyes closed, one after the other, in an aisle formed by their companions. With a hesitant step, everyone then lets themselves be caressed by the hands of the other practitioners. “  Connect with your feelings, disconnect your mind and feel the loving energies of others  ,” encourages the teacher, Purusha Ananda, dressed in a red tunic. This “  angel walk  ” represents the first exercise of a tantric yoga class, offered by the Mahasiddha school. An introductory session to encourage these young people to follow a three-day course, which begins the next morning: “  erotic energy is the source of our inner power ,” explains the teacher in a suave voice. And I will teach you how to control this energy to make love better, and to purify your emotions to transcendence and communion with God  .” 

The master's sexual gratification

This proposition seems tempting. But it hides a darker face: that of a sect of tantrism, the Atman federation, which pushes hundreds of young women towards unbridled sexual relations. 

Child trafficking: Sri Lankan children victims of trafficking (and easy passports)

by Arundathie Abeysinghe  courtesy PIME Asia News 

An organised crime cartel allegedly brought 13 children ‘regularly’ from Sri Lanka to Malaysia and from there, using false documents, they were trafficked to the rest of the world, including Europe. The chairman of the National Child Protection Authority, Udayakumara Amarasinghe: ‘Parents are given a certain amount of money to take them abroad even though this is a criminal offence’.


Colombo (AsiaNews) – Last week the Sri Lankan immigration and emigration control body filed a formal complaint with the human trafficking, smuggling and maritime crime investigation division of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) regarding an alleged ‘cartel’ of human trafficking – in particular children under 18 years of age, mostly Tamil citizens from the northern and eastern areas – who were allegedly brought to Malaysia.

Having arrived in the South-East Asian country “in a regular fashion” and often accompanied by their parents who receive money in exchange, traffickers would provide them with false passports with which these children would then be sold in other countries including France and the United Kingdom using counterfeit travel documents.

Bengaluru child trafficking: Doctors, hospitals, IVF centres may have been involved in interstate racket, say police

The police suspect that over 10 infants have been sold by the gang till now to childless couples.

While the investigations into the child trafficking case in Bengaluru has led to the arrest of three more people in the city, the police have stumbled upon details of an organised crime and said doctors, hospitals and IVF centres may have been a part of the interstate racket.

The police suspect that over 10 infants have been sold by the gang till now to childless couples.

According to the police, a newborn girl used to be sold at Rs 4-5 lakh while a male child fetched Rs 8-10 lakh. Prices dropped for infants of darker complexions.

Among the three new arrestees are Suhasini, Radha and Gomathi, all residents of Erode in Tamil Nadu. The police had earlier arrested Mahalakshmi, Kannan Ramaswamy, Hemalatha, Murugeshwari and Saranya.

The uncomfortable truth is that overseas adoptions will never be fraud-free Sculpture by Saskia Vanderstichele

Yung Fierens was adopted from South Korea, adoption expert and chairman of the adoption interest group CAFE.

YUNG FIERENS 29 november 2023, 17:02

The lid has once again fallen off the adoption chair. Two years after an expert panel came to devastating conclusions about transnational adoption conditions, the establishment of a project group that had to bend over policy proposals, and even some of these proposed reforms came into existence, we are once again faced with an adoption scandal.

Research showed that several children from Ethiopia were not voluntarily given up by their parents but ended up in Flemish adoptive families through child trafficking. It concerns adoptions that took place between 1996 and 2017.

The Flemish Center for Adoption (VCA) now calls on all adopted people who have doubts about the legality of their adoption to contact us.

Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one

Kinderen in extreme nood een warme thuis geven, dat lukt soms alleen via interlandelijke adoptie.

Kinderen in extreme nood een warme thuis geven, dat lukt soms alleen via interlandelijke adoptie. — © nyt

Als interlandelijke adoptie stopt, blokkeer je voor veel kinderen de weg naar een beter leven, schrijft Christine Gonnissen.

Vandaag om 03:00Christine GonnissenVoorzitter van VIA vzw de fusie van adoptieorganisaties FIAC-Horizon en Ray of Hope.


Tantric yoga guru Gregorian Bivolaru charged with human trafficking

French authorities arrest Misa leader in major raid over claims of organised kidnapping, rape and abuse

French authorities have arrested the leader of a multinational tantric yoga organisation on suspicion of indoctrinating women for sexual exploitation.

The Romanian guru was detained on Tuesday morning during a major police operation across the Paris region, according to a French judicial official, who was not authorised to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation.

The French official identified the man as Gregorian B, whom French media identified as Gregorian Bivolaru, 71, an internationally known yoga teacher and author.

The investigation into Bivolaru and his yoga federation, the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (Misa), began after reports of psychological manipulation and sexual exploitation within the organisation, according to the official. Former Misa members alerted authorities to the alleged abuses.

Amicus curiae should issue instructions to ensure welfare of adopted daughter: High Court

COCHI: In the petition filed by the parents seeking permission to return their adopted daughter, the High Court directed the amicus curiae to suggest measures to ensure psychological support to the girl. Justice Devan Ramachandran said that the girl who was abandoned by those who gave birth to her is now being abandoned by the ones who adopted her as well and the child is in a very bad situation

The High Court was considering the petition filed by the couple from Thiruvananthapuram that the girl adopted from an ashram in Ludhiana is not getting along with them and that the adoption should be cancelled and the child should be returned. Earlier, Adv Parvathy Menon was appointed as amicus curiae in the petition. The amicus curiae visited the girl in the care home and filed a report in the High Court yesterday. The report says that the girl is in a helpless state of isolation and a compassionate approach is essential. It was also pointed out that the girl needs psychological support, not psychiatric treatment. 

At this stage, the High Court verbally said that the desire of the court is for the girl to go to school and college and should consider getting admission to an open school for Plus Two. The single bench directed the amicus curiae to specify steps to be taken for the girl's welfare and adjourned the petition for hearing on Monday. 

The petitioners adopted the girl from Punjab after their son died in a car accident. The petitioners approached the High Court to cancel the adoption stating that the girl is unable to accept them as parents and is not ready to get along with them.