
US families illegally adopted 100s of Chilean children during Pinochet dictatorship

A bombshell report by the Chilean judiciary has revealed that hundreds of children illegally adopted by foreigners during the Pinochet dictatorship were sent to the US. A judge overseeing the probe called it “kidnapping.”

Judge Mario Carroza’s report, released Sunday, followed a probe into 579 adoptions between 1950 and 2001, 488 of those during the 1973-1990 dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Of those, 525 were adopted by foreign families, and 432 went to the US. Calling the practice “kidnapping” and a “crime against humanity,” Carroza pointed out that Chile had no legal mechanism for overseas adoption until 1988.

Files on the 579 children of “vulnerable” mothers were discovered at the home of 96-year-old social worker Telma Uribe, who played a key role in the “irregular” adoptions according to Carroza. Mothers in financial hardship were paid to transfer their newborns to the legal guardianship of agencies. They were then “handed over” to families abroad.

Chilean Judge Mario Carroza is pictured out his office during a break in interrogation of former military officers at a court in Santiago, July 23, 2015. © Reuters / © Ivan Alvarado

The American Adoption Agency is linked to 206 of the cases; the Evangelical Adoption and Family Service to 22; the New York Study Service to 11; International Adoptions, Inc. to four; Catholic Charities of Richmond to three; Today’s Family, Inc. to three; and Homestudies, Inc. to two.

The poor 90s

The poor 90s



Deaths '90

If you talk about externally funded NGOs and represent the interests of the financiers in Romania and not those of the country where they are operating or of a larger or smaller part of the population, you risk being fingerprinted as an anti-terrorist . Because in the collective imagination only Soros finances the foundations and only about him is said to be involved in activities directed against some states.

EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe

EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe

Published the April 17, 2018

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65-year-old woman holds 8 'adopted' girls captive in Goa, tortures, brands them with hot knife

Held captive Goa

Image for representation. Photo: Reuters

At least eight girls were found confined in a flat in Goa's Vasco city, where they were allegedly subjected to torture, including branding them with a hot knife, police said today.

The girls, all in the age group of six to 12 years, were also allegedly beaten up with a pipe by a 65-year-old woman who claimed to have adopted them, Vasco police station inspector Nolasco Raposo said.

The police had yesterday rescued the girls from the flat, located in the Baina locality of the city, with the help of an NGO and arrested the woman, identified as Venus Habib.

Child trafficking racket busted

Child trafficking racket busted

Seven held in Chennai, one in the U.K., for trafficking to Europe and the U.S.

The Chennai city police have busted a human trafficking racket run out of Chennai and Delhi airports. A woman passenger who is suspected to have indulged in the crime seven times using Indian passports has been arrested. The connivance of some immigration officers is suspected.

The breakthrough followed an input from the Foreigners’ Regional Registration office, Chennai.

The matter came to light a week ago when A.K. Singh, Assistant Foreigners’ Regional Registration Officer, received an input about Haru Manju Datta, who was bound for the United Kingdom accompanied by a person who was under 18 years, impersonating her own son, also bound for the U.K., through the Chennai international airport.

Restore children adopted sans consent to parents: Madras High Court

CHENNAI: Adoption is the most beautiful solution for childless couples, single people and also homeless children as it enables a parent-child relationship to be established between persons who are not biologically related. But it would be totally different and would shatter a woman if she is forced to part with her child, the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court has held.

“To part a woman from her child in a violent manner is a most dangerous step to take. It will so unstabilise her that she may emerge from the shattering experience as an entirely different personality,” a Division Bench of Justices S Vimala and T Krishnavalli observed, while ordering the restoration of a 15-year-old girl with her biological mother and a 25-year-old man with his biological father in two separate cases.

The Bench was disposing of two habeas corpus writ petitions – one from a woman seeking her daughter and the other from a man praying for the return of his son. They contended that their consent was not taken for the surrender of the children and that the implication of the surrender was not explained to them. They reclaimed their daughter and son from the respective Child Welfare Committees (CWCs).

The CWCs submitted that counselling was given before the surrender regarding its implication.

However, the mother said she gave the child to the committee only with a view of taking back her once the problems are settled. She never intended to give the child in adoption.“The anxiety in the eyes of the mother with incessant tears and the longing cannot be answered in the negative,” the Bench said.

HC hands over custody of child to minor mother

MADURAI: The Madurai bench of the Madras high court has handed over the custody of a child to its minor mother after

cancelling its surrender to the child welfare committee which had subsequently declared that it was legally free for adoption.

A division bench of justices S Vimala (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Vimala) and T Krishnavalli

(https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Krishnavalli) passed the order after it heard two cases filed by M Meena

(https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/M-Meena), mother of the girl, and Paramasivam

Two-year wait period not mandatory for adoption: Bombay HC

MUMBAI: The Bombay high court has said that an 18-year-old rule which stipulates a two-year wait period before guardians are allowed to adopt the children placed in their custody is not a mandatory requirement.

The court came to the aid of a couple, in their 30s, who wanted to adopt a six-and-a-half-year-old child for whom they were appointed as guardians in January 2017.

The child has been residing with the adoptive mother since birth, after his biological mother placed him in her custody.

The court said that the reality today, especially when it comes to education of young children, was different from 18 years ago. "The factual scenario today is very different from what it was merely two decades ago. The question of identity and proof of identity for every living person and citizen has assumed a certain criticality. From the child's earliest days, parents must now have ready at hand, for a multitude of purposes, documentation establishing the child's birth, identity and parentage. One of the most crucial areas is the question of admission to educational institutions. Another is applying for government subsidies for social and financial benefits. In matters of education, things have reached an absurd and even impossible pass where a child has to be registered for admission almost at birth and certainly well before the child is able to speak or walk," said Justice Gautam Patel.

Justice Patel said that the two-year wait period was a court-made rule and was introduced as a matter of caution. The judge said that courts "cannot approach these matters with such rigidity, especially if that comes at the cost of the minor."

«Kjære mamma, hvor er du?»


Marie K.Eftestad skrev et innlegg på Facebook der hun etterlyser sin biologiske mor. Foto: PrivatLETER: Marie K.Eftestad skrev et innlegg på Facebook der hun etterlyser sin biologiske mor. Foto: Privat«Kjære mamma, hvor er du?»Marie (40) bruker sosiale medier for å finne sin biologiske mor.13. APRIL 2018 KL. 16.42 DEL PÅ FACEBOOK Cornelia Kristiansen Cornelia KristiansenHver 14. januar så lenge Marie K. Eftestad kan huske, har hun tenkt på moren. Hvem er hun? Tenker hun noen gang på datteren? Marie ble født i Kolkata i India i 1978, og adoptert bort til en familie i Norge samme år.Da Marie fylte 40 i år, skrev hun et innlegg på morens språk bengali og la det på Facebook.- Jeg har jo alltid tenkt på det. Etter jeg fikk barn selv vet jeg at man ikke glemmer at man har båret på et barn. Og så fikk jeg lyst til å skrive til henne.- Mitt eneste ønske er å møte degEt par måneder seinere la hun ut et nytt innlegg, denne gangen på engelsk. Der skrev hun blant annet:«Kjære mamma, hvor er du? 14. Januar 1978 fødte du meg på Park View Nursing Home i Kolkata. Men etter fjorten dager, adopterte du meg bort. Saroj Sood hjalp meg med å bli adoptert I Norge. Men hver dag tenker jeg på deg. Jeg lurer på om du også har meg i tankene etter alle disse åra. Jeg vet ikke hvor du er eller hva du gjør. Men mitt eneste ønske er å møte deg og takke deg for å ha gitt meg livet. Jeg er evig takknemlig for at du har født meg! ?Videre skriver hun at hun håper moren har ombestemt seg:«Det må ha vært en veldig god grunn til at du adopterte meg bort, men jeg vil aldri bruke det mot deg og er evig takknemlig, for at du har gitt meg denne muligheten Jeg forstår at du ønsket å være anonym den gangen. Men jeg håper at du har ombestemt deg etter alle disse åra. Jeg håper virkelig at du også vil møte meg så mye som jeg vil møte deg.»Lite informasjonTil Dagbladet forteller trebarnsmoren som nå bor i Søgne, at hun først tok kontakt med organisasjonen som sto for adopsjonen for noen år siden. Reglene er strenge, og dersom moren ønsker å være anonym, er det ikke så mye organisasjonen kan gjøre.Foreldrene til Marie har fortsatt adopsjonspapirene, men der var det begrenset med informasjon. Det sto at kvinnen var ugift. Ikke navn, ikke religion eller alder. Nå har Marie fått vite initialene til moren. Men det er fortsatt lite å gå på i et land med en milliard innbyggere.De forsto at det kanskje ikke hjalp å bare dele en oppfordring fra egen Facebook-side. Kona til Marie, Monica, postet Facebook-innlegget på siden til organisasjonen som hadde stått for adopsjonen. Så søkte hun på indiske nettsider og fant en indisk journalist som jobbet i Times of India, og tok kontakt med henne.Publisert i flere indiske medierJournalisten fikk en melding på Facebook i januar med Maries historie, men hadde ikke sett den før i mars. Da tok journalisten kontakt. Et par dager seinere var artikkelen publisert. Flere andre indiske medier skrev om saken. Men flere uker har gått, og Marie har ennå ikke fått svarene hun leter etter.- Med en gang var det flere som tok kontakt, og det var veldig spennende og gøy, og man får jo et større håp. Men jeg vet at det ikke er enkelt.Tankene om å forsøke å finne moren ble forsterket da de så filmen «Lion», som hadde norgespremiere 5. januar. Dev Patel har hovedrollen som en med indisk bakgrunn som er blitt adoptert bort, og blir besatt av å finne foreldrene. Filmen, som er basert på en sann historie, fikk seks Oscar-nominasjoner.- Filmen er fra Kolkata, så det blir enda nærmere. Og så ble det litt som i filmen. Man blir - ikke besatt - men man får et ønske om å finne. Man er nysgjerrig på opphavet sitt.- Og så er det mange som ikke er det?- Ja, jeg kjenner flere som ikke engang er interessert i å reise til landet. Men i India er det strengt, og det finnes informasjon. Andre jeg kjenner har blitt levert på en trapp og da har de ikke noe å gå ut fra. Kanskje de lettere avfinner seg med situasjonen.Marie vet at hun må være forberedt på det meste i letingen videre. At det kan være gode grunner til at moren ikke svarer, selv om hun skulle høre om det.- Det er jo veldig skam, så jeg skjønner jo hvis hun ikke har mulighet til å svare. Det er også veldig viktig for meg å si at jeg ikke vil utsette henne for noe. Men jeg håper etter alle disse åra at hun kanskje har endret syn på å være anonym.