
Italy 2013 - crisis confirmed

Date: 01/23/14

International adoptions: a first look at the data of 2013. Crisis confirmed, couples fall (-7.2%) and adopted children (9.1%)

statistiche350By the Commission for International Adoptions reach tentative signs of life on the corporate website, it is in fact appeared an extract from the annual statistical report containing the data of adoptions for the year 2013 , which will be published in full in February.

There is a crisis, and it is confirmed: during the past year, there was in fact a decrease of 9.1% in the number of children adottat i, which follows the actual "collapse" of 2012 (-22.8% ). Since 2010, the year when there was a peak with 4,130 adopted children, began a steady and gradual downward trend, which led, in fact, the "only" 2,825 children in 2013: less than 1350, for an overall decrease of nearly 32% in 4 years .

The decline of the past year, according to the CAI, was due mostly to the sharp slowdown in international adoption in Colombia, but also in Brazil and Ukraine. Favorable instead was recorded in Ethiopia, Poland and Vietnam.

Last chance for adoption agency

Last chance for adoption agency

Today, the adoption agency AC International Child Support submits its report on the cases that led to the suspension 10 January. The agency has received unexpected help in the process, hundreds of couples waiting anxiously for clarification.

22 JANUARY 2014

Adoption agency AC International Child must now hand over the report that they have been asked for by the Social Development Fund. © AC International Child Support

By Esben Christensen

Hundreds of parents are still searching for their missing children in Guatemala

Google Translation:

Hundreds of parents are still searching for their missing children in Guatemala

The Alba- Keneth alert unit investigating 1,130 cases of missing children

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Les adoptions en forte baisse en Belgique

En baisse de 50%, l'adoption internationale de plus en plus compliquée

SOCIETE | Mis à jour le mardi 21 janvier 2014 à 9h31

Les adoptions en forte baisse en Belgique

Les adoptions en forte baisse en Belgique - Belga

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2trust verb \?tr?st\

: to believe that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. : to have confidence in (someone or something)

: to believe that something is true or correct

: to hope or expect that something is true or will happen

France suspends adoptions from Central African Republic


Le quai d'Orsay a pris vendredi un arrêté suspendant les procédures d'adoption des enfants centrafricains. Motif : la situation actuelle sur place ne permet de garantir suffisamment qu'il en va "de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant".

43 adoptions en 2012, 66 en 2013... La Centrafrique est devenue ces dernières années le premier pays d'adoption pour la France sur le continent africain. Vendredi, le ministère des affaires étrangères a décidé de mettre un coup d'arrêt immédiat à ces adoptions. "Les procédures d'adoption internationale par toute personne résidant en France ou ressortissant français résidant à l'étranger concernant des enfants de nationalité centrafricaine résidant en République centrafricaine sont suspendues jusqu'à nouvel ordre", indique l'arrêté.

Interrogé par MYTF1News, le quai d'Orsay explique que cette décision a été prise en raison "du climat qui a changé sur place". "La RCA connaît une crise sans précédent. Les conditions politiques, administratives et sécuritaires ne permettent plus de garantir le respect de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant et de la famille adoptante", précise le ministère. En clair, les autorités craignent de ne pas pouvoir s'assurer de toutes les garanties quant à l'origine et à l'adoptabilité des enfants, dont beaucoup sont actuellement déplacés et séparés momentanément de leurs parents. Si la mesure est immédiate, elle reste provisoire, précise le ministère, le temps que la situation se stabilise dans ce pays.

Les procédures en cours sont maintenues

Mysore: Two orphans, an Italian couple caught in adoption battle

Mysore: Two orphans, an Italian couple caught in adoption battle

Shylaja Varma

CNN-IBN | 16-Jan-2014

Bangalore/Mysore: Two brothers, with a tragic past that left them orphaned. They barely remember their how they lost their parents. But today, they dream of a home in Italy. The elder, eight-year-old, hopes to become an engineer, while the younger, six-year-old, dreams of becoming a doctor. But what the future holds, no one knows. The young brothers are at the centre of an inter-country adoption battle. Placed in a children's home in Mysore soon after they were orphaned, the brothers were then shifted to a private organisation in Bangalore that facilitates adoption in 2012.

When CNN-IBN visited Vathsalya Charitable Trust in Bangalore where the brothers are currently placed, they were having classes along with other children. As the team entered their office, the sounds of children ranting alphabets and science facts could be heard from the basement where classes are held.