
Frontline practitioners support Narey plan to split social work degree, Community Care poll shows

Frontline practitioners support Narey plan to split social work degree, Community Care poll shows

A round up of the intitial reaction to Martin Narey's review of children's social work education in England

by Kirsty McGregor on February 17, 2014 in Education and training, Students, Workforce

Martin Narey

Government adviser Martin Narey (Credit: Matt Lloyd/Rex)

Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro's EU bid

Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro's EU bid

Brussels: UN pledges further support for Montenegro

Published date 17.02.2014 18:45 | Author PR Bureau

Ispis Print

Brussels, Belgium (17 February 2014) -- State Secretary for European Integration and Montenegro’s Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejovi? attended Monday in Brussels a meeting devoted to Montenegro’s cooperation with the UN agencies in the light of the country’s integration into the EU. The meeting was also attended by Director of the UNDP Office in Brussels Antonio Vigilante, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative to Montenegro Rastislav Vrbensky, UNICEF Representative in Montenegro Benjamin Perks and Head of the Montenegro Unit at the European Commission's Enlargement Directorate Dirk Lange.

Evasion fiscale : le courage de Stéphanie Gibaud, "La femme qui en savait trop"

Evasion fiscale : le courage de Stéphanie Gibaud, "La femme qui en savait trop"

FEMMES D'EXCEPTION par Edwige Coupez dimanche 16 février 2014



Evasion fiscale : le courage de Stéphanie Gibaud, \\\"La femme qui en savait trop\\\"

article - Officials to head to US for adoption training reg. Cambodia

Officials to head to US for adoption training

Thu, 13 February 2014

Amelia Woodside

Cambodia's long-awaited resumption of international adoptions will soon take another tenuous step forward with a US State Department program that will see local adoption officials flown to the United States for training.

The initiative, pegged an “informational visitor’s program”, follows on the heels of a January visit by US Special Adviser for Children’s Issues Susan Jacobs to Cambodia, a State Department official told the Post.

danish article - Merete laubjerg and Anders Riel Müller, APF - Expert: International adoption should be abolished asap

Ekspert: »International adoption burde afskaffes så hurtigt som muligt«

Simone Okkels Af Simone Okkels

13. februar 2014, 17:00

Adoptioner opretholder skæve sociale strukturer i afgiverlandene. Blandt andet derfor skal området nytænkes helt, hvis ikke det skal afskaffes, mener adoptionsforsker.

Del artiklen

Expert: "International adoption should be abolished as soon as possible '

Google translation from Danish

Expert: "International adoption should be abolished as soon as possible '

By Simone Okkels

13 February 2014, 17:00

Adoptions maintains weak social structures in sending countries. One of the reasons why the area should be completely re-thought, if not it should be abolished, according to adoption researcher.

Moscou interdit l'adoption d'enfants par des Français célibataires

Moscou interdit l'adoption d'enfants par des Français célibataires

Publié par Le Monde le Jeudi 13 Février 2014 à 20h24


Réagissez ! - 11 commentaires

La France est entrée jeudi 13 février dans la « liste noire » de Moscou pour les adoptions d'enfants, en raison de l'autorisation du mariage homosexuel.

With all eyes on Russia, Kremlin expands ban on same-sex adoptions

With all eyes on Russia, Kremlin expands ban on same-sex adoptions


Krasnaya Polyana, Russia — The Globe and Mail

Published Thursday, Feb. 13 2014

In the middle of a Winter Games already tainted by criticism of the Russian government’s treatment of gay and lesbians, the Kremlin has tightened a ban on same-sex couples from adopting Russian children, expanding it to also preclude single would-be parents from countries – such as Canada – that allow gay marriage.

Maria Kling Holm: "It is a human right to know his identity '

Maria Kling Holm: "It is a human right to know his identity '

By Simone Okkels

12 February 2014

Adoptees should be allowed to know his biological ancestry. It believes Maria Kling Holm, who today still do not know why she was given up for adoption from India. The information about her adoption is in fact extremely scarce.

For a long time she did not give it a thought. Wondered just why she was treated differently from the other kids in town, and just trying to fit into. Maria Kling Holm was given up for adoption from India and came to Denmark at just four months old. She remembers no other parents than the Danish couple who have taken care of her since they picked her up at the airport. Today she is 39 years and still does not know why she grew up in Birkeroed and not Bangalore.

danish article adoptee Maria Klingsholm :"Its a human right to know you identity"

Maria Klingsholm blev i 1974 bortadopteret til Danmark. Sidste sommer rejste hun, manden og datteren (billedet) til Bangalore for at søge efter Marias biologiske familie.

»Det er en menneskeret at kende sin identitet«

Simone Okkels Af Simone Okkels

12. februar 2014, 11:51

Adopterede skal have lov til at kende sit biologiske ophav. Det mener Maria Klingsholm, som i dag endnu ikke ved, hvorfor hun blev bortadopteret fra Indien. Oplysningerne om hendes adoption er nemlig yderst sparsomme.