
Court asks cops to probe adopted Swedish woman’s complaint

Court asks cops to probe adopted Swedish woman’s complaint

Written by Mayura Janwalkar | Mumbai | January 15, 2014 10:51

Arnes, a resident of Höör in Sweden, had urged the court to order action against the ashram for not disclosing the identity of her biological mother. Arnes, a resident of Höör in Sweden, had urged the court to order action against the ashram for not disclosing the identity of her biological mother.


Rebecka Arnes has been looking for her biological mother; claims Tushar Gandhi was of no help, wrote nasty emails.

UK courts must not decide the fate of foreign children, says top judge

UK courts must not decide the fate of foreign children, says top judge

High Court family judge Sir James Munby spoke out in case of Slovak boy

He said attempts by social workers to gag media were 'impermissible'

It comes after Italian mother was given forced caesarean in secret case


A historic breakthrough for people in institutional care: EU Funds must be used to develop community-based alternatives in 2014


A historic breakthrough for people in institutional care: EU Funds must be used to develop community-based alternatives in 2014 – 2020

Statement from the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-Based care: The European Union (EU) is preparing to implement the next 7 years of the Structural and Investment Funding. The framework put in place for this new programming period represents a historic opportunity to protect the rights of Europe’s most excluded people - those living in institutional care. For the first time, the new Regulations for the EU Cohesion Policy investment, adopted last December by the European Council and the European Parliament include specific references to support the “transition from institutional to community-based care”. This represents a commitment that EU Funds will not be used to perpetuate institutionalisation, but to develop the much needed community-based alternatives. This commitment is crucial in the current times of austerity, as Member States can use EU Funds to cover the cost of transition to community-based services. Moreover, with the adoption of the European Code of Conduct on Partnership in the framework of the European Structural and Investment Funds on 7 January, the European Commission issued a strong signal to Member States that any future investments of EU Funds should be planned and implemented in close cooperation with civil society and other stakeholders.

The European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-Based Care (EEG) is a broad coalition which brings together stakeholders representing people with care or support needs, as well as service providers, public authorities and intergovernmental organisations. Since 2009, the EEG has advocated for changes in the legislation which would ensure that EU Funds support the reform of the care systems in the Member States, and for a more meaningful involvement of the civil society organisations. The EEG therefore welcomes this historic breakthrough in the EU’s legislative landscape, which should improve the situation of children and adults in institutional care or at risk of institutionalisation and facilitate real effective innovation in the social services sector.

Lasting changes for people with care and support needs.

DISASTRI DIPLOMATICI Kyenge, adozioni bloccate: Il giallo dei 50mila euro

DISASTRI DIPLOMATICIKyenge, adozioni bloccate:

Il giallo dei 50mila euro

mandati in Congo da Letta

Cécile KyengeCécile Kyenge

Il decreto di nomina è arrivato alla segreteria del consiglio dei ministri già a metà della scorsa settimana, con la firma del ministro dell’Integrazione, Cecyle Kyenge. Dopo settimane di polemiche e nel pieno dello scandalo sulle adozioni in Congo era finalmente arrivata la proposta di nomina del nuovo vicepresidente operativo della Commissione adozioni internazionali. Il presidente della commissione è il ministro in carica (la Kyenge), che ha poteri di indirizzo politico ma non ha poteri operativi, né diritto di firma, che spetta al vicepresidente. Chi sedeva su quella poltrona, Daniela Bacchetta (un magistrato, qualifica di solito richiesta per l’incarico) dopo sei anni e un rinnovo, aveva terminato nel cuore della scorsa estate. Era stata prorogata per 45 giorni, lasciando inevitabilmente l’incarico vacante nella prima settimana di novembre, quando proprio stava per diventare pubblico il caso Congo. Per la sostituzione la Kyenge aveva preparato il decreto di nomina di Silvia Della Monica, anche lei magistrato (fu il capo del Pool che fece le indagini sul mostro di Firenze), ma con un recente passaggio anche nella politica, visto che la scorsa legislatura era stata eletta in Senato nelle fila del Pd.

Fraud Revealed - a military family's real life story of discovering human trafficking

Fraud Revealed



Follow up to this post went up today at FOR

Fraud Revealed:

V & K kræver reform af adoptionsområdet

V & K kræver reform af adoptionsområdet

Efter et adoptionsbureau nu suspenderes, stilles der fra politisk hold krav om en reform af hele adoptionsområdet.

10. JAN. 2014 KL. 17:58

Eyvind Vesselbo

Af Trine Duemose K. Simonsen

Minister suspends adoption agency because of the mess in the economy

Minister suspends adoption agency because of the mess in the economy

Social Affairs Annette Vilhemsen suspend AC International Child entitled to disseminate adoption, learns TV 2 News. The opposition is informed.

10 JANUARY 2014 PM. 11:02

Anette Vilhelmsen

Social Affairs Anette Vilhelmsen has suspended the adoption agency AC International Child entitled to disseminate adoptions. Photo: Jens Nørgaard Larsen © Scanpix

Desperate Chinese Parents Team Up to Look for Missing Children

Desperate Chinese Parents Team Up to Look for Missing Children

2014-01-10 Email story Comment on this story Share story Print story

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Henan parents of missing children discuss their sons' cases.


International adoption “It was worth every effort”

“It was worth every effort”

The path to adopting Lilly from Laos pushed her German adoptive parents to their limits: They had to disclose their lives and financial situation and demonstrate a lot of patience.

By Svenja Ueing |09.01.2014

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Georgian Patriarch Says Surrogate Children 'Problematic'

Georgian Patriarch Says Surrogate Children 'Problematic'

By RFE/RL's Georgian Service

January 07, 2014

TBILISI -- In his Christmas address to the nation, Georgia's Orthodox Patriarch Ilia II said that children born by surrogate mothers or through artificial insemination will be "problematic" in their adulthood.

He also said that families with such children cannot be happy.