

Refers to European Guidelines

Prepared by The European Network on Independent Living for JBS International, Inc.




“Sistem informatic integrat pentru Oficiul Român de Adop?ii – OR@” cod SMIS 48605

Proiectul este cofinan?at prin FEDR – POSCCE

Perioada de derulare: 18 luni

Bugetul total al proiectului:28.208.691,30 lei

Newington Mom Raises Money To Adopt Third Child With Down Syndrome

Newington Mom Raises Money To Adopt Third Child With Down Syndrome

Nykki Poole has adopted two children with Down syndrome, Andrew, 4, left, and Bodhi, 2, right. She is seeking to adopt a third from Bulgaria.

Nykki Poole has adopted two children with Down syndrome, Andrew, 4, left,… (STEPHEN DUNN|sdunn@courant.com )

November 29, 2013|By CHRISTOPHER HOFFMAN, Special to The Courant, The Hartford Courant

NEWINGTON — Nykki Poole has done what few others would ever venture.

A Q&A with Peter Hayes on international adoption

In recognition of Adoption Month, we interviewed two scholars, Peter Hayes and Ingi Iusmen, about intercountry adoption (ICA) to raise awareness of some of the complexities presented by intercountry adoption. Today, we present a brief Q&A with Peter Hayes, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sunderland and author of “The legality and ethics of independent intercountry adoption under the Hague Convention” in International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family.

Where is independent, intercountry adoption (ICA) legal?

An independent ICA can be interpreted to mean a private adoption that has not been scrutinised and endorsed by either the sending or receiving state. This will almost certainly be illegal. However, more usually an independent ICA means one where an initial match is made without the involvement of official state agencies, although the state authorities in either the sending or receiving state do decide whether or not to authorise the match. This form of independent ICA is much more likely to be legal.

When state adoption authorities were asked about the legality of independent ICA in 2010, their responses were more or less equally divided between states that said that it was not permitted (e.g. China) and states which said that it was (e.g. France). It was not always clear, however, which definition of independent ICA was being used. The United Kingdom ducked the question by replying ‘not applicable’. In fact, ICAs in which the initial match was made by non-state actors have been authorised by the British courts so independent ICA is legal in the United Kingdom.

The 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption provides a framework for arranging ICA, and independent ICA, in the sense of independent preliminary matching, is permitted under the Convention at the discretion of each state. When the Convention was drawn up there were mixed views on whether to sanction independent ICA. However, a majority of state representatives were in favour of allowing for it; the United States in particular made it clear that it would only sign up to a treaty that permitted independent ICAs. After the United States implemented the Convention in 2008 the arguments against independent ICA were reinvigorated by the Permanent Bureau’s Guide to Good Practice, which claimed incorrectly that independent ICA was inconsistent with the 1993 Convention. This misleading guidance has become the source of continuing confusion over the legality of independent ICA.

Romania are 237 children waiting for a family abroad

Date: 11/13/27

Romania are 237 children waiting for a family abroad

romania 200 children aThe hope of many Romanian children without families are couples Romanian living abroad . In fact, after almost ten years, the 'NOW reopened international adoptions, but only for Romanians living abroad and for mixed couples.

The couple must be married for at least 3 years or have lived in a stable and continuous before the marriage for a period of 3 years.Undertake the adoption process in Romania need to have the decree of suitability. The procedure requires two trips to the country for parents.

Meanwhile, the Central Authority of Romania (ORA) has provided some data on its website: the 237 children for adoption abroad, 145 children do not have health problems. While the remaining 92 are 'special needs' children with 'special needs'. Another element is provided which 122 are ethnic Romanian, and 115 are of other ethnicities. Of the 237 abandoned children, 169 children are 'big kids' or teenagers, aged between eight and twelve years. There are seven children adopted abroad, combined with five children, waiting to start their new life. The dossiers filed and are pending combination 23. And they have to relate to children zero to six years.




An American couple in Knoxville, Tennessee has started a fundraising drive in their hometown to complete the adoption of a child from Guyana, but the Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency in Guyana, Ann Greene told News Source on Tuesday that the agency which overlooks all adoptions has “absolutely no record of the couple making any application to adopt a child in Guyana”.

The couple Allen and Stephanie Harden have launched a website to raise over US$15,000 to offset all the expenses of the adoption.

But in Guyana there are no fees attached to adoptions. Persons looking to make adoptions would have to make court filings once they would have been approved but there is no way those fees would amount to anything close to the figures.

United Kingdom: A Decade of European Union (EU) Daphne Projects in Collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Region

Effects of Institutional Care

United Kingdom: A Decade of European Union (EU) Daphne Projects in Collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe

View document

Author: Kevin Browne, Institute of Work, Health, and Organizations (I-WHO), School of Community Health Services at the University of Nottingham

Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013

FONPC cere interzicerea institu?ionaliz?rii copiilor pân? la vârsta de trei ani


SERA Romania shared a link.

20 November

Apar primele efecte ale Studiului privind efectele institu?ionaliz?rii asupra dezvolt?rii copilului. Dup? exact o s?pt?mân? de la prezentarea rezultatelor, Federa?ia Organiza?iilor Neguvernamentale pentru Copil (FONPC) cere interzicerea institu?ionaliz?rii copiilor mai mici de trei ani. O astfel de ini?iativ? ne bucur?, mai ales c? aceea?i propunere a fost f?cut? ?i de Funda?ia SERA ROMÂNIA la finalul evalu?rii sistemului de protec?ie a copilului, f?cut? în cadrul unui proiect european implementat în parteneriat cu Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Protec?iei Sociale ?i Persoanelor Vârstnice.


Court orders summons against negligent cops (Mid-Day)

Court orders summons against negligent cops

MiD DAY had reported in March about the callous attitude of police officers, who had registered a case 11 days after incident

November 19, 2013


Kaumudi Gurjar

Adoption agency to close down, 25 kids to be shifted

Adoption agency to close down, 25 kids to be shifted

Nisha Nambiar : Pune, Tue Nov 19 2013

Gujarat snooping case: SC to hear suspended IAS officer Sharma's plea in Dec

Pune-based adoption agency Preet Mandir has decided to close its child care and adoption activities and has written to the Women and Child Welfare Department to transfer the children from its Kalyani Nagar home — the only office functional after its Pune Camp office was closed down — to other adoption homes. The agency has 25 children, including 15 special kids. A letter in this regard was sent to the department on November 7.

After three requests for renewal of licence and recognition certificate and several follow-ups did not yield results, Preet Mandir decided to shut operations. "Under the present circumstances, with profound regret we are constrained to stop our child care and adoption activities and earnestly request you to transfer the children as deemed appropriate by November 30,'' states the letter written by Preet Mandir managing trustee D P Bhatia.