
Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

Madhavi Rajadhyaksha, TNN | Nov 17, 2013, 04.32 AM IST

Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

While the law allows one out of five babies to be given up for adoption abroad, ministry records show that only one in 15 on an average are sent overseas.

MUMBAI: Indian children put up for adoption overseas in the past three years have mostly landed up in the United States, followed by Italy and Spain, shows data from the ministry of women and child development. India handed over 308 babies to couples abroad last year, according to statistics presented by the ministry before the Lok Sabha in August.

Adoption row: Dalits protest against injustice in Mysore

Adoption row: Dalits protest against injustice in Mysore

Nov 16, 2013

Mysore: Guardians of eight year old Ullas and seven year old Anand, who are all set to be given up for adoption to an Italian couple without their consent, protested in front of the Gandhi statue near the court here on Friday joined by hundreds of Dalit activists and several relatives.

Asked why they were against the children being adopted, when they seemed willing to go, their uncle Nataraj said, “We may be poor, but we are not heartless enough to let go of our sister’s children altogether. Adoption would end our relationship with them and we don’t want that to happen. The children themselves are too small to judge the situation.”

Claiming they had met a child placed in the custody of the Child Welfare Committee, Mysore, who was adopted by a couple in Mandya, but did not like staying with them, he said, “Luckily the girl was in Mandya and so could come back. We are seeing so much of injustice taking place right before our eyes. Why should we then send our children to Italy?"

Philomena star Judi Dench urged to back inquiry into 'stolen baby' scandal

Philomena star Judi Dench urged to back inquiry into 'stolen baby' scandal

Henry McDonald in Dublin

The Observer, Saturday 16 November 2013 19.29 GMT

Co-star Steve Coogan pledges to do what he can to help campaigners in Ireland as film reignites controversy

Philomena is a small film that is defying box-office conventions; the audience keeps on growing while other, bigger titles fade. The emotional story starring Steve Coogan and Dame Judi Dench of the brutal separation of an Irish mother and her child has become a word-of-mouth hit, beating even action blockbuster Thor: The Dark World at the UK box office one day last week.

Give Indian parents first preference in child adoption: HC

Give Indian parents first preference in child adoption: HC

Nov 15, 2013, 03.54AM IST TNN[ Shibu Thomas ]

Indian parents should be given preference in child adoption over NRIs, Overseas Citizens of India and foreign nationals, the Bombay high court has ruled.

MUMBAI: Indian parents should be given preference in child adoption over NRIs, Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) and foreign nationals, the Bombay high court has ruled.

A division bench of justices V M Kanade and S C Gupte recently laid down additional guidelines while deciding a dispute between an Indian couple and an OCI couple over the adoption of a girl child.

Directorul SERA ROMÂNIA, Bogdan Simion, la Congresul IDC: "Institu?ia nu func?ioneaz? ca o familie, nici ca un centru resurs?"

Directorul SERA ROMÂNIA, Bogdan Simion, la Congresul IDC: "Institu?ia nu func?ioneaz? ca o familie, nici ca un centru resurs?"

Congresul IDC 2013, la Palatul Parlamentului

Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Copilului, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Protec?iei Sociale ?i Persoanelor Vârstnice, Funda?ia SERA ROMÂNIA ?i Federa?ia Organiza?iilor Neguvernamentale pentru Copil au organizat miercuri, 13 noiembrie 2013, conferin?a cu tema ”Efectele institu?ionaliz?rii asupra dezvolt?rii copilului. Observa?ie, diagnostic, prevenire a consecin?elor de lung? durat?”, în cadrul c?reia au fost prezentate concluziile par?iale ale unei cercetari care a vizat studiul comparativ al dezvoltarii unor copii institu?ionaliza?i si copii din comunitate. Studiul Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP) a fost demarat în anul 2000 de trei profesori americani: Nathan Fox, de la University of Maryland, Charles Nelson, de la Harvard University ?i Charles Zeanah, de la Tulane University.

Primul studiu de acest tip, care a vizat în total 208 copii, a identificat probleme psihiatrice serioase ?i mai multe disfunc?ionalit??i în dezvoltarea lor cognitiv?, fiind afectate discern?mântul, controlul impulsurilor ?i p?strarea amintirilor.

De asemenea, cei trei profesori americani au mai constatat c?, în cazul copiilor institu?ionaliza?i la scurt timp dup? na?tere, se produc modific?ri organice ireversibile, dar ?i c? interven?ia timpurie, în sensul întreruperii institu?ionaliz?rii, poate aduce progrese importante în dezvoltarea copilului.

Maverick Hedge Funder Jeffrey Epstein Funds the First Humanoids in Berlin

Maverick Hedge Funder Jeffrey Epstein Funds the First Humanoids in Berlin

Posted: 11/13/2013 3:43 pm


On The Move, Smarter Ideas, Jeffrey Epstein, Joscha Bach, Artificial Intelligence, Berlin, Humanoids, Technology News


Comment: Gove's disgraceful attack on social workers is meant to soften us up for the private sector

Comment: Gove's disgraceful attack on social workers is meant to soften us up for the private sector

Thursday, 14 November 2013 4:18 PM 5

Bridget Robb: 'The DfE made sure Frost was hung out to dry'

By Bridget Robb

When assessing Michael Gove's outer demeanour, few would liken him to Gordon Gekko, infamous villain of 1980s paean to greed Wall Street.

Maverick Hedge Funder Jeffrey Epstein Funds the First Humanoids in Berlin

Maverick Hedge Funder Jeffrey Epstein Funds the First Humanoids in Berlin

Posted: 11/13/2013 3:43 pm


On The Move, Smarter Ideas, Jeffrey Epstein, Joscha Bach, Artificial Intelligence, Berlin, Humanoids, Technology News

There is a virtual new world in Berlin that is one step closer to replicating the human mind. Thanks to funding from a maverick New York science investor called Jeffrey Epstein, virtual and robotic models of the human brain are moving away from traditional algorithms with deterministic pathways, towards a realm of emotional, less predictable androids.

Ukraine. Priority to the adoption of children between 7 and 10 years: from 2014 no longer have to remain in institutions.

Date: 13/11/12

Ukraine. Priority to the adoption of children between 7 and 10 years: from 2014 no longer have to remain in institutions.

children-driven-Ukrainian-350Ukraine at the forefront in promoting a culture of adoption. Welcoming the indication of experts and practitioners, the Minister for Social Policies of the country, Natalie King , has been the core focus of his department to ensure that, as of 2014, no child abandoned, healthy and above 7 years, is no longer assigned to an institution : local governments will be required to encourage more and more of these smaller destination for families, group homes or other similar forms of care. The choice to focus on the adoption of children range between 7 and 10 years can be explained by the need to find their accommodation as a priority, as they are considered more needy than others. The first signs of this policy to combat institutionalization is already beginning to see: as stated by the Commissioner for Children's Rights for Ukraine, Yuriy Pavlenko , in 2013 almost half of the regions where there are institutions have not received any child .

Currently in Ukraine there are 846 homes, and it plans to open 30 more by the end of the year. At the end of 2012, there were 280 institutions, 55 of which are specifically dedicated to children with disabilities. To date, a total of 91,000 abandoned children, 76,000 were settled with a family , of the 26,000 children enrolled in the database for the adoptions, 25,000 are more than 7 years, suffering from disability, or brothers and sisters, who by law can not can be separated. The couple awaiting adoption are 1,600, but they did request for children under the age of the "privileged".

Always with the aim to drastically reduce the population of abandoned children, the number of social workers has been increased by 12,000 units , so as to reach the widest possible pool of families: in 2014, then, in the institutes are welcomed only children with disability , in respect of which - the authorities say - there is still a lack of predisposition to adopt by Ukrainian families.

„Unor senatori le este indiferent? soarta orfanilor români!”

„Unor senatori le este indiferent? soarta orfanilor români!”

Publicat: Ma, 12 Nov 2013, 16:34

Poze (1)

Asta este concluzia la care au ajuns reprezentan?ii Asocia?iei Catharsis Bra?ov, dup? ce au participat la ?edin?a de plen a Senatului României, pe ordinea de zi figurând la punctul 6 Proiectul de lege privind adop?ia în România. Ini?iatorul propunerii legislative este senatorul liberal Sebastian Grap?, iar sus?in?toarea cauzei zecilor de mii de copii f?r? familie este Azota Popescu (foto, ast?zi, la Senat), pre?edintele Asocia?iei Catharsis, care militeaz?, printre altele, pentru reluarea adop?iilor interna?ionale ?i pentru modificarea legii astfel încât s? fie în beneficiul copiilor abandona?i.

V? prezent?m comunicatul emis de Asocia?ia Catharsis „la cald”, la pu?in timp dup? încheierea lucr?rilor din plenul Senatului: