
EAC on the Congo Suspension

EAC, Inc.

October 9, 2013

EAC continues to submit family dossier's and is receiving referrals from the D.R. Congo. We remain optimistic the situation will be resolved soon.

The U.S. Department of State issued the following notice regarding the Congo's suspension of exit visas:

Adoption Notice

ASK the EU - Report Independent Panel

Letter/Report come from physical file - difficult to find! Or they did not want to find it.

While of course must be registered in electronic register - easy to find


Prosecution over murky intercountry adoptions started

Prosecution over murky intercountry adoptions started

8 Oct 2013

THE POLICE have launched a criminal prosecution over abuse of powers by public officials and child trafficking on June 25 in a case pertaining to intercountry adoptions. The prosecutor heard the first witness on October 1, the SITA newswire reported.

Reports of questionable practices surrounding adoptions of Slovak children abroad, particularly to Italy, involving the Slovak state body that facilitates them, the Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth (CIPC), surfaced in the media in 2012 and 2013

The prosecution was launched after Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) MP Lucia Nicholsonová and her party colleague Natália Blahová filed a criminal complaint in November 2012. They criticised the activities of the CIPC under its previous director Alena Mátejová, who has since been replaced by Andrea Císarová.

Right to know - A new law will give children of anonymous births the right to know their mother's identity. But some experts criticize the law for not abolishing so-called "baby hatches."

Did I inherit my blue eyes from my mother? Is my father also a late riser? How much do I resemble my siblings? For most people, knowledge of their family heritage is essential to their identity.

In Germany, a system of so-called "baby hatches" allows desperate mothers to anonymously turn over their newborns to hospitals. These infants, raised by adoptive parents, usually have no way to learn about their biological parents later in life.

Supporters, such as some church representatives, see baby hatches as a way to prevent the deaths of unwanted children. But critics like the German Ethics Council argue that all children have the right know where they come from.


Schröder supports the new lawImage: Reuters

EU calls for care of children in state institutions of family and community

EU calls for care of children in state institutions of family and community

Added: 04/10/2013 14:02:20 | Hits: 234 | Comments: 0 | Category: News and charitable events


European Union, through the European Commission and child protection associations, sky Romania institutionalization of vulnerable children and making a transition to ensure them a family and community care so that children have more chances to develop harmoniously and subsequently integrate into society.

Wednesday, October 2nd, this issue has Orphansbeen discussed at an international seminar, which was attended by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly, Ministry of European Funds, European Expert Group (EEG) UNICEF Romania and Hope and Homes for Children Romania.

AdoptionLand Incest Continues: Craig Juntunen from Both Ends Burning shills for Gladney

Craig Juntunen, the most dangerous man nin Adopton Land

Speaking of Gladney., as I did the other day…

…guess who’s shilling for Dame Edna!.

None other than the most dangerous man in AdoptionLand today, Craig Juntunen, founder and president of Both Ends Burning. and producer of Stuck, a film on the “orphan crisis” constructed to make your heart bleed and fill BEB’s pockets full. of sob story money for child harvesting..

On Wednesday October 9, Juntunen will keynote the annual New York Metropolitan Gladney Family Association fundraiser/cocktail party at the University Club in midtown. . (Gladneyators drink? WWHSD? What would the home studier do?)

Vulnerable Children Should Benefit from Family and Community Based Services

(with Philip Hat - EMPL)??

Vulnerable Children Should Benefit from Family and Community Based Services

Bucharest - October 2, 2013. To speed up the transition from Institutional Care to Family and Community Based Services through the use of Structural Funds and other EU financial instruments, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly along with the Ministry of European Funds, in partnership with the European Expert Group (EEG), UNICEF Romania and Hope and Homes for Children Romania held on Wednesday, October 2, 2013, an International Seminar.

At the event, representatives of the European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and DG Regio, European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG) experts and representatives of Romanian public and private agencies showcased good practice models and lessons learnt from the Structural Funds programming period 2007 – 2013 while making an overview of deinstitutionalisation.

“The child place is within the family not in an institution, no matter how good the institution is looking like. This is the reason for, from the very beginning of the reform in the child protection system, our main purpose was to close the big institutions and to ensure the wellbeing of children in the state care. Nonetheless, it is our duty to continue to prevent child separation from his family, especially by developing community based services. Only through well organized and efficient community based services the family can have a real support in rising and caring for its children”, declared Mariana Câmpeanu, the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly.

Adoptie Overleg Dutch Parliament

Wel heb ik vorige week, 24 september, het

onderzoeksrapport mogen ontvangen via de ambassade. Dit is zo recent dat ik nog niet in

staat ben geweest om de Kamer over deze uitkomsten schriftelijk te berichten. We hebben

daarna ook nog aanvullende telefonische informatie ontvangen.

Deze uitkomsten uit het rapport van 24 september laten zien dat er in het kader van het

Cappellari: "L’auspicio è che i parlamentari rumeni arrivino finalmente a riaprire le adozioni internazionali"

1 ottobre 2013, 0:04 90 visite

Da Ferrara alla Romania per salvare 70mila orfani

Cappellari: "L’auspicio è che i parlamentari rumeni arrivino finalmente a riaprire le adozioni internazionali"

· inCondividi
