
Rising overseas adoptions -- for black American children

Rising overseas adoptions -- for black American children

By Sophie Brown, for CNN

updated 1:08 AM EDT, Mon September 16, 2013

Elisa van Meurs with her adoptive parents Bart and Heleene van Meurs on vacation in Switzerland.

Elisa van Meurs with her adoptive parents Bart and Heleene van Meurs on vacation in Switzerland.

International adoption: I was stolen from my family

International adoption: I was stolen from my family

By Tarikuwa Lemma, Special to CNN

updated 1:09 AM EDT, Mon September 16, 2013

Tarikuwa Lemma was taken from her family in Ethiopia on a promised

Tarikuwa Lemma was taken from her family in Ethiopia on a promised "study trip" to the United States.

Adoptionens dunkle historie

The dark history of adoption

New book tells the story of the 1950s and 1960s illegal adoptions from abroad and, not least, the one-man army, Tytte Botfeldt, who on his own raised African children to Danish couples and helped to establish the adoption organizations we know today

Potential adopters must have "good mental health, a healthy harmonious personality, a good marriage, a nuanced environment," wrote county social director and later chairman of the Youth Commission Lars Lundgaard in 1982 on the adoption of foreign children and continued:

“It is not just super people who fulfill these conditions. But there must be surplus and harmony. It is also there in the ordinary Danish family. "

About 15 years ago, the market for illegal adoptions was tried to be brought under control by issuing permits to the persons and organizations that had for years provided Afrotish children to Danish couples in direct contravention of the legislation.

The dark history of adoption

Potential adopters must have "good mental health, a healthy harmonious personality, a good marriage, a nuanced environment", wrote county social director and later chairman of the youth commission Lars Lundgaard in 1982 about the adoption of foreign children and continued:

“It’s not just superhumans who meet these conditions. But there must be profit and harmony. It is also there in the ordinary Danish family. "

Approximately 15 years before, the market for illegal adoptions had been brought under control by issuing permits to the persons and organizations that for years had provided Afro-German children to Danish couples in direct violation of the law.

What had not changed, however, from the illegal 'child import' of the 1950s to the regulated adoption industry of the 1980s, was the belief in "profit and harmony" in the "ordinary Danish family". A view that has now for 60 years legitimized adoptions from abroad to Denmark. Whether it's 'illegitimate' children of white German women and African American soldiers, children of single mothers in Korea or of AIDS-stricken Ethiopian parents, the argument for picking up these children, transporting them across borders and installing them in new homes in Denmark been that they would get better here. Because there is profit and harmony in the ordinary Danish family.

Child imports

Adoptions: A Market? Adoption-vs-Human-Trafficking


There is preference given to inter-country adoptions over domestic adoptions

Do you know that adoption has now become an illegal market for selling babies? In fact, it’s not just babies; young children have also become victims of this mess. It has become a successful business, with adoption agencies reaping huge benefits out of it. But there are solutions to this; take for example, the pilot project which has been introduced in the Kamala Hospital of Pune, wherein both the mother and the child’s movement will be tracked through electronic surveillance.

But is this solution enough? In order to be able to analyse that we first need to be aware of what adoption is, and how it is carried out in India and abroad.

What is Adoption?

Lebanon: Closed adoption system helping traffickers

Closed adoption system helping traffickers

September 09, 2013 12:35 AM

By India Stoughton

The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Adoption is often seen as a benevolent act. Rather than being brought up in an orphanage, a parentless child is given a home, stability and a loving family. In Lebanon, however, the closed adoption system has helped to transform the practice into something less than benign: a business. When Daniel Ibn Zayd was adopted in 1963, the details of his biological family were fabricated. “In the paperwork we have from the orphanage it lists family name, mother, father, birth date, birthplace,” he explains. “You grow up thinking that this is true.

U.S. adoptive mother guilty of homicide in death of Ethiopian girl

U.S. adoptive mother guilty of homicide in death of Ethiopian girl

By Jonathan Kaminsky

OLYMPIA, Washington | Mon Sep 9, 2013 11:09pm EDT

(Reuters) - A U.S. adoptive mother accused of starving her 13-year-old Ethiopian-born daughter and locking her outside in the cold, where she died from exposure, was found guilty of homicide on Monday in Washington state.

Hana Williams, adopted from Ethiopia in 2008, died of hypothermia in May 2011 after she was found unconscious outside shortly after midnight in temperatures hovering around 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), authorities said.

Las adopciones internacionales van en caída libre desde 2004

Las adopciones internacionales van en caída libre desde 2004

Los países de origen mejoran sus políticas de protección a la infancia

En 2012 llegaron a España 1.669 niños, frente a los 5.541 de hace ocho años

MARÍA SOSA TROYA Madrid 9 SEP 2013 - 22:34 CET11

Archivado en: Adopciones internacionales Ministerio de Sanidad Madres Hijos Menores Adopciones Parentesco Maternidad Familia Ministerios Administración Estado España Administración pública Sociedad

Der Kampf um die Waisenkinder

Der Kampf um die Waisenkinder

Trotz Überbevölkerung tobt zwischen den Industrieländern ein Konkurrenzkampf um Waisenkinder – Paare haben es zunehmend schwer, ein Kind zu finden. Immer stärker mischt sich die Politik ein, doch die Schweiz hat nicht viel mitzureden. Ein exklusiver Report über Interessen und Hintergründe in der Welt der Adoption.

Publiziert: 08.09.2013

Voraussetzungen für eine Adoption

Der Weg zum Wunschkind ist dornig: Informations-­Seminare, Interviews mit ­Sozialarbeitern, Inspektion der Wohnung, der Finanzen, des Privatlebens. Die Abklärungen der Aufsichtsbehörden können ein Jahr dauern. Erst danach kann man Kontakt zu einer ­Vermittlungsagentur aufnehmen. Weitere Abklärungen folgen, sie können ein weiteres Jahr kosten.