
Rehoming Bulgarian child

Debby said:

October 17, 2013 at 2:48 pm

To: KR Taylor

That was not really a fair question.

Jenny WAS NOT born to her family and that “initial bond”, a mother has to her own newborn baby, cannot be compared to adopting any child who is not yours, biologically. Bonds take time to form. Many of these children are so mentally damaged from the lack of love and attention, they are not able to bond to anyone.

Cold War Kids The international dispute over Russia’s orphans

LETTER FROM MONTANA — From the October 2013 issue

Cold War Kids

The international dispute over Russia’s orphans

By Irina Aleksander

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Wat de schildpad, de bij en Vietnam met elkaar gemeen hebben: adoptie

Wat de schildpad, de bij en Vietnam met elkaar gemeen hebben: adoptie

Posted on 1 oktober 2013 by leenvandamme

Vietnam stelde het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie in december 2012 een vernieuwde samenwerking voor, naar aanleiding van de ratificering van het Verdrag van Den Haag. Enkele maanden later kwam de vraag of we hiervoor op werkbezoek konden komen, dit om verdere afspraken te maken over de te volgen werkwijze en een Memorandum of Understanding te ondertekenen. Eind september was het zover. Bij vertrek lazen we in de krant het bemoedigende nieuws dat tijdens ons verblijf een tyfoon over Vietnam zou trekken. Dat klonk alvast veelbelovend.

De eerste dag van het bezoek bestond uit een afspraak op het Ministerie van Justitie in Hanoi. Aan de poort werden we meteen tegengehouden. Ook onze uitnodigingsbrief, zelfs in het Vietnamees, kon de bewakers niet overtuigen. Pas toen we na een kwartier persoonlijk opgepikt werden mochten we het gebouw met allure betreden. Al snel werd duidelijk hoe formeel het bezoek was, Ariane en haar Vietnamees equivalent namen plaats op een rijkversierde stoel. In verdere volgorde van rang mochten de andere medewerkers plaatsnemen. Hiërarchie is allesbepalend, wanneer bijvoorbeeld een collega wat later aansluit, maar eigenlijk de derde in rang is, moet iedereen die op de derde plek en verder zit een plekje ‘lager’ gaan zitten.

Na de bespreking van de stevig juridisch uitgewerkte Vietnamese procedure werd onder het oog van de opgetrommelde fotografen het Memorandum of Understanding getekend. In de vernieuwde procedure wordt er veel autonomie gegeven aan de provinciale overheid. Zij nemen, anders dan voorheen, de beslissing of de kinderen in aanmerking komen voor adoptie. In het verleden werd deze beslissing overgelaten aan de weeshuizen, de controle of een kind effectief adoptabel was verliep hierdoor moeilijk, ook geldinmenging van adoptieouders op prospectie kon toen niet uitgesloten worden.

It established the European Agency for Child Protection, Innovation and Social Inclusion

It established the European Agency for Child Protection, Innovation and Social Inclusion

Medias Info | 22 September 2013 | 0

Posted in: Administration

PSD deputy Ana Birchall announced commencement activities for the establishment of the European Agency for Child Protection, Innovation and Social Inclusion in Romania.

child'Protecting children's rights must be a priority for all European countries. European Agency for Child Protection, Innovation and Social Inclusion is a tool aimed at developing cooperation between the Member States of the European Union regarding the implementation of the European legislation. The agency also aims to support national governments in establishing public policies designed to protect disadvantaged people, " said Ana Birchall at the Conference 'Protect Your Family! Stop Violence! 'Held in Petrosani.

Dutchman meets biological father in Mumbai (Times of India)

Dutchman meets biological father in Mumbai

Sep 21, 2013, 05.05AM IST TNN[ Stanley Pinto ]

MANGALORE: India-born Dutch national Martijn Boerkamp met his biological father in Mumbai on Wednesday. And the meeting went well.

Against Child Trafficking (ACT) consultant Anjali Pawar who did the ground work for the reunion said: "In fact, Martijn's father said it was a really pleasant surprise, more so because it came with another surprise package, a daughter-in-law.''

"Meeting Martijn may have been surprising for his biological father, but it was gratifying for me since he accepted everything gracefully. Martijn's father said he was just 14 years old when he was in a relationship and was sent to the Middle East immediately by his family to discourage the relationship. When he came back during his vacation, he tried hard to find out about her, but was prevented by his mother. Even now his mother and aunt put up considerable resistance for the meeting between him and Martijn," Anjali said.

U.S. Senator: Russia Stalling On Adoption, Children's Rights Ombudsman An 'Ass'

U.S. Senator: Russia Stalling On Adoption, Children's Rights Ombudsman An 'Ass'

By Richard Solash

September 20, 2013

WASHINGTON -- One of the U.S. Congress's leading adoption advocates says negotiations with Russia over its politically charged ban on U.S. adoptions have "stalled."

Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat representing the state of Louisiana, says the U.S. government is "still working in diplomatic channels to try to open up opportunities for children in Russia who need families." But she expressed little hope that the ban would be overturned.

Drive to speed up adoptions means children 'may be removed from parents too quickly'

Drive to speed up adoptions means children 'may be removed from parents too quickly'

Britain’s most senior family judge has issued a pointed warning that Michael Gove’s drive to speed up adoptions should not be allowed to break up families unnecessarily.

A drive to speed up adoptions means children 'may be removed from parents too quickly' Photo: ALAMY

By John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor11:58AM BST 17 Sep 2013

Sir James Munby, the President of the High Court Family Division, said judges are becoming increasingly alarmed at the number of social services departments attempting to have children adopted apparently without even considering less “drastic” measures.

Adoption Democratic Republic of Congo Journeys of the Heart/Tumaini

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Program

Quick Facts:

Formerly known as the Belgian Congo or Zaire, the Democratic Repulic of Congo (DRC) is located near the Equator. Seventy plus million people inhabit this large county in which Western Europe could fit. It shares borders with Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda , South Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Repbulic of Congo. Rich in resources and with the Congo River running through it, DRC has the potential to become a thriving country able to provide for its citizens. That is not its present reality for millions and civil unrest on the borders, lack of infrastructure and social services, diseases, maternal childbirth deaths, and poverty result in many children becoming orphans.

This is a new program for Journeys of the Heart (JOH). JOH has identified an orphanage in Kinshasa, the capital city, which is well managed, well staffed, and which has taken in several dozen children whose parents are unknown. The orphanage was organized and is managed by an ethical and competent director who was educated and obtained a law degree in Western Europe and who has returned to DRC to help orphans.

The children in this orphanage typically range in age from 0 to 5 years old. The staffing includes a pre-school teacher, a nurse who visits every morning to check on the children’s health, an on-call doctor, and others who assess the children’s development. Occasionally there will be siblings available and on a case by case basis, JOH may consider placing unrelated children at the same time with a family.

International adoptions in decline as number of orphans grows

International adoptions in decline as number of orphans grows

By Kevin Voigt and Sophie Brown, CNN

updated 2:29 AM EDT, Mon September 16, 2013

The chart above shows the total annual decline of overseas adoptions globally; the graphic to the right details the changes in sending and receiving countries. Sources: The Hague Adoption Convention and Peter Selman, Newcastle University.

After rising for decades, overseas adoptions have dropped by nearly half since 2004

International adoption: Saving orphans or child trafficking?

International adoption: Saving orphans or child trafficking?

By Kevin Voigt, CNN

Mon September 16, 2013

Advocates say the current international adoption system is holding orphans hostage in red tape

Critics say the hunger for adopting children from developing nations feeds nefarious practices