
'Adoption agencies in Maharashtra give foreigners, NRIs preference over Indians'

'Adoption agencies in Maharashtra give foreigners, NRIs preference over Indians'

Aug 13, 2013, 06.51AM IST TNN[ Neha Madaan ]

PUNE: Adoption agencies in the state currently have 1,100 Indian prospective adoptive parents on their waiting list, but recent investigations have revealed that they are busy processing applications of foreigners and NRIs.

The Maharashtra State Child Protection Society (MSCPS) carried out investigations how adoption requests were being processed across the state's 70 specialized adoption agencies, of which 24 are licensed to process international adoptions. They found agencies giving preference to the more profitable international adoptions, keeping Indian applicants on hold. Sources said agencies charge US $ 5000 from adoptive parents living abroad (NRIs and foreigners) as against the Rs 40,000 that Indian prospective parents are charged.

Investigations have also shown that children from adoption agencies that are not licensed to undertake international adoptions send children to the licensed ones for inter-country adoptions, the official said. In addition, data showed that around 1,200 children are there in these specialized adoption agencies, of which 500 are legally free to be adopted.

US provides list of more than 60,000 Russian children adopted by Americans – Astakhov

US provides list of more than 60,000 Russian children adopted by Americans – Astakhov

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The US authorities have supplied a list of Russian children adopted by American families during the last few years, Pavel Astakhov, the Children’s Rights Commissioner for the Russian President, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta on Monday. He also said there will be no exceptions from the Dima Yakovlev law that bans US citizens to adopt Russian orphans.

“There are 61,625 children’s names in the list. These are children adopted officially and brought to the US by immigration visas,” Astakhov said to the Moscow-based newspaper.

At the same time, many children staying in the US are not mentioned in the list, he said. They are living in American families without an eligible status. They came to the country for medical treatment, studying, or holidays and did not return.

Council probe into Mike Hancock MP's conduct to continue

9 August 2013

Council probe into Mike Hancock MP's conduct to continue

Mike Hancock

Mike Hancock denies any wrongdoing

MP wants council probe delayed

Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian?

Date: 06/08/13

Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian?

romania openness toAfter eight years of waiting and silence, finally gets good news from Romania.

The Central Authority of Romania (ORA) has decided to reopen international adoptions closed from January 1, 2005 (when it entered into force the Law 273/2004 on the legal regime of adoptions), and examine new dossier from September 2013 .

This great opportunity will cover, however, exclusively couples Romanian or Italian-Romanian residents in Italy (or other foreign country), which can then be taken in their country of origin. The new law on international adoptions, which came into force in April 2012, it reopens the possibility of adopting in Romania to those couples in which at least one of the spouses is of Romanian nationality.



Mar?i, 06 August 2013, 09:20336 vizite - 0 comentarii

click pe poza: FOTO (1)

Pre?ul total pentru o adop?ie a unui copil român de c?tre italieni va fi de 4.900 de euro, sus?ine site-ul vita.it, citat de "Gazeta româneasc?".

Publica?ia italian? sus?ine c? un ONG italian, "Enzo B", a avut pe 30 iulie o întâlnire la Oficiul român pentru adop?ii (ORA), autoritate din subordinea Ministerului Muncii, Familiei, Protec?iei Sociale ?i Persoanelor Vârstnice.

MP suggests returning adopted children back to Kazakhstan

MP suggests returning adopted children back to Kazakhstan

Monday, 05.08.2013, 10:43

Kazakhstan Senate deputy Gani Kassymov has suggested to return all the children adopted by foreign citizens back to Kazakhstan, STV channel reports.

According to the senator, the country is capable of creating normal conditions for its orphans. He also reminded that her colleagues called to ban adoption of Kazakhstan children by foreign citizens altogether.

“We have seen several cases when children from CIS (Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine) were adopted by American citizens and later reported dead. Some use the adopted children for organs, some kids are left without proper care and some just run away. This should be considered a treachery,” Kassymov said.

NAS: Adoptions Czech Republic


In augustus 2013 heeft de NAS een werkbezoek gebracht aan de Centrale autoriteit van Tsjechië. Daarbij is de intentie uitgesproken om toe te werken naar een samenwerking voor het plaatsen van Tsjechische kinderen in Nederlandse gezinnen. De komende maanden zullen worden besteed aan het verder uitzoeken van een aantal juridische aspecten van de adoptieprocedure zoals die in Tsjechië van toepassing zijn.

De kinderen voor wie internationaal naar adoptiegezinnen wordt gezocht, zijn vrijwel zonder uitzondering van Roma afkomst en in de leeftijd van 1 tot 5 jaar (bij plaatsing van één kind tegelijk) of van 1 tot circa 8 jaar bij plaatsing van siblings. De nadruk zal liggen op het vinden van families voor kinderen met een special need, maar incidenteel wordt ook voor gezonde kinderen een gezin gezocht. Om voor deze procedure in aanmerking te komen moet u open staan voor special needs van medische risico's (drugsgebruik, incidenteel ook alcoholgebruik), sociaal belastte achtergronden (huislijk geweld) of medische special needs, zowel operabel als inoperabel.

Zoals het er nu naar uit ziet, zal het programma open staan voor gehuwden in een m/v relatie, alleenstaande vrouwen en alleenstaande mannen. Ook mogen in het gezin biologisch eigen kinderen zijn. Voor ieder kind wordt door een commissie in Tsjechië een keuze gemaakt uit meerdere beschikbare gezinnen. Bij gelijke geschiktheid wordt de voorkeur gegeven aan kleine, traditionele gezinnen.


Adoptions to Italy raise questions

Adoptions to Italy raise questions

Alleged Misconduct Prompts Slovakia To Change Its Intercountry Adoptions Policy

29 Jul 2013Michaela Terenzani - Stanková Politics & Society

DOZENS of children born in Slovakia each year, unwanted by their own families and unable to find an adoptive family in their home country, have been fortunate enough to find new parents through intercountry adoptions. While there are not enough intercountry adoptions to generate much public interest, such adoptions recently became a hot-button issue, with some media outlets pointing out that the practice may have been conducted as a sort of business by some state officers in the past.

The Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth (CIPC), the office under the Labour Ministry responsible for facilitating intercountry adoptions in Slovakia, has recently undergone a series of changes, starting with the replacement of the centre’s director. Labour Minister Ján Richter appointed new director Andrea Císarová in July 2012, after signs of misconduct emerged within the CIPC, previously led by Alena Mátejová.

Illegal adoptions in Poland

Illegal adoptions in Poland

Baby on sale

Jul 26th 2013, 12:57 by N.O. | WARSAW


I am 37 years old and pregnant with my third child. I am looking for a couple which will support me during my pregnancy. After the birth I will give up my child’s custody. I am unemployed and have no healthcare insurance. I cannot afford the costs of a doctor and therefore I am looking for someone who can help me. I would like to get in touch only with dedicated couples as I want to give my child to a lovely family that will give the child everything that I cannot.

How can scientists act ethically when they are studying the victims of a human tragedy, such as the Romanian orphans?


How can scientists act ethically when they are studying the victims of a human tragedy, such as the Romanian orphans?

An orphanage in Craiova, Romania in 1994. Photo by Michael Carroll

Virginia Hughes is a science journalist based in Brooklyn, New York. Her blog, Only Human, is published by National Geographic.

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