
Child for cash: impunity for child trafficking

Childless couples often wait years in vain before they can adopt a child. Those who don't want to wait seek help in the gray market. Child for money, especially in poor countries, doctors and commercial intermediaries find ways to help couples. But can humans be traded as commodities?

If you want to adopt a child in Germany, you sometimes have to wait many years. Because the demand is great. Frightening consequence: many couples are looking for a child on the gray market. Numerous commercial or private intermediaries offer children from poorer countries like any other commodity. Nevertheless, it is hard to believe: trafficking in children is punishable under German law - but not in every case. Lisa Wandt met a young woman who tells us her harrowing story.

For a long time, Sabrina was unaware of the truth about her origins. It's a truth that makes her life a lie.

Sabrina Kirsten

"I found out when I was 16 that my mother wasn't my birth mother, and then when I was 21 I found out that she bought me in Turkey in 1988 for 2,500 Deutschmarks." Sabrina has been searching for her roots ever since

Americans banned from adopting children from Kazakhstan

Americans banned from adopting children from Kazakhstan

Wednesday, 12.06.2013, 16:29

U.S. citizens will not be able to adopt Kazakhstan children until U.S. authorities explain how two orphans from Kazakhstan ended up at the American ranch, Tengrinews.kz reports citing chairwoman of the Commission for Children's Rights Protection of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science Raissa Sher.

“Last July it turned out that 2 of our kids were staying at the ranch. This ranch is similar to our schools for children with deviant behavior. Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry and the Children's Rights Protection commission filed an request, asking for details and explanations, but received no answer. In this relation we are not going to resume adoption practices with the U.S. until we receive a reply from this country in line with the Hague Convention and the international obligations it undertook,” Sher said.

She gave the following statistics: over 47 thousand children have been adopted in Kazakhstan since 1999, 8,800 of them by foreign citizens. Kazakhstan citizens adopt around 3 thousand children every year.

Adoption process in Ireland now ‘full of fear and desperation’

Adoption process in Ireland now ‘full of fear and desperation’

TUESDAY, 11 JUNE 2013 14:56

Adoption process in Ireland now ‘full of fear and desperation’

Michael Commins talks to a Mayo couple who fear red tape will stop them from ever adopting a child

HEARTACHE, desperation and fear comprise the emotions of many involved in the adoption process here in Ireland these times. Prospective adoptive parents who thought they were in the final stages of the long journey have found their hopes smashed and dashed by new procedures and exorbitant financial demands that have led to widespread devastation for many couples whose hearts are set on the adoption process.

Pastor Gerts wird am Sonntag in den Ruhestand verabschiedet

Pastor Gerts wird am Sonntag in den Ruhestand verabschiedet

Kategorie: Allgemeine News

Celle/Hildesheim. Wolfgang Gerts ist ein Posaunenspieler vor dem Herrn. Seit zwölf Jahren ist der Theologe – neben seinem Gemeindepfarramt – Landesobmann für die Bläserarbeit in der hannoverschen Landeskirche. Am Sonntag, 16. Juni, wird der 65-Jährige mit einem festlichen Gottesdienst um 16.30 Uhr in der Celler Pauluskirche in den Ruhestand verabschiedet. Dass er seinen Talar dauerhaft an den Nagel hängt und gar sein Instrument aus der Hand legt, ist indes nicht zu erwarten.

Die Generationen verbindende Bläserarbeit ist für Gerts eine große Stärke: „Hier wächst und gedeiht immer noch das schöpferische Gestalten von Generationen, die es schaffen, miteinander in Gemeinschaft zu handeln“, betont der scheidende Landesobmann nicht ohne Stolz. Die insgesamt etwa 630 Chöre umfassende Bläsergemeinschaft zu erhalten, betrachtet Gerts im Rückblick als seine wichtigste Aufgabe. Als Landesobmann wollte er zudem „Bindeglied zwischen Kirchenleitung und Bläservolk“ sein.

Für den musikbegeisterten Pastor, der aus der evangelischen Jugendarbeit hervorging und als gelernter Industriekaufmann über den Zweiten Bildungsweg zur Theologie kam, war die Weitergabe des Evangeliums ein weiteres zentrales Anliegen. Und zwar in doppelter Hinsicht „als Gestaltung von Verkündigung für Bläser und von Posaunenchören für die Gemeinde.“ Die von ihm 2008 veröffentlichte „Gottesdienstkunde für Chorleiter“ ist nur ein Beispiel seiner publizistischen Tätigkeit. Seine Aufgabe als Seelsorger verlor der Pastor auch als leitender Vertreter des Posaunenwerks nie aus dem Blick.

German Claudia Gerstner in search of her biological mother in Mangalore (Daijiworld Media Network)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:08:54 PM (IST)

German Claudia Gerstner in search of her biological mother in Mangalore

Florine Roche

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Jul 10: “Blood is thicker than water” is a well-known German proverb, which means that bonds of common ancestry are stronger than any other. This is what has brought many of the foreign nationals who were adopted from India, especially from Mangalore decades ago come searching for their roots back in India. Many of these adopted were able to find loving and caring foster parents in European countries and are well settled in life. But they are constantly bothered by the urge to find their biological parents, without which they feel their life is incomplete. Remember the famous lines of Deewar ‘mere paas maa hai’ that really struck a chord with the audience and has become a cliché ever since?

Israeli serial sex abuser adopts Indian girl: report

Israeli serial sex abuser adopts Indian girl: report

Press Trust of India | 08 Jun 2013 10:47 pm

Jerusalem: An Israeli man convicted of sex offences against young children has gained custody of a four-year-old Indian girl through an agreement with a surrogate mother in India, according to a media report.

The man legally adopted the child through an agreement with the surrogate Indian mother and under current legislation the Israeli authorities do not have the power to remove the girl away from him, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

According to an independent probe conducted by the Israel National Council for the Child (NCC), an NGO for children's rights, the man served a year and a half in jail for sexually abusing young children while they were under his supervision, some repeatedly, and is recognised as a paedophile by the authorities, the report said.

AFRICA: Call to reverse soaring adoption rates

AFRICA: Call to reverse soaring adoption rates

Photo: Mohamed Hasan/IRIN

Ethiopia was in 2010 ranked the second top origin country for inter-country adoptions (file photo)

ADDIS ABABA, 6 June 2012 (IRIN) - As the number of African children adopted by people outside the continent reaches record levels, experts, activists, government officials and academics have called for the practice to be stemmed, warning that adoption was too often motivated by financial gain rather than the best interests of the children involved.

Between 2003 and 2011, for example, at least 41,000 African children were sent abroad for adoption from Africa, according to a study entitled Africa: The New Frontier for Inter-country Adoption by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF).

Now the whole area of ??adoption delved

Now the whole area of ??adoption delved

A working group under the Ministry of Social Affairs to the next year examining the Danish adoption system.

PM. 14:50

DR News korrepondent in investigative journalist Line Gertsen, is here with an Ethiopian woman who has given up for adoption a child. © DR

By Line Gertsen, Ditte Bannor-Kristensen and Laura Marie Sorensen

MOUNT ANVILLE ALUMNI | Michael Fisher's News

The appointment by President Obama of human rights adviser Samantha Power to the post of US ambassador at the United Nations was greeted with particular interest at Mount Anville girls’ school in Goatstown in South Dublin. It means that three past pupils educated there by the Sacred Heart nuns now hold some of the most important positions in the world. It is also the Alma Mater of the former Irish President Mary Robinson, now UN Special Envoy to the Great Lakes in central Africa, and of the Secretary General of the European Commission, Catherine Day, who was a near neighbour of ours in Mount Merrion when I moved back to Dublin in 1967.

I was already familiar with Mount Anville from the 1960s as my aunt is a member of the Sacred Heart congregation (RSCJ) and entered the religious life there. She taught for a while in the Montessori school, where she ran soccer games for the children, as my former secondary school class colleague Peter Mathews TD once recalled! Over the years we have been privileged to celebrate a number of important family occasions with the community there. Now as in many towns and cities in Ireland, the nuns no longer occupy the convent, but tomorrow (June 7th) on the feast of the Sacred Heart, they will be gathering for Mass at the original convent building, once the home of engineer William Dargan. The school has a classical-style chapel, designed by EW Pugin and GC Ashlin in 1866. I understand they are hoping to open a heritage centre later this year, in which the history of the convent and the associated schools will be displayed.

One of the highlights of the calendar last year was the visit by President Robinson to deliver the Barat lecture, named after the founder (1826) of the Society of the Sacred Heart, St Madeleine Sophie. In her speech Mary Robinson spoke warmly and movingly about the main points of her career as a lawyer, Senator, President of Ireland (her greatest honour she said), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and lately, her work for climate justice. She also participated in a questions and answers session with the secondary school students. She spoke about her time spent as a boarder in Mount Anville in the late 1950s (Mary Bourke from Ballina in County Mayo). She recalled reading in the school library about Eleanor Roosevelt, someone she said who had inspired her in her formative years. In March, she was in Belfast for a memorial service to celebrate the life of the former trade unionist and human rights activist, the late Inez McCormack.

Catherine Day

Catherine Day

Adoption : les temps sont durs

Adoption : les temps sont durs

Baisse des adoptions, débats sur la filiationâ?¦Les adoptés organisent leurs premiers états généraux sur un constat morose.


Le 8 juin 2013 à 07h00

Adoption : les temps sont durs