
Alert: Guidance on Processing of Emergency Adoption Cases during Ghana’s Suspension

Alert: Guidance on Processing of Emergency Adoption Cases during Ghana’s Suspension

On April 30, 2013, the Government of Ghana suspended processing of all adoption cases, including intercountry adoptions, pending Ghana’s review of its current adoption procedures. This alert provides additional information on how the Ghanaian Department of Social Welfare (DSW) is implementing the suspension and how the suspension impacts processing of related Forms I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative.

Cases Subject to the Suspension

All adoption cases that received final approval by the Ghanaian Department of Social Welfare (DSW) or were filed with a court before April 30, 2013, are not subject to this suspension.

For cases filed with a court on or after April 30, 2013, only emergency cases may proceed to final adoption in Ghana. Emergency cases include children who have special needs or medical conditions, children who could “age out” of adoption eligibility, and children adopted by biological relatives. These emergency cases must be submitted to the Acting Director of DSW for approval before being submitted to a Ghanaian court.

Betty/ ISS Australia

In australia they discussed bettys case and iss has identified issue with roots


Bubble bursts for hedge fund gala that celebrated age of excess

Hedge funds

Bubble bursts for hedge fund gala that celebrated age of excess

Ark founding chairman Arpad Busson

APRIL 28, 2013 by: Sam Jones, Hedge Fund Correspondent

As with the bottles of Krug, the Ark gala – once the lavish pinnacle of London’s boomtime financial social scene – has been put on ice.

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Investigan mysterious donation in London for $ 3.4 million

House adoption in question

With nearly half a century of tradition in child protection and adoption, Pisingos Foundation was suspended.

By: Hernández Quevedo Norbey

In order to help homeless children, in May 1968 a group of 22 couples decided to create Pisingos Foundation in Bogota. A laudable initiative which for more than four decades became the benchmark for protection of thousands of poor children and an international model for the adoption of infants. However, this week the philanthropic legacy was challenged because millionaires unholy financial dealings resulted in the loss of the operating license and the suspension of legal status for six months.

Family takes case over refusal to recognise daughter’s adoption

Family takes case over refusal to recognise daughter’s adoption

Authority refusing to recognise adoptions of Mexican-born children, court hears

The family claim the provisions of the 2010 Adoption Act are incompatible with their constitutional rights

Fri, Apr 26, 2013, 05:18

The Adoption Authority in Ireland has refused to recognise or register more than a dozen Mexican-born children adopted by Irish families, the High Court has heard.

Oficiul Român pentru Adop?ii analizeaz? posibilitatea înfiin??rii unui tribunal specializat în adop?ii interna?ionale

Oficiul Român pentru Adop?ii analizeaz? posibilitatea înfiin??rii unui tribunal specializat în adop?ii interna?ionale

de Aurelia Alexa


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Irish Adoption Authority 'refuses to recognise' Mexican children adopted by Irish parents

Irish Adoption Authority 'refuses to recognise' Mexican children adopted by Irish parents

Tim Healy


25/04/2013 | 16:52SHARE

THE Adoption Authority of Ireland has refused to recognise or register more than a dozen children born in Mexico and adopted by Irish families, the High Court has heard.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions

Date: 23/04/13

The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions

There are reports that we would prefer not to, events that would be better not happen.

Yesterday, late in the evening, we received a communication from the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been temporarily suspended the permissions of the Direction General de Migration output of the adopted children.

This decision clearly involve, significantly, Italian couples already in the process of starting and couples who approach the "eight months," indicative of the date of combination.

Either she's lying - or is important information lost

Either she's lying - or is important information lost

Neither the Appeals Board or Social Security will answer why information about the men not in the confidential report, which the Minister has presented.

23 APRIL 2013 PM. 22:02

Social Affairs Karen Hækkerup: We are going to go the field of international adoptions through with a magnifying glass ...

By Line Gertsen and Ditte Bannor-Kristensen

DanAdopt attended the meeting

23 APRIL 2013


DanAdopt attended the meeting

As the Appeals Board should assess criticism of DanAdopt eligibility, attended adoption company at the meeting, said the local officials from the region.

Jimma Bekele, who 21Søndag revealed was a so-called children are reaping now appears to have been highlighted by DanAdopt as a good example. Photo: DR © DR