
Court upholds decision to remand Susana Luarca Saracho in custody

Court upholds decision to remand Susana Luarca Saracho in custody

Guatemala, May 20, 2013. Today, Court B of the First Instance for High-risk Matters upheld the decision to remand the lawyer Susana María de la Asunción Luarca Saracho in custody pending trial. The lawyer is charged with criminal association, human trafficking and the use of forged documents.

At the hearing to review the coercive measures, Judge Miguel Ángel Gálvez declared the petition of the accused, who sought to be released, to be inadmissible. The reasons cited by the judge to substantiate his decision were the risk of obstruction of the investigation and the fact that the circumstances which led to the order to remand Luarca Saracho in custody pending trial remained unchanged.

The judge set June 13 as the date of the pre-trial hearing to decide whether Luarca Saracho should be tried on the above-mentioned charges.

Background Facts

Arhitect FRANCEZ, trimis în judecat? la Oradea pentru PEDOFILIE


Arhitect FRANCEZ, trimis în judecat? la Oradea pentru PEDOFILIE


Vineri, 17 Mai 2013 20:12


Simple or full adoption ?

Concerned about the sterility of his couple and eager to have an heir to succeed him, Napoleon planned to adopt Eugène de Beauharnais, the fruit of Joséphine's first marriage. To do this, he includes adoption in the code that bears his name. Far from the adoption of children as we know it, it is an agreement between consenting adults, since a man must be 30 years old to be able to be adopted and 25 years old for a woman. Adoption is then only a question of transmission of inheritance.

It was only in the 20th century  that adoption took care of children, it officially becoming possible for minors in 1923. The two world wars having caused more deaths among civilians than among soldiers, it seems logical to bring together those who have lost their parents and those who have lost their children. However, it was not until 1966, and the will of an adoptive father who became Prime Minister (Georges Pompidou), that adopted children could benefit from the same rights as biological children. The French particularity, which has fueled futile debates for a long time, is that to this status which gives fullness (full adoption) of rights and duties to adoptive families, another status is added, that of simple adoption, heir to the law Napoleonic. Since then, it has been conclusively explained that full adoption irrevocably cuts all ties between the child and his biological family, whereas these would be maintained in simple adoption. Some then imagine this rupture as total, brutal and harmful. They demonstrate an aversion to full adoption, accusing it of cutting the child off from his origins, of denying him the right to his previous existence. Among the most virulent, we hear that full adoption is a forgery or a fiction, therefore a lie for the child.


The recent debate over marriage and adoption by homosexual couples has awakened these old demons. The term fiction was even used to describe plenary adoption during the Senate Law Committee during these debates. Of course, we know that the idea of ​​fiction is not necessarily pejorative. It indicates the capacity that the right has to establish a link by declaring adopted children born to their adoptive parents in the civil status. But legal fiction does not encompass the whole of the adoptive experience. The law, no more than biology, does not focus on the link of filiation, adoptive or not. Adoption may trouble some legal scholars who, as the name of their discipline suggests, want to stay square. But isn't it adoption itself, in its entirety, which is a fiction? To give a family, which is not related to him, to a child, that is surprising. Accepting that a child who doesn't look like them can call adults to whom he is attached “daddy” and “mommy” doesn't seem very normal. However, for thirty years in France, tens of thousands of adoptive families have been built and flourished in a society that is more curious than caring.




15 May 2013



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"All the women kissed his feet." Bivolaru has made a new MISA in Paris! (Finnish Police Investigation)

"All the women kissed his feet." Bivolaru has made a new MISA in Paris!


Bivolaru yogi story (61 years) is long past time the Romanian borders but also in Sweden, the country in which the guru Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute (MISA) has obtained political asylum 8 years ago. Finnish national television yesterday aired a story in which a young, Reeta (23 years), confess how Gregorian called her to Paris, where he raped her. In the apartment where Finnish was arrested several days were a lot of girls, including Romanian, Swedish and German woman.

Bivolaru is investigated while the Finnish police, this after Reeta, a young 23-year-old former member of the group MISA, the guru claimed the sexual abuse that took place in Paris, France.

Reet story was revealed yesterday by the national television in Finland, in a report on the extent that the MISA movement throughout Europe.

Sale of children, great business getting out of hand

Sale of children, great business getting out of hand

May 13, 2013

(Google Translation)

The lack of opportunities in education, health and employment, coupled with excessive growth of poverty, every day's shore Honduran women have to give away or sell their children.

Many women would give birth to their children and handing them over to foreigners in other countries, for paltry sums of money.

Caretakers struggle to raise abandoned children

Last update 08:08 | 12/05/2013 0 0

Caretakers struggle to raise abandoned children

VietNamNet Bridge – Four one-year-olds lie on the bed, scrambling for toys. Seeing a stranger come into the dark, dank room, they sit up and stretch out their hands. Their limpid eyes move toward the stranger and crane their bodies toward her as if waiting to be held in her arms.

Ha Noi, Bo De Pagoda, abandoned children, newborn baby

Four abandoned children cared for at Bo De Pagoda in Ha Noi. Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs statistics show that more than 176,000 children were abandoned or orphaned during the 2004-12 period.

A (not so) subtle message to MISA yoga school on March 18th?

A (not so) subtle message to MISA yoga school on March 18th?

Friday, May 10, 2013 13:58

March 18th again proves the direct involvement of Freemasonry

On March 18th 2013 the Romanian news agencies were buzzing with the headline of the hour: former PM Adrian Nastase was released from prison. Apart from the news value of this event, one cannot stop noticing the recurrence of the same date, 18th of March, in a significant context.

On March 18th 2004 the Romanian authorities started the biggest police operation against the yoga school MISA. The whole operation was made under the direct orders of the PM at the time Adrian Nastase. This severe violation of human rights resulted in Mr. Bivolaru’s political asylum in Sweden and in an immense number of yoga practitioners’ lives being destroyed. Today, 9 years later, the Romanian authorities still haven’t done anything to solve the mess they created. On the contrary, there are more abusive actions against the yoga school going on at the Supreme Court of Justice.

Bevrijd Demi en Nirvana - Petities.com -- Free Demi and Nirvana

Ben and Leoni van den brink, whose children have been unlawfully taken by the state and are also abused, fight with all their might to get their two daughters Demi and Nirvana back home. Here is a photo of the Brink family. http://martinvrijland.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/fotofamilievandenbrink.jpg Here is a brief overview of the facts:

1. 2009. Ben van den Brink discovers that his 2 daughters Demi and Nirvana are being abused and mistreated by his father-in-law and his friends. Shortly afterwards his wife says that the same thing happened to her. Ben wants to seek redress from his father-in-law, who has now called the police, and is surrounded by 11 police cars.

2. September 15, 2009. Ben reports to the Alkmaar police station, is arrested there and imprisoned for 6 months for threatening his father-in-law. An influential man with many contacts.

3. September 24, 2009. While Ben is in prison, Nirvana and Demi are taken from their home and transferred to the OCK Het Spalier in Zandvoort . Ben and Leonie are shocked that their abused children are also taken from the family. There is hardly any contact with the children. The father-in-law is allowed to visit Demi and Nirvana.

4. During this period, when she is home alone, Lenonie is repeatedly raped by her father and a number of his friends, several times involving a police officer from Schoorl.

5. Early November 2009. Doctor from OCK Het Spalier examines both girls and determines possible sexual abuse.