
Don Demidoff von Jakobsdorf und die Kinderprostitution im Vatikan

Don Demidoff von Jakobsdorf und die Kinderprostitution im Vatikan – reloaded

Danke dem anonymen Kommentator, der auf den gestrigen SZ-Artikel ueber organisierte Paedokriminalitaet im Vatikan hingewiesen hat. Dort sollen maennliche Jugendliche aus Rumaenien diversen Priestern vermittelt worden sein. Diese Infos scheinen perfekt das Bild zu ergaenzen, das im Raum Suedsiebenbuergen ueber die Umtriebe des inzwischen verstorbenen Homosexuellenaktivisten und ex-BND-Mitarbeiters Udo J. Erlenhardt (Kuenstlername Pater Don Demidoff) im ehem. evangelischen Pfarrhaus von Jakobsdorf als potentielle Zuchstaette fuer Lustknaben entstanden ist. Wir berichteten.


Udo J. Erlenhardt, alias Pater Don Demidoff (rechts im Bild). Quelle >>>

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Ermittlungen in Rom Verdacht auf Prostitutionsring für Priester

26. Juni 2013, 18:32 Uhr

Ermittlungen in Rom

Verdacht auf Prostitutionsring für Priester



Coalition tries to rescue world's orphans

Coalition tries to rescue world's orphans

Bob Smietana, USA TODAY 7:16 p.m. EDT June 25, 2013

(Photo: Gannett)


International adoptions have plummeted from 23,000 in 2004 to 8,668 in 2012

Italian adoption agency paid Slovak officials

Italian adoption agency paid Slovak officials

25 Jun 2013Flash News

The Italian regional agency for interstate adoptions, A.R.A.I., financed educational projects in Slovakia for employees of orphanages, social officials and judges, with members of working groups that prepared the projects receiving some money as well, the Sme daily reported on June 22.

Since 2004, the agency spent almost €190,000 on five projects on which it cooperated with Slovakia’s National Centre for Human Rights, the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia (ZMOS) as well as Saint Elizabeth’s College of Health Care and Social Work in Bratislava, according to the documents received by Sme. The daily states some of the names featured on the invoices are recurring, including coordinator Peter Gurá?, who worked in the centre; the former and current section head at the Labour Ministry, Nadežda Šebová; and the head of the Centre for International Legal Protection of Children, Alena Mátejová. According to Sme, they received bonuses for the preparation of seminars, lectures and for their membership in the steering committee.

The A.R.A.I. does not agree that the high number of children adopted in Italy is associated in any way with projects that the Italian side financed here. Based on the centre’s agreement with Italy, out of 433 children adopted abroad within the last ten years, over 50 percent were adopted in Italy. She explains that this is because Italian couples are willing to adopt Roma children, siblings, children over seven years of age and children with health problems.

SUPRAM’s Secretary General at a meeting on deinstitutionalisation in Serbia

SUPRAM’s Secretary General at a meeting on deinstitutionalisation in Serbia

22/07/2013 Nekategorizovano


Secretary General of SUPRAM, Milan M. Markovic, took part in a consultative meeting on deinstitutionalisation in Serbia, organised by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy for the members of the civil society, public bodies and institutions of health and social care. Purpose of the meeting was to clarify and define conditions of the upcoming call for projects, that is going to be published by the Ministry, with the financial support of the European Union.

Markovic pointed out several burning issues:

French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law

Little Miracles International Adoption

3 July 2013 ·

Translated by Vali Nash

French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law

Jun 19th, 2013 | de Buna Ziua Fagaras

Legea adop?iilor, in aten?ia ambasadelor Fran?ei ?i SUA

Legea adop?iilor, in aten?ia ambasadelor Fran?ei ?i SUA

Jun 19th, 2013 | de Buna Ziua Fagaras | Categoria: Politic

Proiectul noii legi a adop?iilor, depus de senatorul Sebastian Grap?, a intrat în aten?ia ambasadelor Statelor Unite ale Americii ?i Fran?ei. În contextul în care pe plan na?ional exist? în prezent un num?r foarte mare de familii sau persoane care doresc s? adopte, s-a ar?tat c? procedurile existente privind atestarea acestora nu sunt corelate cu durata procesului de adop?ie sau procedurile prin care o astfel de familie parcurge procesul de potrivire cu un copil, pentru care instan?a a declarat deschiderea procedurii de adop?ie.

senatorul Sebastian Grap?

senatorul Sebastian Grap?

Police are searching for Bivolaru home and MISA ashrams

Police are searching for Bivolaru home and MISA ashrams

by Andrei Dumitrescu - Mediafax Posted at: 06/18/2013 9:22 Last updated: 18/06/2013 12:12

Mediafax Foto / / Catalina Filip

Capital Chases Police Service officers will seek to address in Romania Bivolaru and MISA ashrams, to perform such legal proceedings after its final sentencing to six years in prison, said police officials in the capital.

The sources said, AFP, that the Capital Police came execution warrant issued by the Bucharest Tribunal penalty of six years in prison if Bivlaru ordered by the Supreme Court.

Gregorian Grieg sentenced to six years in prison

Google translate

Gregorian Grieg sentenced to six years in prison

Written by Mioara Maxim, June 15, 2013 « PREVIOUS | Back to Index | NEXT »

Gregorian Grieg MISA leader

Gregorian was sentenced on Friday by the Supreme Court, finally, to six years imprisonment in the case was tried for trafficking and sexual acts with minors, where he was acquitted of two lower courts.

110 func?ionari gorjeni, instrui?i în domeniul protec?iei copilului

110 func?ionari gorjeni, instrui?i în domeniul protec?iei copilului

13 iunie 2013, 18:45 | 0 comentarii | 270 vizualizari


Peste 400 de func?ionari publici din regiunea Sud – Vest Oltenia sunt particip? la Cursul de instruire “Direc?ii de îmbun?t??ire a eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România”, desf??urat în cadrul Proiectului „Îmbun?t??irea eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România”, cod SMIS 26554. Nu mai pu?in de 110 cursan?i provin din jude?ul nostru. În total, la nivelul întregii ??ri, sunt instrui?i în cadrul acestui proiect 3.590 de func?ionari.

Cursul de instruire “Direc?ii de îmbun?t??ire a eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România” se desf??oar? în cadrul Proiectului „Îmbun?t??irea eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România”, cod SMIS 26554.