
Swedish adoption from Montenegro

5 children in 2013


Gianni Pittella (Pd): Yes to gay adoptions

Aa Aa Aa Home » Politics » Video »Gianni Pittella (Pd): Yes to gay adoptions Filed with: Rights Europe Gay Gianni Pittella Parliament Democratic Party PD Gianni Pittella (Pd): Yes to gay adoptions POWER - Some people may call it sensationalism to get a grip on the media. But once again the statements of Gianni Pittella, head towards the national secretary of the Democratic Party, are set to make their mark, especially because directed to redesign the policy framework and program of the Democratic Party. It had happened in the past months, when our own microphones had defined equidistant compared to the liberal embodied by Matteo Renzi and the maximalist then embodied by Fabrizio Barca. But yesterday in Potenza, in the course of the tour that is accompanying his campaign to the Congress in December, went straight to the heart, touching forcefully the so-called civil rights, who always important impact on daily life but that all are careful from addressing. I advocate, said the gay marriages and adoptions. And the party, he said, should not depend on the Vatican. We are a secular state, he said, and we can not be less sensitive to the Pope. Then the political thrust. The Democratic Party, said the Vice President of the European Parliament, should not only discuss but must do so on key issues, such as social, which was conspicuous by hypocrisy. In short, to a faded and worn down by the current party, Pittella aimed a heavy appeal: recover their identity and not only on ethical issues but also on the economy, Europe and the social. On the political issue, linked to the decline of Berlusconi senator and the controversy that arose around the voting rules, the Democratic Party, he added, has acted in compliance with the Constitution. Would be serious, it concluded, the Government download the story, making it weigh on citizens.

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Gianni Pittella (Pd): Sì alle adozioni gay POTENZA – C’è chi potrà definirlo sensazionalismo per fare presa sui media. Ma ancora una volta le dichiarazioni di Gianni Pittella, in corsa verso la segreteria nazionale del Partito Democratico, sono destinate a lasciare il segno, soprattutto perché indirizzate a ridisegnare l’impalcatura politica e programmatica del Pd. Era già successo nei mesi scorsi, quando proprio ai nostri microfoni si era definito equidistante rispetto all’area liberal incarnata da Matteo Renzi e a quella massimalista, allora incarnata da Fabrizio Barca. Ma ieri a Potenza, nel corso del tour che sta accompagnando la sua campagna verso il congresso di dicembre, è andato diritto al cuore, toccando con forza i cosiddetti diritti civili, che hanno sempre e comunque importanti ricadute sulla quotidianità ma che tutti si guardano bene dall’affrontare. Sono favorevole, ha detto alle unioni dei gay e alle adozioni. E il partito, ha dichiarato, non deve dipendere dal Vaticano. Siamo in uno stato laico, ha detto, e non possiamo essere meno sensibili del Papa. Poi l’affondo politico. Il Pd, ha sottolineato il Vice Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, non deve discutere solamente ma deve farlo su questioni fondamentali, come quelle sociali, su cui ha brillato per ipocrisia. Insomma ad un partito sbiadito e logorato dalle correnti, Pittella rivolge un pesante appello: recuperare la propria identità e non solo sui temi etici ma anche su quelli dell’economia, dell’Europa e del sociale. Sulla questione politica, legata alla decadenza di Berlusconi da senatore e sulle polemiche sorte intorno alle modalità di voto, il Pd, ha aggiunto, ha agito nel rispetto della Costituzione. Sarebbe grave, ha concluso, scaricare sul Governo la vicenda, facendola pesare sui cittadini.

© 2006-2016 TRM Network

Articolo completo: http://www.trmtv.it/home/politica/2013_11_03/60689.html

Chinese village ‘in lockdown’ as parents sue government over lost child

Chinese village ‘in lockdown’ as parents sue government over lost child


A rural village in northern China has reportedly been placed under “curfew” after a disabled couple accused the local government of masterminding the abduction of their 11-day-old baby.

Authorities imposed the lockdown as Liu Laogen, 64, and his 50-year-old wife, Xia Fengge, spoke for the first time about their daughter being snatched from them by officials they say were working for the family planning bureau almost 20 years ago. The case is the latest to underline the human cost of China’s one-child policy and the appalling abuses that it has spawned, including forced abortions and child abductions.

The baby was Xia’s third and relations believe family planning officials decided to take the girl in order to discourage other locals from breaking China’s one-child policy.

Legea adop?iei. Oficiul Român pentru Adop?ii refuz? schimbarea actului normativ: 63.000 de copii f?r? familie

Legea adop?iei. Oficiul Român pentru Adop?ii refuz? schimbarea actului normativ: 63.000 de copii f?r? familie

Valentina Grigore | 2013-10-31 16:26

Legea adop?iei. Oficiul Român pentru Adop?ii refuz? schimbarea actului normativ: 63.000 de copii f?r? familie

Valentina Grigore

ARB. Peste 700.000 de români, restan?ieri

Hochgerüsteter Kidnapping-Service: Italiens Polizei fasst professionelle Kinderentführer

Hochgerüsteter Kidnapping-Service: Italiens Polizei fasst professionelle Kinderentführer

Sie kamen angeblich mit Schnellbooten, Helikoptern und Waffen, um Kinder zu entführen: Italienische Ermittler haben eine Bande gefasst, die einen professionellen Kidnapping-Service betrieben haben soll. Die meisten Mitglieder waren demnach Elitesoldaten.

Rom - Die italienische Polizei hat einen internationalen Kinderschmuggler-Ring ausgehoben, der vor allem bei Sorgerechtskonflikten seine Dienste anbot. Die Gruppe habe sich überwiegend aus früheren Elitesoldaten zusammengesetzt, teilten die Ermittler mit. Die Bande bot demnach einen Entführungsservice für in Sorgerechtsstreitigkeiten unterlegene Eltern unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten an.

Mit russischen Waffen, Schnellbooten und einer Basis auf der italienischen Mittelmeerinsel Sizilien ausgestattet, verschleppten die Kidnapper die Kinder dabei über mehrere Länder hinweg von einem Elternteil zum anderen. Kostenpunkt pro Operation: mehrere zehntausend Euro.

Der Polizei zufolge führte die Gruppe einen ersten Auftrag aus, als im Oktober 2012 ein Kind in Tunesien entführt und über Sizilien nach Norwegen gebracht wurde. Eine zweite Operation wenige Wochen später, in der ein Kind per Helikopter ebenfalls aus Tunesien verschleppt werden sollte, flog dagegen auf. Zwei mutmaßlich beteiligte Schweden wurden in dem nordafrikanischen Land festgenommen.

Afscheid van Wereldkinderen

Farewell to World Children

Posted by admin on October 28th 2013 @ 10:27 pm Farewell to World Children. On Saturday 26 October there was a farewell meeting in The Hague. A farewell between the staff of Wereldkinderen and the volunteers of the various working groups, but also of the volunteers themselves. Rachelle, Annely and Margot have made a nice encounter. The three of them even sang a "Volunteer song" for the volunteers, under the musical accompaniment of Margot. We look back on a pleasant cooperation with these employees as well as with a number of former World Children's children. A member of the Supervisory Board was also present at the farewell. The financial settlement now remains. Four working groups of all working groups are continuing. Two of them can continue to work under the banner of World Children: certain adoption channels make it a condition for adoption from their country that help is also provided on the spot. These two working groups (China and Africa) still belong to the core business of World Children. The other two working groups are the Bihar working group from Breda and our working group. We have agreed to keep in touch with the Bihar Foundation, because they work in Jharkand, where we support the construction of a children's home by Maher. We may still be able to work together in certain areas in the future. Post filed under News. One Comment    

Juffermans says:     June 14, 2017 at 5:16 PM / Reply     Is this still the same project of Fr. verticad from bihar. Or this has passed into other hands.


Afscheid van Wereldkinderen

Posted by admin on oktober 28th 2013 @ 10:27 pm

Afscheid van Wereldkinderen.

Zaterdag 26 oktober jl. was er een afscheidsbijeenkomst in Den Haag. Een afscheid tussen de medewerkers van Wereldkinderen en de vrijwilligers van de diverse werkgroepen,  maar ook van de vrijwilligers onderling. Rachelle, Annely en Margot hebben er een leuke ontmoeting van gemaakt. Ze zongen met z´n drieën zelfs een “Vrijwilligerslied”  voor de vrijwilligers, onder muzikale begeleiding van Margot. We zien terug op een prettige samenwerking met deze medewerkers alsook met een aantal intussen ex-medewerkers van Wereldkinderen.  Ook een lid van de Raad van Toezicht was bij het afscheid aanwezig. Rest nu nog de financiële afwikkeling.

Van alle werkgroepen gaan vier werkgroepen door. Twee daarvan kunnen blijven werken onder de vlag van Wereldkinderen: bepaalde adoptiekanalen stellen als voorwaarde voor adoptie uit hun land dat er ook ter plaatse hulp wordt geboden.  Hiermee behoren deze twee werkgroepen (China en Afrika) nog tot de corebusiness van Wereldkinderen.

De andere twee werkgroepen zijn de werkgroep Bihar uit Breda en onze werkgroep. We hebben afgesproken contact met  Stichting Bihar te houden, omdat  zij onder andere in Jharkand werkzaam zijn, waar wij de bouw van een kindertehuis door Maher ondersteunen. Mogelijk dat we in de toekomst op bepaalde vlakken nog kunnen samenwerken.

Post filed under Nieuws.

One Comment

  1. Juffermans says:

    14 juni 2017 om 17:16 / Beantwoorden

    Is dit nog het zelfde project van pater verticad vanuit bihar.Of is dit over gegaan in andere handen.

SA orphans going Dutch

The lives of hundreds of orphans might soon change for the better because of inter-country adoption.

The SA Central Authority, which oversees adoptions in this country, has given adoption agency Wandisa permission to cooperate in inter-country adoptions with the Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting, a Dutch agency.

A director of the Dutch agency, Macky Hupkes, said his organisation was waiting for the authorities of both countries to conclude a state-to-state adoptions agreement.

The founder and president of Wandisa, Debbie Wybrow, said: " Many Dutch families have indicated their willingness to adopt older children and those who have special needs," she said.

Census 2011 estimated that there were 3.3million orphans in South Africa. Between 1.5million and 2million of them could benefit from inter-country adoption.

Bogdan Ivanescu este noul presedinte al Asociatiei Romane a Bancilor Acreditate de Celule Stem

Bogdan Ivanescu este noul presedinte al Asociatiei Romane a Bancilor Acreditate de Celule Stem 23 octombrie 2013, ora 15:27, autor(i): Andreea Radu Aboneaza-te la: RSS Newsletter Trimite prin: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Bogdan Ivanescu-ARBACS.jpg Asociatia Romana a Bancilor Acreditate de Celule Stem (ARBACS) are un nou presedinte - Bogdan Ivanescu (foto), care conduce compania Stem Sure, una dintre cele trei banci membre fondatoare ARBACS.

Acesta il inlocuieste la conducerea Asociatiei pe Tudor Panu, director general Cord Blood Center Medical, care a condus ARBACS in perioada aprilie - septembrie 2013.

Cei trei membri preiau conducerea Asociatiei prin rotatie, la fiecare 6 luni. Mandatul doctorului Bogdan Ivanescu a inceput in octombrie, urmand ca, din aprilie 2014, stafeta sa fie preluata de catre doctorul Dorin Pirciog, director general al Biogenis.

Noul presedinte ARBACS isi propune continuarea politicilor din timpul mandatului doctorului Tudor Panu, precum si consolidarea parteneriatelor incheiate cu autoritatile competente ale statului.

"Ca presedinte al Asociatiei, voi viza in continuare informarea corecta si completa a viitorilor parinti, prin actiunile specifice ARBACS, in baza codului de etica pe care l-am lansat oficial in iunie, anul acesta?, a declarat doctorul Bogdan Ivanescu, presedinte ARBACS.

Momma Mia!

Grounded in her human-rights work, Mia Farrow can look back at another triumph—the loving home she created for 14 adopted and biological children. But she must also continue to deal with the wreckage from the sensational scandal that almost rent it apart 20 years ago. From Farrow and eight of her kids, including the long-silent Dylan, Maureen Orth gets the full story of life before and after Woody Allen.

Mia Farrow has had a big life. After a childhood in Beverly Hills and London with a movie-star mother, Maureen O’Sullivan, and a writer-director father, John Farrow, she became famous at 19 on Peyton Place, a sensation when it premiered in 1964 as television’s first prime-time soap opera. She lost her virginity to Frank Sinatra and married him when she was 21 and he was 50. Two years later he served her divorce papers on the set of Rosemary’s Baby, the Roman Polanski film for which she earned a Golden Globe nomination in 1968. Frank and Mia stayed close, however, even when she was married to the composer-conductor André Previn, whom she divorced in 1979, after having three sons and adopting three at-risk Asian daughters. She also continued to see Sinatra throughout her 13-year relationship with Woody Allen, which suffered a jolt when she found lurid photographs taken by Allen of Soon-Yi Previn, one of her adopted daughters, then a sophomore in college, on the mantel in Allen’s Manhattan apartment. Only a month earlier, in December 1991, Allen had formally adopted two of Mia’s children, 15-year-old Moses and 7-year-old Dylan, even though he was in therapy for inappropriate behavior toward Dylan. In August 1992, after disappearing with Allen in Mia’s Connecticut country house and reappearing without underpants, Dylan told her mother that Allen had stuck his finger up her vagina and kissed her all over in the attic, charges Allen has always vociferously denied. Anxious that Allen might cause her harm, Mia told me, she confessed her fears on the phone to Sinatra.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, and shortly thereafter she got a call from a man who told her, “Don’t talk on the phone. Meet me at 72nd and Columbus Tuesday at 11 A.M. I’m in a gray sedan.”

“I had to be sure I understood,” Mia recalled. “I even looked up the word ‘sedan.’ ”

The car pulled up at the appointed hour; the back door flew open, and the driver motioned for her to get in. He didn’t even turn around. “What’s the problem?” he asked.

Orphan makes a plea for others

Orphan makes a plea for others


Last updated 10:37 22/10/2013
