
Vertrek Marc Tijhuis

Vertrek Marc Tijhuis

Algemeen directeur van Wereldkinderen, drs. M. (Marc) Tijhuis, zal de organisatie verlaten per 1 januari 2014.

De afgelopen jaren heeft Marc Tijhuis succesvol de organisatie door een moeilijke periode heen geloodst en Wereldkinderen weer 'op de kaart' gezet. Sterk teruglopende aantallen adopties hebben er helaas toe geleid dat begin 2013 een omvangrijke reorganisatie heeft moeten plaatsvinden. Door de geringere omvang en complexiteit van de huidige organisatie is in onderling overleg, om bedrijfseconomische redenen, besloten de positie van algemeen directeur aan te passen aan de huidige situatie. Wereldkinderen blijft voor u dezelfde professionele en flexibele kinderwelzijnsorganisatie die zich inzet voor de individuele rechten van het kind onder het motto ‘ieder kind heeft recht op een thuis’.

De taken van Marc Tijhuis worden vanaf 1 januari 2014 waargenomen door Inge Prenger. Inge Prenger is sinds 2000 in dienst bij wereldkinderen en is vanaf 2010 manager van de afdeling Adoptie.


Orphanages to be re-examined

Orphanages to be re-examined


By Martins E. Ssekweyama

Posted Monday, December 16 2013 at 02:00

The police say a number of orphanages in the souther region are illegally operating.

Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption (Baby Donna)

Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption

6 December 2013

The appeal court in the Belgian city of Ghent has given suspended jail terms to a Dutch couple involved in an illegal adoption, according to Belgian media reports.

The Dutch couple were given eight months suspended jail terms for buying the baby, known as Donna, in a complicated law suit involving cross-border surrogacy and illegal adoption.

Baby Donna was born in February 2005 in Belgium via a surrogate on behalf of a Belgian couple where the wife was infertile. However, instead of handing the baby over to this couple as agreed, the surrogate mother sold the baby to a Dutch couple in Leusden for €15,000.

Italy steps into international adoption battle in U.K. after woman’s baby removed in forced c-section

Italy steps into international adoption battle in U.K. after woman’s baby removed in forced c-section

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Nick Squires, John Bingham, Claire Duffin, The Telegraph | December 6, 2013 | Last Updated: Dec 6 1:39 PM ET

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The mother’s lawyers and Italian politicians said Thursday they had not expected the development.

Adoption row: Govt takes note, issues notice to Child panel

Adoption row: Govt takes note, issues notice to Child panel

DC |5 December 2013

Mysore: Taking suo motu action on reports which appeared in Deccan Chronicle, the director, Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD) has ordered an investigation into the move to give two orphans from Mysore for adoption to an Italian couple without the knowledge of their guardians and has served notices on the Child Welfare Committee of Mysore and Bapuji Children’s Home.

Vatsalya Charitable Trust(VCT) in Bengaluru has been ordered to shift the children to a government home for boys in Mysore. The DWCD director perused records pertaining to the children before taking action, they revealed. The CWC Mysore and Bapuji Children’s home have reportedly been asked to explain why they failed to conduct an inquiry before declaring the children free for adoption and the department’s deputy director was asked why he failed to see the flaws.

Arun Dhole, a researcher from Germany, notes that although the Mysore CWC ordered the children to be shifted to VCT on May 15, 2012, certified copies obtained from the City Civil and Sessions Court in Mayo hall reveal the children were declared as legally free for adoption only on September 29 that year. “ it is astonishing, that the children were transferred to VCT, an inter-country adoption agency, before being declared free for adoption,” he contends.

Hebei parents seek daughter two decades after she was taken by one-child policy enforcers

Hebei parents seek daughter two decades after she was taken by one-child policy enforcers

Thursday, 05 December, 2013, 1:27pm

Patrick Boehler patrick.boehler@scmp.com

Mother Xia Fengge outside the Gaobeidian People's Court on Monday. Screenshot via Sina Weibo.

Eleven days after the third child of a farmer couple, a daughter, was born in the summer of 1995 in Quantou township, she was taken away from her parents by local cadres. The couple had violated China’s one-child policy and never saw their daughter again.

Adoption of a child is over

Adoption of a child is over

In ten years the number of international adoptions halved. A decline so significant that they are starting to talk about an era that is coming to an end. Adoptions went from being humanitarian aid to the Third World to become an industry with so much money involved that it ultimately killed it

5 December 2013

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In the beginning it was mainly South Korean children who were adopted to Denmark. But after the high economic growth in East Asia, it is now almost exclusively African children adopted.

Caesarean case mother: Italian government to step into Alessandra Pacchieri adoption battle

Caesarean case mother: Italian government to step into Alessandra Pacchieri adoption battle

Italian government stepping into British legal battle over Alessandra Pacchieri and her baby delivered by forced caesarean

Papers from secretive Court show that a forced caesarean section on the Italian mother Alessandra Pacchieri was allowed because of fears for mother and baby

Newly released court papers reveal that Alessandra Pacchieri had already had two children delivered by caesarean section Photo: Facebook

By Nick Squires, John Bingham, Claire Duffin