
Treaty’s tighter adoption rules kick in for Haiti

Treaty’s tighter adoption rules kick in for Haiti

By Associated Press, Saturday, April 5, 12:23 AM

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Foreigners seeking to adopt a child from Haiti will now have better assurances the new family member wasn’t trafficked.

The Hague Adoption Convention took effect in Haiti this week after Haitian officials demonstrated their country has adopted legislation to follow the treaty’s provisions.


Plan to give adopted children new identities to stop birth parents finding them

Plan to give adopted children new identities to stop birth parents finding them

Social services ask High Court to give two young children new names and even cut links with other siblings to protect them from abusive parents

The Royal Courts of Justice

Judge questions plan to give adopted children new identities to stop birth parents finding them Photo: ALAMY

By John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor2:32PM BST 03 Apr 2014

Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa

Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa

Bewerkt door: Redactie

4/04/14 - 12u43 Bron: Belga

Weeskinderen in Goma, in het oosten van Congo. (Archieffoto) © photo news.

Zeven Congolese kinderen die legaal zijn geadopteerd door Belgische koppels worden sinds november tegengehouden in Kinshasa wegens een moratorium van één jaar op adopties van Congolese kinderen uitgevaardigd door president Kabila. Dat melden Le Soir en De Standaard.

Seven adopted children stranded in Kinshasa

President Kabila has declared a one-year moratorium on adoptions of Congolese children. Seven Belgian couples take turns in Kinshasa while waiting for permission to return to Belgium with their children. Hope is dwindling ...

Lhe summer 2013, Thérèse, a young grandmother, showed us the photo of her grandson, a little Congolese: “ Here is Harry, by the end of the year, he will be with us . "

Since then, the happy wait has turned into doubt, into uncertainties, and it is now sorrow that prevails: neither Harry nor the six other orphans in Kinshasa will fly to Belgium, not immediately in any case.

It was on November 30 that Madeleine, Harry's mother, arrived in Kinshasa, thinking she had reached the end of the "obstacle course". This had lasted seven years of a complex and meticulous adoption procedure.

You must be declared eligible as an adoptive parent, identify the child, verify if it is indeed an orphan and finally obtain a favorable judgment, in Congo and Belgium.

Early day motion 1239 - Hemming

Early day motion 1239

Print versionOpens in a new window


Session: 2013-14

Date tabled: 01.04.2014

Nexans : Nicolas de Tavernost et François Polge de Combret quittent le Conseil d'Administration

Nexans : Nicolas de Tavernost et François Polge de Combret quittent le Conseil d'Administration

Le 01/04/2014 à 19h29

(Boursier.com) — Le Conseil d'Administration de Nexans s'est réuni le 31 mars 2014 sous la présidence de Frédéric Vincent pour arrêter les propositions qui seront soumises au vote des actionnaires lors de l'Assemblée générale annuelle du 15 mai 2014. Ainsi, le Conseil a pris acte du souhait de François Polge de Combret, administrateur indépendant depuis mai 2006, de ne pas solliciter le renouvellement de son mandat, pour convenances personnelles. Son mandat prendra donc fin à l'Assemblée du 15 mai prochain. Par ailleurs, Nicolas de Tavernost, administrateur indépendant, a présenté sa démission du Conseil d'Administration afin de se conformer aux recommandations du Code Afep-Medef relatives à la limitation du nombre de mandats pouvant être exercés par un dirigeant-mandataire social. "Au nom de l'ensemble du Conseil, je remercie Messieurs François Polge de Combret et Nicolas de Tavernost pour leur implication dans les travaux du Conseil d'Administration ainsi que leur contribution active au développement de l'entreprise", précise Frédéric Vincent, PDG de Nexans.

Il sera proposé aux actionnaires de renouveler le mandat de Mme Véronique Guillot-Pelpel, administrateur indépendant, afin de capitaliser sur sa parfaite connaissance du Groupe. Le Conseil, sur avis du Comité des Nominations, des Rémunérations et du Gouvernement d'entreprise, a décidé de proposer aux actionnaires la candidature de Philippe Joubert en tant qu'administrateur indépendant afin de renforcer les compétences du Conseil dans le domaine de l'industrie et de l'énergie. Par ailleurs, Bpifrance, actionnaire de premier plan du Groupe depuis 2009 détenant actuellement environ 7,8% du capital social et partenaire stratégique de long-terme, a proposé la candidature de Mme Fanny Letier en tant qu'administrateur lié à Bpifrance, au lieu de Jérôme Gallot qui reste administrateur indépendant.

"Ces propositions sont la traduction de la mise en oeuvre de la politique de composition du Conseil d'Administration adoptée lors du Conseil du 13 janvier 2014. Si l'Assemblée approuve ces propositions, le Conseil resterait composé de 14 administrateurs et verrait renforcées sa féminisation (38%), ses compétences industrielles et son expertise dans le secteur de l'énergie. Le taux d'indépendance serait de plus de 53%, en conformité avec les recommandations du Code Afep-Medef. Les candidatures présentées ont recueilli l'appui unanime du Conseil d'Administration", explique Frédéric Vincent.

USCIS Begins Processing Adoptions from Montenegro

Adoptions Information: Montenegro

USCIS Begins Processing Adoptions from Montenegro

Intercountry Adoptions under the Hague Adoption Convention

On April 1, 2014, USCIS will begin accepting and adjudicating Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention) petitions filed on behalf of children from Montenegro.

The Department of State has determined that Montenegro’s intercountry adoption system supports:

Croatia ratified Hague

signed 5/12/2013

Intercountry adoption

As of 1 April 2014, the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption applies in the Republic of Croatia

The Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy is the Central Authority of the Republic of Croatia for the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption (The Hague, 1993).

The process of intercountry adoption from a state signatory to the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption.

Tara Winkler talks losing her partner and community work on “Australian Story”

Empathy—real, life-altering empathy—is an underrated value. In the 21st century, when human interactions occur primarily through virtual means, human empathy more often than not takes the form of online donations.

Which is why the story of Tara Winkler is so extraordinary.

In 2005, at the age of 21, Winkler traveled to Cambodia to volunteer at Akira’s Landmine Museum, which supported victims of landmines. At that time, she visited an orphanage Battambang, which, she later found out in 2007, was run by a director who was embezzling funds and sexually and emotionally abusing the young children who took refuge there.

Horrified by the stories of abuse, Winkler partnered with local NGO director, Pon Jedtha, to found the Cambodian Children’s Trust (CCT), a non-profit NGO that fosters the educational and ethical empowerment of the children of Battambang.

Tired of “orphanage tourism,” Winkler and her team recently converted CCT from an orphanage into a “community development organization” to better serve the Battambang community, as well as in order to try to keep the children with their families. “I’m not mum any more,” she explained in an interview. “I played that role for a little when it was necessary, but that isn’t something that’s sustainable for all those kids.”



Membership of the Committee iii

Terms of reference iii

Consultation with stakeholders iii