
Missing babies from hospitals: Serbia must give credible answers about what has happened to each child and compensate the parent

Missing babies from hospitals: Serbia must give credible

answers about what has happened to each child and

compensate the parents

In today’s Chamber judgment in the case of Zorica Jovanovi? v. Serbia (application

no. 21794/08), which is not final1, the European Court of Human Rights held,

Adoptions to Italy halted

Adoptions to Italy halted

Missing Documentation Led To Suspension Of Adoptions

25 Mar 2013Roman Cuprik Politics & Society

ADOPTIONS of Slovak children to Italy were put on hold on February 19, due to what Slovakia identified as missing post-adoption reports on the fate of 72 Slovak children adopted by Italian families. The moratorium will remain in effect until all of Slovakia’s terms are met by the Italian side. Meanwhile, Italy, the country with the highest demand for international adoptions from Slovakia, has promised to supply by April 15 the missing reports on 72 of the 269 children adopted over the past 10 years, Labour Ministry spokesperson Michal Stuška told The Slovak Spectator.

Slovak Labour Minister Ján Richter halted the adoptions on the heels of a visit to Italy on February 13 by Andrea Císarová, the head of the Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth (CIPC), a branch of the Labour Ministry, to discuss the missing adoption reports. Císarová met with representatives of the Italian Commission for International Adoptions (CAI) and inquired about 117 post-adoption reports. However, she was only able to access a few of them, according to the Sme daily.

Cambodia: Foreign-run orphanage closed after reports of abuse, human trafficking

Foreign-run orphanage closed after reports of abuse, human trafficking

Sapa-AP | 25 March, 2013 14:47

Cambodian authorities said Monday they had shut a foreign-run orphanage that is suspected of beating its children and carrying out human trafficking.

Officials and a rights group said police in the capital, Phnom Penh, on Friday raided the unlicensed orphanage, called Love in Action, and rescued 21 children.

Gratianne Quade, a spokeswoman for SISHA, an anti-trafficking organization in Cambodia, said an Australian woman who ran the orphanage was not arrested in the Friday raid and her current whereabouts were not known.

Omstreden Babyhuis in Dordrecht gaat toch open

Omstreden Babyhuis in Dordrecht gaat toch open




Door: redactie

Vreselijk, onze Armandino bij lesbische ouders'

Vreselijk, onze Armandino bij lesbische ouders'




Door: redactie

Email from JCICS about corruption in the DRC

I received an Email from Joint Council about corruption in the DRC. This is really frustrating because if not stopped it will ultimately lead to the closure of programs in the DRC.

I would hope that US agencies, take this seriously and work to prevent this from happening. Otherwise orphans will suffer. I get that in the DRC (and other places) folks there operate under a different system than ours, but it takes 2 and I would hope that US agencies would work to prevent this as much as they could.

Here is the mail.

A team from Wasatch International Adoption Agency has just returned from the DRC. While we were there, we had a visit with the vice consular officer.

He explained to us that, due to serious concerns about how some children become available, they are going to do more in-depth investigations, hence the new 3-6 month investigation period. He said that the State Dept. feels that DRC can be corrupt, and agencies and independents may be falling into situations where they pay an office or person to acquire a child for placement. He said that in their investigations, if they find any instance of that, they will shut down the Congo program, and he thinks that this is a good possibility.

Moscow to create database of Russian children with foreign families – Lavrov

Moscow to create database of Russian children with foreign families – Lavrov

Get short URL Published time: March 22, 2013 18:05

Edited time: March 22, 2013 19:37

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.(AFP Photo / Oli Scarff)

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Avocatul copilului sau al firmelor de adop?ii? Tamara Pl?m?deal?, suspectat? c? a promovat înfierea cu înc?lc?ri a unui b?ie?el

22.03.2013, de Echipa Anticoruptie Tipareste acest articol

Avocatul copilului sau al firmelor de adop?ii? Tamara Pl?m?deal?, suspectat? c? a promovat înfierea cu înc?lc?ri a unui b?ie?el moldovean în Italia

Natalia Porubin, Centrul de Investiga?ii Jurnalistice

Un b?ie?el suspectat c? ar fi infectat cu HIV/SIDA urma s? fie înfiat de un cuplu din Italia. De?i avea la baz? doar o b?nuial?, diagnosticul a fost utilizat ca paravan pentru adop?ia peste hotare, promovat? de Tamara Pl?m?deal?, avocatul copilului.

Protagonistul acestei istorii, Vl?du? (nume schimbat), nu are decât trei ani ?i e prea mic ca s? în?eleag? ce lupte înver?unate s-au dat pentru soarta lui. B?iatul din nordul ??rii figureaz? într-un proces de judecat? pe care avocatul parlamentar pentru protec?ia drepturilor copilului l-a intentat împotriva Ministerului Muncii, Protec?iei Sociale ?i Familiei. Ombudsmanul acuz? autorit??ile c? t?r?g?neaz? adop?ia lui de c?tre o familie din Italia. Argumentul de baz? este c? micu?ul ar suferi de o boal? incurabil?, pe care ar fi mo?tenit-o de la mama sa. Anume datorit? acestui diagnostic dosarul copilului a fost prezentat direct pentru adop?ie interna?ional?. În mod normal, copiii din Republica Moldova nu pot fi propu?i spre adop?ie în str?in?tate decât dup? ce sunt epuizate toate posibilit??ile de a le g?si o familie în ?ar?. „Copilul putea fi înfiat imediat dup? na?tere, înc? în 2010. Dac? urma tratamentul peste hotare, el evita pericolul s? dezvolte o boal? pe via??“, sus?ine Tamara Pl?m?deal?. „Ultima testare clinic?, efectuat? pe 25 ianuarie 2013, nu a confirmat diagnosticul invocat de avocatul parlamentar“, r?spunde Viorica Dumbr?veanu, ?efa Direc?iei protec?iei familiei ?i copilului din cadrul ministerului.

Irish couples keen to adopt Indian kids

Irish couples keen to adopt Indian kids

DC | Pramila Krishnan | 6 hours 52 min ago

Frances Fitzgerald.

Chennai: Several Irish parents wish to adopt Indian children now. The Irish government has approached the Indian government to devise time-bound and hassle-free adoption procedures.

Frances Fitzgerald, the first Ireland minister for child and youth affairs, has interacted with Krishna Tirath, Union women and child development ministry and officials in the Central Adoption Resource Authority about the adoption norms.

Brazil prepares guidance booklet for people adopted by foreigners

Brazil prepares guidance booklet for people adopted by foreigners

20/03/2013 02:55 - Portal Brasil

In partnership with various agencies, the Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic (SDH/PR) has established the forms in which people adopted by foreigners can access data regarding their origin. A booklet is to be produced with guidelines on the subject. A meeting on the issue took place on Monday (March 18) afternoon at the SDH/PR headquarters in Brasilia.

According to George Lima, Chief of the National Office for Protection of Child and Adolescent Rights (which is linked to the SDH/PR), there are 14 cases of persons, adopted as children in the 1980s, seeking information on the process and their biological families. 13 of these people are in Israel and one is in the United States.

The idea is for consulates or embassies to serve as an initial point of contact. The booklets will include information on how to proceed with the application and will be made available at these locations. This material is expected to be approved in 15 days. In addition, consular officials will be responsible for providing assistance.