
Illegal adoption accused frustrates magistrate

Illegal adoption accused frustrates magistrate

March 20 2013 at 03:24pm

By Tania Broughton

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Independent Newspapers

For Terre des hommes, advocacy is continuing

For Terre des hommes, advocacy is continuing



In recent years, international adoption ha, bit by bit, lost ground after repeated scandals linked to cases of abuse, trafficking and child prostitution. In our increasingly globalized world, the drift has gone so far that it is even possible to buy a child direct on the internet. Admittedly, irregularities, badly applied laws and procedures and individual shady cases have always existed in all the countries practising international adoption; on the other hand, the fact of a country and its entire system being corrupt is a more recent phenomenon. Among the States with a high risk of trafficking, one thinks primarily of Romania in the ‘90s, then of other countries like Guatemala, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Haiti and, more recently, Nepal and Ethiopia being accused of trafficking in children. Meanwhile, the pressure brought by the international community, particularly the host countries, has borne fruit and forced the countries of origin to review the way they function, their legislation and their procedures.

Inter-country adoption is declining

NGOs: The number of adoptable children has decreased by more than half after the new law March 19, 2013,

NGOs: The number of adoptable children has decreased by more than half after the new law March 19, 2013

Contradictory figures regarding the number of children that can be adopted The adoption system needs a real change, as the modification of the law from April 2012 led to a setback, the number of children declared adoptable falling to 778, compared to 1736 in 2011, said the coordinator of the SOS Infertility Association, Nicoleta Cristea-Brunel, on Tuesday. according to Mediafax.

The representative of the SOS Infertility Association stated that from April 7, 2012, when the new adoption law came into force, 999 decisions were made regarding the opening of the adoption procedure, but 221 of the applications were submitted to the courts before this date, which which means that only 778 children became adoptable since the amendment of the normative act. According to the data communicated by the Romanian Office for Adoptions, in 2009, 1,730 children were declared adoptable, in the following year, 1,921, and in 2011, another 1,736 children. "There is a need for a real change in the system", said Nicoleta Cristea-Brunel, specifying that since the entry into force of the new law, 365 sentences of imprisonment have been communicated for adoption, of which 28 in Bucharest. 3 years and 3 months, the average age of adopted children The average age of children adopted in the last year was three years and three months, and at the end of last year, in the special protection system there were 1,231 children under 12 months and 2,984 children between one and two years. SOS Infertility coordinator showed that, in the last ten months, practically, in the Capital, there was a two-month adoption in each sector. From his point of view, the situation is an "extremely serious one", showing that in the protection system there are 61,656 children who do not have access to a family because of the too restrictive legal provisions.

Cristea-Brunel also showed that, at the end of February, in Romania there were 1,351 certified foster parents, 1,095 being at the first certificate, 199, at the second, 39, the third and 18, at more than three certificates.

The ORA does not recognize the figures published by the NGO

Woman’s legal fight to find out about her origins

I was able to give a story, a contour, to my life, and finally I no longer feel empty or in limbo when I think about my origins, who I am.

Anita Godelli - © Photo Council of Europe



Anita Godelli never knew her mother. Abandoned at birth, she was placed in an orphanage and then taken in by a foster family.

Dutch Lesbians Raising Turkish Boy Go Into Hiding

Dutch Lesbians Raising Turkish Boy Go Into Hiding


March 15, 2013 1:14 PM

AMSTERDAM (AP) — A Dutch lesbian couple have gone into hiding with their foster son after the boy's biological parents said on television in Turkey that they object to the pair taking care of their child.

The matter is threatening to overshadow an official visit by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Netherlands next week. Lodewijk Asscher, the Dutch vice prime minister, told reporters Friday that the issue is an internal Dutch matter and that political interference from Turkey is "inappropriate."

US State Department: Notice: Reports of the Removal of Children from Orphanages in the DRC

Democratic Republic of Congo

March 15, 2013

Notice: Reports of the Removal of Children from Orphanages in the DRC

The U.S. Department of State recently received several reports that children adopted in the Democratic Republic of Congo have reportedly been taken from orphanages by a birth parent or relative after the adoption decree and certificate of non-appeal was issued by Congolese courts. This information reportedly has been presented to adoptive families by their agencies either following the Form I-600 petition approval, or immediately prior to filing the Form I-600 petition.

While there is a specific legal procedure through the Congolese courts for a biological parent or relative to reclaim an abandoned or relinquished child prior to any adoption judgments, once a certificate of non-appeal is issued, the adoption judgment can generally no longer be the subject of appeal or objection. Congolese courts are able to dissolve an adoption at the request of the adoptee or the adoptive parent in exceptional circumstances, but only through appropriate legal processes. Adoptive parents who have already received adoption decrees and certificates of non-appeal, but learn that their child was removed from an orphanage by a birth parent or relative, may wish to seek independent legal counsel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to learn their legal rights as the adoptive parents under Congolese law.

Adopted children are used as medical ‘guinea pigs’ in U.S for pharmaceutical companies to test new drugs

Adopted children are used as medical ‘guinea pigs’ in U.S for pharmaceutical companies to test new drugs


Adopted children in American families sometimes become “guinea pigs” for pharmaceutical companies to test new drugs. Such children are prescribed five potent psychotropic medications at a time. This is beneficial both for the adoptive parents and health care professionals.

Russian diplomats found that the adoptive mother of Maxim Kuzmin who died in late January in the U.S. gave him a drug called Risperdal. It is a powerful anti-psychotic and anti-hallucination drug prescribed for acute manic attacks in patients with schizophrenia. Why a three-year-old boy not diagnosed with mental illness at the time of adoption would take such a strong drug? American TV journalists of KMID channel while preparing a story about the death of the Russian child talked to a child psychologist and found that Risperdal is also often prescribed for common disorders of psychological development and ASD.

Adepts of the so-called Attachment Therapy recommend wrapping children in a carpet, and then sitting on them. Children are also kept under a cold shower for a long time, locked in a toilet and left without food for several days. Many “advanced” parents on the advice of psychologists come up with even more sophisticated methods, making, for example, children dig their own graves. All these savage practices are implemented by proponents of the attachment therapy as the best way to get children to be obedient and break their will.

Withdrawal of authorization to the association L'Airone Onlus. Cancellation from the Register

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Date: 13/03/28

Withdrawal of authorization to the association L'Airone Onlus. Cancellation from the Register

With Resolution no. 6/2013/AE/AUT/Revoca of 19 March 2013, the Commission for International Adoptions has revoked the association L'Airone Onlus the authorization referred to in Article 39b of the Adoption Law, resulting from cancellation ' register of authorized bodies.

With Resolution no. 7/2013/AE/SG the same date, pursuant to Article 16 of Presidential Decree 108/07, the Commission has also decided to take charge of the pending proceedings relating to couples who, at the date of communication of the decision, appear to have given The Heron Onlus association task.

cooperation Indonesia ICA

13-03-2012: Stichting Kind en Toekomst heeft met Indonesië een intentieverklaring kunnen realiseren om te gaan samenwerken op het gebied van interlandelijke adopties. Op dit moment zijn de mogelijkheden echter nog zeer beperkt: alleen heteroseksuele echtparen waarvan tenminste één van de adoptiefouders actueel de Indonesische nationaliteit bezit, kunnen adopteren. De aspirant adoptiefouder met de Indonesische nationaliteit zal 6 maanden onafgebroken in Indonesië moeten verblijven en aldaar het te adopteren kind verzorgen. De andere aspirant adoptiefouder kan, indien gewenst, terugreizen naar Nederland.



Anun? angajare formatori

Anun? angajare formatori

Funda?ia SERA ROMÂNIA, în calitate de partener al Ministerului Muncii, Familiei ?i Protec?iei Sociale, angajeaz? experti-formatori în cadrul proiectului „Îmbun?t??irea eficacit??ii organiza?ionale a sistemului de protec?ie a copilului în România”, finan?at de Programul Opera?ional “Dezvoltarea Capacit??ii Administrative” (PO DCA), în urm?toarele condi?ii:


Formator - 2 posturi:

- studii universitare de lung? durat?, de preferat în domeniul socio-uman;