
CIFA: Renewed the accreditation for adoptions in Ethiopia

Renewed the accreditation for adoptions in Ethiopia

Written by Press Office onMarch 4, 2013. Posted in Informed , News by CIFA

CIFA announces that it has renewed the accreditation for the conduct intercountry adoptions in Ethiopia. A story that - in addition delight our body - we believe will be greeted with pleasure even from our families.

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Der bayerische Papst, die römischen Kardinäle und die siebenbürgische Lustknabenschule des Pater Don Demidoff | (The Bavarian Pope, the Roman cardinals and the Transylvanian pleasure boys' school of Father Don Demidoff |)

The Internet is full of the most interesting finds and other flea market items, but the spoiled information collector rarely finds something as tasty as what he recently found on the 'cultural heritage group'. First of all, I'll just repeat what Armin Maurer said there based on information he received. In between and afterwards, supplement it with a few explanations and other comments. 😉


“The statements of an informant from the NGO ResRo [Restitution in Romania - HH], who told me yesterday that after the revelation of these connections he had to go into hiding because his life was at risk:

'Romania has been supplying Catholic-educated boys to the Roman cardinals since 2005. After the death of the middleman [Father “Don Demidoff” – HH], whose “training center” was a renovated fortified church [Gross-Schenk/Cincu and/or Jakobsdorf/Iacobeni – HH], there were unintentional revelations by the Pope’s valet.

The infiltration was led by the Romanian secret service, which successfully blackmailed the Vatican in order not to have to return the properties in Romania confiscated from the Catholic Church during communism and in order to force the Vatican to support the ECHR pilot ruling, which provides for that the state is allowed to expropriate anything for the benefit of the general public and must compensate the owners - also for the benefit of the general public - very little or not at all.

Disclosure of a former member of MISA about satanic cult "guru" (and relation Macovei/MISA0

Google translation

Disclosure of a former member of MISA about satanic cult "guru" GREGORIAN BIVOLARU: bondage, orgies with minors, sex free, family breakdown, insanity and cancer / ABUSIVE PAYMENT REQUIRED Macovei monsters "yogi" and punishing magistrates who worked on the case MISA

Published on March 3, 2013 | Categories: Heresies, sects, wanderings, follies, cheating, scandals ... , NEWS (Headlines) , war against family , Traitors sellers | | Print This Post

National Journal: revelations of a former MISA: "If you cut your hair wrong zero. Many yogis are crazy or have got cancer ' (VIDEO)

A member of MISA, Cornel Costea said case before the Court today Cluj, empowered to adjudicate the trafficking process, involving Gregorian Grieg with lieutenants of MISA that has claims in the amount of 666.666 euros for the period who was conscripted in ashrams in Bucharest. He said that no money had arrived slaves who worked in various locations in the city, for the welfare of MISA heads . This spiritual integration instead.

Thousands rally in Moscow to support US adoption ban

Thousands rally in Moscow to support US adoption ban

Published time: March 02, 2013 18:38

People march during a rally in defence of Russian children in Moscow, March 2, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Alexei Filippov)

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Russian demonstrators rally in support of U.S. adoption ban

Russian demonstrators rally in support of U.S. adoption ban

By Sonia Elks and Steve Gutterman | Reuters – 1 hour 47 minutes ago

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Reuters/Reuters - People take part in a rally in defence of Russian children in Moscow, March 2, 2013. Demonstrators walked along Moscow streets to support the new law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children …more

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Councillor Mike Hancock , MP and Paedophile…

Councillor Mike Hancock , MP and Paedophile…

‘Hancock has been chairman of the Southern Region of the NSPCC since 1989.

Because of Hancock’s sexual involvement with a 14 year old schoolgirl, his

Association with the NSPCC should trouble every decent citizen in the UK.

Hancock’s trips to Romania are also very suspicious. We have interviewed those who travelled with him and they told us of his activities in Romania. In Romania, Hancock gave a young girl named, Daniella extra supplies that were donated by the citizens of Portsmouth for sexual favours. Hancock goes to Romania as an Ambassador for Portsmouth and basically gives out goods in exchange for sex.

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Indian baby under US foster care returns to Kolkata (Lead)

Wed, Feb 27 2013 21:54 IST | 0 Views | Add your comment

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Turkey seeks to relocate European foster children to Muslim families

By Agence France-Presse

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 12:11 EST

Turkey has embarked on a campaign to retrieve children of Turkish immigrant families living in Europe who are fostered by foreigners, and instead place them in homes where their cultural identity can be preserved.

The step comes after a court in the Netherlands refused last week to return nine-year-old Yunus — who had been taken into care by a Dutch lesbian couple — to his biological Turkish family, reportedly citing the mother’s inability to speak Dutch.

Mid Term Evaluation Report

In the area of de-institutionalization, some core UNICEF accomplishments include:

• Individual plans of child protection in Komanski most developed and are being regularly reviewed. Individual plans for protection of Montenegrin children in institutions in Serbia developed. Both care planning initiatives resulted in renewed contacts between children and their families thus strengthening the prospects for family reunification and deinstitutionalization, and have contributed to a higher sense of accountability of social welfare professionals and improved their work methodology (in line with case management which will be formally introduced in the second phase of the project).

• Number of children in Bijela Orphanage aged 3-18 has decreased by 34% compared to the baseline (2008-2011).

• Number of children with disabilities in day care centres increased four times between 2009 and 2012.

• Number of children in Foster care (kinship and non-kinship) increased by 38% between 2008 and 2011.

Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt II)

Kinderen te koop

Reportage uit Uitzending Brandpunt 24 februari 2013

Ouders die op papier dood zijn maar in werkelijkheid nog leven, wanhopig op zoek naar hun kinderen die in Nederland geadopteerd zijn. 2 jaar geleden onthulde Brandpunt de misstanden bij de adoptie van kinderen uit Ethiopië. Een van die adopties is deze week in Ethiopie vernietigd, een unicum. Maar intussen is het nog altijd mogelijk om kinderen uit het Afrikaanse land hier naartoe te halen. Aart Zeeman over waarom de adoptie van kinderen uit Ethiopië stilgelegd moet worden.
