
Two Adoption Agencies Closed Down Last Week!

Two Adoption Agencies Closed Down Last Week!

By Claudia Corrigan DArcy | February 13, 2013 |

Adoption Ark and Christian World Adoption Closed for Business!

At first, I thought I was dreaming, but the shock has started to wear off. Plus, the Associated Press has reported it now as well: Adoption Ark and Christian World Adoption have both announced they are closing their doors and filing for bankruptcy in the span of one last week.

I was first alerted to this when I saw the emails sent out to families on Facebook, both agencies have since taken down their website pages and posted the contents of the emails sent. Rather than post it in its lengthy entirety, you may read it yourself here on the Christian World Adoption site.

Charity staff jailed for African child-smuggling

Charity staff jailed for African child-smuggling

Published: 12 Feb 2013 15:27 GMT+01:00 | Print version

Updated: 12 Feb 2013 15:27 GMT+01:00

BREAKING NEWS: Two charity workers have been sentenced in Paris to two years in prison for attempting to smuggle 103 children from Chad to France in 2007.

Eric Breteau and Emilie Lelauch, from the Zoe’s Ark charity, were also fined €100,000 by the court, according to French media reports on Tuesday.

Indonesia to co-operate with Interpol in investigation of child trafficking syndicate

Indonesia to co-operate with Interpol in investigation of child trafficking syndicate



JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesian police say they will co-operate with Interpol in the investigation of an alleged child trafficking syndicate selling Indonesian babies abroad.

Police recently arrested seven women in the capital and rescued three babies including one who was to have been sold in Singapore before the ring was revealed last month.

Jakarta police spokesman Col. Rikwanto said they are compiling data to provide to Interpol for an investigation of a possible network abroad.

The main suspect, a midwife, told police they had operated since 2010 and sold three or four babies per year, but documents discovered by investigators show the syndicate had been operating since 1992 and sold at least 12 babies since December.

Police are investigating the possible involvement of government officials who allegedly provided fake documents for the babies.

Netherlands: Pre-announcement registration for Portugal


De NAS heeft eind 2012 accreditatie aangevraagd voor adoptiebemiddeling vanuit Portugal. De verwachting is dat de accreditatie in de eerste helft van dit jaar wordt afgegeven. In overleg met de Portugese Centrale autoriteit is besloten om vanaf heden (7 februari 2013) alvast de vooraankondiging voor de openstelling van de wachtlijst te doen. U kunt zich dus nu al aanmelden voor dit programma.

Adopties vanuit Portugal moeten in Nederland worden geformaliseerd met een adoptieprocedure naar Nederlands recht. Portugal is aangesloten bij het Haags adoptieverdrag, maar de kinderen komen op een voogdij beschikking naar Nederland. Conform de Portugese wet wordt eerst een aantal opvolgrapportages gemaakt, waarna de adoptieouders toestemming krijgen om de adoptieprocedure naar Nederlands recht af te ronden.

Een plaatsing vanuit de Portugese gebiedsdelen Madeira (voor de kust van westelijk Afrika) of de Azoren (in de Atlantische Oceaan) behoort ook tot de mogelijkheden, indien het kind tot moment van plaatsing in één van deze gebiedsdelen woonachtig is.


International adoption abuses and Kyrgyzstan

International adoption abuses and Kyrgyzstan

Published on Monday, 04 February 2013

Written by Giorgio Fiacconi, TCA publisher

BISHKEK, February 4 (TCA) — At the end of January, Italian Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Alberto Pieri questioned the Minister of Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kylychbek Sultanov, about the adoption of approximately 20 Kyrgyz children. The children were met by Italian couples who visited Kyrgyzstan last summer.

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Adoptions of older children. Required the intervention of the Ombudsman of the Child: "Without Dr. Cavallo!"

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Date: 02/13/01

Adoptions of older children. Required the intervention of the Ombudsman of the Child: "Without Dr. Cavallo!"

After the scandalous statements that the President of the Juvenile Court, Dr. Melita Cavallo, was released during transmission One Morning aired January 21 on Rai Uno, saying its being contrary to the adoption of older children, Ai.Bi . is activated by a signal to the Guarantor National Childhood and Adolescence, Vincenzo Spadafora.

The Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents has the specific task of "ensuring uniform and effective protection and promotion of children's rights in all regions of the state, in order to make sure a comprehensive and systematic human rights monitoring, including rights of children '

The European Commission and intercountry adoption from Romania

The EU and International Adoption from Romania

Ingi Iusmen*

+ Author Affiliations

*Department of Politics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK


Bogdan Simion, directeur exécutif de SERA ROMANIA, parle de l’utilisation de la contention chez l’enfant

Bogdan Simion, directeur exécutif de SERA ROMANIA, parle de l’utilisation de la contention chez l’enfant

Regarder l’intervention de Bogdan Simion sur Gandul Live, diffusée le 1er février 2013. (Émission en roumain)


Intercountry adoption: children as hostages of international relations

Working Document


Version FR | EN


Type: Written declaration