
French NGO members face trial for smuggling fake Darfur orphans

France - Darfur - Chad - 
Article published the Monday 03 December 2012 - Latest update : Monday 03 December 2012

French NGO members face trial for smuggling fake Darfur orphans

Alain Peligat, Emilie Lelouch and Eric Breteau in Ndjamena in 2007


The trial of a group of French NGO members accused of trying to smuggle 103 children out of Chad for adoption on France began Monday. But the two principal defendants are not in the dock – they’re living and working in South Africa.

License temporarily suspended adoptions to Los Pisingos

License temporarily suspended adoptions to Los Pisingos

By: WRITING LIFE TODAY | 6:53 pm | December 3, 2012

Diego Molano, director of ICBF.Photo: Private File

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DR besøger Mashos forældre: Fattige presses til at bortadoptere børn


DR besøger Mashos forældre: Fattige presses til at bortadoptere børn

02. Dec. 2012 kl. 20:40 Opdateret 02. Dec. 2012 kl. 22:02

Fattige etiopiske kvinder er under massivt pres for at bortadoptere deres børn til kommende forældre i den vestlige verden.

Det rapporterer DRs korrespondent for undersøgende journalistik Line Gertsen fra det fattige afrikanske land Etiopien, som lige nu er centrum for bortadoption til rigere dele af verden.

Masho solgt af staten

Line Gertsen er rejst derned efter en uge, hvor adoption har optaget medierne herhjemme i kølvandet på dokumentarudsendelsen Adoptionens Pris, hvor et dansk forældrepar måtte opgive at tage sig af deres adopterede pige Masho, som i dag lever på børnehjem.

- Mashos forældre føler, at den etiopiske stat har solgt deres barn, siger Line Gertsen.

Fattige kvinder presses til bortadoption

Der er nemlig et massivt pres på fattige forældre til nyfødte børn i Etiopien.

20-årige Semitraest er flygtet til et herberg for kvinder, som ønsker at beholde deres børn og sige nej til adoption. Hun beretter om, hvordan hun blev presset af myndighederne til at bortadoptere.

- De prøver at tage modet fra mig, fortæller Semitraest.

Big business

De, som Semitraest refererer til, er rigtig mange forskellige aktører. Men det er først og fremmest repræsentanter for adoptionsbureauerne og staten, der forsøger at overtale kvinderne til at bortadoptere. Ífølge DRs oplysninger forsøger også læger og hospitaler at presse kvinderne til at give deres barn væk.

Forklaringen er penge. Der er nemlig rigtig mange penge i bortadoption - særligt for et land som Etiopien. Det koster 135.000 kroner at adoptere et barn fra Etiopien gennem et bureau som DanAdopt.

Af de penge går 33.000 til den etiopiske stat, 49.500 til DanAdopt og 39.900 til børnehjemmet. Resten går til administration. Det er store beløb i et fattigt afrikansk land, hvor en retssag nogle steder kan føres for beskedne 10 kroner.

- De kilder, som vi har præsenteret tallene for hernede, er rystede over de store beløb, siger Line Gertsen.

Mashos forældre er uafklarede

Advokaten Muluembet Tilahun fortæller, at der af samme grund fuskes med fødselsdatoer, så børn kan blive adopteret i en senere alder.

Han rådgiver Mashos forældre, som lige nu er voldsomt bekymrede over deres datters skæbne i Danmark og også deres yngre søn Loba, som stadig bor hos de danske forældre.

De ved dog endnu ikke, om de overhovedet ønsker deres børn hjem igen.

Arche de Zoé : retour sur un fiasco humanitaire

Arche de Zoé : retour sur un fiasco humanitaire

Le Monde.fr | 02.12.2012 à 20h46 • Mis à jour le 03.12.2012 à 12h51

DR besøger Mashos forældre: Fattige presses til at bortadoptere børn - Danish Docu - Mulumebet

Danish Docu - Mulumebet


Kristoffer Pinholt

Fattige etiopiske kvinder er under massivt pres for at bortadoptere deres børn til kommende forældre i den vestlige verden.

Det rapporterer DRs korrespondent for undersøgende journalistik Line Gertsen fra det fattige afrikanske land Etiopien, som lige nu er centrum for bortadoption til rigere dele af verden.

MISA instructor in Italy make revelations about sexual obsessions Grieg

MISA instructor in Italy make revelations about sexual obsessions Grieg

A young woman told before to 40 MISA instructors, including Virgil Catalin Calin's aberrant sexual practices Bivolaru.

After a few days in Florence prosecutor ordered a search of MISA 25 branch locations in Bologna, Florence, Milan, San Benedetto del Tronto and Bari. Police raided not only in yoga centers, but also in the homes of those involved, seizing computers, books and videos. Investigations were triggered by complaints from at least two possible victims of disciples Grieg following experiences within the organization.

"Il Secolo XIX" record (December 10, 2012) that investigators have interviewed 10 witnesses - possible injured parties. They are men and women between 20-30 years, according to the indictment, was brought in a state of psychological subjection and then persuaded to commit violent sexual practices, filmed without their knowledge. MISA courses according to the teaching of sexual practices as "necessary for spiritual evolution."

Although initially spoke of 18 suspects, the same source says that at the moment there are 20 people investigated in the survey, students and instructors have searched centers. Investigations are ongoing to determine the destination of video recordings made without the knowledge or consent of the participants. Among the hypotheses we mention that these videos would follow the same route as that of Miss Shakti 2001 and 2002, namely the adult film circuit.

Notice: Re-instatement of Services to U.S. Adoption Service Provider


December 11, 2012

Notice: Re-instatement of Services to U.S. Adoption Service Provider

On November 9, the Department of State posted a notice regarding the Ethiopian Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs’ temporary suspension of services to International Adoption Guides effective September 12, 2012.

On December 4, the Ministry informed the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa that as of November 30, 2012, it lifted the temporary suspension on services provided to International Adoption Guides.

A Bittersweet Announcement - retirement

A Bittersweet Announcement

By IAN | November 30th, 2012


At the end of October, 2012 IAN’s long time in-country director, Abebe Bayou Senbeta officially retired from his position at IAN.

Abebe has been with IAN since the opening of the Ethiopia program in 2007, and was instrumental in building the Ethiopia adoption program. Abebe’s first priority has always been to care for the orphans and vulnerable children of Ethiopia. Under his direction IAN found homes for hundreds of children in need and extended humanitarian care into some of the neediest and most remote areas of Ethiopia. Most importantly, Abebe always showed great love and care for the children entrusted to IAN under his authority.

Parents criticize DanAdopt for failure


Parents criticize DanAdopt for failure

AWAY. A scene from the documentary. When parents here seeks DanAdopt office in Addis Ababa to ask for news about their children four years after adoption, they are thrown out. - Photo: Frithiof Film

Adoptive parents of the girl Masho has been the target of much anger. Even experienced an adoption, how much did not go by the book.


US-Russia spat puts adoption couple in limbo

US-Russia spat puts adoption couple in limbo

By Robert MacPherson (AFP) – 31 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — Heather and Aaron Whaley just wanted to start a family with a four-year-old Russian girl nicknamed Addie who they found on the Internet but have yet to see in person.

Never did they expect to find themselves caught up in a souring of relations between Moscow and Washington over human rights.

The Whaleys are among several US couples whose pending adoptions of Russian children are in limbo after President Vladimir Putin signed legislation barring Americans from adopting Russian youngsters.