
The adoption of the law in the United States on "Magnitsky list" and the response to it Russia

MOSCOW, Dec. 18 - rape. Adoption of legislative rules to ban adoptions of Russian children by U.S. citizens will create controversy and difficult legal conflict, because such a rule directly contrary to a number of international and national laws, according to lawyers interviewed Tuesday rape.

The U.S. Senate on December 6 adopted the "Magnitsky Act" on visa sanctions against the Russians involved in the opinion of Congress, human rights violations. In response, the State Duma has prepared the "law of Dima Yakovlev", the first reading was adopted on 14 December. second reading scheduled for Wednesday , the third - on a Friday, and the entry into force of the law - in 2013.

The bill applies to U.S. citizens who have violated the rights of Russians, or were involved in the crimes against them. Second reading of the parliamentarians are going to amend the denunciations of the Russian-American agreement and the ban on adoptions by Americans.

Was contrary to the Constitution and the Code of the RF

Chairman of the Inter-regional human rights association "Agora" Pins Paul noted that the proposed rule prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by U.S. citizens, infringing the rights of the child on the basis of nationality, directly contrary to the Constitution, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 and the Agreement between Russia and the United States on cooperation in the adoption of children, ratified this year.

Americans to be banned from adopting Russian children?

Americans to be banned from adopting Russian children?

17.12.2012 19:45

A ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by U.S. citizens can become one of the positive consequences of the notorious Magnitsky Act. In this case, Russia will finally cease to give away, or rather sell orphaned children to foreigners. For the time being, Russia remains one of the three donors that supply their children to the international adoption market.

State Duma deputies promised that the second reading of the bill, which will serve as a response to the Magnitsky Act, signed by U.S. authorities, will have a number of significant additions. In particular, U.S. citizens will no longer be allowed to adopt Russian children.

One of the reasons for this move is the fact that the agreement signed last year in June between the U.S. and Russia on cooperation in the field of adoption is practically not working. It was assumed that the Russian side would control the lives of its young citizens in foster American families. It does not happen still. Russia's Consular services learn about new tragedy that occurs to an adopted child, when the case already comes to court. Moreover, most sentences brought down against foster parents for abusing orphans are extremely soft and are often limited to suspended punishment.

In Sierra Leone, Illegal Adoption…15 Families Cry for Justice

In Sierra Leone, Illegal Adoption…15 Families Cry for Justice

By Michael T. Kamara

Dec 17, 2012, 12:06 Email this article

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German High Court Takes On Same-Sex Adoption


Anka's Two Mommies

High Court Takes On Same-Sex Adoption

By Dietmar Hipp


Great business that corrupts authorities; Find Foundation estimates there are 500,000 missing

(informal Google Translation)

Tricked for $ 3000, extremely poor mothers signed the transfer of custody of their children

From 1988 a child trafficking network operated in Jalisco, would have given 240 in illegal adoption

Great business that corrupts authorities; Find Foundation estimates there are 500,000 missing

Sanjuana Martinez

"Adoptionscentrum blundar för misshandel och korruption"

"Adoptionscentrum blundar för misshandel och korruption"

Igår, torsdagen den 13 december, gav Dagens ETC ut en artikel rörande den nuvarande situationen på barnhemmet med fokus på Adoptionscentrums respons på att fallet nu undersöks av Högsta Domstolen i Orissa. Trots att männen i ledningen nu står åtalde för bl.a barntortyr, så fortsätter den svenska barnrättsoganisationen att hävda att de har en annan bild. Detta trots att vi upprepade gånger har kunnat visa på att deras fortsatta samarbete med de män som nu står åtalade har förhindrat att en oberoende utredning kan ske på barnhemmet.

För barn och personal har detta inneburit två år av grova övergrepp.

Ni finner den fullständiga artikeln HÄR.

Adoptionscentrum fortsätter i artikeln att hänvisa till tidigare undersökningar som har varit fruktlösa. De hänvisar mer specifikt till den undersökning som gjordes av den lokala polisen våren 2011 och som vi flertalet gånger visat på är korrumperad. Detta baserar vi bl.a på följande bevis:

A MISA instructor from Italy makes revelations about Bivolaru's sexual obsessions

A few days ago, the prosecutor's office in Florence ordered the search of 25 locations of MISA branches in Bologna, Florence, Milan, San Benedetto del Tronto and Bari. The police descended not only on the yoga centers, but also on the homes of those involved, seizing computers, diaries and video recordings. The investigation would have been triggered by the complaints made by at least two possible victims of Bivolaru's disciples, following the experiences they had within the organization.

"Il secolo XIX" recorded (December 10, 2012) that the investigators interviewed 10 witnesses - possible injured parties. They are women and men between 20-30 years old who, according to the indictment, would have been brought into a state of psychological submission and then convinced to indulge in violent sexual practices, filmed without their knowledge. According to the teachings of the MISA courses, sexual practices are "necessary for spiritual evolution".

Although initially there were 18 suspects, the same source mentions that at the moment there are 20 people investigated in the investigation, students and instructors of the searched centers. Investigations are ongoing to determine the destination of the video recordings made without the knowledge or consent of the participants. Among the hypotheses is the fact that the respective films would have followed the same path as those from Miss Shakti 2001 and 2002, namely the circuit of films for adults.

Roberto Zambrenti who, together with Daniela Trogu, coordinates the Atman Yoga Center in Genoa, did not want to comment either on the articles that appeared recently in the Italian press, or on the complaints and criticisms brought to MISA on the www.exmisa.org forum. But he told the Italian press that he considered the investigation by the prosecutor's office in Florence to be unfounded: "It is the faithful copy of other judicial attacks that this school endures in different countries: it happened recently in Finland, and now it is happening here in Italy."  

The MISA press office stated as early as Friday, December 7, 2012, in a statement published on the sect's official website, that the investigations in Italy would be based on the complaints of "a chef of Romanian origin who lives in Italy and who wanted to take revenge because he was expelled from the Romanian yoga school".

De ce î?i p?streaz? România copiii în orfelinate. Cât "cost?" statul un copil institu?ionalizat

De ce î?i p?streaz? România copiii în orfelinate. Cât "cost?" statul un copil institu?ionalizat

de Aurelia Alexa Publicat la: 12.12.2012 12:49 Ultima actualizare: 12.12.2012 12:55


Aproximativ 60.000 de copii sunt institu?ionaliza?i în România, îns? doar 1.602 dintre ei au fost declara?i adoptabili în acest an, în topul jude?elor care au cei mai pu?ini copii pentru adop?ie fiind Maramure?, Mehedin?i, Gorj, Bac?u ?i Buz?u.

Num?rul copiilor institu?ionaliza?i continu? s? r?mân? ridicat, în timp ce num?rul adop?iilor se men?ine sc?zut, în ciuda eforturilor de relaxare a legisla?iei în domeniu.

Police raid against the MISA yoga school in Italy: 20 suspects, including the guru Bivolaru

Police raid against the MISA yoga school in Italy: 20 suspects, including the guru Bivolaru

English, MISA December 12, 2012 Comments: 2

[Roxana Chiril?'s note: Despite the initial misunderstanding, I did not write this. I just got asked to post it (by the person who wrote it and who remains anonymous). My actual article discussing Italy and other issues is here.]

The prosecutor of Florence has ordered 25 raids across Italy against the Italian branches of the Romanian association “MISA” (which stands for “The Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute”), which were carried out in collaboration with the anti-cult police. The raids took place in Bologna, Florence, Milan, San Benedetto del Tronto and Bari on the sixth and seventh of December 2012 and have been carried out not only in the quarters of the MISA branches, but also in the homes of involved suspects.

The prosecutor of Florence, Angela Pietroiusti, filed charges of conspiracy, enslavement, human trafficking and sexual violence. The investigation was caused by at least two complaints made by alleged victims of the disciples of the “holy man” (MISA’s Romanian guru – Gregorian Bivolaru). After they gathered the strength to break free from the movement, they told their stories. Other witnesses will be questioned on various issues.

La nouvelle vie des leaders de L'Arche de Zoé au Cap

La nouvelle vie des leaders de L'Arche de Zoé au Cap

Mots clés : Arche De Zoé, Afrique Du Sud, Emilie Lelouch, Eric Breteau

Par Caroline Dumay

Mis à jour le 03/12/2012 à 16:14 | publié le 03/12/2012 à 15:06 Réactions (32)

Capture d'écran d'une vidéo d'Émilie Lelouch.