
Dezv?luire ?oc! Acesta este copilul pe care Adina Barbu l-a abandonat în maternitate la 17 ani!

Dezv?luire ?oc! Acesta este copilul pe care Adina Barbu l-a abandonat în maternitate la 17 ani!

Posted on 28 October 2010 by Clauditza

O informa?ie ?oc a fost dezv?luit? în aceast? sear?! Adina Barbua adus pe lume un b?ie?el, pe care l-a abandonat în maternitate în 1999, când avea doar 17 ani.
De?i a spus c? nu a fost niciodat? îns?rcinat? ?i c? poate demonstra oricând acest lucru cu un examen ginecologic, se pare c? Adina a min?it!

Jurnali?tii de la Libertatea au aflat c? bruneta a adus pe lume , la Bra?ov, un b?ie?el, la 1 septembrie 1999, care a fost adoptat în 2000 de o arhitect? greac?. Într-un facsimil se vede foarte clar c? numele Adina Vasilica Ciuciu apare ca fiind mama natural? a copilului în actul de adop?ie.

În certificatul de na?tere, bruneta nu a trecut numele tat?lui b?ie?elului, nedorind s? îi dezv?luie identitatea b?rbatului cu care a r?mas gravid?.

Pân? s? fie adoptat, copilul a fost în grija unui asistent maternal.

Copilul tr?ie?te acum cu mama sa în Grecia, dar identitatea lor a fost protejat?. Purt?torul de cuvânt al Direc?iei pentru Protec?ia Copilului Bra?ov, Radu Mailat, a confirmat informa?ia ?i a f?cut public dosarul de adop?ie.

Într-o edi?ie a emisiunii “R?i da buni” de la Antena 2, un fost iubit al Adinei a f?cut public? aceast? informa?ie bomb? . B?rbatul a dezv?luit la momentul respectiv c? a avut un copil cu tân?ra din Bra?ov ?i a ajutat-o s? plece din maternitate, abandonând bebelu?ul. Adina Vasilica Ciuciu a negat atuncil, spunând c? totul este o inven?ie.

Adina Barbu d? în judecat? publica?ia care a publicat ?tirea!

Adina Barbu a intervenit în emisiunea lui Dan Capatos ?i a spus c? îl va ac?iona în instan?? pe autorul materialului. Informa?ia bomb? a ap?rut exact de ziua Adinei, când împline?te 28 de ani.

“Sunt abera?ii! Nu are nicio leg?tur? cu mine, nu în?eleg cum se poate ca numele meu s? apar? într-un act oficial! M? duc la ginecolog, fac teste ADN, nu am nicio problem? s? dovedesc c? nimic nu este adev?rat! Nu se poate s? mi se pun? în cârc? a?a ceva! Îi dau în judecat?!”, a spus ea, la “Un show p?c?tos”.


Keep International Adoption an Option

Keep International Adoption an Option
By Katie Prigel Sharp
I just read an article titled Ethiopian Adoptions Rise, Bucking Global Trend. The article discusses changes in international adoptions from a global perspective and highlights the fact that although many children are currently being adopted from Ethiopia, most other countries that used to allow international adoptions have either shut down or have dramatically slowed in international placements.
I worked at an international adoption agency during the time Romania shut down in 2003. Our small agency had been active in placing children from Romania for many years and the founder, Deb Murphy Scheumann opened and operated a baby house (or orphanage) in Botosani, Romania. The operation of the baby house was truly a labor of love and the agency spent a great deal of time and money helping not only children who did not have families to care for them, but also the larger community of Botosani through their role in bringing the Medical Missions Foundation to the area.
To be clear, the vast majority of folks working in international adoption (myself included) believe that ideally children should stay in their family of origin and/or country of origin whenever possible, but that when those two options are not possible, international adoption is preferable to growing up without a permanent family.
This was the case with the children served by the baby home founded by Deb. There was no one to care for them in Romania, but there were families here in the US who were in the process to adopt them when Romania stopped international adoptions, leaving these families and children in limbo.

Children Living in Deb's Hosue
Fast forward… The adoption agency closed and years later these same children remain in Romania and furthermore, still do not have permanent families. Many folks here in the US who had attempted to adopt them, had adopted other children internationally or who had been involved in the Medical Mission work have not forgotten them and do the best they can for these children. In spite of tremendous financial and other difficulties, the baby house remains open and is now known as Deb’s House. It is now managed by United Aid Foundation and many individuals are committed to doing the best they can for these children through supporting them and keeping them together as a “family” until they reach the age of 18.
I am in awe of the love, commitment and tireless work these individuals and organizations put into Deb’s House and are investing in these children. It is inspiring and amazing. But, it is still not optimal for these children. These kids are some of the “lucky ones” and yet they are not growing up in a loving, permanent family. No matter how wonderful Deb’s House is, it is not the same as a permanent forever family.
Romania is not the only country. There are children in Guatemala, Vietnam and most recently, Nepal who have loving families waiting for them across the world, but due to the closure of international adoptions will instead grow up with no family at all and most will not even have the love, concern and support of groups like Deb’s House or United Aid Foundation.
Are there problems with international adoption? Sure. Is it the best case scenario? No. We wish that no child would ever suffer abuse, neglect and that all parents would be able to provide loving, stable homes for their children. But, that is not reality and when others in the child’s community or country cannot provide a family for a child, they should not be denied the chance to have family through international adoption.
It’s not just about policy. It’s not just about principles or politics. It’s about individual children like these little ones–the majority of which do not have anyone speaking for them or supporting them.

Séminaire sur l’Adoption Internationale Mali

La Direction Nationale de la Promotion de l’Enfant et de la Famille (DNPEF), autorité centrale malienne en matière d’adoption, a organisé en collaboration et avec l’appui de l’Ambassade de France au Mali, un séminaire de formation et de sensibilisation sur la thématique de l’Adoption du 26 au 28 Octobre 2010 au Centre International des Conférences de Bamako.
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Ouverture du Séminaire
La cérémonie d’ouverture a été présidée par Madame MAIGA Sina DAMBA, Ministre de la Promotion de la Femme, de l’Enfant et de la Famille, Michel Reveyrand de Menthon, Ambassadeur de France, les représentants de l’UNICEF, du Parlement des Enfants et de la COMADE.
L’Ambassadeur de France a souligné dans son discours les avancées du Mali en matière d’adoption internationale, notamment par l’application de la Convention de la Haye, qui protège les enfants contre les dérives liées à l’adoption. Il a rappelé que l’adoption internationale devait être prise comme une mesure de protection de derniers recours, lorsque toutes les possibilités locales ont été étudiées.
Madame la Ministre, a évoqué quant à elle, l’importance de cette rencontre, première du genre au Mali, pour harmoniser les connaissances des différents acteurs sur ce thème. Ce Séminaire doit servir de base au forum sous-régional sur l’adoption que le Ministère souhaite organiser l’année prochaine après celui de Ouagadougou en 2009.
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Public du Séminaire
Tous les maillons de la chaîne de la protection de l’enfance abandonnée ont répondu présent : Commissaires de police, Brigade des mœurs, Agents des directions régionales de la promotion de l’enfant, Personnels encadrant des orphelinats, juges pour enfants, Organismes agrées pour l’Adoption, Autorité centrale malienne, etc.
Des experts maliens comme le Dr SIMAGA, doyen du Séminaire ou M. Mamadou KEMA, membre du haut conseil islamique, sont intervenus sur le système de l’adoption traditionnelle et la kafala, adoption simple, reconnue par le droit islamique.
Mme Carlotta ALLOERO, expert du Service Social International (SSI/CIR), organisation internationale spécialiste des droits de l’enfant privé de famille, sise à Genève, est intervenue sur les principes de fonctionnement de la Convention de la Haye, le suivi post-adoption ou encore l’évolution du contexte mondial de l’adoption internationale. De nombreuses questions et débats ont suivi chaque intervention, enrichissant encore d’avantages ces journées.
Le chef de l’autorité centrale malienne pour l’adoption, le Dr Alou BARRY qui est intervenu sur le contexte malien de l’adoption, a constaté le manque d’information des acteurs sur ce sujet (ex :critères d’adoptabilité des enfants, procédures de l’adoption, application de la convention de la Haye au Mali…). Cet événement est selon ses dires « tombé à point nommé ».
Le séminaire a en effet permis de former la plus part des participants sur les différentes formes d’adoption au Mali et leurs implications sur l’enfant et la famille adoptive.
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Carlotta ALLOERO - Dr BARRY - Marie JENNY
Tous les professionnels du secteur doivent avoir le souci du respect du dispositif de la Convention de la Haye, les intérêts des enfants adoptés et des familles adoptantes ne seront correctement pris en compte et bien défendus que dans la rigueur, l’éthique et la transparence.
Ces journées ont été l’occasion d’établir un premier bilan concerté sur l’application de la Convention de la Haye au Mali, entrée en vigueur en septembre 2006. Les forces de sa mise en œuvre mais aussi ses faiblesses ont été examinées durant les travaux en groupe.
De ces échanges, très constructifs, sont nées des recommandations en faveur des enfants privés de famille.
Recommandations sur le système de l’adoption au Mali établies à l’issue du Séminaire. Retour à la table des matières
- Promouvoir l’adoption filiation au niveau national (c’est-à-dire l’adoption d’un enfant malien par un couple malien devant un juge).
- Renforcer le suivi des structures d’Accueil et de Placement pour Enfant ;
- Créer des structures d’Accueil et de Placement au niveau des régions.
- Renforcer les capacités des acteurs sur la question à travers l’organisation de rencontres de ce genre,
- Renforcer la collaboration entre les services techniques qui interviennent dans le domaine de la protection de l’enfance,
- Intensifier les actions de prévention de l’abandon.
L’adoption nationale est très peu développée au Mali, en effet entre 2003 et 2009, 24 enfants ont été adoptés par des familles maliennes contre 600 par des familles européennes (France, Espagne, Italie, Allemagne…).
Le thème de l’Adoption, dans sa globalité est sensible, tantôt soumis à des tabous culturels et religieux, tantôt soumis aux interrogations et craintes de trafic et d’enlèvement. Une sensibilisation du grand public doit prendre le relais pour promouvoir l’adoption nationale d’une part et informer sur le système sécurisé de l’adoption internationale au Mali d’autre part.
L’Ambassadeur de France a invité l’ensemble des participants le jeudi 28 octobre 2010 pour la cérémonie de clôture à la Résidence. C’est dans ce contexte convivial que Michel Reveyrand de Menthon a tenu à féliciter la Direction Nationale de la promotion de l’Enfance et de la Famille pour l’organisation de cette rencontre et l’engagement de tous les participants en faveur du Droit de l’Enfant à une famille.
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Cérémonie de clôture du séminaire à la Résidence de France

Situation in Nepal

Monday, October 25, 2010
Posted by Adoption Ark at 2:51 PM
Adoption ARK would like to make you aware of a very serious situation facing adoptive parents. 
On August 6, 2010, The Department of State and The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) branches suspended adoptions of abandoned children in Nepal. At that time, many families were in the final stages of the Nepal Adoption Program, some were even in Nepal.
Prior to August 6th, the issuing of a visa for a Nepali orphan took approximately 1-2 weeks. Now, since August 6th, not a single visa has been issued even though more than 20 families have filed their I-600 form.  During this time, some parents have been living in Nepal, waiting for the Visa’s to be issued for their children; Children that have been in their custody all this time and are legally adopted according to the government of Nepal.  Other children are still in the care of an orphanage, waiting for their families to be united.  Understandably, the delay of these visas has left the parents, as well as their newly adopted children, in emotional distress.  The children are unable to leave Nepal without the necessary visas.  Parents who are in Nepal are faced with the decision to either stay in Nepal for an indefinite period or leave the children that they have been parenting and bonding with in Nepal; which would be devastating to the emotional well being of the child.
In addition, the USCIS in New Delhi is suggesting that these Nepali adoptions will require the assistance of a US Immigration Lawyer and this additional cost places considerable financial burdens on parents in this process. This burden was not shared by those processed prior to 6th August even though the paperwork associated with the adoptions was essentially the same.
Adoption ARK understands that each adoption case requires an I-604 investigation before the visa can be issued.  We support this process, undertaken in a timely manner, to ensure that adoption takes place in the best interest of the child.  However, the Department of States decision not to accept visa applications for abandoned children is very concerning and has the potential to affect adoptions in all countries, not just Nepal.
Please take a moment and help these children & parents by signing the petition at http://www.petition2congress.com/2/3608/go/  and asking for the United States Government to take action and bring these families home. 
The Team at Adoption ARK

Woman Cleared Of Child Trafficking, Kidnapping

Woman Cleared Of Child Trafficking, Kidnapping
Melissa Chea-Annan
The 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Bong County has officially cleared Madam Elizabeth Barrolle Dargbe of all charges that linked her to an act of Child Trafficking and Kidnapping in Bong County early this year. According to the victorious woman, eight months ago, while doing her job at the Methodist Campus in Gbarnga, a young man, J. Anthony Tamada hurriedly brought a young 'girl child' to her and said, “This is the child you had been giving me food for. I will be back.” She said after dashing the child on her, the young man whom she referred to as 'rebel soldier' went away.  “Since then I never saw him again until after six to eight months,” she explained. Madam Dargbe said she later gathered that Anthony, 'the rebel', took the child from Ballafana, a community in Bong County where some Lebanese Nationals were trading and after murdering the parents of the child, he carried the child away.
She further explained that few days later, she brought the innocent child to Monrovia and turned her over to the owner of the Fatima Orphanage Cottage, Mother Victoria N. B. Young. Madam Dargbe lamented that without her consent, Mother Young gave the child out to a Lebanese man for adoption without informing her or seeking her permission.
According to Madam Young, she (Dargbe) was later accused and taken to the 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Bong County, where she was charged with kidnapping and child trafficking during its August 2009 Term of Court. The court's document showed that at the call of the case, the state was represented by the county attorney for Bong County in association with attorney James K. Saybay, while the defendant was represented by the Public Defender for Bong County, in association with Counselor Francis Y.S Garlawolu.
The court's document, a copy in possession of this Paper further revealed that during and after several days of trials, both counsels rested evidence in Toto and submitted the case to the court for argument. In its judgment, the court ruled “that in view of the foregoing factual and legal circumstances, it is the final judgment that the defendant, 
Elizabeth Dargbe of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia is adjudged Not Guilty of the crime of kidnapping levied against her. Based upon the above, our office was mandated/ordered to make entry and to issue all precepts to effect the restoration of all liberty and rights of defendant Elizabeth Dargbe aforesaid without a day.”
The final judgment and certificate of clearance that were given on October 1, 2010 by assigned Judge, S. Geevon Smith further called on the court to return Madam Dargbe her liberty and all rights restored unto her. It has also been established that the child was adopted at the Monthly and Probate Court at the Temple of Justice by Judge Frances Johnson Morris on December 9, 1995. “I did not even know about the transaction. The only thing I have to live by is my character which has been damaged
nationally and internationally,” she indicated.
Also another clearance from the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice, said, “This is to certify that a careful perusal of records of this honorable court reveals that the said case was dismissed by court on March 17, 2009 in favor of the defendant discharging her from further answering to the charge herein without day and date. Hence, this certificate, given under our hand and seal of court, this 17th day of March A.D. 2009. Francis Weah, clerk of court.”

Adoption? It's a bundle of woes

Adoption? It's a bundle of woes

Swati Sengupta, TNN, Oct 24, 2010, 03.43am IST


Tags:central adoption resource agency|adoption

KOLKATA: Some months ago, the Bengal government prodded by a spine-chilling allegation asked some other states to inquire into the authenticity of addresses provided by a few adoptive parents.

Dutch woman denied info on Indian parents by high court

Dutch woman denied info on Indian parents by high court
Published: Saturday, Oct 23, 2010, 3:15 IST
By Mayura Janwalkar | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA

For Dutch psychologist Daksha Van Dijck, 35, her trip to India turned out to be rather disappointing. The Bombay high court on Friday dismissed a petition filed by her seeking information about her biological parents.

Van Dijck was adopted by Dutch national Johan Van Dijck and raised in the Netherlands. She came back to India in 2001 in search of her biological parents. But in the course of tracing them what Van Dijck found was reasons to believe that she may have been kidnapped as a baby and given away in a foreign adoption.

The high court had earlier directed the prothonotary and senior master of the court to trace the 1975 records pertaining to Van Dijck’s adoption, which was granted with the high court’s permission.

Daksha had sought action against Shraddhashram Mahilasharm in Matunga from where she was adopted. Her advocates Pradeep Havnur and Shabana Ansari told the court that there is no police inquiry report in terms of the adoption but a mere affidavit saying the child (Van Dijck) is free for adoption.

Dismissing the petition, the court, however, said adoptive parents should also be held responsible if the adopted child feels that the adoption procedure was faulty. “Why are the adoptive parents not made a party to this petition,” the court asked.

“I wanted to find my biological mother before I became a mother myself,” said Van Dijck, who has a 9-month-old daughter back in the Netherlands. “After I had a baby, the urge to find my mother intensified. I feel very bad but I am not going to give up.”

FB: orphanage destroyed - owner facing justice

Deborah MacQuarrie

Deborah MacQuarrie This is so important... The director of Social Welfare in Ghana who did all he could to destroy our ministry to the orphans is now in huge trouble. His "Childrens home" was secretly investigated and it is a horror!! He is now having to face justice. Our beautiful home where the kids were so loved and cared for is gone ...

23 October 2010 at 04:53

Adina Barbu, betrayed by her former boyfriends: At 17, she gave birth to a boy, whom she abandoned in hospital

02:43    |    22/10/2010

Adina Barbu, betrayed by her former boyfriends: At 17, she gave birth to a boy, whom she abandoned in hospital

Adina Barbu, the newborn star of Romanian tabloids, famous for her big breasts and the striking resemblance with actress Nicoleta Luciu, has a very troubled past, which her friends from her teen years unveiled live during the “Bad, but good” show aired on Antena 2 TV. While chatting live with show host Mihai Morar, Adina received a phone call from a former boyfriend who said that her real name is Vasilica Ciuciu and she gave birth to a boy when she was 17, whom she abandoned in the maternity hospital. Later on, other friends and acquaintances of Adina called from her hometown of Brasov to confirm the boyfriend’s statements, and revealed even more troubling things about her past.

Initially, the brunette denied everything and said her real name is Adina Barbu and she does not know Bebe, the man who claims was her lover. However, Thursday she returned in the show and apologized for her lies.

“I apologize for the way I dealt with the situation. I thought it was a farce. Eventually, I realized it was no farce and that the man was really my ex-lover,” Adina explained.

During the show, a former friend of Adina called from Brasov and confirmed that she indeed gave birth to a boy.

“I’ve known her before Bebe. I am no friend of Bebe. Adina, your baby boy weighed 1.8 kg,” said Dan.

Visibly angered, the brunette lashed out at the man, asking him to produce evidence in support of his allegations.

"I made no abortion so far. I want a child, but this did not happen yet. It is pointless for you to call live and mock me. Bring proof. Come with evidence, man, don’t speak just to make me look like s…t,” Adina retorted.



Adina Barbu demascata de prietenii din adolescenta: A nascut un baietel la 17 ani si l-a abandonat in maternitate


Recent aparuta in peisajul monden si mediatizata intens pentru sanii foarte mari si asemanarea izbitoare cu Nicoleta Luciu, Adina Barbu are un trecut foarte agitat, pe care prietenii din adolescenta l-au dezvaluit in direct la emisiunea “Rai da’ buni” de la Antena 2.

Invitata in emisiunea lui Mihai Morar, Adina a parimit cateva telefoane de la un fost iubit care a povestit ca numele ei real este Vasilica Ciuciu si ca a nascut un copil cand avea 17 ani, pe care l-a abandonat in maternitate. Ulterior si alte cunostinte si prieteni ai Adinei, din Brasov, locul unde s-a nascut si a crescut bruneta, au sunat si au confirmat declaratiile fostului iubit, ba chiar au adus informatii noi, din ce in ce mai surprinzatoare.

Initial bruneta a negat totul si a declarat ca nu il cunoaste pe Bebe, barbatul care sustine ca i-a fost iubit si ca numele ei real este Adina Barbu. Joi, Adina Barbu a venit în platou la "R?i da buni" pentru a-?i cere iertare pentru minciunile pe care le-a spus. 

"Îmi cer scuze pentru modul cum am tratat situa?ia. Am crezut c? e o fars?. La sfâr?it mi-am dat seama c? nu a fost o fars? ?i într-adev?r acel om era fostul meu iubit. Eu am depus actele, imediat dup? emisiune am sunat la poli?ie. Nu mi s-a p?rut ok s? apar cu Ciuciu Vasilica Adina, am ales numele Barbu. A fost mai u?or de re?inut ?i fa?? de Ciuciu sun? mai bine. Nu mi-a fost team? de glume pe baza numelui meu real. Nu mi-am dorit s? apar cu numele meu, am f?cut-o ?i de dragul familiei. Nu vroiam s? vad? tata numele Ciuciu prin tabloide", a spus Adina.

In timpul emisiei un fost amic de-al Adinei din Bra?ov a sunat în direct pentru a confirma c? bruneta a n?scut un b?iat, pe care ulterior l-a abandonat.

"Nepoata mea s-a n?scut pe 23 septembrie 1999. Eu o cunosc pe ea dinainte de Bebe. Eu nu sunt prieten cu Bebe. Adina, b?iatul t?u a avut 1, 8 Kg.", a spus Dan.

Vizibil enervata bruneta l-a atacat verbal pe barbat si i-a cerut dovezi, pentru a fi crezut.

""Pân? la vârsta asta nu am avut niciun avort. Îmi doresc un copil, dar înc? nu s-a întâmplat. Nu are rost s? intri tu în direct s? î?i ba?i joc de mine. Adu dovezi. Vino frate cu dovezi, nu intra în direct s? m? faci pe mine de rahat", a spus Adina.

Call for federal inquiry into forced adoptions

Call for federal inquiry into forced adoptions
Posted Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:49am AEDT

A group of mothers who gave up their babies gather at parliament to hear a formal apology (Marcus Alborn)

The WA Labor MP David Templeman is calling for a federal inquiry into the forced adoption practices of last century.

The West Australian parliament yesterday formally apologised to the women who were pressured to adopt out their babies between the 1940s and 1980s.

It is the first state in Australia to say sorry for the practice.

David Templeman was one of the architects of the apology and says the next step should be a national inquiry.

"These practices and policies of adoption took place across the country and to really make sure that we lift a lid on this issue and to make sure we get to the real truth, the real stories, we need a national inquiry, and there should be a national apology in the federal parliament," he said.

The Greens MP Alison Xamon has told parliament her colleagues will introduce a motion in Federal Parliament next week for a national inquiry and an apology to the women.

"I hope that WA's example is just the beginning," she said.

"I'm aware that there were women from around Australia who flew over here to hear the apology who were desperate to have the role of their own state governments and departments and churches admitted and acknowledged."