
International Adoptions Romania: In Brasov European adoptions on stage

International Adoptions Romania: In Brasov European adoptions on stage

Brasov to be on stage the European adoption
Will Romabia be, so insulted by the closure of International Adoptions (Law 273/2004), the first European nation to introduce a shocking novelty in this area?

Thanks to the hard work of civil society is taking place today in Brasov, an important meeting between the President of Catharsis, Azota Popescu, and leaders of ORA (the central authority for adoptions Romania) and more than a hundred heads of departments from all over Romania.

The meeting will discuss proposals to amend the current law and will examine, one by one, the articles of the draft laws, starting with the one already reported by Bogdan Panait, secretary of state and the number one Romanian Office for Adoptions.

The first request of the association and its lawyers Catharsis is the opening to the adoption of children residing in Romania, even by foreigners who do not have family ties with the child. In this framework has been proposed not only the reopening of international adoption but also the introduction of a new and important tool: the adoption within the Community. The goal is to open the adoption process first at Community level, by promoting the adoption by couples residing in EU member states.

This is a proposal that would allow Romania to make a double step forward in the context of adoptions and the principle of subsidiarity. In light of these changes, the adoption of children in Romania would be implemented through the research of families available in the following order of priority: first place with the adoption of national preference for the extended family and, subsequently, for the family 's maternal assistant (Figure "professional" typical of the Romanian system of temporary custody) would then consider the adoption of intra-and only then, international adoption.

A final point of the proposal is to amend the rules as to the persons who shall permit the adoption of the child (Article 11 of Law 273/2004). It contends that the consent for adoption is always expressed by a court with the attendance of parties.

Data: 18-10-10

Adozioni Internazionali Romania: a Brasov va in scena l’adozione europea.

Sarà la Romania, tanto vituperata per la chiusura delle Adozioni Internazionali (legge 273/2004), la prima nazione europea ad introdurre una sconvolgente novità proprio in questo ambito?

Grazie al grande lavoro della società civile è in corso oggi a Brasov, un importante incontro tra il Presidente dell’associazione Catharsis, Azota Popescu, ed i responsabili di ORA (l’autorità centrale adozioni della Romania) oltre ad un centinaio di direttori di dipartimento provenienti da tutta la Romania.

Nell’incontro si discuteranno le proposte di modifica della legge attuale e si prenderanno in esame, uno ad uno,  gli articoli dei progetti di legge, a partire da quello già segnalato da Bogdan Panait, segretario di stato nonché numero uno dell’Ufficio rumeno per le Adozioni.

La prima richiesta dell’associazione Catharsis e dei suoi giuristi è l’apertura all’adozione dei minori residenti in Romania anche da parte di persone straniere che non abbiano vincoli di parentela col minore. In questo quadro è stataproposta non solo la riapertura dell’adozione internazionale ma anche l’introduzione di un nuovo e importantissimo strumento: l’adozione intracomunitaria. L’obiettivo è quello di aprire le procedure di adozione prima di tutto a livello comunitario, favorendo l’adozione da parte di coppie residenti negli stati dell’Unione Europea.

Si tratta di una proposta che permetterebbe alla Romania di compiere un doppio passo avanti nel quadro delle adozioni e del principio di sussidiarietà. Alla luce di queste modifiche, l’adozione dei minori in Romania verrebbe attuata attraverso la ricerca di famiglie disponibili nel seguente ordine di priorità: al primo posto l’adozione nazionale con preferenza per la famiglia estesa e, a seguire, per la famiglia dell’assistente maternale (figura “professionale” tipica del sistema rumeno di affidamento temporaneo); verrebbero poi considerate l’adozione intracomunitaria e, solo infine, l’adozione internazionale.

Un ultimo punto della proposta è la modifica della norma riguardante le persone che devono consentire l’adozione del minore (articolo 11 della Legge 273/2004). Si chiede che il consenso per l’adozione, venga sempre espresso davanti ad un giudice con la convocazione delle parti.

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No application for inter-country adoption in 2011

No application for inter-country adoption in 2011  


KATHMANDU, Oct 17: Inter-country adoption from Nepal has come to a standstill with the Ministry for Women, Children and Social welfare (WCSW) receiving no application from foreign parents for adoption after the government adopted strict measures in 2009. 

The ministry has not received even a single application for inter-country adoption in 2011. 

The ministry had temporarily suspended inter-country adoption following reports of rampant irregularities in the inter-country adoption process. “The ministry received more 500 applications for inter-country adoption each year. But no application has been registered this year,” said Anandaram Pokhrel, secretary at the ministry.

According to Sher Jung Karki, legal officer at the ministry, prospective adoptive parents have to now apply through the internet to adopt Nepali children. “They cannot visit Nepal to select children without the consent of the government,” he added. Adoptive parents need to submit documents permitting adoption from their respective countries and apply through registered adoption agencies. Earlier, they directly dealt with Nepali orphanages. 

The new regulation has hit the orphanages permitted to send children for inter-country adoption hard. “Out of 38 registered orphanages, only 29 have renewed their licenses, while others have shut down,” Pokhrel said. 

Before the suspension, the care centers and their agents tampered with documents and sent children illegally for adoption. Adoptive parents paid a huge amount to get the children of their choice. “Adoptive parents can now choose only gender and age,” Karki said, adding, “Family selection committee of the ministry now gives priority to children whose files arrive first to the ministry,” he added. 

The government has also fixed a fee of US $ 8,000 for inter-country adoption. The orphanages get only US $ 5,000 and the remaining amount goes to the state. The matching process now can also take up to six months before the children are handed over to adoptive parents. 

Karki said the government adopted stricter measures also to maintain transparency in the process of selecting children. The government took such a decision under pressure from international agencies, including the report of the Hague Conference. 

The report released by Hague Conference in 2009 pointed at a number of weaknesses in Nepali adoption system, including falsification of documents and lack of proper child protection system. The Hague´s study also found instances of children, who were not orphans, being given away for adoption by parents as well as orphanages. Nepal is signatory to the Hague Convention on child rights.

Following the disclosure, the United States and some 10 European countries have also suspended adoption from Nepal, some officially and others unofficially. 

But these were not the only countries adopting Nepali children. According to Dharma Raj Shrestha, executive director of the Central Child Welfare Board, people from around 72 countries adopted children from Nepal in the past.  

Of late, even the US has shown interest to adopt orphans and children formally abandoned by families. The ministry is listing the number of orphans and abandoned children living in different child care centers.


Published on 2011-10-17 01:55:51

Zef Hendriks Linked In

Zef Hendriks

Zef Hendriks

at Hendriks Assist

Nijmegen Area, Netherlands

  • Senior Psychologist at Verschoor & Oudshoorn
  • DGA at Donatus BV
  • Executive Director at NICWO - Wereldkinderen
  • Executive Director at Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie (BIA)
  • Project Leader at Ministry of Developmental Aid
  • Executive Director at Onderwijs Begeleidingsdienst Noord-Limburg
  • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
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Zef Hendriks’s Experience

  • Director - Psychologist

    Hendriks Assist

    (Privately Held; Professional Training & Coaching industry)

    January 2010Present (10 months)

    Assessment - Coaching - Training

  • Senior Psychologist

    Verschoor & Oudshoorn

    (Professional Training & Coaching industry)

    19982009 (11 years )

    As a Senior Psychologist I carried out assessments and personal coaching. The target group existed of managers in Businessland

  • DGA

    Donatus BV

    (Management Consulting industry)

    19972001 (4 years )

    Donatus was an organisation that organised fundraising for childrens projects

  • Executive Director

    NICWO - Wereldkinderen

    (Non-Profit Organization Management industry)

    19871997 (10 years )

    NICWO was the result of a merge of BIA and Wereldkinderen combining the adoption activities of BIA with the childrens projects and financial sponsoring programs of Wereldkinderen.

    I was the Executive Director.

  • Executive Director

    Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie (BIA)

    (Non-Profit Organization Management industry)

    19801987 (7 years )

    During this period I was leading BIA, the main Dutch Intercountry Adoption Organisation.

  • Project Leader

    Ministry of Developmental Aid

    (Non-Profit Organization Management industry)

    19771980 (3 years )

    For three years I lead an Developmental Aid Project in Peru. The objective was to improve the quality of kindergarten education.

    The project team consisted of two Dutch specialists and six education employees of the Ministry of Education In Lima, Peru.

  • Executive Director

    Onderwijs Begeleidingsdienst Noord-Limburg

    (Education Management industry)

    19731977 (4 years )

    I started this organisation and became the first executive director of it.

Zef Hendriks’s Education

  • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

    Ph. D. , Psychology , 19651970


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1.3 children abandoned in Taiwan every day: foundation

1.3 children abandoned in Taiwan every day: foundation
2010/10/14 19:41:11
Taipei, Oct. 14 (CNA) An average of 1.3 children have been abandoned every day in Taiwan over the past five years, according to a report released Thursday by the non-profit Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF).

Citing statistics compiled by the Ministry of the Interior, the report said a total of 2,407 young children have been abandoned since 2005, meaning that an average of 481 children have been abandoned each year, or an average of 1.3 per day.

A further analysis of the official data shows that 54 percent of the 202 children abandoned between August 2009 and July this year were less than 1 year old, 28 percent were aged between 1 and 2 years and only 9 percent were older than 3.

Speaking at a news conference, CWLF Chief Executive Officer Wang Yu-min said the number of phone calls from people seeking to have their children adopted has also been on a steady rise since the foundation inaugurated adoption services in 1993.

In the past five years, Wang said, the foundation has received 3,303 such phone calls, or an average of 1.8 phone calls a day.

Analyzing adoption cases handled by the foundation over the past year, Wang said that 84.2 percent of them were not brought to the foundation by their birth parents and had been staying with either foster families, orphanages, relatives, caregivers, hospitals or other temporary shelters.

Moreover, he went on, 33 percent of them had stayed at more than one institution and 9.3 percent had been placed in three or even more shelters.

Only 43 percent could find adoptive families within one year and nearly 25 percent had to wait for two years to find adoptive families, Wang said, adding that some abandoned children still cannot find a family willing to adopt them even after waiting for five to six years.

Wang said the time taken to locate suitable adoptive families is often related to three issues: vacillation by the birth parents, members of their biological families suffering from drug addiction or mental diseases, and children with special features such as disabilities, advanced years or of indigenous or foreign origin.

Nearly 64 percent of children sheltered by the foundation are in the latter category, Wang said.

Meanwhile, Wang said, the foundation has launched a fundraising campaign with the aim of establishing a NT$15 million (US$483,870) fund to care for abandoned children waiting for adoption. Popular actor Ethan Ruan attended the news conference to throw his support for the foundation's cause.

Wang also urged birth parents and judges to prioritize the interests of children when considering whether to put their children up for adoption or making rulings on changes of guardians so that young children will not need to endure such long waits to find adoptive families. (By Chen Li-ting and Sofia Wu) ENDITEM/J

Adoptions from Ethiopia rise, bucking global trend

Adoptions from Ethiopia rise, bucking global trend

NEW YORK — As the overall number of international adoptions by Americans plummets, one country — Ethiopia — is emphatically bucking the trend, sending record numbers of children to the U.S. while winning praise for improving orphans' prospects at home.

It's a remarkable, little-publicized trend, unfolding in an impoverished African country with an estimated 5 million orphans and homeless children, on a continent that has been wary of international adoption.

Just six years ago, at the peak of international adoption, there were 284 Ethiopian children among the 22,990 foreign kids adopted by Americans. For the 2010 fiscal year, the State Department projects there will be about 2,500 adoptions from Ethiopia out of fewer than 11,000 overall — and Ethiopia is on the verge of overtaking China as the top source country.

The needs are enormous; many of Ethiopia's orphans live on the streets or in crowded institutions. There's constant wariness, as in many developing countries, that unscrupulous baby-sellers will infiltrate the adoption process.

However, a high-level U.S. delegation — led by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Susan Jacobs, the State Department's special adviser on children's issues — came back impressed from a visit to Ethiopia last month in which they met President Girma Wolde-Giorgis.

"What's encouraging is they want to work with us, they want to do it right," Jacobs said in a telephone interview. "Other countries should look at what Ethiopia is trying to do."

The global adoption landscape has changed dramatically since 2004. China, Russia and South Korea have reduced the once large numbers of children made available to foreigners while trying to encourage domestic alternatives. There have been suspensions of adoptions from Guatemala, Vietnam and Nepal due to fraud and corruption.

In contrast, Ethiopia has emerged as a land of opportunity for U.S. adoption agencies and faith-based groups. Several have been very active there in the past few years, arranging adoptions for U.S. families while helping Ethiopian authorities and charitable groups find ways to place more orphans with local families.

Buckner International, a Dallas-based Christian ministry, has about three dozen Ethiopian children lined up for adoption by U.S. parents, but it's also engaged in numerous programs to help Ethiopia build a domestic foster care system.

In one village visited by Jacobs and Landrieu, Buckner has built a school and housing for teachers while beginning a slow assessment of the orphan population to determine which children can be cared for locally and which might benefit from U.S. adoption.

Randy Daniels, Buckner's vice president of international operations, said the children who do head to adoptive families in the United States generally seem to flourish.

"They're some of the warmest, most loving kids of any I've worked with in the world," he said. "It's amazing to how quickly they adjust to the families stateside, to the language, the culture."

Buckner's clients include David McDurham and his wife, Amy, of Mansfield, Texas, who adopted their daughter, Ella, from Ethiopia in 2008 and are preparing to pursue a second Ethiopian adoption. Unable to have a biological child, the McDurhams had been considering adopting from China. But that can now be a four-year process, and they became increasingly intrigued by Africa.

"They were just opening up the Ethiopia program," said McDurham, a Baptist minister. "We were thinking, where did the needs of children and our needs coincide?"

McDurham said Ella, who just turned 3, is thriving in their Dallas suburb. They've become popular customers at a local Ethiopian restaurant and have forged ties with several other families who adopted from Ethiopia.

"We want her to see other families like hers — to know other people who have that same story," McDurham said,

Other agencies active in Ethiopia — both with adoptions and developing local alternatives for orphans — include Bethany Christian Services and the Gladney Center for Adoption.

Gladney only registered with Ethiopian authorities in 2005 and since then has completed nearly 500 adoptions by U.S. families. J. Scott Brown, Gladney's managing director of African programs, said the agency also is working with government-run orphanages in Ethiopia, trying to improve living conditions and develop job-training programs to benefit youths who won't move to homes abroad.

"There are still some bad players in Ethiopia who need to be removed," he said. "But if we can work closely with the government, this can be a leader for other countries to follow."

Some Ethiopian officials remain skeptical of international adoption, but Brown said he's seen doubters won over after visiting the United States to view firsthand how Ethiopian children are thriving in adoptive homes.

Landrieu, one of the leading adoption advocates in Congress, said Ethiopia deserves praise — compared with many developing countries — for recognizing that its orphans would be better off in a family environment such as foster care or an adoptive home rather than in an institution.

But resources are limited. She said there was only one judge assigned to process adoption cases and make sure that children are indeed legitimate candidates.

Heather Paul of SOS Villages-USA, which runs overseas programs supporting orphans and abandoned children, said it's critical that potential adoptions be closely scrutinized.

"Having better regulations protects American adoptive parents too," she said. "There's no worse heartbreak than finding a child had been sold away."

In contrast to Ethiopia, there's uncertainty and frustration over adoption developments in two other countries.

In Kyrgyzstan, the government suspended adoptions in 2008 because of suspected corruption, leaving more than 60 U.S. families with pending adoptions in limbo. Plans to resume the process have been disrupted by recent political upheaval, though Jacobs said she remains hopeful that a new adoption law could be passed whenever a newly elected parliament is able to convene.

Adoptions of abandoned children from Nepal have been suspended by the U.S. government until Nepalese authorities implement procedures to curtail corruption and mismanagement. Jacobs said 80 pending U.S. adoptions are under review by the State Department.

The suspension has been criticized by some U.S. adoption advocates.

"When you close a country, you end up causing more problems than you prevented," said Chuck Johnson, CEO of the National Council for Adoption. "What happens to the kids who aren't adopted in Nepal? Some will end up as prostitutes and slaves."


State Department: http://www.adoption.state.gov/

Buckner International: http://www.beafamily.org/country-ethiopia.shtml

70 Children Offered For Adoption In armenia Now

70 Children Offered For Adoption In armenia Now

YEREVAN, October 12. /ARKA/. Some 70 children are offered for adoption in Armenia now, Yelena Hayrapetyan, chief of Armenian Labor and Social Affairs Ministry’s division on family problems, said Tuesday at a seminar focused on human trafficking and child adoption problems in Armenia. The seminar was organized by People in Need Program. 

She said that 70% of them are children at age above 10. 

“About 200 families in Armenia and as much again foreigners want to adopt children, but only 20 to 30% of them managed to do it…Married couples prefer newborn babies to keep the adoption secret,” Hayrapetyan said. 

Hayrapetyan said that abandoned children and orphans can be adopted. 

Preference is given to families in Armenia, then Armenians living abroad and foreigners. 

Hayrapetyan said that there are only 15 healthy children in the database. Others have physical or mental problems. 

Remarkable is that foreigners prefer sick children, but if their health problems are curable.

The ministry’s representative said that 50 decisions were made in the first quarter of this year against 87 in 2009 and 120 in 2008. 

She said that the government keeps its eye on adopted children wherever they are through diplomatic offices and consulates. 

No cases of violence have ever been reported. 

Tatevik Bezhanyan, coordinator of the People in Need Program, who spoke at the seminar as well, said that very often adoptions are kept secret in Armenia. That is why cases of child sale happen here. 

“As a rule, people all over the world don’t hide facts of adoption, while Armenians don’t want to do it openly because of national mentality.” –0--

12/10/2010 21:36

Russians threaten adoption hold-ups over spies

Russians threaten adoption hold-ups over spies

Seek to end Irish police probe of passport theft



IrishCentral.com Staff Writer


Published Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 7:56 AM

Updated Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 8:02 AM


Richard and Cynthia Murphy, Russian spies, used Irish passports


Russia’s Ambassador to Ireland has warned that an adoption agreement between both countries may be in jeopardy because of an Irish government investigation of stolen passports.

The stolen Irish passports were later used to set up fake identies for an “Irish” couple living in New Jersey and spying on Americans. The couple were arrested by the FBI who informed the Irish government of the theft

Ambassador Mikhail Timoshkin raised the concerns after a meeting with Debbie Deegan, director of Irish charity To Russia With Love. Deegan had revealed that a passport of a member of her organization had been stolen and used by Russian agents.

Special Branch detectives from the Gardai – the Irish police – are working to pinpoint where the Irish passport details used in a Russian spy ring where copied and then inserted into the forged documents, according to reports.
The FBI discovered the Irish passports when they smashed a Russian spy ring based in the 
U.S. The FBI tipped off the Irish police and the Department of Foreign Affairs, which began the investigation.
According to the 
Irish Independent, “one of the passports belonged to a volunteer with Irish charity To Russia With Love named as Kathryn Sherry and two others to a married couple in Co Donegal. All had all been granted visas at the Russian Embassy in Dublin.”
It’s not the first time that Irish passports have been used by alleged spies. Earlier this year, forged passports were used by members of the Israeli spy agency 
Mossad in the alleged murder of aHamas activist, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.
According to the Irish Independent, “after gardai [Irish police] have completed a file, it will be studied by senior officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and, if the Russians are clearly implicated in the forgeries, a decision will be taken on whether diplomatic action should be taken.”

The Independent also reported that Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy said on Monday that “the nature of the investigation made a successful outcome more difficult. Some of the passports had been used internationally, and cross-border involvement created more obstacles for the investigation.”

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500 parents in legal action to win back 'stolen' children taken into care

500 parents in legal action to win back 'stolen' children taken into care

Hundreds of heartbroken parents who claim social services "stole" their children have launched a legal bid to win them back.

The 500 mums and dads say it is impossible to get justice in the UK and have turned to an international court.

Families argue they are the victims of social workers who are over-zealous after cases such as Victoria Climbié and Baby Peter and a process in family courts which is excessively secretive.

They also say that the courts rely too heavily on the opinions of experts or social workers and that it is wrong that there is no right of appeal. The UK now has 64,000 children in care...a 6pc rise since 2006.

If the Court of Human Rights in The Hague backs the new case, it could let parents bring proceedings against councils - and get their children back.

One dad told the Sunday Mirror last year he had lost his daughter to adoption days after her birth.

"Crystal" was taken because of an unproven allegation that Alan (not his real name) had harmed his son from a previous marriage.Alan, 44, who is campaigning for a change in the law, found that over five years his local authority, Enfield in North London, had succeeded in all 43 cases where it wanted to take a child into care. He said: "It's hard to believe they right every time.

In my case there was no evidence our girl would be harmed by me or my wife. Yet she was 'snatched' without warning."

And another dad in Nottingham whose three boys were taken after a tip-off said he and his wife were never told the allegation against them. Sam Hallimond, of pressure group Freedom Advocacy and Law, organising the court action, said: "Families are fighting injustices, with children being taken on vague allegations."

Mr Hallimond, who had his daughter taken for adoption in Suffolk, added: "If the court agree our rights have been breached, we could bring prosecutions against councils and possibly get our children back."

Lib Dem MP John Hemming, backing the legal action, said: "We are challenging a system where simply believing a child is at risk can see them taken into care - or being adopted and lost for ever."

CAI, adozioni: revocata l’autorizzazione a un altro ente