
Bid to sell Pakistani girl for Dh30,000 foiled

Bid to sell Pakistani girl for Dh30,000 foiled

Police caught man at shopping mall after tip-off

  • By Bassma Al Jandaly, Senior Reporter
  • Published: 00:00 November 4, 2010
  • Gulf News

Sharjah: The Sharjah Criminal Court sentenced a man to three years in jail followed by deportation for human trafficking.

According to a judicial official, A.A,, 31, was convicted of forcing girls into prostitution with the help of another unidentified Pakistani suspect. They brought girls from Pakistan into the country and "they sell them for Dh30,000 each," the court document said.

Prosecutors, investigating the case, said the two were suspected of involvement in "the sex trade and a police team was formed to follow the case".

An informant told the team that a Pakistani man was trying to "sell" a Pakistani girl for Dh30,000. A police trap was set up at a Sharjah shopping mall following an agreement between an undercover police officer from the Preventive Security Department and the man who promised to bring the girl. A man, identified as A, was arrested, along with a girl identified as M.A.

The girl told prosecutors the Pakistani man had brought her into the country "to work as a housemaid in his house for a monthly salary of Dh1,000".

Upon her arrival, he took her to his apartment where he invited two of his friends, who asked him to send her to their place in Ajman. The men in Ajman attempted to rape the girl, according to court documents.

As she resisted, they beat her and sent her back to Sharjah, where A began "sending her to men for money," the papers said. The girl said, "I was made to work as housemaid during the day and a prostitute at night."

Protection under law

The UAE Federal Law 51 of 2006, the first law of its kind in the region, defines trafficking in Article One as "recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring, or receiving persons by means of threat or use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation, engaging others in prostitution, servitude, forced labour, enslavement, quasi-slavery practices, or the detachment of organs".

This definition is closely aligned with the definition outlined in the Palermo Protocol and by other international legislation.


ABOVE: The gran of Madonna's adopted daughter has threatened suicide unless the child is returned to Africa
2nd November 2010
By Nigel Pauley

THE gran of Madonna’s adopted daughter has threatened to kill herself unless the child is returned to Africa.

Mercy, now four, joined the 52-year-old superstar’s family after a lengthy legal battle.

But her relatives are angry they have not seen Mercy for two years, even though Madonna has visited Malawi twice with her.

Now the youngster’s grandmother, Lucy Chekechiwa, who is in her 60s, has threatened to commit suicide unless the girl is returned.


The family initially rejected Madonna’s attempts to adopt but relented under pressure from the orphanage where Mercy was living.

Lucy, who looked after the youngster after the death of her teenage mother, said she had not been allowed to see her grand-daughter as promised.

She explained: “After the death of my daughter, Mwandida, Mercy is the only daughter that I have.

 “When these people came to adopt her I was against it but they insisted it was an opportunity for her to get a good education. Little did I know I would never see her again.”



Madonna has two children, Lourdes, 13, and Rocco, 10, plus adopted David, five, and Mercy.


Her camp declined to comment. 

Only 367 kids for 900 on adoption waiting list

Only 367 kids for 900 on adoption waiting list
Smriti Singh, TNN, Nov 4, 2010, 04.56am IST 

Tags:Co-ordinating Voluntary Adoption Resource Agency|adoption agencies NEW DELHI: More and more people are coming forward to adopt children but the number of kids with adoption agencies in the city that can be given for adoption has dropped drastically.

According to the latest data, about 900 families in the capital are waiting to adopt a child but only about 367 children — including special, handicapped and older children — are available for adoption with registered and recognized childcare centres in Delhi.

Co-ordinating Voluntary Adoption Resource Agency (CVARA), the nodal agency for adoption in the city, says that out of 900 families registered with it some even applied about two years back. ''You cannot rule out the possibility that some of these applicants might have gone for private adoption,'' said CVARA honorary secretary, Leila Baig. Even then, sources claim, about 60% of the registered applicants are still waiting to adopt a child.
''Many single people have approached us. Also, there are couples who prefer to adopt a girl child, which was not a favoured option 10-15 years back,'' said Baig.

Her claim is corroborated by the data of the past one decade. In 2000, 180 girls were adopted as against 121 boys. In 2010, 79 girls have been adopted till September as against 55 boys.

The waiting time for families wanting to adopt a girl child is about 1-2 years, while for a boy it is 2-3 years.
The reason for fewer children being available for adoption, say experts, can be attributed to several factors. ''It can be because there is less abandonment by destitute mother. The popularity of birth control measures among women can also be one of the reason for this,'' said Baig.

Supreme Court Lawyer Minakshi Lekhi, however, believes that there is another angle to the scenario. ''Government agencies and non-government agencies (orphanages) are inefficient. They all have vested interest and they do not want to speed up the adoption process.''

She said that ''child trafficking'' cannot be ruled out. ''One has to rationally and logically think about the shortage of kids vis-a-vis the number of families willing to adopt. It is not that more families have decided to go for adoption. Efforts should be made to find out where all the adopted children are going,'' Lekhi added.

Experts say families prefer to adopt normal children and not those with disabilities; complexion issues also matter. In 2009, around 100 children were cleared for inter-country adoption as they were not being adopted by local families. This included six children with some form of disability and 43 older kids. Thirty-one were rejected on medical ground and four on complexion issues.

''Local families seldom want to adopt special children or handicapped kids. Even children with medical problems are sometimes returned. Such kids are cleared by us for inter-country adoption as people in other countries are broad-minded and are willing to adopt such children,'' said Baig.

Read more: Only 367 kids for 900 on adoption waiting list - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Only-367-kids-for-900-on-adoption-waiting-list/articleshow/6868982.cms#ixzz14KT5o4NI

Woman who helped Madonna's kid in Laguna

Woman who helped Madonna's kid in Laguna
The woman who founded the Kondanani Children's Village in Malawi, the orphanage where Madonna adopted her daughter Mercy, will speak about her "powerful story of hope" Friday night at an art gallery in Laguna Beach.
Annie Chikhwaza will be at the Salt Fine Art Gallery from 7-9 p.m. The event is free and refreshments will be served.
Article Tab : Annie Chikhwaza with a baby at her Kondanani Children's Village in Malawi
Annie Chikhwaza with a baby at her Kondanani Children's Village in Malawi
Chikhwaza is credited with helping pave the way for American families to adopt from Malawi, Africa, a country the size of Pennsylvania with 60,000 kids living on the streets and 1 million orphaned by AIDS.
Her profile was raised after pop superstar Madonna adopted Mercy, now 4, who was raised at the Children's Village orphanage. It was 1998 when Chikhwaza, a native of Holland, took in her first baby in one of the poorest countries in the world.
The gallery is at 1492 PCH in Laguna Beach. There will be a bazaar with Malawian handicrafts for sale.
Contact the writer: 714-932-1705 or lbasheda@ocregister.com

Le Conseil constitutionnel censure un accord d'expulsion des mineurs roumains

Le Conseil constitutionnel censure un accord d'expulsion des mineurs roumains

Le Monde.fr | 04.11.2010 à 17h03 • Mis à jour le 05.11.2010 à 09h23


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Une petite Rom, place Jean-Jaurès dans le centre de Saint-Etienne, le 24 juillet 2008.

Report Psychological Examination Rahul by Anneke Vinke

Informal translation from Dutch.




Report Psychological Examination

Aici a crescut noua Nicoleta Luciu!

Aici a crescut noua Nicoleta Luciu!

Adina Barbu s-a n?scut Adina Vasilica Ciuciu ?i a crescut într-un bloc de nefamili?ti din Craiter. La 17 ani, a n?scut un copil la Maternitatea Bra?ov pe care l-a abandonat

Una din cele mai mediatizate vedete monden? la ora actual? este fotomodelul Adina Barbu, în vârst? de 28 de ani. Comparat? cu Nicoleta Luciu pentru bustul generos tunat cu silicon, Adina Barbu are un trecut pe care dore?te s?-l ascund? cu orice pre?. Adina Barbu s-a n?scut Adina Vasilica Ciuciu ?i a locuit într-un bloc de nefamili?ti de lâng? depoul CFR, în Craiter, la marginea Bra?ovului. Tat?l s?u lucra la Tunele SA ?i a primit locuin?a de serviciu în acest bloc. Noua vedet? mai are dou? surori - Luciana, mezina, respectiv Claudia, cea mai mare. Familia ei s-a mutat în urm? cu 8 ani. Lucica, mama ei, s-a mutat prin p?r?ile Moldovei, spun vecinii, iar tat?l ei a murit anul acesta. 

Vecinii î?i mai amintesc înc? de ea
„Da, a devenit mare vedet?. ?i-a pus silicoane c? na, dac? faci bani u?or... O ?in bine minte, dar nu am fost în rela?ii bune cu ea. Adic? n-am avut nimic cu ea, dar nu mi-a pl?cut niciodat? c? familia ei nu-?i pl?tea între?inerea. Nu c? nu aveau bani, c? erau to?i îngriji?i ?i bine îmbr?ca?i - dar de ce s? pl?teasc?, ca noi, fraierii?”, ne spune locatara de la apartamentul 20. Al?i locatari mai tineri î?i amintesc ?i de prietenul ei. „Era frumoas? înc? de mic?, eu a?a ?in minte. Îl ?tiu ?i pe prietenul ei, Bebe îi spune porecla. St?tea peste linii”, ne spune un alt locatar.
Vecinii spun c? fata a f?cut generala la ?coala 17, dar de liceu nu-?i mai amintesc nimic. Se pare c? nu l-a urmat, dar nu este sigur.

A locuit ?i la prietenul ei
„Peste linii”, pe strada Fanionului, locuie?te Silviu Baga, prietenul ei din adolescen??. Nu l-am g?sit acas?, dar vecinii î?i mai amintesc de Adina „Luciu” Ciuciu. „Am v?zut-o la televizor, ea e. Dar pe aici n-a mai trecut de mult timp. A avut o vreme ?i muta?ie aici. ?tiu c? o c?uta la un moment dat Poli?ia. A fost cu Silviu mult timp, apoi a plecat prin str?in?tate. Cred c? chiar Silviu s-a dus cu ea la Bucure?ti, s?-i fac? actele”, ne spune vecina de vizavi a lui Silviu Baga. Femeia a fost tras? în cas? de fiica ei. „Hai mam? odat? ?i ?ine?i gura, c? nu vezi c? pe Silviu l-a amenin?at. Vrei s? o p??e?ti ?i tu?”. 

N?scut în `99, adoptat dup? 6 luni
În urm? cu pu?in timp, prietenul din adolescen?? al vedetei, Silviu Baga, „invitat” telefonic într-o sear? la emisiunea „Un show p?c?tos” de pe Antena 1, spunea despre vedeta Adina Barbu c? ?i-a abandonat copilul pe când avea 17 ani. Prezentatoare meteo în CanCan, ea a avut o rela?ie îndelungat? cu Silviu Baga, în urma c?reia a ap?rut pe lume un b?ie?el nedorit. Silviu Adrian Ciuciu a fost n?scut pe 1 septembrie 1999, în Maternitatea din Bra?ov. B?ie?elul a ap?rut dintr-o gre?eal? ?i, gândindu-se probabil c?-?i distruge viitorul, Adina Vasilica Ciuciu l-a p?r?sit în maternitate. Legisla?ia din domeniul Protec?iei Copilului din acea vreme era mai permisiv? decât actuala. Dac? copilul nu era vizitat timp de 6 luni de mam?, el intra automat în procedur? de adop?ie, iar mama era dec?zut? din drepturi. A?a s-a întâmplat ?i cu micu?ul Silviu Adrian. „Silviu Adrian Ciuciu, n?scut în septembrie 1999, a fost adoptat în 2000 prin intermediul unei funda?ii specializate. Copilul nu a fost niciodat? în sistemul de protec?ie al DGASPC Bra?ov, el fiind crescut pân? la momentul adop?iei de un asistent maternal pl?tit de asocia?ia respectiv?”, a declarat Radu Mailat, pân? ieri purt?torul de cuvânt al Direc?iei Generale de Asisten?? Social? ?i Protec?ia Copilului (DGASPC) Bra?ov. 

Adop?ia, semnat? de un secretar de stat
Actele de adop?ie au fost realizate de Comitetul Român pentru Adop?ii, care a repartizat procesul de g?sire a p?rin?ilor Asocia?iei Catharsis, prin reparti?ia nr. 2747/10.02 2000. Asocia?ia bra?ovean? l-a crescut pe copil în centrul de tip familial privat, pân? când a g?sit o mam? adoptiv? - pe arhitecta greac? A.K. Din surse sigure am aflat c? acesta arhitect? este fiica unui mare general mobilizat în Italia. În unele ??ri, precum Grecia, legisla?ia permitea ca un singur p?rinte s? fie suficient pentru adop?ii, astfel c? femeia a aplicat singur? pentru aceast? adop?ie. Ea a intrat în posesia copilului prin decizia 886 din 16 martie 2000, semnat? de secretarul de stat de la acea vreme Alexandru Popescu. 

„Cadou” de ziua ei
Adina Barbu Ciuciu s-a aniversat miercuri, zi în care a primit ?i vestea c? secretul ei a devenit public. În ciuda descoperirii documentelor purtând sigla oficial? a Oficiului Român pentru Adop?ii, Adina Barbu neag? cu vehemen?? c? ar fi n?scut sau abandonat vreodat? un copil. „Sunt ni?te abera?ii ?i doresc s?-l dau în judecat? pe jurnalistul sau jurnalista care a scris a?a ceva”, a declarat Adina Barbu, fost? Ciuciu, miercuri sear? în emisiunea „Un show p?c?tos”.

Adina Barbu dovedeste cu o adeverinta ca nu a nascut

Adina Barbu dovedeste cu o adeverinta ca nu a nascut
ast?zi, 11:34
Adina Barbu s-a prezentat in emisiunea "Un show pacatos" cu a adeverinta de la ginecolog ce atesta faptul ca nu a nascut niciodata.
Adina Barbu, noua Nicolata Luciu, face tot posibilul pentru a repara putinul care a mai ramas din buna sa reputatie.
Dupa ce s-a descoperit ca numele sau real este Adina Vasilica Ciuciu, pe care cu greu l-a recunoscut ca fiind al sau, vedeta Playboy incearca acum sa aduca dovezi care sa combata declaratiile unor "fosti cunoscuti", conform carora tanara ar fi nascut un copil la varsta de 17 ani, pe care l-a abandonat in maternitate.
Desi exista doua marturii publice si o investigatie realizata de reporterii de la Libertatea care atesta acest scenariu, Adina a reusit sa faca rost de un certificat obtinut de la ginecolog conform caruia se precizeaza faptul ca nu a fost niciodata gravida.
Adina Barbu a fost la ginecolog pentru a dovedi ca nu a nascut
"Am mers la ginecolog si am obtinut certificatul. De acum inainte nu vreau sa mai discut despre acest subiect. Nu ma mai intereseaza ce se speculeaza! A devenit deja obositor sa discut pe tema aceasta", a declarat Adina Barbu.
Certificatul a fost prezentat in cadrul emisiunii "Un show pacatos" si nu a reprezentat o dovada praea convingatoare, tinand cont ca in Romania astfel de adeverinte pot fi usor procurate si fara expertiza.

Adoption case attracts attention of immigration, advocacy groups

November 3, 2010

Adoption case attracts attention of immigration, advocacy groups

By Susan Redden


Interest in an appeal to the Missouri Supreme Court that is being brought by a Carthage couple doesn’t stop at county, state or even national borders.

Veerle De Ketelaere, Dragonfly Woman of the Year 2010

Veerle runs a children's home in southern India with her husband Jan, also a pediatrician. Thirteen years ago, during their medical internship in Madras, they found two severely malnourished toddlers tied to a tree. They decided not to stand by and help them. After contact with the father, who cannot take care of them, they rent a house where an Indian colleague moves in with the children.

The beginning of an adventure that eventually leads to the establishment of a children's home that is already taking care of fifty children. In the meantime, Veerle also wants to start a waffle company . Like the whole project, this idea also grew a bit by accident . Veerle's homemade waffles proved to be very popular in India, and she had long been looking for a useful activity for a few less gifted children who will never learn a trade. After her call in Libelle, the first shipment of waffle irons, collected from Libelle readers, has already arrived in India.

Libelle now supports Veerle's project for a whole year. "I wanted to break this title into ten pieces and share it with all the other nominated women," Veerle said in a first reaction. After the ceremony, she couldn't wait to email the good news to her employees in India.
