
Muslims seek to reconcile Islamic, western adoption law to find homes for orphans

Muslims seek to reconcile Islamic, western adoption law to find homes for orphans
By: Rachel Zoll, The Associated Press
24/11/2010 2:44 PM

Helene Lauffer knew Muslim children — orphaned, displaced, neglected — needed homes in the United States. She knew American Muslim families wanted to take them in.
But Lauffer, associate executive director of Spence-Chapin, one of the oldest adoption agencies in the country, couldn't bring them together.
The problem was a gap between western and Islamic law. Traditional, closed adoption violates Islamic jurisprudence, which stresses the importance of lineage. Instead, Islam has a guardianship system called kafalah that resembles foster care, yet has no exact counterpart in western law.
The differences have left young Muslims with little chance of finding a permanent Muslim home in America. So Lauffer sought out a group of Muslim women scholars and activists, hoping they could at least start a discussion among U.S. Muslims about how adoption and Islamic law could become compatible.
"At the end of the day, it's about trying to find families for kids," said Lauffer.
Lauffer is not alone in raising the issue. As Muslim communities become more established in the United States, pressure is building for a re-examination of Islamic law on adoption.
Refugee children from Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere are being resettled here. Muslim couples who can't conceive want to adopt, but don't want to violate their faith's teachings. State child welfare agencies that permanently remove Muslim children from troubled homes usually can't find Muslim families to adopt them because of the restrictions in Islamic law.
"I get all kinds of families who come to me for fertility issues. They want to adopt and they want to adopt Muslim children and I'm thinking this is a crime that they can't," said Najah Bazzy, a nurse and founder of Zaman International, a humanitarian service group in Dearborn, Mich. "No one is going to convince me that Islam makes no allocation for this. Either somebody is not interpreting it right, or it needs to be reinterpreted."
Mohammad Hamid, a clinical psychologist and co-founder of the Hamdard Center, a social service agency in the Chicago area that has many Muslims among its clients, said he regularly received requests from American Muslims for advice on how they could adopt.
"We don't tell them it's Islamic or un-Islamic," said Hamid, whose non-profit does not handle adoptions. "Our job is to facilitate the process. We believe if the child can be adopted, you are saving a child."
The prohibition against adoption would appear contrary to the Qur’an's heavy emphasis on helping orphans. The Prophet Muhammad's father died before his son was born, so the boy's grandfather and uncle served as his guardians, setting an example for all Muslims to follow.
However, Islamic scholars say the restrictions were actually meant to protect children, by ending abuses in pre-Islamic Arabic tribal society.
Ingrid Mattson, professor of Islamic studies at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, said adoption in that period had more in common with slavery. Men would take in boys, then erase any tie between the child and his biological family. The goal was to gather as many fighters as possible as protection for the tribe. Orphans' property was often stolen in the process.
As a result, Muslims were barred from treating adopted and biological children as identical in naming or inheritance, unless the adoptee was breast-fed as a baby by the adoptive mother, creating a familial bond recognized under Islamic law.
When an orphan reaches puberty, the Islamic prohibition against mixing of the sexes applies inside the home of his or her guardians. Muslim men cannot be alone with women they could potentially marry, and women must cover their hair around these men. Islamic law sets out detailed rules about who believers can and cannot marry, and an orphan taken in from another family would not automatically be considered "unmarriageable" to his siblings or guardians.
For these reasons and others, Muslim countries only rarely allow international adoption.
"There hasn't been a concerted push to open doors for Muslim orphans because the expectation would be that those efforts would fall flat," said Chuck Johnson, chief executive of the National Council for Adoption, a policy group in Alexandria, Va.
Advocates for a new interpretation of Islamic law are more hopeful, at least about the prospect for a different approach to the issue in the United States. Mattson argues that the flexibility in Islamic law for accommodating local cultures and customs can lead to a solution.
Open adoption, which keeps contact between the adoptee and his biological family, is seen as one potential answer. In New South Wales, Australia, child welfare officials created an outreach program to Muslims emphasizing that Australian adoptions are open and adopted children can retain their birth names. The New South Wales program is the only well-known adoption campaign targeting a Muslim minority population in a western country.
The Muslim women scholars Lauffer consulted in New York, who meet annually as a shura (advisory) council, tackled the complexities of modesty rules inside the home. They debated whether Muslim adoptees in the West could be considered Islamically "unmarriageable" to their siblings or guardians, since western governments classify adoptees the same as blood relatives. The shura council will soon release a statement on the issue through its organizing body, the Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality.
It's unclear how successful their efforts can be. There is no central authority in Islam to hand down a ruling on adoption. Muslims consult individual scholars, or, in the United States, seek an opinion from an imam at their local mosque.
Catherine England, a Muslim who teaches in the Seattle area, adopted four children after she and her husband learned they could have no children of their own. One of her children is an orphan from Afghanistan. Two others are biological siblings.
"I felt that my understanding — and this is entirely my understanding — is that what is forbidden in Islam is closed adoption," said England, who converted to Islam more than three decades ago. She consulted a Muslim scholar who she said affirmed her view that open adoption was allowed.
Lauffer hopes to hear more stories like England's soon.

Shameless: The Romanian gypsy who lived luxury lifestyle with £113,000 benefits stolen from British taxpayers

Shameless: The Romanian gypsy who lived luxury lifestyle with £113,000 benefits stolen from British taxpayers

By Nick Fagge
Last updated at 1:56 AM on 23rd November 2010

Shameless: Illie Schian lived a luxury lifestyle after stealing £113,000 in benefits from the British welfare system

Shameless: Illie Schian lived a luxury lifestyle after stealing £113,000 in benefits from the British welfare system

A 'shameless' Romanian gipsy who stole at least £113,000 in benefits to fund a life of luxury has been jailed for three years.

Illie Schian, 47, bought sports cars, motorcycles, quad bikes and electrical goods with money he received from British hand-outs.

Using taxpayers’ cash, he even built his family a nine-bedroom mansion in Romania, complete with marbled floors, a spa bath, servants’ quarters and two kitchens filled with modern appliances.

He is also accused of involvement in a people-smuggling ring that sent around 180 children to Britain to beg and steal.

The fraudster amassed a £20,000 nest egg in a Romanian bank account before he was finally caught by police.

Schian, from Enfield, North London, applied for political asylum under an assumed name when he arrived in the UK 11 years ago, claiming he had been persecuted in Romania because he is a gipsy.

He was granted indefinite leave to remain in the country, but he proceeded to fleece British taxpayers out of tens of thousands in job seekers’ allowance, child benefit and housing benefit before he was arrested in July this year.

The Romanian was jailed for three years after he admitted a string of fraud charges at Southwark Crown Court on Friday. 

Mr Justice James Wadsworth QC said: ‘You did your utmost to defraud the public.

Deceit: Schian's nine-bedroomed property in Tandarei, Romania. The 47-year-old claimed asylum in Britain and has already served time in a British jail for theft

Deceit: Schian's nine-bedroomed property in Tandarei, Romania. The 47-year-old claimed asylum in Britain and has already served time in a British jail for theft. He began his benefit fraud after he was released

‘You did it in a determined and skilful manner and I have been shown photographs of how your family appears to have become very prosperous.

‘I am satisfied that you skilfully and deliberately profited greatly and enjoyed it enormously.’

The judge recommended Schian should be deported after serving his sentence.

Earlier the court heard how Schian claimed asylum under the false name of Nelus Gheorghe in September 1999.

Extravagant: The property, with expensive quad bikes pictured on the left, has floor-to-ceiling marble and a jacuzzi in the bathroom

Extravagant: The property, with expensive quad bikes pictured on the left, has floor-to-ceiling marble and a jacuzzi in the bathroom

He was granted indefinite leave to remain in March 2004 and his family came to Britain to join him. But shortly afterwards he was jailed for 15 months for theft.

On his release from prison, he disappeared and began to commit benefit fraud using his false identity.Through this he netted a total of £113,889 in just three-and-a-half years.

He was arrested four months ago following a long-running investigation into the organised crime gang he was part of.

Schian's BMW X5: He also bought an Audi, motorcysles, quad bikes and a plasma TV with his benefits cash

Schian's BMW X5: He also bought an Audi, motorcysles, quad bikes and a plasma TV with his benefits cash

Prosecutor Martin Whitehouse told the court: ‘The defendant came to the country intending to defraud the benefits system and, as soon as he could, he did just that. This was a shameless act.’

The court heard that between January 2007 and June this year, Schian pocketed tens of thousands of pounds in job seekers’ allowance claimed from the Department for Work and Pensions.

He also had child tax credit and child benefit from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and housing benefit and council tax benefit from Enfield Borough Council.

Mr Whitehouse said Schian had used the money to buy land in his native country. He was in the process of building or extending a nine-bedroom property in the town of Tandarei, eastern Romania.

Schian also bought a BMW and an Audi, a 4x4, motorcycles, quad bikes, and filled his home with electrical items including a washing machine, plasma television and a cooker.

In addition to this, police inquiries revealed he had a bank account in Romania containing 84,000 Lei, which is the equivalent of around £20,000.

Yesterday Chief Inspector Colin Carswell, of the Metropolitan Police, condemned Schian for stealing from British taxpayers and cheating the welfare system.

He said: ‘Schian spent ten years in the UK exploiting the weakest from his own community as well as making a deliberate and sustained attack on the benefits system.

‘He portrayed the image of being poor and in need of money from UK benefits. Our Romanian colleagues alongside my team have proved this to be a lie.

‘Schian now needs to answer the charges that have been laid against him in Romania, that he and others are responsible for trafficking 181 children to the United Kingdom.’


Explore more:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1332086/Romanian-gypsy-lived-luxury-113k-benefits-stolen-British-taxpayers.html#ixzz16DSWhQAt

Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010)

2010 pointillés
Haïti : conséquences de l’épidémie de choléra sur les procédures d’adoption (23 novembre 2010)
Au lendemain du séisme en Haïti, plus de 1 000 enfants en cours de procédure d’adoption par des familles françaises, ont été recensés par le Service de l’Adoption internationale du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes. La situation de plus de 730 d’entre eux a d’ores et déjà été résolue grâce aux efforts déployés par le gouvernement français en liaison avec les autorités haïtiennes. A ce jour, un peu plus de 300 enfants se trouvent encore en procédure d’adoption en Haïti.
Compte tenu de l’urgence générée par l’épidémie de choléra, des mesures renforcées ont été arrêtées et sont en train d’être mises en place par notre ambassade à Port-au-Prince. Ces mesures visent à accroitre la protection sanitaire et médicale de tous les enfants et à accélérer les possibilités de départ pour ceux d’entre eux dont le dossier d’adoption est finalisé.
Une structure médicalisée d’accueil est mise en place dans l’ancienne résidence de France à Port-au-Prince.
Il est prévu un renforcement du dispositif de veille médicale et de prévention déjà en place dans les crèches par l’envoi d’une importante équipe médicale en mesure de réagir immédiatement.
Par ailleurs, une démarche est effectuée auprès des autorités haïtiennes en vue de mettre en place une procédure exceptionnelle permettant le départ accéléré des enfants et de garantir leur statut juridique en France.
Enfin, la France va contribuer à hauteur de :
-  85 000 euros pour le fonctionnement du centre d’observation et de consultation.
-  80 000 euros de matériels et consommables d’hygiène pour prévenir l’épidémie dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, en liaison avec les autorités haïtiennes.
Un programme "prévention orphelinats" avait été établi en lien avec la Croix-Rouge en complément d’une mission de médecins et infirmières français dépêchés depuis les Antilles dès les premiers jours de l’épidémie. Une délégation de crédits de 100 000 euros au profit de la Croix-Rouge française avait été mise en place dès le début de la contagion afin d’apporter une aide rapide à des structures de la petite enfance menacées par l’épidémie.

Kids of 'quiet migration' come of age

Kids of 'quiet migration' come of age

Adoptees from other countries search for answers to sometimes painful questions


Jenna Wiebe was adopted from Korea at age three by a loving, tight-knit Abbotsford family. But she felt drawn to her birth country to see if she could find the woman who'd given her up.

Photograph by: Ian Lindsay, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Sun

Adopted boy returned to Russia wants to leave homeland again

Adopted boy returned to Russia wants to leave homeland again


In early fall, this story caused a lot of noise: 12-year-old Denis Khokhryakov who was adopted in Volgograd region in 2003 and taken to the Dominican Republic, did not live in prosperity and well-being as employees of his orphanage thought. As it turned out, the adoptive parents left the boy. For a while the child was wandering around, and in 2008 he was found by employees of the National Council for Children in a slum area of a resort town in the Dominican Republic.

In January of 2009, the Court of Volgograd region invalidated the adoption of Khokhryakov. Yet, it took another year and nine months to settle all issues, and only on October 1 of 2010 the boy returned to his homeland.

Incidentally, the return was arranged with great pomp. Children's Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov talked much on the subject of protection of kids like Denis, and shopped around along with TV reporters, choosing gifts for the abandoned boy.

Pune youth grapple with live-in relationships' googlies

Pune youth grapple with live-in relationships' googlies

Anuradha Mascarenhas Posted online: Fri Nov 19 2010, 11:05 hrs

Pune : Live-in relationships may be frowned upon for many reasons, but that couples studying in Indian colleges invariably have no clue about how to handle a child that may come along the way is an undeniable one. Counsellors at a few city adoption centres say many students, living with their partners, have been approaching them with problems of an unwanted pregnancy.

‘We had two cases recently. One was that of engineering students who told their parents that they are staying in hostels but shared a flat and are in a live-in relationship. The students were extremely worried about the pregnancy as the other means of aborting the foetus had failed. They went ahead with the delivery and sent the child to our centre to be adopted,” says Madhuri Abhyankar, director of Society of Friends of Sassoon General Hospital (SOFOSH)'s adoption centre Shreevatsa.

SOFOSH has now set up Matruka, a support group for such unwed mothers, and at any given time there are ten such women who meet regularly. Some of them are economically disadvantaged while a few are well educated and unmarried. From 1974 till 2009, SOFOSH has registered 2,574 adoptions. As part of the adoption week November 14-21, it has decided to conduct counselling and pre-adoption meetings.

Adoptie prikbord - geduld dan lukt het wel (Indonesie)

Re: Adoptie Indonesie

Gepost door: marian ()
Datum: 07 oktober 2009 10:17

Heb begrepen dat het zowieso niet mogelijk is om een kindje te adopteren wat je van tevoren al kent. 
Ik heb ook vele kinderen in Kenia gezien die ik zo zou willen adopteren. Bij navraag bleek dat dit niet mag ook niet als je de familie bijv. zelf kent. Indonesie is ook niet mogelijk via deelbemiddeling? 


Re: Adoptie Indonesie

Gepost door: Jasmijn ()
Datum: 29 november 2010 17:11

Als je gewoon belt naar een adoptie bureau.. 
en geduld neemt, lukt het wel. 
Ik ken iemand die ook zo een kindje uit Indonesia heeft kunnen krijgen.

Cops nab Congolese for child trafficking

Cops nab Congolese for child trafficking
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Thu 18 Nov. 2010, 03:59 CAT [368 Reads, 0 Comment(s)] Text size Print

POLICE in Chililabombwe are holding a Congolese national for attempting to traffick 11 children between the ages of two and 11 out of Zambia.

Both Chililabombwe district commissioner Timothy Musonda and Copperbelt police commanding officer Dr Martin Malama confirmed the incident in separate interviews on Tuesday.

Musonda said the suspect, Lolo Mashini Lombe, was intercepted together with the children at Kasumbalesa Border Post on Monday.

“Yesterday Monday, 11 children were intercepted at Kasumbalesa . There were six boys and five girls,” Musonda narrated.

He said authorities suspected that Lombe wanted to take the children to South Africa.
Musonda further explained that upon being intercepted by police and immigration officers, Lombe claimed that the children’s parents were in Chiwempala township in Chingola but that after going there to verify his claim, the officers did not find the parents in question.

“So they arrested him for human trafficking and he is currently in police custody,” said Musonda.
And Dr Malama explained that the suspect was found with children of between two and 11 years old.

He said the suspect is believed to have been working with three other people.
Dr Malama said police were investigating the matter and hoped to nab the other suspects.
But police sources indicated that Lombe intended to traffick the children to Canada.

The sources said Lombe had planned to use the Solwezi route through to Angola but was cornered in Chililabombwe.

„The Telegraph“ pune Bistri?a pe jar

„The Telegraph“ pune Bistri?a pe jar

  • Simona Bozbici, Anamaria Cadi?

  • 247 afi??ri
  • Miercuri 17 nov 2010

Copii, în orfelinatul de pe Toamnei


Copii, în orfelinatul de pe Toamnei

Publica?ia britanic? „Daily Telegraph“,  a dat publicit??ii,  în urm? cu dou? zilepe siteul telegraph.co.uk,  un material scandalos în care vorbe?te despre un orfelinat din  Bistri?a drept un loc al infernului. Conducerea Centrului este ?ocat? de afirma?iile din material.

Un articol publicat în urm?  cu dou? zile pe Telegraph.co.uk  descrie un  orfelinat din  Bistri?a drept un loc al infernului. Potrivit site-ului,   atmosfera din orfelinatul, care dup? toate descrierile este Centrul de  Plasament din Bistri?a, n-ar fi departe de imaginile din orfelinatele române?ti de trist? amintire de acum 20 de ani : copii chinui?i, obliga?i sa doarm? în p?tu?uri excesiv de mici pentru vârsta lors au ?inu?i for?at în camer?. „Am întrebat-o pe  Ana Maria, directorul orfelinatului, în care pat doarme copilul de 7 ani , pentru c? în camer? erau doar paturi pentru bebelu?i  «În patul din col?», a subliniat ea cu o ridicare din umeri. «Nu se poate întinde, dar asta este tot ce avem pentru el»", invoc? un dialog jurnalista britanic? Angela Levin, autoarea articolului din The Telegraph. Jurnalista repro?eaz? ?i lipsa lifturilor ?i a scaunelor cu rotile într-o institu?ie în care sunt ?i  copiii cu handicap, iar întrega atmosfer? este descris? drept una fetid?: „nici unul dintre ei nu a fost vreodat? afar?, iar mirosul de urin? ?i fecale a fost cople?itor", descrie britanica descrierea centrului de plasament Bistri?a.  Ea se mai întreab? cum mai poate exista înc? un asemenea loc la  20 de ani dup? ce au fosrt prezentate întregii lumi. „Trebuia s? fie închise demult", conchide ziarista.

Înso?itorul jurnalistei o contrazice

Înso?itorul jurnalistei britanice de la The Telegraph, ?tef?n D?r?bu? directorul unei asocia?ii române?ti, citat de asemenea in articol, dezminte afirma?iile jurnalistei Angela Levin  ?i se delimiteaz? de materialul publicat. Acesta este citat în articol în calitate de  înso?itor ?i prezentat drept chiar „mai ?ocat ?i mai  furios" decât jurnalista . D?r?bu? a luat pozi?ie oficial? împotriva acestui articol chiar pe site-ul  HHC România, organiza?ia de caritate pe care o conduce. „Din p?cate, articolul publicat  demonstreaz? lips? de m?sur? ?i o abordare dezechilibrat? a sistemului de protec?ia copilului în România. Nu pot subscrie la aprecierile extreme despre sistem, cum nu pot fi de acord nici cu etichet?rile negative la adresa autorit??ilor statului" ,precizeaz? D?r?bu?.

Conducerea Direc?iei de Protec?ie a Drepturilor Copilului, care administreaz? Centrul de Plasament din strada Toamnei se declar? ?ocat? de afirma?iile din articolul britanic : „Prin luna octombrie au f?cut o vizit? foarte scurt? la centrul din strada Toamnei patru reprezentan?i ai unui ONG, care lucra cu Guvernul României. Nu a spus niciunul c? ar fi jurnali?ti. Ne-au promis c? o s? ne ajute cu specializarea personalului. Nu ne a?teptam la asemenea inven?ii", explic? Olimpia Ababi, directorul adjunct al Direc?iei de Protec?ie a  Drepturilor Copilului din Bistri?a. Ea spune c? niciunul dintre cazurile prezentate nu corespunde realit??ii, a?a cum nici nu exist? vreo directoare sau angajat cu numele de Ana Maria. De exemplu, Florin, cel despre care jurnalista afirm?  c? are 17 ani ?i este închis for?at singur într-o camer?, are de fapt 21 de ani ?i urmeaz? zilnic cursurile ?colii speciale „Lacrima".