
Bihar: 16-year-old boy asked to take care of minor ‘live-in partner’, child

BIHARSHARIF: A 16-year-old boy was absolved of charges of kidnapping a

minor girl and allowed to take care of his “live-in partner” and their eightmonth-old infant at his parents’ home by Nalanda Juvenile Justice Board

(JJB) principal judge Manvendra Mishra on Monday. The girl is 18 months

older than the boy.

“The act of the minor boy was punishable in law, but he was acquitted in

Sushila Sara Mai: "A Bavarian original with an Indian-exotic touch"

You can't miss Sushila Maier. The Rottenbucherin is happy, lively, talkative. Really Bavarian, she says. But also really Indian. The story of an adoption that began with the help of Mother Teresa.

Rottenbuch - “Oh, there it is!” Sushila Maier is getting faster. The freezing wind rushes through her hair. She stops in front of a tree and looks. "Hm, no. Then the one. ”She points to a mighty specimen next to it. A lightning bolt once split this tree, and thick trunks stick out in several directions. “Mei, we climbed around in there.” Full of enthusiasm, she talks about the adventures in the forest, behind the church wall.

From swimming in the Ammer, "my blue lagoon". The wind blows through the branches, and with Maier's colorful descriptions you can almost hear the laughter of children from back then. The happy riot of the little Sushila who came back today, on a wonderful winter day. She is 42 years old. And in love with Rottenbuch. Into the woods, the parental home, this almost outrageous idyll. "That's my home. I love the landscape, the people, the language, ”she says. Then she takes a deep breath. "Even so, not everything was nice here."

Sushila Maier today: The actress visited her old home in winter - including a joyful dance in front of her parents' house and a conversation with the local newspaper.


When a British couple of Indian origin accused of murdering their adopted son couldn’t be extradited

“F*** the f***!” shouted Kaval Raijada raising his middle finger at a journalist who had clicked him with the sour-faced Arti Dhir puffing a cigarette outside Westminster Magistrates’ Court on a rare pleasant January day in 2019. At thirty, Raijada looked like a grumpy teenager whose attempts to fit in with the english blokes only made him stand further apart, as his fifty-four-year- old wife looked on with a dull resigned look of a passing stranger witnessing the tantrums of a spoilt brat.

There was nothing in the behaviour of the two that showed them as a loving couple keen to establish a happy family or the mature compatibility required to raise a boy of eleven. Dhir and Raijada were at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London to fight their extradition to India on charges of murdering their adopted son to claim money from his life insurance...

The Indian government requested Britain to extradite Arti and Kaval to stand trial in India on six counts: conspiracy to commit murder, murder, attempt to commit murder, kidnapping, abduction for the purpose of committing murder and abetting a crime. On 29 June 2017, a provisional warrant was issued and the two were arrested that same day and produced in Westminster Magistrates’ Court. Initially, they were remanded into custody.

When substantial securities were paid, they were remanded on conditional bail. on 29 August, a certificate was issued to pursue the case under section 70 of the Extradition Act 2003 where India, being a Category 2 territory, had to show a prima facie case before extradition could take place.

After the case management hearings, a two-day trial was fixed for 21 and 22 January 2019 in Westminster Magistrates’ Court, being presided over by Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot who a month before had ruled to extradite liquor baron Vijay Mallya to India. With what seemed like an open-and-shut case, many were confident that this case too would meet with the same conclusion. Alas, it was never meant to be so!

Ringleader of US-Marshall Islands illegal adoption scheme hit with more prison time

The man at the centre of an illegal adoption scheme involving Marshall Islands babies is facing even more time in American prison after sentencing by an Arizona court.

Paul Petersen was an adoption lawyer and county assessor in the US state of Arizona, who was already serving a six year federal sentence for conspiring to smuggle Marshall Islands women and babies in the state of Arkansas.

Petersen will now spend at least 11 years in jail after being hit with an additional five year sentence for running a similar scheme in Arizona.

His crimes included fraudulently enrolling Marshallese birth mothers in Arizona's Medicaid system and cheating the state out of USD $800,000 as part of his adoption business.

One of the US-based adoptive mothers told the court that Petersen's crimes had caused great damage to her family.

Three Ethiopian children get New Zealand adoption but fourth misses out

An Ethiopian-born New Zealand citizen can adopt three of her missing sister’s children, but the decision will separate them from their older sibling, the Court of Appeal says.

The adoption process started three years ago and the oldest child is now 20 – too old for adoption.

But her brother, 17, and two sisters, aged 15 and 19, can be adopted, the court has said.

The family cannot be identified for legal reasons.

The court said separating the siblings gave it the greatest pause in reaching its decision.

Adoption & Society wants targeted assistance for finding roots, rather than general examination of all adoptions

A study of all adoptions to Denmark will be a completely insurmountable task, both practically and financially, and we doubt whether such a general and all-encompassing study is the best way to use resources within the adoption area. If a study is to be carried out, one must define in advance specifically and concretely what is to be examined, e.g. in relation to “adoptions from X countries in the period xx-xx”, just as is the custom when Danish authorities have carried out investigations so far.

Adoption & Society has both a historical and contemporary interest in the field of adoption, and in certain circumstances an independent study may be a relevant option. However, before launching the investigation, it is absolutely crucial that you clearly define:

What is the purpose of the study? What do you want to achieve?

What period will one investigate?

Which countries will be examined?

Social Impact Bonds ontrafeld (Social Impact Bonds Unraveled)

Social Impact Bonds ontrafeld

Door Anne Heeger en Sabina Gietema (Platform31)

Hoe kan een Social Impact Bond (kortweg SIB) jongvolwassenen met een rugzak integraal ondersteunen?

En hoe maak je dit zowel in de samenwerking als in resultaat duurzaam? Onder leiding van Hamit Karakus

(Platform31) onderzochten gemeenten, ondernemers, wetenschappers, ministerie en investeerders deze

Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?:Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After

The topic of the Greek-born children sent abroad for adoption is both brand-new and 70 years overdue. It does not call for publicity or hyperboles, as has been the case, but for further in-depth study and public dialogue, conversant with global trends. The topic came to me somewhat coincidentally, as I tried my best to respond to the questions of a descendant of a Greek-to-American adoptee. After all, the children of adoptees are still partially adopted themselves. Their parents’ search for origins and reliable data is also the hoped-for answer to their own search. As I tried to address the specific inquiry of the son of this “political adoptee” of 1955, I found myself unravelling hitherto unknown adoption networks, their prior histories, their subsequent scandals, the biopolitical or socioeconomic rationales underpinning these adoptions, the random records they left behind, and, lastly, the unresolved emotions and psychosocial consequences of these adoptions that have lasted to this very day. With the 2019 publication of my book and the many opportunities to present it since, the topic of the post-war Greek adoptions abroad has now gained popular civic import, along with other issues that Greece, the Greek diaspora, and migrants arriving in Greece have been raising. The need for an in-depth investigation (or Greek self-investigation), with no holds barred, remains urgent, as does the need to overhaul the savior discourse, on the one hand, and the language of illegalities-only, on the other. This online presentation points to current and future directions, in which I am eager to play a constructive role.

On 8 February 2021, the government of the Netherlands issued a moratorium on all international adoptions, that is, on all placements of foreign-born children with Dutch parents (Dutch suspend foreign adoptions after abuses found - BBC News). This very recent decision sent shockwaves through the international adoption world. How did it come about and why? And what does this decision have to do with Greece? These questions structure the exposé below.

International adoption as a mass phenomenon is now more than 70 years old, and some 65 years old in the Netherlands, specifically. Many Dutch adoptees have helped to unmask irregularities in this long history, and also the lack of political (and legislative and cultural) will to address any long-documented abuses. After all, the fairytale of adoption says that “everyone gains” in intercountry adoption, as it has traditionally been called. And isn’t any adoption better than no adoption at all? As the Dutch government rightly concluded, if international adoption cannot be done well, if it continues to suffer from systemic problems, it should be stopped altogether. The irregularities of the past should first be corrected before any new international adoptions can be undertaken, if resuming them is even desirable. Activists for adoptee rights worldwide have been working hard to advance knowledge and awareness of international adoption’s tainted, commercialized, and deeply neocolonial history. They advocate for remedial moratoria on the Dutch model.[1]

The much-touted “adoption triangle” (which ties the birth parents, the child for adoption, and the adoptive parents together in an equilateral triangle) is a deeply skewed triangle: the corners of the triangle, or the parties privy to the adoption, are not treated as equals even though they are always depicted that way. The “adoption triangle” represents older adoption terminology, and we would do well to re-imagine the adoption triangle as an adoption “constellation.” The lost birth family is broader than the suffering birth mother (and father).[2] In recent developments, it has become painfully obvious that many of the searches for a missing child are initiated by half-siblings, by half-cousins, by aunts and uncles, and even by neighbours of the missing child. It is important to reflect on the birth culture as larger than the missing connection with a birth parent, even if the child was orphaned. A potential family network and community network are at stake in the land of origin, too, and these networks are often much larger and much more close-knit than the typical small nuclear family.

This “history of loss” contrasts sharply with the supposedly “win-win situation,” or the cliché formula that has traditionally underpinned intercountry adoption. Notice how the “win-win” formula typically refers to adopted children and their new parents, not to the birth family. This mentality of “everybody gains” has been an important motivating factor for western governments and intermediaries not to intervene or even try to correct known missteps—because any redress would inevitably make one of the two parties “lose.” This mindset has been consolidated, time and again, by the fact that illegal intercountry adoptions are seldom recalled or undone—or even lead to severe punishment. The trope of the “best interests of the child” has redefined individual and societal definitions of right and wrong, and convinced many that, no matter what, the end justified the means. There is an overwhelming sense that even a criminal adoption is a still victimless crime, which erodes any motivation to further investigate the crime, since children are, after all, adopted “for their own good,” and the latter motto may well be applied to the birth mothers as well. A shift in mentality becomes viable only when the adoptive parents are bold enough to state their suspicions, when social services notice child abuse within adoptive families, and when the adult adoptees start speaking and writing for themselves—a critical point that I will revisit in future writing projects. That shift is far from complete, and the media continue to hold up a rosy picture of international adoption, in which supposedly nothing ever goes wrong. And, even if something “unforeseen” happened, the child is supposedly still better off for having been adopted.

Life is not about numbers but about people.

Name : Annick Boosten

Profession : Personal assistant / coach

What makes you happy? : uncomplicated things, such as sun, rest and a nice drink.

What do you dislike? People with a negative attitude.

Favorite color : Blue

Marktwerking Tieners met lichte psychische klachten zijn een groeimarkt

Durfinvesteerders zien brood in tieners met lichte psychische klachten, zwaardere patiënten belanden op wachtlijst

Marktwerking Tieners met lichte psychische klachten zijn een groeimarkt. De zwaardere jonge patiënt is onrendabel en belandt op een wachtlijst.

Frederiek WeedaJeroen Wester

21 maart 2021 om 22:48

Foto Olivier Middendorp