
DNA Test Leads Man to Biological Parents He Thought Died 50 Years Ago: 'It Was Surreal'

Kirk Kellerhals was adopted when he was a toddler and grew up thinking his biological parents were dead

For almost all of his life, Kirk Kellerhals struggled with his identity.

The 50-year-old from Norfolk, Virginia was adopted by an Army captain and his wife shortly after Kellerhals was born in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. At the time, both Kellerhals and his adoptive parents believed his biological mother and father had died.

“My mother was listed as a Vietnamese national and was deceased, and my father was also listed as deceased,” Kellerhals tells PEOPLE for National Adoption Awareness Month. “I’ve grown up my whole life thinking my parents were dead, that both my parents were dead.”

Kellerhals — who has dark hair and tanned skin — says he was mistaken for a variety of ethnicities and called “every derogatory term you can think of” while growing up. Though he knew he was half-Vietnamese, the complete picture of his background remained a mystery to him.

The third investigation has been launched for the Pest County Child Protection Service

The third investigation has been launched for the Pest County Child Protection Service

OCTOBER 30, 2019 8:55 AM - BY 168 HOURS

Prosecution and police investigations into a new case have begun on the adoption practice of the Pest County Child Protection Service (Tegyesz), the Index learned .

Two children were divorced from their foster parents without immediate care. One case was reported by the Index and the other reported by 168 Hours . In both cases, investigations have been launched at the Budapest Police Headquarters for PM Teszesz's proceedings. In both cases, the BRFK has confirmed to us that the prosecution, the police, is investigating a crime against an unknown perpetrator for misuse of public office.


Chennai: An app to help parents in adoption

CHENNAI: Prospective parents could soon be able to adopt children through a mobile application after submitting all the

required documents. The ministry of women and child development (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/ministry-ofwomen-and-child-development) has asked all state resource agencies for suggestions to help launch a parent-friendly app

“The added advantage of a mobile app is that registration process and uploading of documents can be done on the go, from

wherever they are,” said a senior official from the department of social welfare.

Currently, the registration and process for adoption (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/adoption) are online through the

18yo boy adopted by American couple dies in parents home in U.S.

AKIPRESS.COM - Davin Aisulu Tackabury, born Oct. 16, 2001, passed away on Sept. 1, 2019, at his family home in West Tisbury, The Martha's Vinyard Times reported.

Davin was born in Kostanai, Kazakhstan, and adopted into the West Tisbury community at 14 months of age through his parents, Wayne and Kathleen Tackabury.

With zeal and drive, he made his way through Island Childrens’ School, West Tisbury School, and ultimately Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (where he was entering 12th grade at the time we lost him).

Davin was also a member of the family of the Kazakh Aul of the United States, an organization founded to create lasting cultural celebration and appreciation of the Kazakh community across North America, whether that connection be through adoption or expatriation.

While Davin showed early gifts in gymnastics and dance, his prodigious command of visual arts directed his attention and boundless creativity toward photography and painting, going forward into his high school career.

National Adoption. Griffini (Ai.Bi.): “The mystery of the database of adoptable children has still not been solved… after 20 years!”

The third episode of journalist Igor Traboni's investigation on the magazine Orwell.it is dedicated to national adoptions

“Italy is not a country for adoptive families ”. Thus begins the third episode of journalist Igor Traboni's investigation into the world of adoption for Orwell.it. An episode which, unlike the previous two , in which the topic of international adoption was explored, focuses on national adoptions.

“For every potentially adoptable Italian child – explains Traboni – there are around 10 copies available to do so. Yet, every year, there are fewer adoption decisions." Furthermore, the journalist continues, “Italy (...) in 1998 ratified the Hague Convention, an almost global point of reference for the protection of minors and international cooperation. Yet Italian children cannot be adopted by a foreign couple! And here it borders on the absurd, because: either you are part of certain rules and, therefore, you apply them all, or you are in breach of these”.

Traboni interviewed the president of Ai.Bi on this topic. – Friends of Children, Marco Griffini . Who explained: “Let's say straight away that, as authorized bodies, we have no jurisdiction over national adoptions, the matter of which falls under the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts. However, there is this problem of Italian children who, in fact, cannot be adopted by citizens of other nations. It has happened to us several times that from abroad, for example by Italian-American couples, we are asked to be able to adopt in Italy, but... it's not possible. Like Ai.Bi. we have been carrying on this battle for many years, but our requests have always been rejected by the CAI, the Adoption Commission, with the reasoning that, in practice, until there is a database of national adoptions, it is not possible to apply the principle of reciprocity".


Hoe belangrijk is de onderzoekscommissie naar adoptiefraude?

How important is the committee of inquiry into adoption fraud?

The investigation committee into adoption fraud starts today. Eva Langenus and Sandra Sebrechts are both victims of adoption fraud. They testify with us.


Vandaag start de onderzoekscommissie naar adoptiefraude. Eva Langenus en Sandra Sebrechts zijn allebei slachtoffer van adoptiefraude. Zij getuigen bij ons.


Kindesmissbrauch in deutschen Kitas

Child abuse in German day-care centers

The training should help to reduce aggression of children. Original Play is the business model of a dubious, internationally active club. While parents do not know what's going on in the day care center, strangers may "play" with their children. Parents in Berlin and Hamburg reported cases of abuse and even rape.

Anmoderation 1: A child plays with an adult man ...

It is kabbbelt, caressed, pressed. But the two are not related, they may not know each other at all. It is an organized meeting place, in children's institutions with us and worldwide - and often: Without the knowledge of the parents.

Anmoderation 2: Original Play - that's the name of the original game. If you pay a course fee, you can just go straight to the kids. Together with the ORF we show for the first time and exclusively how dangerous it is easy for pedophiles to get to children. Gabi Probst.

She wanted to know where she came from

The young woman from the Allgäu did not know her biological mother before. Now she has visited her in Romania.

Roberta, 23:

I was adopted from an orphanage in Romania. I was two years and three months old then, now I'm 23 and have finished my training as a physiotherapist. My parents told me that the home was very poor. Later they adopted another little boy, who is my brother to me.

I have often intended to search for the woman who gave birth to me and gave me away. Especially during puberty I sometimes felt a little strange, not belonging. And then one day, that was in 2016, I just did it. I wanted to close the issue for myself. I had her name and about her age. When I saw a woman on Facebook, I knew immediately: This is her. We look alike. I thought it was pretty cool that there are still people who look a lot like me. I never had anyone who looked like me.

I skyped with her. She was pretty nervous, I just a little bit. Then we planned my trip to Romania, we had discussed that my parents would come with me. They support me a lot in every way.

She wanted to know where she came from

The young woman from the Allgäu did not know her biological mother before. Now she has visited her in Romania.

Roberta, 23:

I was adopted from an orphanage in Romania. I was two years and three months old then, now I'm 23 and have finished my training as a physiotherapist. My parents told me that the home was very poor. Later they adopted another little boy, who is my brother to me.

I have often intended to search for the woman who gave birth to me and gave me away. Especially during puberty I sometimes felt a little strange, not belonging. And then one day, that was in 2016, I just did it. I wanted to close the issue for myself. I had her name and about her age. When I saw a woman on Facebook, I knew immediately: This is her. We look alike. I thought it was pretty cool that there are still people who look a lot like me. I've never had anyone who looked like me.

I skyped with her. She was pretty nervous, I just a little bit. Then we planned my trip to Romania, we had discussed that my parents would come with me. They support me a lot in every way.

She wanted to know where she came from

The young Allgäu native did not know her biological mother until now. Now she has visited them in Romania.

Roberta, 23:

I was adopted from an orphanage in Romania. I was two years and three months old then, today I'm 23 and have finished my training as a physiotherapist. My parents told me that the home was very poor. Later they adopted a little boy, who is my brother to me.

I've often wanted to look for the woman who gave birth to me and gave me away. Especially during puberty, I sometimes felt a little strange and didn't belong. And then one day, in 2016, I just did it. I wanted to cross the topic for myself. I had her name and roughly her age. When I saw a woman on Facebook, I knew immediately: That was her. We look alike. I thought it was pretty cool that there are still people who look almost like me. I've never had anyone who looked like me.

I skyped with her. She was pretty nervous, I was just a little bit nervous. Then we planned my trip to Romania, we had discussed that my parents would come with me. They support me a lot in every way.