
Kamervragen zonder Antwoord

Questions from members Van Nispen (SP) and Van Toorenburg (CDA) to the Minister for Legal Protection about abuses in adoptions and the involvement and science of the Dutch government (submitted 15 November 2019).

Question 1

Have you taken note of the broadcast of Nieuwsuur which shows that there is probably a lot wrong with adoptions from countries such as India and China and that the Dutch government was aware of these abuses? 1

Question 2

Do you also see that the cases that have since been investigated by the Joustra Commission and that are cited in the broadcast of Nieuwsuur are almost impossible to stand on their own and that it appears that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Justice and Have safety failed to protect children against illegal adoption? If not, why not?

Beatrix staat stil bij dertig jaar kinderrechten - Vorsten (Beatrix reflects on thirty years of children's rights - Royals)

Princess Beatrix attended part of the theme day of the expert group of youth judges on Friday afternoon in the Academy Building at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

Beatrix attended two lectures celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a subject close to her heart. Five years ago she also attended the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the UN Treaty.

The princess also used her visit to talk to a number of juvenile judges and scientists about the challenges in their work and in putting the child first. Shortly before, Beatrix had heard in an argument from Leiden professor Ton Liefaard that making the rights agreed in 1989 more sustainable was not easy.

Lock out

In the Netherlands, he advocated a Ministry of Youth & Family, adapting children's rights to the 21st century and better involving children in decisions and measures. No child should be left out ('leave no one behind') and children should also have access to the courts.

Hugh Jackman: 'Australia has an anti-adoption culture' – video

Actor Hugh Jackman speaks about what he sees as Australia’s ‘anti-adoption culture’ and says ‘the bureaucracy needs to change’. In Melbourne to promote his new film, Pan, Jackman has two adopted children with his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, and says he would like to see faster movement on many social issues in Australia


Baby abandoned on Madhya Pradesh's street adopted by European couple

An infant, abandoned by his parents on a street in Madhya Pradesh's Neemuch district, has been adopted by a couple from Malta.

An infant, abandoned by his parents on a street in Madhya Pradesh's Neemuch district, has been adopted by a couple from Malta.

A senior official of the city-based orphanage who took care of Kush, who is now one-and-a-half years old, expressed happiness that the boy finally got a family and hoped his fortunes will now change for good.

His adoptive parents - Glenn George Grimon and Katia Grimon - were also overjoyed to have a son after being childless for last 14 years.

Kush was just a day old when the police rescued him from a city street where his parents left him one-and-a-half years back.

Maria Madalina Turza, named president of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adopti

Maria M?dalina Turza, named president of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions


Miscellanea / November 14th

Maria M?dalina Turza (source: Facebook)

Maria M?dalina Turza was appointed by Prime Minister Victor Orban, president of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions, on Thursday.

International Conference Sloviakia


On 12 and 13 November 2019, an international conference was held in Bratislava on the issues of international child abduction and the search for the origins of the adopted. The conference was organized by the Center for the International Legal Protection of Minors and Young People(CIPC), Central Authority of the Slovak Republic on international adoptions. For the CAI, Vice-President Dr. Laura Laera participated as a speaker, together with the representatives of Central Authorities of other European States, including Austria, Malta and the Czech Republic, experts from the Hague Conference and the European Commission , university teachers and magistrates. The meeting was attended by representatives from other Central Authorities, including Belgium, the Principality of Andorra and the United States of America, representatives from authorized Italian entities, SRAI who presented an interesting series of video testimonials and ASAs, as well as from other States. Europeans, service operators and university students.

During the conference, the meeting took place between the Vice-President of the CAI and the Director of the CIPC, Dr. Andrea Cisarova, in an atmosphere of lively cordiality. The meeting revealed that the CIPC, which signed a new bilateral agreement with the CAI in May 2019 as it did with 9 other European countries (See CICP web page: https://www.cipc.gov.sk/ osvojenia / # medzistatne-osvojenie), is ready to start again with the adoption procedures with the Italian adoptive couples. However, taking into account the drastic drop in Slovak minors adopted in other countries in 2018 compared to previous years, it should be noted that the numbers will still be very limited. Compared to the data, in 2018 in Slovakia there were 1,492 adoptive couples included in the national adoption circuit and 322 minors, while 7 adoption procedures were concluded in the international adoption circuit for a total of 10 minors, with three states (Malta, The Netherlands and the Republic of San Marino).



Hoe de ziel uit de ngo-sector verdwijnt - Vice Versa (How the soul disappears from the NGO sector - Vice Versa)

They are among the pioneers and innovators of the environmental movement and development cooperation in the Netherlands and have formed a high-profile duo for decades. Although they are fully enjoying their retirement, Ron van Huizen and Hans Guijt are sounding the alarm about a development that worries them: supervisory boards that want development organizations to run as if they were companies. "Stop the crazy goal that you always have to grow."

Suppose you have had a working life that reads like an adventure or roguish novel. You have worked in the charity sector for decades and have always been at the forefront and the driving force. You founded Greenpeace Netherlands and built it up to be the strongest brand within the environmental movement. You let Terre des Hommes undergo a metamorphosis from a somewhat dozed-off charitable foundation into a high-profile organization in the field of children's rights campaigns.

You were aboard the Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand in 1985 when the French Secret Service carried out an attack. You introduced Johan Cruijff to charity land and were co-founder of the foundation named after him. You broke open the 'cartel' of Novib, Cordaid, * ICCO and Hivos and ensured that other development organizations could also receive subsidies from the Dutch government. In the end you gained almost world fame by inventing the computer girl Sweetie , to lure pedophiles into a trap. Ron van Huizen and Hans Guijt can credit all of this - as a duo or otherwise alone. At Greenpeace and Terre des Hommes.

We meet in Bray, the Irish seaside town where Hans Guijt lives with his wife and children. Guijt is an excellent guide: he shows us the houses where writer James Joyce and singer Sinéad O'Connor lived, the bed and breakfast where Oscar Wilde grew up, as well as the hotel in a dilapidated state where Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and Frank Sinatra liked to stay . And of course there are the cozy dark pubs where the pints of Guinness are freshly tapped, although Van Huizen prefers to stick to white wine. The obviousness with which Guijt ' thanks, mate'says to the waiter, indicates a high degree of integration, it is an ideal environment for a quiet exchange of ideas with an inseparable working duo, which worked together for decades and always became the rebels of the environmental movement and later the development sector. seen. Guijt likes to talk about his years as a campaign manager at Greenpeace - about exciting actions at sea against ships that wanted to dump nuclear energy or against whalers - and about Sweetie , the famous campaign to expose pedophiles, which in the last years of his working life caused a a new world opened up for him. He has since become an expert on cybercrime.

Van Huizen can tell tasty about his adventures with Johan Cruijff, with whom he worked for seven years, made a memorable trip to India and with whom he - together with football journalist Jaap de Groot - organized the competition 'The Orange of the Century' at the end of 1999, with the best players who have ever played for the Dutch national team; a team composed by the inimitable maestro himself. The proceeds went to Terre des Hommes and the Johan Cruyff Foundation.

Why Indian parents have returned 278 of 6,650 adopted children in 2017-19

Earlier this year, social workers in Karnataka noticed an unusual spike in incidents of families returning children to state adoption agencies. They filed an RTI.

New Delhi: India’s Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) is facing a crisis — there’s been an unprecedented rise in adoptive parents returning children soon after adoption, or ‘disruption’, as it is called.

Earlier this year, social workers in the field of adoption in Karnataka noticed an unusual spike in incidents of families returning children to state adoption agencies, and filed an RTI on it. In August, the RTI response from CARA confirmed their observations — of the 6,650 children adopted by Indian families between 2017-19, 4 per cent or 278 were returned.

While there was speculation that most children who were returned were specially-abled and the families failed to adjust with them, it was mostly older children, above 6 years of age, who were returned, according to CARA’s member secretary and CEO Deepak Kumar.

“Of the 3,200 children adopted by Indian families in one year, hardly 50 are those with special needs. For inter-country adoptions — 400 of the 700 adopted are specially-abled. It’s the older children who comprise a majority of children returned,” Kumar told ThePrint.

Adoption Excellence Awardees Announced at HHS Event

Vice President Pence, Secretary Azar commemorate National Adoption Month

November 12, 2019

The 2019 class of recipients of adoption excellence awards were announced today at a HHS ceremony as part of National Adoption Month. Vice President Mike Pence, HHS Secretary Alex Azar, Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson and other leaders addressed adoption advocates, parents and others in the field this morning in the HHS Great Hall.

The adoption excellence awards, given each year by the Children’s Bureau at HHS’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF), recognize individuals, families and organizations that have demonstrated excellence in making contributions to providing permanency for children in foster care.

The awardees were announced and honored during today’s event, where the vice president and secretary expressed the Trump administration’s support for efforts to find permanent homes for children in foster care.

Der neue Vater muss mit

The new dad must go with it

A woman from Frankfurt brought a child from Africa. However, the adoption did not recognize the OLG Frankfurt, because her husband was not present on site. This contradicts any principles of child-friendly procedures.

The biological father had approved the high court of the West African state positively - and yet the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Frankfurt does not accept the adoption of a girl from Africa by a couple in Frankfurt. Since the husband of the accepting couple was not present at the decision of the court in Africa, the adoption process violates the ordre public international - ie against international values. The child's welfare was so disregarded in the local proceedings that it would not be possible to heal the violations, the court ruled in a decision now published (v. 24.9.2019, Az. 1 UF 93/18).

The woman had taken the girl from a West African state shortly after birth while she was in the country. The biological father had consented to the custody transfer and stated that the mother had died soon after birth. So the high court of the country decided that the couple should adopt the little girl. However, the husband had never seen it before.

Strong contradiction to the German legal system