
Bhopal: Boy's adoption cancelled after prospective parents trace his biological parents

Bhopal: Boy's adoption cancelled after prospective parents trace his biological parents

TNN | Nov 22, 2019, 07.05 PM IST

BHOPAL: A six-year old child, who was declared legally free for adoption, was sent back to the Bhopal-based Special Adoption Agency (SAA) when his prospective adoptive parents traced his biological parents in Jhansi during the pre-adoption process.

The couple from Gujarat, who wished to adopt the child, contacted the Child Welfare Committee after they managed to trace his home in Jhansi. The process of adoption is now being cancelled.

The Madhya Pradesh Protection of Child Rights Commission (MPPCRC) has written a letter to the District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), inquiring into the process of making the child legally free.

Olivier Rousteing a cherché sa mère biologique : “Pour savoir où on va, on a besoin de connaître nos racines”

Olivier Rousteing looked for his biological mother: "To know where we are going, we need to know our roots"

"I do not know if we are really ready one day, to face this reality there," says Olivier Rousteing, stylist, artistic director of the haute couture house Balmain since 2011, guest of France Inter, Thursday. Born under X, he is at the heart of a documentary that tells the story of his biological mother.

Olivier Rousteing, fashion icon, artistic director of the brand Balmain, evokes his "hidden face" in a documentary film, Wonderboy. Born under X and now 33 years old, we see in this film by Anissa Bonnefont, her career, for a year and a half, in search of her biological mother. "I did not expect someone to offer me a biopic about my life at 30 years old. Normally, it's when we die or at the end of our career and I was not sure I could handle all the emotions of this quest, "he says.

"She convinced me, I felt a lot of goodwill from him," says Olivier Rousteing about Anissa Bonnefont. "The camera forced me not to give in, not to let go, not to leave. It was like a pact made with myself, to go to the end. For all the children born under X. Nothing was censored, the pact it was the authenticity, "he continues.

If he had already made inquiries at the age of 16, Olivier Rousteing explains that he was not ready at the time. "I do not know if we are really ready for a day, to face this reality, but I felt much more ready today," he continues. "To know where we are going, we need to know our roots (...) like a flower that needs to have roots and water to open. I have always been looking for recognition because I did not really know where I came from, "adds Olivier Rousteing.

Armenia’s National Security Service Investigating Illegal International Adoption Cases

YEREVAN—Armenia’s top intelligence agency—the National Security Service (NSS)—has launched a criminal investigation into reports of illegal international adoptions which allegedly took place between 2016 and 2018.

An NSS press release dated November 14 reveals that “two Armenian citizens used their connections at several government maternity hospitals and orphanages to organize the adoption of at least 30 infants” by families in Italy as well as the United States in what constitutes “a gross violation of Armenian law.”

This revelation, though shocking, was short on details, leading to the spread of macabre rumors concerning organ harvesting. Taking questions from journalists, Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan commented on these concerns. “No word at the moment on any organ trafficking, but we will keep you updated,” he replied.

According to the NSS, between 2016 and 2018, medical staff convinced “at least a dozen women” seeking pregnancy terminations “for social or health reasons” to carry to term in exchange for bribes. These women were then allegedly instructed to exaggerate their newborns’ intellectual or physical disabilities and provide written consent to transfer them to orphanages with the appropriate documentation. The alleged ringleaders would then financially benefit from putting these children up for international adoption. The NSS did not provide any details on the families who later adopted these children, nor the status of the children themselves. It remains unclear whether the foster applicants were aware of, or willingly participated in, the alleged scheme. Radio Free Europe reports that 54 children were officially adopted by foreign foster parents during that time frame.

Armenia, along with other former Soviet states, has seen an increase in international adoptions following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Russia was once the second largest source of international adoptions until the practice was banned in 2012, though Ukraine still ranks in the top five. Most of these children have been adopted by families in the West with the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Australia being the most common destinations. Evangelical Christians, in particular, have been known to adopt children with disabilities or girls from countries where these traits would otherwise cause social exclusion. Unsurprisingly this demand has unwittingly propelled a sort of black market for orphans in their countries of origin.

Return to foster parents the little boy who was wrongfully divorced

Return to foster parents the little boy who was wrongfully divorced


While there are numerous investigations into the matter, the Pest County Government Office, following a proposal from the Ministry of Human Resources, initiated the adoption of a foreigner and placed the boy in compulsory care for a foreign person.

The little boy who was unlawfully divorced from a married couple by a decision by the Attorney General's Office and the Government must be returned to his parents. While the case is under investigation and the child's temporary custody has not been finalized, the Pest County Government Office, on a proposal from the Ministry of Human Resources, has begun foreign adoption and placed him in compulsory custody of a foreign person, the 168 learned.

Our portal reported that a two-and-a-half-year-old boy was divorced from foster parents last year without immediate notice. Lacika was raised by a couple, Eve and Andras, from the age of nine, in March 2016. The names have been changed.

Return to foster parents the little boy who was wrongfully separated

While there are numerous investigations into the matter, the Pest County Government Office, following a proposal from the Ministry of Human Resources, initiated the adoption of a foreigner and placed the boy in compulsory care for a foreign person.

The little boy who was unlawfully divorced from a married couple by a decision by the Attorney General's Office and the Government must be returned to his parents. While the case is under investigation and the child's temporary custody has not been finalized, the Pest County Government Office, on a proposal from the Ministry of Human Resources, has begun foreign adoption and placed him in compulsory custody of a foreign person, the 168 learned.

Our portal reported that a two-and-a-half-year-old boy was divorced from foster parents last year without immediate notice. Lacika was raised by a couple, Eve and Andras, from the age of nine, in March 2016. The names have been changed.



The lonesome death of Ethan Hauschultz

The boy dropped the log as he finished another lap, earning five seconds of rest as he made his way through the yard “carrying wood.”

He fought his way through mud and slush left over from a late-season storm that had dumped nearly a foot of snow on his tiny eastern Wisconsin town. Each step was a struggle.

Five minutes of trudging. Then 10. Fifteen.

Every five minutes or so, he fell as he labored along a trail that ran a little longer than a football field. Sometimes he landed on his back, causing the wood he was carrying, a 44½-pound tree trunk weighing almost as much as he did, to force the breath from his chest.

Twenty minutes. Twenty-five. Thirty.

Pune: Two-month-old girl deserted at Sassoon hospital

PUNE: The Bund Garden police (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Bund-Garden-police) on Friday booked the parents of

a two-month-old baby girl for abandoning her beneath the water tank on the premises of the Sassoon General Hospital.

Sub-inspector R A Godse (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Sub-inspector-R-A-Godse) of the Bund Garden police said,

“Some visitors and security guards spotted a baby girl lying beneath the water tank of the hospital on November 4. They

alerted the police soon after. We waited for a few days, thinking that her parents would visit the hospital in search of her. We

?i-a dat copilul spre adop?ie. Dup? 22 de ani, a urmat ?ocul. Unde ?i-a g?sit fiul

He gave his child up for adoption. After 22 years, the shock followed. Where did he find his son

When she signed the documents, the young woman checked the "open file" option. That meant leaving his details and agreeing that if the child ever wanted to know who his mother was, he could be contacted.

In a few weeks, the boy was kidnapped. The adoptive parents named him "Steve".

Time has passed and when he was 18, Steve decided it was time to look for his natural mother. Despite the efforts, the search yielded no results. However, the boy never lost hope.

In 2007, however, Steve realized that, all this time, he made one major mistake! While searching for his natural mother's name on Google, he typed it wrong. At the time, Steve was 20 years old and was employed as a driver at a grocery store in Grand Rapids, Michigan.