
Girl in Return ( Amy's Film )

A global story about the adopted Danish-Ethiopian teenage girl Amy, who decides to reclaim her lost identity and fight against the adoption system.

Ethiopian Amy left her home when she was 9 years old and declared fit to be adopted by a Danish family. But Amy never felt at home in Denmark, and now she is dreaming of having the authorities' decision reversed, so she can return home to her biological family. The film about her follows five dramatic years from when she is 13 to when she turns 18, and is an intimate tale about the systematic violation of children's rights that take place in the international adoption system - seen through the eyes of a teenager. Amy has a burning desire to repair the family ties that were broken from one day to the next almost 10 years ago. But Amy does not only miss her mother and sisters, she also misses her language and her culture. 'Amy's Will' is a powerful, personal story of a single woman's determination to decide about her young life, but also a story about what role culture and biological origins play in our identity.


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Thu. 21/03

I Moved To Ethiopia To Help My Daughter Connect With Her Birth Family

Laura is the epitome of the phrase ‘a mother’s love.’ The former Washington, D.C. resident decided to move to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia a few years ago. She decided to move to allow her now 10-year old daughter to connect with her culture and to find her birth family.

We spoke with Laura via email about her move and her life as a mom abroad.

Travel Noire: Why did you make the move abroad initially?

Laura: Before becoming a mother I lived in Nigeria, France, and St. Thomas. I had always planned on living overseas again with kids because I think it helps children develop empathy and international mindedness. Naomi and I moved to Manila, Philippines when she was three years old. It was a fantastic opportunity for me professionally, and it allowed us to do extensive travel around Asia which would not have been possible or affordable from the United States. By age five, she had already visited ten countries and lived on three continents!

TN: How old was your daughter when you adopted her?

Chasing a lie from Switzerland to Sri Lanka

Having booked her dream vacation to Sri Lanka complete with an Ayurvedic retreat, Olivia Ramya Tanner (above), who grew up in a Zurich suburb, thought it might be fun to use the opportunity to find her birth mother.

This was back in April 2016. The Swiss woman who works for an IT company hired a private investigator to do some advance work. Tanner's sister, Géraldine, who's five years younger and also adopted, joined the search for her own mother.

Two days before they departed, the PI called. He had found Géraldine's mother. A reunion was arranged. He couldn't find any information on Tanner's birth mother, though, so Tanner decided to stop by Ratnapura General Hospital, where she was born, to see what she could find out.

That's when she learned her birth certificate was a fake.

"They told me I wasn't registered there and that the birth certificate wasn't even real," said Tanner. "I was numb."

Diverting EU funds towards community-based care

Information EEG Page ( Page found 1/03/2019 )

Innovative Practices 2015 on Independent Living and Political Participation

Diverting EU funds towards community-based care

The European Expert Group (EEG) includes a wide range of stakeholders, providing training, guidance, and tools to EU officials, political representatives, and governments to inform them about the need of community-based care and the risks of institutional care for persons with disabilities. It has been initiated jointly by Lumos Foundation, European Disability Forum (EDF), Eurochild, Metal Health Europe, Inclusion Europe, UNHCHR, UNICEF, European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), European Social Network, and Coface.

“The EEG’s unique collaborative approach was instrumental in convincing the EU to put a stop to its funds being used on harmful institutions.”

The team of the Zero Project

From left to right: Peter Charles, Maria Venezia (Venice) Sto.Tomas, Amelie Saupe, Alice Kahane, Claudia Koch, Seema Mundackal, Martin Essl, Martin Habacher, Michael Fembek, Michael Pichler, Karin Praniess-Kastner, Doris Neuwirth, Thomas H. Butcher, Marina Vaughan-Spitzy, Wilfried Kainz


Essl Foundation, Klosterneuburg/Austria – Founder of the Essl Foundation


Essl Foundation, Vienna/Austria – Director of the Zero Project

Identical Strangers: Twins ripped apart in same vile experiment that separated triplets

Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein lived almost identical lives and followed the exact same career paths - without knowing the other existed.

Two identical twins have told how they were deliberately separated at birth as part of the same vile social experiment that saw a set of triplets ripped apart.

The story of Robert Shafran, Edward Galland and David Kellman, who had no idea they were triplets until a chance encounter at college, was told this week in Channel 4 documentary Three Identical Strangers.

They had been placed in three different homes less than 100 miles apart after prominent child psychologist Dr Peter Neubauer decided to study the effects of separating identical siblings.

But they weren't the only children used as guinea pigs in Neuabauer's cruel study.

Støt Amy og hendes families fremtid

Support Amy and her family's future

Amy was adopted in a late age from Ethiopia to Denmark. Donations must secure her a new home and help her get started with her studies.


Sonntag Pictures is the film company that has been following the adopted girl Amy in her struggle for the past 5 years to recreate the family ties broken in her late adoption from Ethiopia.

We have previously seen that the audience for our films want to donate support to our contributors. It's possible here.

Goals overview - Objectives overview activities of Lions Club Hoevelaken

Objectives overview activities of Lions Club Hoevelaken

In addition to supporting a number of national and international Lions actions and projects, the activities of Lions Club Hoevelaken generally have a clear affinity with Hoevelaken itself. Below is an overview of causes that have been supported by Lions Club Hoevelaken over the years.

Children's home "Enfant Haïtien Mon Frére", Haiti

As this project has been campaigned for many years by the Lions in Hoevelaken, below a more detailed report on this project.

The impetus for this large and years-long campaign was a request in 1985 from the Hoevelaken couple Elly and Frans Holten for support of the Children's Home from which they adopted 4 orphans. The entire project has been realized in several phases. Initially, the Children's Home was thoroughly renovated in 1986 with the contributions of Lions Club Hoevelaken.

Human rights: EU appoints a new Special Representative

Today, the Council appointed Eamon Gilmore as EU Special Representative for Human Rights. Mr Gilmore will replace Stavros Lambrinidis, who was appointed in 2012 the first EU Special Representative. Mr Gilmore will take up his duties on 1 March 2019 and has been appointed initially for two years.

The tasks of the Special Representative for Human Rights are to enhance the effectiveness and visibility of EU human rights policy. The Special Representative has a broad, flexible mandate, which provides the possibility of adapting to evolving geopolitical circumstances. The Special Representative will work closely with the European External Action Service, which will provide full support to his work.

As former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore had government responsibility for the implemention of the Good Friday Agreement, including its core human rights provisions. Since October 2015, he has been the High Representative's Special Envoy for the Colombian Peace Process. His work and contribution to the peace process were greatly appreciated by all sides.

EU Special Representatives promote the EU's policies and interests in certain regions and countries as well as issues of particular concern or interest for the EU. They play an active role in efforts to consolidate peace, stability and the rule of law. The first EU Special Representatives were appointed in 1996. Currently, eight EUSRs support the work of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.

The decision was adopted by written procedure on 28 February.

Beleidigung oder Meinungsfreiheit? (Romania for Export Only)


Beleidigung oder Meinungsfreiheit?

Angeklagte bezeichnet Rechtsanwältin als „Kindertrafikantin“ – Verhandlung wird fortgesetzt

Von Christiane Viehweg Erstellt: 28. Februar 2019, 00:00 Uhr

Pforzheim. Ist es eine Beleidigung und üble Nachrede, eine Rechtsanwältin – Dr. Oana Krichbaum, Ehefrau des Bundestagsabgeordneten Gunther Krichbaum – als „Kinderfabrikantin“ und „Kindertrafikantin“ zu bezeichnen, die Kinderhandel betrieben habe, und dem Ehemann Kenntnis zu unterstellen? Sie mit Pädophilen und Kinderhändlern zu vergleichen? Oder gehört das zur freien Meinungsäußerung? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigte sich am Mittwoch das Pforzheimer Amtsgericht.