
Pune couple among four arrested for child trafficking

A case has been registered under relevant sections of child trafficking under the Juvenile Justice Act against the four accused at Panchgani police station

A couple from the city are among the four arrested by the Panchgani police for child trafficking. The couple was attempting to buy a newborn baby.

According to the police, Rajesh Chaurasia (40), the father of the child, had developed an illicit relationship with a 23-year-old woman, the mother of the child. He tried to pressurise her into abandoning the baby on delivery, but when she refused, he decided to sell the child. He was introduced to the couple by a woman, who runs a school in Panchgani. The couple was scheduled to leave for Muscat after buying the child.

A case has been registered under relevant sections of child trafficking under the Juvenile Justice Act against the four accused at Panchgani police station. The four accused, including Chaurasia, the woman who runs a school, and the couple who was to buy the child, are currently in police custody.


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Bargoens - Episode Adoption Fraud

Human Interest series (2019) in which Eric Goens follows six different people who each have an individual fight in which only they themselves believe in the happy ending

Annelies is six weeks back from her withdrawal clinic in South Africa. She attends her AA meetings every week and feels stronger than ever. As a former beverage addict, she now has no problem at all with her husband Eric drinking his Duvel every day. Biologist Jef Dupain has an important meeting today in the middle of the Dja game reserve in Cameroon. The villagers sign a contract to receive financial support to become a fisherman or farmer and thus avoid hunting wild animals. Stig's big dream comes true today. He gets on a bicycle for the first time. Coline travels to Guatemala to meet her father for the first time after 32 years. She and her friend Sophie are both victims of a fraudulent adoption.


Humaninterestreeks (2019) waarin Eric Goens zes verschillende personen volgt die elk een individuele strijd voeren waarbij alleen zijzelf in de goede afloop geloven

Annelies is zes weken terug van haar ontwenningskliniek in Zuid-Afrika. Ze gaat wekelijks naar haar AA-meetings en voelt zich sterker dan ooit. Als ex-drankverslaafde heeft ze er ondertussen helemaal geen moeite mee dat haar man Eric dagelijks zijn Duveltje drinkt. Bioloog Jef Dupain heeft vandaag een belangrijke meeting in het midden van het wildreservaat Dja in Kameroen. De dorpsbewoners ondertekenen een contract om financieel gesteund te worden om visser of landbouwer te worden en zo niet meer te moeten jagen op wilde dieren. Stig zijn grote droom komt vandaag uit. Hij stapt voor de eerste keer op een fiets. Coline reist naar Guatemala om haar vader na 32 jaar voor het eerst te ontmoeten. Zij en haar vriendin Sophie zijn beiden slachtoffer van een frauduleuze adoptie.



This week it is Adoption Joy Week that draws attention and spreads knowledge of international adoptions in a lifelong perspective. Adopted and adoptive families share their perspectives, experiences and commitment. #adoptionjoy is implemented by adoption organizations throughout the Nordic region on March 11-17. In Sweden, the Adoption Center, the Children In Front of Everything and the Friends of the Children participate. In connection with this important week I have written a text and answered questions about my vision and experience of being adopted and working with tolerance and inclusion.

To be adopted. Having a story somewhere else from and with other people, it is sometimes very special. But then the reality is adopted for us. However, after all my interviews with children, adolescents and adults who are adopted, it is important to say that the perspectives are often subjective and that they may be. Everyone is different. We have different backgrounds, we have different experiences and reference frames.

It is not possible to pull everyone adopted over a comb. Which countries of origin we represent play a role, especially in what is derived from how we are received by Swedish society on issues such as racism and prejudice. Even how old we were when we were adopted and got a new family. It is not possible to compare me (who came to Sweden only one year old) and Miranda who was four years old and remember smells, tastes, voices and faces. It can be pointed out, over and over again.

How do you view the support that is currently in the community for adopted people?

Adozioni in Congo senza rilevanza penale» Così Milano ha archiviato l'inchiesta su Aibi

Judge Fioretta: "The families of origin of the adopted children fit into a deconstructed and polygamous cultural context". Marco Griffini, his wife Irene Bertuzzi and their daughter Valentina have not committed irregularities. Appeal of adoptive parents who had reported them: illegitimate proceeding due to lack of notification to the offended parties, the investigation must be reopened

The investigation against the president of Aibi, Marco Griffini, 71, his wife Irene Bertuzzi, 69, and their daughter Valentina, 36, has been closed. Thus decided the judge for the preliminary investigations of the Court of Milan, Sofia Fioretta: according to the magistrate the facts reported are not criminally relevant and the elements gathered during the investigations are not suitable and sufficient to support the prosecution in court. Consequently, the investigating magistrate writes at the end of the thirty-one pages of the decree's motivation, in compliance with what is also requested by the district anti-mafia prosecutor, "the proceeding must be filed due to the groundlessness of the crime report".

The leaders of the "Aibi - Amici dei bambini" association in San Giuliano Milanese were investigated in 2017 for alleged serious crimes in the procedures for adoption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by the then anti-mafia prosecutor, Ilda Boccassini, who had inherited the file against unknown persons. opened by the Rome Public Prosecutor and then transferred to Milan for territorial jurisdiction. The adoptive parents of various regions of Italy, who first reported the alleged irregularities to the Commission for international adoptions, filed an appeal: they claim that the provision of judge Fioretta is illegitimate since the hearing in the chamber convened on March 1st , due to lack of notification of the criminal proceedings to all the offended parties, and therefore request that the investigation be reopened.

The request for filing had been filed at the beginning of 2018 by the same Milanese anti-mafia prosecutor, still directed by Ilda Boccassini, after the magistrate Fioretta had denied authorization for wiretapping, claiming, unlike the public prosecution, the lack of sufficient evidence of crime . At that point, deprived of the fundamental instrument of interceptions, the Public Prosecutor's Office had declared the impossibility of continuing the investigations. The request for archiving has always been opposed by the adoptive parents who asked and still ask the State to investigate what happened in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 2014 and 2016: a period in which five adopted Italian children have disappeared into thin air through the association of Marco Griffini, from Italian couples whose surnames they already carried. Children who were in an orphanage in Goma, in the East of the African country, and were waiting to leave for Italy.

Of all the facts reported by over forty adoptive families and gathered in a long statement by the Commission for international adoptions, then entrusted by the government to the magistrate Silvia Della Monica, the judge Fioretta has now established the total criminal extraneousness of Marco Griffini, of his wife Irene Bertuzzi, CEO of Aibi and their daughter, Valentina Griffini, head of operations in Africa.

State adoptions under the scanner after restorations gone wrong found rising

Govt bodies find that guardians misuse the 60-day grace period for reclaiming children from adoption agencies, and put many of the kids up for independent and illegal adoption later. In the last 6 months,

30 such restoration cases were noted.

With the revelation of a rise in cases of parents or guardians reclaiming children from registered adoption agencies and often selling them off independently — and illegally — the bodies monitoring the welfare of these kids are now in a ferment, scrutinising existing processes to make changes.

Over the last five or six months, several eye-opening cases of children being put up for adoption illegally for monetary gains by their own parents or guardians have come to the attention of the women and child development (WCD) officials in the state.

Shockingly, the pattern is that these kids were taken home from official agencies by their mother, father or guardian, who were taking advantage of the 60-day ‘restoration’ period as per the law. Relevant authorities wish to close up any gaps that may lead to child trafficking, in view of the recent developments.

Adoptiert wider Willen

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Boy ‘stolen’ by surrogate mom traced after 4 years

“The first woman we contacted for surrogacy (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/surrogacy) fled after taking Rs 50,000.

The second one fled with our child,” said Dinesh Rawat, the father. According to Meerut police, the couple had hired a woman

— Kajal (name changed) from Meerut and native of West Bengal (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/west-bengal) — for

surrogacy in 2014. “Kajal delivered twin boys in 2015 at a nursing home in West Bengal but told the couple that one of them

died during the delivery,” Vijay Gupta, Meerut Sadar police SHO told TOI.

State adoptions under the scanner after restorations gone wrong found rising

Govt bodies find that guardians misuse the 60-day grace period for reclaiming children from adoption agencies, and put many of the kids up for independent and illegal adoption later. In the last 6 months, 30 such restoration cases were note.

With the revelation of a rise in cases of parents or guardians reclaiming children from registered adoption agencies and often selling them off independent— and illegally — the bodies monitoring the welfare of these

kids are now in a ferment, scrutinising existing processes to make changes.

Over the last five or six months, several eye-opening cases of children being put up for adoption illegally for monetary gains by their own parents or guardians have come to the attention of the women and child

development (WCD) officials in the state.

Adoptions, from Gentiloni accusations against magistrate Aibi rejoices: whoever denounced us will pay

Reunited the commission in conflict of interest. No solidarity with the families who reported the alleged irregularities of the Milanese institution

The government friend of the regime that killed Giulio Regeni and reached an agreement with the gangs that traffick immigrants in Libya, is now putting its image on children adopted abroad. The Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, chaired the Commission for intercountry adoptions , the supervisory authority of which the premier is president , on Tuesday 12 September . This is the first meeting since Palazzo Chigi appointed magistrate Laura Laera as vice-president of the CAI on 9 May.

Alongside Gentiloni and the vice-president Laera was present, although not entitled, the general secretary of the Prime Minister, Paolo Aquilanti. Commissioner Francesco Bianchini , representative of the "Forum of family associations" was absent: at the time of his appointment, Bianchini's organization was at the center of complaints to the judiciary and to Palazzo Chigi due to the conflict of interest due to the participation, in its management, of "Aibi - Amici dei Bambini" , the Milanese organization authorized by the government for international adoptions. Several rules obviously prohibit controlled entities from sitting in the controlling authority.

Precisely for this reason the outgoing vice-president, the magistrate Silvia Della Monica , had not met the commission and had repeatedly denounced the "Aibi-Forum" conflict to the government and Parliament. Aibi is among other things the association accused of not having reported serious irregularities in the adoption of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thirty parents, involved by the Milanese institution and recipients without their knowledge of the alleged trafficking of minors, asked Gentiloni not to meet the commission for the "continuing illegality situation". The only response they received was the news of the absence of Commissioner Bianchini published on the institutional website of the CAI: a detail that does not resolve the conflict of interest since, according to theAibi continues to be present in the supervisory authority through the Forum. To prohibit it is even a decree of the Prime Minister (article 1 DPCM 13 March 2015 signed by Graziano Delrio).

The Prime Minister, his secretary general and the vice-president-magistrate Laera, on the other hand, also wanted to bring together the commissioners to publicly accuse the magistrateDella Monica of irregularities. «As for the previous management of the former vice president», Paolo Gentiloni and Laura Laera wrote in the final press release, «ample documentation was provided to all the commissioners attesting to numerous irregularities. Among other things, it was noted, in several cases, the mismatch between the protocol numbers assigned to the documents and the documents themselves, as well as the absence of numerous attachments despite the presence of the relative protocol number ". No word for the investigative work that the magistrate Della Monica has carried out and which has also touched state apparatus, including the Foreign Ministry, just when Gentiloni was minister. No solidarity with dozens of families than with as much courage and trust in institutions they denounced the irregularities of Aibi.