
Ankestyrelsen og Shejar Chhaya

The Anchor Board and Shejar Chhaya

The TV2 documentary "The Danish Children from India" can give rise to a number of questions about adoption from the orphanage Shejar Chhaya and a study that the National Board of Anke put into effect in 2014. Here you can see our answers.


Brief about the process

2005 AC Child Support interrupts cooperation with Shejar Chhaya due to lack of development in the quality of work.

Ankestyrelsen og Shejar Chhaya

The TV2 documentary "The Danish children from India" can give rise to a number of questions about adoption from the orphanage Shejar Chhaya and a study launched by the National Board of Appeal in 2014. Here you can see our answers.


Short about the process

2005 AC Children's Aid interrupts collaboration with Shejar Chhaya due to lack of development in the quality of work.

2014 Media Review of Shejar Chhaya Adoption Issues from 2004 to 2008.

Fragwürdiges Familienglück auf Bestellung

Questionable family happiness on order

In the 1980s, around 700 children from Sri Lanka were brought to Switzerland - some with fake identities and on behalf of adoptive parents. A documentation is working on the scandal now.

It's a retrospective look at a dark chapter. Today, the babies of the past have become adults - people with a great many questions: Around 11,000 children were relocated from Sri Lanka to the West during the 1980s, some of them using very questionable methods. Apparently the babies had been taken away from their mothers. The filmmakers Madeleine Brot and Xavier Nicol reconstruct the path of young women who were once brought to Switzerland for the moving new documentary "DOK: Adoptive Children from Sri Lanka - a Swiss Scandal" - and are now seeking their roots.

Sarah Ramani Ineichen and her friend Olivia Ramya Tanner, both of whom have had a childhood with loving adoptive parents, finally want to know who they really are - and where they really came from. One thing is certain: the two women in their late 30s are among the approximately 700 adopted children who were once brought to Switzerland - sometimes with false documents. Like many others, Sarah and Olivia have a hard time shedding light on their ancestry. Together with other stakeholders, they have joined forces in the "Back to the Roots" association.

The mystery of the origin

Ian’s Story: Standing in the Gap

Part 1 of a 3-part blog series about The Coalition’s National Program Advisor, Ian Forber Pratt

Ian Forber-Pratt went to the courthouse in 2009 to begin his first case as an Extreme Recruiter. He entered the courtroom to the sound of screaming. Ian backed against the wall as Mallory*, age 14, was wheeled out of the chamber, strapped down to a gurney.

In many ways, Mallory was typical of the kids served by Extreme Recruitment®. She was a teen. Her mother struggled with opioid addiction. Her father unknown. As a child in foster care, Mallory did not live with a foster family. Instead, she bounced from institution to institution. At 13, she had a child of her own who was quickly separated and placed with another family.

Ian did not fit the profile of someone working directly with the hardest-to-place youth in foster care. In his second year of a Master’s of Social Work program at the Brown School at Washington University, most of his peers were auditing policy and beginning academic research. But Ian’s passion was always to directly impact the lives of vulnerable children. As he searched for a practicum opportunity, he found a group of reform-minded social workers at the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition. He cold-called for a job.

When Ian started as a practicum student at The Coalition, the child welfare landscape was radically different. Though Washington University taught a curriculum of data, outcomes, and measurable success, those doing the work did not speak the same language. Social work was largely based on what felt right. The Coalition was looking to inject more rigor into the system.

Mumbai girl abandoned in 1978 seeks biological parents' identity via DNA test

Mumbai girl abandoned in 1978 seeks biological parents' identity via DNA test

Updated: Mar 05, 2019, 13:54 IST | Rupsa Chakraborty

After gene test confirms woman looking for biological parents has Mangalorean Catholic ancestry, Mirjam Bina looks to genealogist researching community for 20 years

Mumbai girl abandoned in 1978 seeks biological parents' identity via DNA test

Saroo Brierly - the inspiration behind Oscar-nominated movie Lion (2017) - spent five years searching across the country, albeit on Google Earth, before he found his biological family. Netherlands resident Mirjam Bina, 42, now has a similar quest ahead of her, but thanks to improved technology, she has a better idea of where to look. DNA tests have already narrowed her ethnicity down to Mangalorean Catholic (a very small minority), and now she has found help from a famous genealogist who has thousands of genetic samples from the very community.

Let’s talk about birth search!

It’s 2019, and we’re talking about birth search! In part 1 of our series, we break down some of the basics of birth search. We’ll cover the big things that we want Adoptees to know about this overwhelming and confusing topic.

In part 2 of our series on birth search, we talk about elements of the actual process to search. We break down a couple of the concrete steps that are taken to give you a better idea about what birth search may look like for you.

Buckle up everybody! In the third and final part of our series we sit down to discuss the possible outcomes of search. In this video, four adult adoptees sit down to have a candid conversation with each other about the possible outcomes of search.

Not all Adoptees have access to other Adoptees to discuss these heavy and complex topics so we invite you to take part in these candid conversations with us.

As always, please contact Holt International Post Adoption Services at pas@holtinternational.org for more information and support.

The scandal-ridden industry of migrant child shelters - Axios

More than half of the allegations of sexual abuse of unaccompanied migrant minors by adult staff occurred in shelters run by just three contractors — nonprofits that received federal grants totaling more than $2.5 billion over the past four years, according to USAspending.gov.

Data: Office of Refugee Resettlement; Chart: Andrew Witherspoon/Axios

By the numbers: The federal government has received as many as 10 separate reports of alleged sexual abuse by staff at multiple migrant child shelters over the past four years, totaling 178 allegations against adult staff members, according to HHS documents given to Axios.

These staffers work at shelters for migrant children, which are operated by nonprofits and funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. HHS says it's responsible for "overseeing the infrastructure and personnel of [Office of Refugee Resettlement]-funded care provider facilities" and "ensuring compliance with ORR national care standards."

HHS declined to comment for this story.

La Procura di Milano cambia opinione: «L'ente Aibi non ha commesso irregolarità»

The Milan prosecutor's office changes its opinion: «The Aibi body has not committed irregularities»

Inquiry into adoptions in the Congo: the District Anti-Mafia Directorate denies the previous head of Boccassini and declares the "total groundlessness of the crime report". Imminent filing for accusations against Marco Griffini and his family. The child's lawyer abandons the hearing and announces an appeal.

Marco Griffini, 71, wife Irene Bertuzzi, 69, and their daughter Valentina Griffini, 36, respectively president, managing director and head of operations in Africa of the government authorized "Aibi - Amici dei bambini", according to the Milan prosecutors have not committed crimes in the adoption procedures with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Last Friday, during the hearing in the council chamber before the judge for preliminary investigations Sofia Fioretta, the public prosecutor of the Milan anti-mafia district directorate, Giovanna Cavalleri, declared by surprise the "total groundlessness of the crime" and reiterated the request filing the investigation against AIBI, which was registered in the register in 2017 for a series of alleged serious events including criminal association, aiding illegal immigration and corruption.

The statement put on record by the prosecutor of the prosecution is a novelty in the proceedings: in the investigative proceedings signed by the former head of the Antimafia, Ilda Boccassini, by the public prosecutor Paolo Storari and by Cavalleri himself and in the documents with which the Rome Public Prosecutor had transmitted the file for territorial jurisdiction in Milan had never been found the total groundlessness of the crime, if anything the opposite.

Denmark wants to speed up forced adoption process to take kids from birth parents

March 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Denmark’s minister for Children and Social Affairs has authored a government proposal making forced adoptions that would create definitive separations between children and birth parents easier for authorities.

Mai Mercado said in an interview with Berlingske that the biological parents’ rights would not be affected by the new rules presented to the Danish parliament on Tuesday. The conservative politician claims that the proposal would cut red tape and legal requirements during the process to provide faster outcomes and significantly reduce costs for municipal services.

“This is all with the child’s interest foremost,” she said.

Currently, when a local authority decides that biological parents will “likely never” be able to take care of a child, a request is submitted to the Social Appeals Board (“Ankestryrelsen,” or “social anchorage council”) as well as a national government body (the state administration, “Statsforvaltningen”). Both must green-light the adoption for it to go through.

A child may not be directly placed with its future adoptive parents until the procedure is completed. In the meantime, a foster family takes care of the child.

Press conference invitation ( Madad )

Who: Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa

Nadeem Karkutli, Manager, EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the 'Madad Fund,' European Commission

Jad Rahbani, renown composer and producer

Juliette Touma, UNICEF Regional Chief of Communications, Middle East and North Africa

When: 11 March, 2019, 11:00AM (GMT +2)